' + pm THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC ye NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READ _---- All Fat People LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE | res Ere 1 ' Marmola Prescription. And they ought cmv | to De still more grateful becalise Woman Page Bditor, Phone 2613. post-nuptial reception on Wednesday | par orm. Marmols Pre- Private, Phone S57W. afternoon of this week. Beription Tablets can be obtained at all . . \ . drug stores the world over at the rea- 2 . sonable price of one dollar for a box. you can secure them direct by send- Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, Sydenham His Royal Highness the Prince of | 7, . sired, president of the Kingston | Wales attended divine service on nk, lira wide, Dotror. Sch. This Branch of the Woman's Liberal-Con- | Sunday morning in St. Bartholo- | Dg ea To8 excuse for or : : servative Association, entertained | mew's Church and the rector, ol ont" exerdlas "for a" Bo 1 3 % ] the executive at the tea hour this|the Rev. J. H. Digon, M.A., B.D. |5% - : | } ENO's is absolutely free from f afternoon. Mrs. A. E. Ross and Mrs. | was the preacher. He was ac- sister, Mrs. J: J. Williams, Retralt. . * ) or artifici ing. ENO's al Anchony M. Rankin poired tea at | companied by Their Bxoslienies the Mich, and Mra. Gorey ¥earle, 3 ; : IB : helping N. ; the effectively decorated table. Much | Governor General and the Lady Bog | pn. clayton Lindsay, Ogdensbu ' E ! nN Try ENO's--a dash each Segre was expressed by the members | of Vimy and several members of the * y. US 5 : : i ing i It gives the . of the executive at the departure |staff. St. Bartholomew's Church N.Y. spent the waek-old He div. | of Mrs. Ogilvie tor her new home in | which is the parish church where the | Lioiiing Mrs. W. H Zonn Eamiiton Mofonto and she was given as a re- | Governor General and the Lady| yn Wrene: Clex ot amd Mise membrance from the members of | Byng, of Vimy always attend is sit- i, yo; Rohan, Omemee, wore the the women's and men's executives, | uated direatly opposite the avenue guests of Mrs Frizzell 'Barl street & handsome black seal dreséing-case | leading across the cricket field 0 Lyn. in town for the AY PA: oon Mined with powder blue moire and Government House and Sunda¥ | eerence chin fitted out in French ivory. morning the party walked both to TS ae . A and from the church slong tis ave: Mrs. Daniel Strachan, Toronto, Among those trom Belleville at | nus. the Varsity-Queen's game were Dr. sve wha will be the speaker Jt the 'St and Mrs, Blakskié, Dr. and Mrs | Mrs: J. C. Ponsford, "The Ward. Andrew 8 ol hon iy a 8 Branscombe, Dr. and Mrs. Robert. | en's Residence," Portsmouth, eu: | pomeey Dus ona rock ® son, Mr. H. W. Ackerman and party | tertained at Juncheon to-day for Mrs. Dr. and Mrs R. 8 Stevens and of friends, Mrs. J. S. McKeown and | Birley, Vancouver, B.C. who leaves | nue. Stevens, Ottawa, and Rev. Wal- Miss Helen McKeown, and party of | for the Pacific coast on Thursday. ter J. McCree and Mrs. McCree, Lyn, grinds, Major MacManus, Mr. D. W. . eth ig | HEE 3 = ; 3 guests of Dr. and Mrs. EB. a : Ne _MoManus, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Gra-| Mrs. W. R. P. Bridger, Barrle-|; pryce, Bagot street, for the week- : 4 Tete : 'pam, Mr. R. J. BE. Graham and Mrs. | field, is giving a mah jongg party Fong : Graham, Miss Ella McGinnis, Dr. | this afternoon. rigid 8 wr ¥ p: ¢ @ and ire, G. 4. Cronk, re. T- a Me. B.C > Modaiam Beook Mr. and Mrs. W. 8S. Holmes, H : PRINCESS MARY'S NEW BORN Graham 1 v . . B. C. D. MeCallum, Odessa, and Mr. and Mrs. G. H. An- ere, in the first picture to reach Canada, are shown y {Bruce Grabam, Mr. MecArthur Hill | street, ls entertaining at brides this | qerson. Napanes, have returned trom | Prinicess