re ' PRECAUTION! Fla in a mild form is preva- lent at present im this district. Experience has proved that Dr, Hickey's Flu and Cold Capsules are the best preventative and relief for this distressing ma- lady. A few capsules taken now will save suffering and incon- venience. Hickey's Speedy Relief yi Jovy end to that early Hickey's Analgic Rub for all pains. Gives instant re- sults, L.T. Best Druggist F OR SALE THREE SPECIALS ! $7,000 Store, 8 rooms, 5 bedrooms, hot air, 8 piece bath, Slectiic lights, hw. ficors throughout, full lot, garage. $2,500 a ---- electric Dao, ath jarge lot, good condition. $4,900 piece bath, elec- He at aad mas Mens bath, elec. throughout. Batemans Real Estate| 111% BROCK ST., KINGSTON Telephone 1925F. -- aa -- Ne Egg, Stove and Chestnut via $16. 00 per ton Small Hard Coal ....::....$12.50 per ton Buckwheat ........ .......$ 9.00 perton | car Semi-Anthracite Smokeless, suitable for 'PRICE We are offering about two dozen cases in the best quality Silver Plate at the above discounts. This is a chance to procure a very serviceable arti- cle at a remark- ably low price. Range or Furnace, $12.00 per ton, delivered | SOWARDS COAL CO. - Phone 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. We are distributors for EDISON MAZDA LAMPS AY ELECTRIC CO. 'PHONE 94. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS §T8, THE SUPPLY OF MILK. At The Lombardy Factory Is Above the Average. Lombardy, Oct. 20.---Potato dig- ging is the order of the day. A very good crop. is reported in this vicin- ~ity. A very quiet marriage took place, in Perth, ou Wednesday last, when two popular young people of this vicinity were married, the con- chard and Ormond Joynt. Miss Effie Jordan, Ogdensburg, N.Y., is home for a visit. Quite a drove of cattle were ship- ped by the U.F.0O. to Montreal on Saturday last. The supply of milk received at the cheese factory is re ported greatly above the average at this time of year, Mre. Dr. Phillips, 'Westport, Conn., formerly Miss Alma Duffield, underwent a successful tracting parties being Miss Sou | Dutta, for appendicitis recently. | tor Saudek's Hi | Orchestra. iii | RADIO BROADCASTING The following is a list of radio stations and their broadcasting pro- grammes which may be heard lo- cally on Thursday: , : THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28. WEAF (492) New York City. 4 p.m.--Musical programme. 4.15-5 p.m.---Lecture-recital dir- ect frgm Columbia University by Mme. Charlotte Lund, operatic star and N. Val Peavy, pianist. ' 5-5.30 p.m.-- Children's gramme. 6-12 p.m.--Dinner music. pro- WJZ (455) New York City. 1 p.m.--Nathan Abas' orchestra. 4.30 p.m~--Bernhard Levitow's Hotel Commodore Tea orchestra. 5.30 p.m.--State and federal ag- ricultura] reports; farm and home reports; closing quotations of the Newgdork Stock Exchange; foreign exchange quotations. 7 p.m.--Bernhard Levitow's Ho- tel Commodore dinner concert. 9.30 p.m.--"Football," by Big Bill Edwards. 9.45 p.m.--Wanamaker organ re- ecital. 10.45 p.m.--Waldorf dance orchestra. ' Astoria WLW (423) Cincinnati, O. 10.03 p.m.--Popular programme and entertainment by the Doherty Melody Boys. 10.30 p.m.--Concert programme and entertainment by the Doherty Melody Boys. 10.30 p.m.--Coneert programme by the Milnor Instrumental Trio. 11 p.m.--Continuation of pro- gramme until midnight by Milno® Instrumental Trio and Doherty Me- lody Boys. KDKA (820) Pittsburg, Pa. 9.45 a.m.--Stockman reports of the Pittsburg livestock markets; general market reviw and agricul tural items. 12 noon--=Stockman reports of the Pittsburg livestock and wholesale produce markets. 12.16. p.m.--Concert by Scalzo's Orchestra. 6.30 p.m.--Dinner concert by Vie- KDKA Little Symphony 7.15 p.m.--Uncle Ed will take the radio children on a trip to Coney Is- il | land. 7,40 p.m.--Stockman reports of the primary livestock and wholesale produce markets. 8 p.m.--Programme arranged by the "National Stockman and Farm- 3. 30 p.m.--Concert by Victor Sau- ,dek's KDKA Little Symphony Or- chestra, Adele Eggers Furniss, con- tralto; Albert G. Corless, tenor, and Mrs. Grace Evelyn Schaney, accom- panist, 11 p.m~--Coneert. si Christians in Turkey. Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. - AT QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY By Our Student Correspondent. - : '""The greatest migration since Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt" is the way Miss Knight, Speaking on the "Save the Children Fund" in Convocation ' Hall Tues- day night, described the recent transfer into Greece of the Greek It had inun- dated the peninsula with thousands of refugees, many of them with only the clothes on their backs. One in five of the country's four or five mil- lions is a refugee. Athens and Sa- | stairs to the second floor. