THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1924 COULDN'T EVEN WALK. AROUND HER HOME Without Suffering Ex-| treme Discomfort Says | Mrs. Wrigley -- Then, Tanlac' Res ' Health, "Inside of 24 hours after starting on Tanlac I conid tell it was helping me, and five bottles has increased my weight 10 1bs.," is the striking state- ment made recently by Mrs. Kate Wrigley, 20 Lipton Ave. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, "For a whole year before taking Tanlae, stomach, liver and kidney disorders had me so\run down that I couldn't even walk 'around in the house without suffering extreme dis- comfort. Frequently after eating my stomach bt hurt me so that I would cry ou¥from the pain.. Nights my rest was often broken and morn- ings my tongue was coated white. I had no appetite, and my weight was going down. "But Tanlac hab made me eat, sleep and feel. better than In two years. To this great medicine alone fs due the credit for the wonderful improvement in my health." Tanlaé is sold by all good drug- gists. Accept no substitute. - Over 40 million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Pills recom- mended by the manufacturers of Tan- lac. HS Facts About Optometry R. Arthey, Optometrist '148 PRINCESS STREET NO. THREE: The pathology, anatomy and physiology of the eye. Its ex- Hability S510 rarely ik if : 'ession. be continued next Satur- USE SULPHUR To HEAL YOUR SKIN i i Broken Out Skin and I i -. Ecgema Helped Over Night -------- For unsightly skin eruptions, rash 'or blotches on face, neck, arms or body, you do not haye to wait for re- lief from torture or embarrassment, 'deéclarss a noted skin specialist. Ap- ply a little Mentho-Sulphur and' im- provement shows next day. . 'Because of its " germ destroying properties, nothing has ever been found to take the place of this sul- 'phur prepa mn. The moment you apply it healing begins. Only those who have -had' ouasightly skin troubles c¢an know the delight this Mentho-Sulpbur brings. Even fiery, itching eczema is dried right up. Get a small jar of Rowles Mentho- Sulphur from any good druggist and use it like cold cream. 3 PPAR a v | bun, "Greenbanks,' {left this week "THE DAILY BRITISH | British World Flyers Return Sagadron Leader 'A. Stuart M R.A.F. with his two coll Sergt. R. Andrews, in the unsuccessful world flight effort have arriv Commander G. S. Webster on DESERONTO T0 BOOM When Petrie Oream Separator * Factory Is Started--To Engage 150 Men. Deseronto, Oet, 8.--Petria's man- ager is in town preparing for the future event in the manner of a new | cream separator factory. Mr. Petrie | himself was in town last week and speaks very favorably of the fac- tory as a settled thing. He stated that they would at the start ém- pioy 150 men. This will help solve the labor problem for Deseronto to some degree. Drs. Thompson and Hycke, of Na- panee, were in Deséronto ou Monday on business. Mr. Simpson, of Napanee, the Metropolitan insurance agen* for this district, intends leaving for Toronto in the near future en route for Win- nipeg where with his fapily, he will make his future home. M:, Simp- son will be gredtly missed by the friends he has made durfug his work as agent, Mrs. Alec Rogers and Master Ri- chard and Miss Allan motored from Marlbank and spent a few dps with Mr. and Mrs. William Rogers, East Main street. Mrs. Rogers and Miss Maribank returned with them on Sunday to spend a short vacation. H rd Keech and Bert Rom- bough, fishermen, spent Sunday at their respective homes. The Women's Citizens League are well pleased with the result of their fair, held recently in their White hall. For the two days, they rea- lized in- the neighborhood of $100 clear of expenses. The concert giv- én in the evenings by the P. and B. concert company was greaily en- joyed. 'The piano selections given by Mrs. Nicholas, a visitor at Mrs. Culhare's, was much appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Rombough and family, of East Main streel, intend moving back to their farm in Prince Edward county the last of October, 8. C. Thomas, East Main street, returned to his duties on the C. M. Ry. on Monday. Mrs. 8. C. Thomas Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Clinton Rendell, Na- ranee Road. Stanley Snider and family of Shannonville were vigitors to Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Thomas,' Eas® Main street, on Sunday. Mrs. BE. Harken, who has spent the past two weeks visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. 8. C. Thomas, East Main street, and her niece; Mrs. Clinton Rendell, Deseranto Road, has re- turned to her home in Sylenham.' 5 A baby girl has comie to stay at the home of Mr. and - Mrs, Andy Sharpe, Edmund street. The little » stranger will be known in the future as Miss Leila Jean Sharpe. ; Clinton Rendell of the Deseronto Road, deliveréd a load of potatoss in town on Wednesday last. . Mr. Rendell's potatoes are in the first class of very. Sai aa] 4 Sne quality. "C, Hinchy is on the sick Mst Misses Harold and Marvin Rath- Dundas street, | on a left to right:--Sergt. R. Andrews, Lieut. - W. N. h Canadian Pacific 8.8. * Arn > Detroit, Mich., motored to Deser- onto and renewed old acquaintances among friends and relatives. Miss Helen Covert, Fourth street, who left recently to spend a vaca- tion in Oswego, N.Y. has now 5 cated in Rochester, N.Y., secured position'there, and will stay on per- manently. