THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG T0 MAKE BLUE PRINT |) OF KINGSTON MARKET Plans Are Being 'Made for Spaces Required by the : Gardeners. At a meséting of the civic pro- perty committee held on Monday afternoon, & committee of market gardeners composed of W. J. Cook, H. Silver, John Baker and Sidney Baker-was prevent to discuss the matter of the. alloting of spaces on the market. Mr. Cook, who was the speaker for the gardeners, stated that after making a eurvey of thé middle aisle, whére the @ardefiers stand, he thought that the space should be di- vided into sections nine feet wide. He said that market are in a different position to other people who attend 'the market, as they must display their produce, which in the 'most cases, is contained in large | boxes. : The gardeners have no objection to men from othér poifits selling on the market, buf fesl that the men who attend the market the year round, should be amsired of a good place and they are prepared to pay for the same. ¢ It was stated that for some time it has been necessary to come to market the night before to get a place. After considerable discussion, it waa the unanimous opinion of all present, that the city engineer should male a blue print of the market and have the centre aisle marked off in- to sections nine feet wide and that the cormer locations on King stréet would so be marked. , The plan is to call for tenders for the places or to have the locations eobd by auction. The tenders for the work of re- pairing the cornice on the north corner of the city buildings were to have been opemed at this meeting, but in view of the fact that only one price had heen 'submitted, it Was deddded mbt to open this tender and all the contractors in the city will 'have a offance to submit a price - at the next meeting. . : T----. PROF. D. A. WARTHUR ADDRESSES KIWANIANS On "Canada and the Imperial Policy"--Drawn: Into European Affairs. 4 False Faces, Masks, Favors NEW STOCK -- EVERYTHING FOR PARTIES : FOR HALLOWEEN MOORE'S, 206-8 WELLINGTON STREET Prof. D. A. McArthur, of the De- partment of History of Queen's Uni- MINK, versity, was the speaker at the regu- 3 ' lar noon lincheon of the Kiwanis PERSIAN LAMB fj. 0 [0 ira Fer" HUDSON SEAL After an_ introduction which BEAVER ants 2 eo -y RACCOON Canada's particular standing, the MUSKRAT FRENCH. SEAL - SEPESERt ° ¥ tii ¥ speaker outlined the progress which had been made in having them pull together and discuss their problems on a common ground. The first step was the Colonial Conference which started towards the last of the nine- teenth century, This was replaced in 1907 by an even more efficacious system, "The Imperial Conference" and the most extensive step taken was brought absut by the war and thé forming of the Imperial war ca- binet. Unlike the constitution of the United States, that of the British Empire is elastic aifd can be adjust- ed to meet needs and requirements of the times. "The Safety of the Empire depends on the preservation of 'that condition of fluidity," said Prot. McArthur. i Canada has a national status with- ! in the Empire. What is to be our attitude? Somg people ask why we do not keep out of the aftalrs of Europe altogether. That is not a proper question to ask, and the angwer at all ties is that it is impossible. We cannot get out. Wé have been drawn into European affairs by poli- tical and economic forceg beyond oup cohtrol and we mubt stay and face-the consequences. The firat step in the combating of) these circumstances must be to dévelop a strong Canadian national sentiment. Three kinds of loyalty are required of us, First, a loy- alty to Canada, then a loyalty fo the British Empire, and thirdly a loyalty to the humin race in its pest aspects. Canadians have been asked to dexelop all these at one tifis. OtheF nations have had cen- i f turies. We have been asked to run N béfore we had learned to creep. But we have the advantage of the wise counsel of British statesmanship. Providence has been generous to Caneds in endowing Her with natu- ral' resources of untold wealth. But nataFal obstadles have been confer- red 'with them. Our country is so vast as to scatter the peoples about. In the cemtre of it there is a large tract almost upinhabited. The mari- times form division of thought; Quebec forms smother with its ra- James McAllister wag called fo the al and religious' differences; staid | bedside of het brother, bert Hen- old Ontario is another section; | Bessy, § t ay Watertojn, N.Y., who Is r. r will be In sharfe of countér dnd telephones, and " a { dangeronsly in ities' Pattpraon 3 oir many customers and friends of an intelligen efticiont | the west is a t of economic dif-} - iond Pag service at all times, consistent with Loon or & : : || terence from the east, and over the Oy hy of hioh werk id | Rockies we find a section whose out- cattle off the island HENDERSON'S on Brock St. gon .. Established 188s. look is westward instéad of east- On Wednesday morning, "Phone 279. "If It's Good We Sell It" * Coats made to order in any fur desired. See our Furs and values, We make and sell only Furs you can depend on being 'the bést obtainable. Your comparison invited. (Sat- isfactory credit terms may be arranged. -v. BEF ihe eho alPEns wang This Is 'Congoleum ug ce - « At The Always Busy Store BETTY BROWN . Old Style Homemade CANDIES 60¢c. a Pound--#1.20 for 2 Ibs. » FOR SALE IN KINGSTON ONLY AT--- FARMERS ARE MOVING. Farms On Wolfe Island Are Chang- ng Hands. Wolfe Island, Oct, 20.