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG lonika are full of sad forms of huma- nity living in most wretched condi- tions, said Miss Knight, who visited those citles this summer. To re- lieve some of this distress is the ob- ject of the above fund, which sup- plies food to some of the starving children. Canada is a leading con- tributgr to the fund. A Queen's graduate, Dr. W. Kennedy, is its ad- ministrator in the Near East. Twelve dollars will keep a child for a year. At the close of the address Prol. Reid MacCallum, who presided, an- nounced that a gubscription list would be opened at Queen's in charge of one of-the students. The Arts Soclety, when it met Tuesday afternoon, began arrange- ments for the annual Arts Dinner and dance the latter part of Janu- ary. The Levana Debating Club, when it met Tuesday evening, heard an in- teresting address by Dr. W. B. Mec- Neill on "Fow to Arrange an Argu- ment." The club has received word that the Varsity girls have decided to enter thé girls' intercollegiate de- bating union with Queen's and Mc- Gill. The debates may take place Nov. 22nd. J. ROSS CAMPBELL Socialist editor and crippled veteran of the World War, arcund whose trial ofi a charge of sedition a British poli- tical storm broke, resulting in the orash of the MacDonald party, An investigation had been demanded on the question of why sedition charges had been dropped and when a vote of confidence in the Labor cabinet was not forthcoming dn the house, the regime fell, "TOM" ORATE AND PRINCE OF WALES Called H.R.H. Down In Toronto King Edward, Not Know- ing Hin Him. "Dad" Tom Crate, | well-known night manager at King Edward, Toronto, and formerly of the British American, Kingston, had e run-in with the Prince of Wales during his recent visit which is worth relating. The prince and his party, return- ing from the dance at the Robins' farm, reached the King Bdward about 6 a.m. Coming in the front en- trance, they started to mount the To afford greater seclusion for His Royal Highmess, who occupied twenty rooms on the mezzanine, the stairs had been barred amd ean entrance kept for him by Leader Lane.? He could reach his quarters from the rotunda by the elevator, however, so that it was not a little democratic to walk up. But "Dad" noticed them and, pot recognizing the prince, calle ed out sharply: "You can't gef up that way---come on down." . And the party came down amiably and without a word. As the prince k can really - » i! 3 § 4 : i the ae : i > ; ova ; JR Jub eat i ie tosh fim: gino of sen sm ties d JB. Foote, who was aleo in the office, he lifted his hand in sa- jute. But it was not till he had shown them 40 the elevator that "Dad" Crate became conscious that he was ordering about the future King of England. "Good morning." said the prince to him affably from the inside of the elevator, And 'Dad's" eyes opened wider PROBS: Thursday, fine and becoming a Tittle er. Q yo Great Store Ba ge 1 Wide Expansion SALE! Here are nine compelling reasons. for shopping here to- morrow. Read over this special bargain list and you will quickly note the savings to be effected. Fleece Lined Bloomers 79c pr. 150 pairs of Women's Fleece-lined Bloomers, in colors Grey, White and Pink. Special 90c. val- ues, Silk Bloomers $1.39 pr. 120 pairs Silk - Knit Bloomers full sized -- The colors are Pink, White and Peach. Regu- lar $1.85 pair. Kni las Woo 0c ball 5,000 balls Steacy's s Spe- cial 2 Ply Wool in | oz. balls -- 18 shades to se- lect from. Regular 5c. a ball, Wool Scars $1.98 ea. . 18 only, English Wool Scarfs. All exclusive patterns and colons Reg. $4.50 to $9.00 each. Wool Chappie Coats $4.89 ea. 48 Brushed Wool Chap- pie Coats in colors of ° Brown, Camel and Grey, in plain and combination color effects. Reg. $6.00 each. Men's Coat Sweaters $1 98 ea. 60 V Neck Wool Cardi- gans, in colors Grey, Brown and Green Hea- ther. Sizes 34 to 44 -- regular $3.00 each. - 2: ~~ '150 yards. Natural Pon gee Silk; full 34 inches wide. Free from dress- ing. Regular $1.00 yd. 600 pairs Penman's Rib- bed Topped Black Cash- merette Hose, 4 4] eigen. : 200 smastly Trimmed. Velvet nd Satin Hats in a wonderful assortment gf styles = from. Jus arrived] 3