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Masters and Mr. Amos, and Mrs. D. Kingsbury were motor visitors to Balh, Col- lin's Bay, Kingston, and surrounding territory on Sunday. - The marriage is announced of Ross Rendell, Deseronto Road, and Miss Verley Gaynor, Fenelon Falls, to take place the last of Octobef. Clarence Burley, Napanec, was a week-end visitor in town. Mrs. I. Bradshaw, and Miss Ger- aldine, Fourth street; are visiting in Napanee. George Davis, Roblin, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davis and renewing other acquaintances in town. Mr, Davis is an uncle of Mrs. W: H. RI- chardsen, Centre street, Miss Flossie Richardson is taking vocal Tessons In Belleville and elocu- tionary lessons in Napanee. -Miss Richardson proinises to be a credit to her teachers. Mr. and 'Mrs. Gordon Tobin and Master James 'left on 'Monday to spend a wg weeks" 'waration at hunting expedi-{ back in England, Photogry sho Plenderleith, Mrs, Yo pe Major wh join Montclare" on her arrival at Liverpool. . Lieut. W. N. 'Penderleith and Westport and Ottawa and vicinity, Miss Nellilq = Johnston, Grdén street, and Mr. Le Casseur of Peter- boro, were united in matrimony on Tuesday morning at the St. Vincent de Paul church. The "young peo- ple will make their home In Feter- boro. de! Elgin Posta of Sudbury has 'e- turned to the home of his mother, Mrs. James Poste, West Thomat street, to spend the winter. Work continues in the Metcalfe Canning Company to the smail hours of th morning. Mrs. Van Dusen and Miss Agnes Thompson took in the '"I'en Com- mandments" at the Grand 'Theatre in Kingston on Saturday. BREAD UP IN PICTON The Late George A. Trumpour --First Meeting of Front Line Veterans. Picton, Oct. 8.--Bread went up in Picton last week from 15 to 20 cents per large loaf, George ; Albert Trumpour passed away at his home, Main stroet east, on Tuesday morning after an illness of several months. Deceased was a native gon of Prince Edward Coun- ty and -had lived most .of his life here, where heigas well and favor- ably known, For the past few yelirs, however, .he with his Wile had lived in Toronto until last spring when, his health failing him, they 'bad returned to their oid home in Picton. He leaves, besides his wif®, formerly Miss German, one daugh- ter, Mrs. (Dr.) F. G. Knignt. At the Caurt of Revision for the town of Picton, 112 namcs were added to the voters' list. H. J. Allison went up to Toronto on Saturday for a few days. The Ladies' Ald of the Methodist church are preparing for their Rain- bow fair to be held in tho ghurch on Friday. ¢ Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbs are preparing to go to Florida to spea®f the winter. Mr. Hubbs is agent for the Children's Aid Society here. His work will be looked after by L. A. Vanscivér during his absence. - Mrs. C: C. Spencer and littie Mary went to Toronto where they were guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Grant for a few days last week. The Methodist "church is getting out a church paper. It is expected that the firs{ edition. will be off the press and ready for distribution next Saturday. ' 'This paper will 4al en- tirely with the various activities of the church and the management are hoping t6 be able to get out an is- sue each month. 2 The Front Line Veterans held their first meeting of the scason in the uriés. on Monday night last. - They will hold meetings regu- larly throughout 'the winter won the} first Monday of each month, to whfth| all veterans aré cordially welcomed. TT oat Then 'remem! any other YORK KNITTING MILLS Limited Spinners Knitters Weavers TORONTO -. ONTARIO "WHEN THE NORTH WIND DOTH BLOW WEAR LANCASTER wool, mixed with Peruvian cotton to give it added keeps the warmth in and the cold out. Lancaster Underwear is made in all sizes for men, wor nd children of all ages, and will keep its snug fitting = shapeliness after long wear and many washings. a Lancaster is the friend of every busy mother, it is unshrinkable, long wearing and its pleasin| does not easily show signs of wear. Let your dealer show you Lancaster to-day: Examine the soft warm fabric. A along the flat even unbreakable seams. Look at the finish of the wrists, the ankles and the neck. Observe the hundred and one little. refinements each Made from soft silky Botany strength, Lancas pi and © ¢ natural color Run ypur arment p that Lancaster costs no more than and be or high gra ie guemen: You of Piles ® or two of denghter, Mrs. H. Webster. A great many visited thé lake on Sunday, the day was so fine. Are you in favour of the continuance of The Ontario Temperance Act? Are you in favour of the sale as a beverage of beer and spirituous liquor in sealed packages under Gov- ernment control? / --for Government Control The Moderation League of C. D. Boyce, Secretary. Headquarters: 9 Richmond Pyramid Rids | digging their potatoes and cutting their corn. The roads are very mud- dy in some places. The mail ecar- rier has been making hig trips regu- larly. The weather has been quite cool at night but warm and very pleasant in the day timg. {An adfo taken away from Tweed fair has been recovered at Belle pith car when he was apprehended. Mrs. James Gay, Frankford, died recently. She leaves an age ' band and two daughters, Miss 8 gle at home, Mrs. Murney Rey- nojds of wT nas fine crop of] Sidoey farci, some charge. He had some girls in the| Ontario St. East, Toronto " LZ > GURED nd