Mary, of England, with her new baby, Gerald David, The cold weather will soon be here and and party. evening. a motor trip to New York eity via|while the Viscou 5 : . . V nt Lascelles, proud daddy, holds G . : : : : the Lackawana Trail and Delaware | hart first-born of this royal Dr y 3 eores your furnace will not be in shape: Atele Mrs. Herbert Holder, William | ~Mre. J. Molegney and Mies Katie | water Gap. After ten days in New ) cannot think of Heaven without phone call to 840 will. re you of quick _ street, entertained recently for her | McKegney have returned from Ot-|yory ofty where they attended the guest, Mies Mary Wilson, Napanee, | tawa. world series baseball, the return |on® that some arrangement should : ar . "a bride of this month, when about Mr. 8. Brady end Mr. Frank Mc-| tein wes made via the famous Mo- | have been made to allow them the | thinking of God--and God is love, service and expert mechanics. Bitty of her friends spent the even-| Kegney, New York, are the guedls | nowk Trail and the Adirondacks. privilege of exercising their fran-|so in home management nothing ng in rip gg hgtors of Shel Wiete, Mr. J. McKegney, Ri- | puring the absence of Mr. and Mrs. chise, should surpass it in love. - supper e to P - | dean . \ y Holmes, 'Miss Alice Holmes was the -- ' MM 0 with » miscsllangous . shower | Miss Gertrude McKelvey, Mont-| guest of Dr. J. E. and Mrs. Mabee,| That New York is asking if the /The home is the child's world and when she received some beautiful | real, is with Mrs. R. J. McKelvey, | Odessa. new grey felt hat vogue for women his heayen in his early life, in it he Teleph 840 2 87 Pri presents, the reading ofthe Verses) Bagot. street. . a ele Tah echo of the 7eeent visit of the | frst learns to love and to obey. He eiephone . rincess St. causing much merriment. Mr. Fortescwe Foulkes, who has| Mr amd Mre.. T. M. Asselstine, Prince _of Wales; to whom also is learns the principles of truth and Sona been fie guest of Sir Archibald and | Mies Maude Abernethy and Mrs, C. | Ascribed the popularity of the ulster, Hight, Tis othes $ hn is his hah Lady Macdomell, the commandant's | gr, es motored to Toronto early | Which rely on ith tailored lines for | tar and there he frst learns 0. LX Mr. L. T. McDiarmid with a num-| oy ers, Royal Military College, re-| a © OT | its smartness. and heaven. For the full develop- | mmm ber of other Queen's graduates, Mol- |; 1,¢q jo Montreal to-day. " ies Coole, Quebes, ls visiting her ; meni of chaaster. there uit hi e, v ' free interchange of thought. 'High ored from Toronto for the Queen's- : ' Mr. 'and Mrs. Alexander Longwell, " That the Kingstonians, wh e nu } Varsity match. While in the city . r Longwell, | gigter, Mrs. Noel Carr, "Calder, galonians, who WerS | ,..1s should be majntained by every they were the guests of Mis Olive Toronto, spent the week-end in| wood." fortunate enough, to come into touch ' © est S with the two hundred young Angli- member of the home in which each : 'town McDermott and Mr. Wilfred McDer- > ' Mayor J. H. McDonald, North he yo p Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Way, Picto: cans who atténdéd the Dominion |3hould be a tor in influencing for molt, Johneon street. a 1, | Bay, attended the reunion of the "| good in the minds and morals of motored to town for the Queen's- |, oh : Conférence held here last week, 09 class of Queen's.and the football have received an inspiration they those in the home. A child brought : Vardily match 'and were week-end ', A Con gm ones, i 3 LT op bed Ge VE | er A Bed, On nic] Goufiress | FAIL aurest. Mra. Ret, foutaed 10, gupived in ee aturday, und | Of Montréal said, they have red blood | J sr9ais chance uf bile 4 Sood of the American College of Sur- Pielon with them on donday. 