--The unu- sually fine weather of October has been & great boon to the farmers for harvesting potatoés and all other root crops. There will be no scarcity of fine bik "Murphies'" on the {gland this winter. x A number of farms are changing hands this fall, some of the tefiahts going to Uncle Sam's domains. Mre. 'A big range of all pafterns, in all sizes, and at about 121% dis- count off regular prices. Cg ai \ : : Sn Also a chance to win a $100.00 prize. ces = = -- Ask for particulars. IMPROVED SERVICE 3 : We leg to annqunce that we have secured thé services of that "well known and popular salesman---- : i : ~ 1 MR. ARTHUR BLOER Newman & & THE ALWAYS BUSY STC pi -------- a--~-- E255 *_ PARISIAN MILLINERY 32 BROCK STREET WASH AT ATHENS a | 16th, Miss Ladlye = Yott, youngest wird. The problem is to keep thes daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Yott, was married to Albert Rane, son of Mr. and Mre. Martin Kane. The popular young couple will re- gide on the Seventh Concession. The wedding of Miss Madeline Greenwood. and Daniel Lacey has been announced to take place on Oct. 29th, Mr. Trusvott, 1.P.§., recently vis ed all the public schools. There seems no scarcity of teachers this seasons some of our island teach- ers were unable to sécure schools. -~ it: those who like it and want to drink; confused honest people. A |fl questionaire was gent out by the On- | |i tarfo government to manufacturers, || school inspectors, and ministers ré existing conditions, and the prepon- derating majority assertéd that there is a decided improvement economi- |i cally, intellectually and spiritually. | § Premier. Ferguson has promised that if the O.T.A. be sustained, it will be improved and enforced. Le us on October 23rd exercise our right | Hi of franchise, and, by making our X |i opposite the fst question on the || ballot, vote for God and home and native land. welded and unite? in a strong Cana- dianism. Our foreign policy is administered by the department of external af- tat#s. Our contact with the ola LaNA comes indirectly. The British Colonial ce gives information to thé Canadian high commissioner, who In turn passés it'to our depart: -- © YOU BUY WHEN! 'Piano appeals to the 'most ascéthetic taste. The exceptional-fone quality in the Webs || Jt, Tu mui lv' sed AT CW. #LINDS AY'S vINORD: i our own departmént right in Lon= v | Princess Street : ms, :11don, that Canadians, not English- DR. oy Native Athenian, Now a King- men, might select .the information for Canada and establish a bettat chhtact. Canada's best men should be placed In the British foreign dip- 16macy as a further sphere of Cana- dian information and influence. We have no permanent aranteé J against wer until the ha between Whi il nations is submerged in some new 3 ose form of loyalty. e of the biggest te Rose, mealy alds to this would be a united front by the nations of the British Bm and white. A a pire and the United tates to welkh 90 Ib. bags . ,90c, [fi the bsisuce of European national Rs i ne hatreds and overcome them . 7" Belleville | i The press has a heavy responsibi- Creamery (Thursday) Ib. 870. i Sl Addressed Young People's Loaguo. "How Much Do You Get Out of Life," was the topic of a very inter- esting talk by Mr. J. W. McCallum to the Young Peop'n's League of Queen street Methodist church - on Monday 'evening. *It.all depends on three things," sald Mr. McCallum, 'and they are the questions of "How much do you love?" "How much do labor?" amd 'How much 2nd what do you learn?" Eric Lennon gang "The Barcarole." ston Dentist, Speake in Methodist Ohuroh. Athens, Oct. 20.--A large audi- ence gathered in the Methodist church Sunday evening last, to hear C. C. Nash, Kingston, an Atllens |, boy, discuss the important issue to be decided on the 28rd, He chose as text, Johm 2:15, the subject be- ing "Christ cleansing the temple." The méek, gentle Christ was, when occasion 'demanded it, ssive against wrong-doers. Let Him be our guide, and be alert in the war- fare .against evil, and, wherever vice intemperance rear their heads, let us strike a blow. lity in shaping . the Canadian na- tiohal sentiment. News from over- sens should be Belécted carefully and {ts truth assured. The Canadian senanies Black Tea ' $1 newspanéts have mot yet broken any ol r own high traditions, but of t | sibility and Canada's work in the future Is great, 494 oly great forethought and unit- ed effort will bring the best results. Speaking from personal observa: tion, he declared the O.T.A. to be a sucoess. The village drunkards are gone from our streets, business {s improved, with which to pay thelr bills, ou jails are 'empty, someti! es absolutely so, although drunkenness is a crime, customers have cash |