11s the guest of Miss Nanette Ken- in their veins, and yet one had only man ig aoe ay fain the shild : _ geons . . Ly. nedy, at the RitzCariton Hotel. to watch the eager faces of these rought up under reverse condi ; Mrs. J. T. Sutherland, Clergy : boys and girls Ao realize that, be- tions. . -. * treet, is visiting her daughter, Murs. cause of that red blood perhaps, x i Miss Athol Jackson, Brockville. 4 | 3 ocinaia Dew, Dekrok, they were receptive in a wonderful ma 100 pure Linen (Pattern) Table Cloths, quaint figure in white taffeta with Mich. TheEdi - Mure. Du Moulin and Miss Frances Editor hears degree to the spiritual side of their | Miss Marion Hilliard, daughter of |} - Tr o 5 i 60 dozen Linen Napkins at pre-war prices. je flowers, was a partner of H.R.H, y . 5 { loullin, who have been with Mr. work. It ls a fineithing for Canada | Irwin Hilliard, K.C., and Mrs. Hil- the Prince of Waites at the Hosmer. | 2 : . 'tha eon § ; 8 i ; and Mre. Philip Du Moulin, Syden- ; t we have suchysocieties as this liard, Morrisburg, has been awarded Aire SOR x x hs Ras Misha a} Bok pr ek eas tnd it" SSR ater one op tmnt hte | © Heavy Blemched, Do Flows de io. 8 day. s s ar ship fo of the annu ze © . Mrs. A. B: Mahood, Montreal, wife |- oh and Mrs. J. F. Sparks, Wel- Surth in Kuga Mantas, Det. mothers and fathers of the men and | $300 at the University of Toronto. terns--Rose, Spot, Stripe and Fleur de Lis. 1 ¢ ¥ o women who will have the destinies In the death of William Marshall Napkins to match ¥ ot Dr. Mahood, Ottawa, and formerly 3 ¥ lin étreet, and Miss Lena Wil- g Miss Hazel Johnson, will hold ber ae av a Book bantds Sue dotios ot Spavpall of Canada in their hands when we | Keir, which ocurred Friday at the = A A yan op lay it aside. a ga tips New Tork Tor he | 71 ale. seo of seventvtivee years und nl} oy Trg Mrs. Stinson McBride, Barrie p > market a week a0, That the most attractive Hallow-| its mogt respected pioneer citizens. : e Abolish street, le visiting her son Mr. Kirk e'en decorations have already ap-| Mr. Keir was engaged in the woollen : 2 yds. by 2 yds. for iii. $4.50 each Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wormwith, Earl| on the plebiscite, feel aggrieved at| gry held some time before has turned on Sunday from a visit tober | feel, as the question is a provinefal This is a special purchase, all first quality, puzzled about colors ry McBride, Detroit, Mich, {| That th Ontario ts of ; potlegger Mr. Norman Wormwith, Toronto; | Queen's ths who en Iai ee ta _ ould sus industry. 2 yds. by 2} yds. § $5.50 : ; } yds. by 24 yds. for ... ... . $5. each (ST AH A Ilse street. not being allowed to vote in King- i «ols mo bigs wowed to voila Kine | Hii of he win stom cn wena | (Co loyrs ¥ fem - He "...| 1 You're thinking of dyes and at these prices are a real bargain, fina SE | W.N. Lin dering whether orchid ® Xe ton ; Oe will take" jade, 0 "Phone 191 The Waldron Store . : spent the week-end with his Parents, | from their homes.to go home to Vote | parties be left until October 31st. A 4 Napkins for . ........$4.50 a dozen (Sf 7119 y ol Mrs. C. C. Nash, Alfred street, re-| nicality covering the situafon, but | ny yerious incantations are said. : - and dyeing, but you're powder blue one of th new browns. ; Ask us--it's our busi- ness to know and our : \ HR : 3 ; DAHA A -R 1 If you like a hot porridge that is not a A ra Da aot mush--one that you have to chew--try IN) anxious io give adios NEW this one: Place several Shredded Wheat BS || fk problem that may : " . . . 3 - * i ' y * ©. Biscuits in a saucepan, adding saltand | - i} 2c gontrantiyon. 4 fl Columbia Records 'enough water tu gover the bottom of the ve' : foniin _ : iio ; K : From the October List sh with milk Sh Serve . DANCE MUSIC Hotel Alamae OF. n BLOBS Fox Trot 10 In re SHE Trot } | 3