2% i ¥ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ". THURSDAY, OOTOBER 23, 102%. Phone 316 Go odkin's Livery Bus and Taxi etvt co yf Ferme and Saddle Horses BUS FOR CATARAQUI CEMETERY Dally except Monday and Satwrday at 1.45 p.m. DELCO- LIGHT complete Electric Light and Power plant tor every country home. W.C.CAN~ON 164 Barrie Street. 'Phone 1159J. ~ TOLET Rideau Street, frame, 7 T0OOmS, electric light. $16.00 per month. GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Plate Glass, Liability, Burglary, Baggage. Agent, Great West Life Assurance Company. R. H. Waddell Phones 346, 506. ue Broek Street Street PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine street. "PHONE 134. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets. Telephone 368. For Moving of PAGE sad VORA SAFES, GE and Auto, FREIGHT PIANOS, CARTAGE | Kingston Transfer Co. YHOO, eT. BYENINGS 2331. IE WELLINGTON STREET + DR. J.C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. Evenings by appointment. WATIS People's kwonrist 177 Wellington Street Fresh Flowers and Fanta daily. uets to ovder, Phohe 1768, GE uF vot { and dyspepsia and that Don't Be A Slave To Your Nerves Good Advice to Nervous People People who are excessively nervous, tired out and all run down, who get the jumps and fidgets, who can't concen- trate their minds on work, have fits o blues, trembling, nervous headaches | "don't give & hang" feeling so common to mervous| folks, may take it as a certain faot that their trouble is due to impoverished or devitalized nerve force. Their nerve cells are starving and when they give out entirely, complete nervous prostra- tion or breakdown 1s the result A eplendid treatment for weak nerves is found in the famous Ferro- Peptine, composed of six. of the best nerve vitalizing elements known to modern ch ry These tablets go straight to the nerve cells and begin immediate action. Take a Ferro-Pep- tine tablet, wait ten minutes and watch [urself perk up. They feed your fam- hed nerve cells, start healthy blood circulation and norma] digestion. Then you br} en up, put o. a smile, get some the old-time back In your system and feel a clam at high tide. Ferro- Peptine is absolutely harmless, contains no dang rous habit-forming drugs, is easy 0 tiie fnexpensive and Mahood Drug Store, noess Street, L. T. Best, Prin- cess Street, M. R. McOoll (2 stores), corner Princess and Clergy streets and University Aveyue, and other leading druggists sell it on a positive guarantee of successful results or money back. ---- ---------- 7 A A AAA AA DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 84 Princess Street. "Phone 1550 . Gag for Painless Extraction OREN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT The Mikado vocal score mow im, Banjos, Banjo-Ukuleles, Strings yg Ae Bd KINGSTON anp DISTRICT - ow" Died Véry Suddenly. the South Lanark -Plowing Assocla- George Keating, who conducted a!tiof's plowing match at Smith's genera] store at one time in Kempt- | Falls. John MvGill, Almonte, won ville and who moved to Western the John McEwen trophy as a first { Canada Iwentz-aly years ago, expir- ed suddenly a fgw days ago while | open to all. A. 8. Stewart, Al- | sitting in a al r in his home in monte, won for the second time the | Vancouver, He is survived by his| trophy donated by the Standard wife, fornferly Miss Kerr, Kempt- [Fuel Co., as a first prize for the best ville, and by six chilaren, plowed land by plow generally used on the farm, . - Golden Wedding Event. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliilam J. Slater, of Araprior have celebrated their | golden wedding. They were married | in Carleton Place, lived for some Wet or Dry? Comsé .to Memorial Hall, City | Buildings, Thursday evening, and eit {comfortably while the decision Is years in White Lake and twenty-nine | made. The Whig will have a special | years ago removed to raprior. isased wire connecting with the city They have a family of nine sons and | Pui'dings and the results from all rio will be flashed on a two daughters. The daughters and; °¥er Onta seven of the soms participated in Screen as received. Other films be- the golden jubilee celebration. | tween times. ' Toi * How To Vote. Gift for a Rallwayman. The early birds this morning saw Before leaving to take up his new | chalked in white on various side- duties at Hamilton, Trevor Fanning, | ! walks the following: Tweed; was presented with a Maso- "Vote Wet if you have no con- nic ring by the C.P, and C.N. Ry. { science." staffs. The presentation took place! 'Vote Dry if you love the child- at the home of W. A. Donnelly. The | ren. » business men of the town, among whom he had many warm friends, also presented Mr. Fanning with a club bag. A Much Regretted Death. The death of Willlam W. Thomp- son, Drummond, which occurred in the Ross Memorial Hospital, Mon- Ramsay Farmers Win. treal, after an operation, was ex and Reeds for every instr THE MELODY SHOPPE 283 PRINCESS STREET 'PHONE 153. _ Geo. A. Wright & Son MACHINE Yorn 234-236 Ontario Street. . All kinds of "Prompt and repaired. ti and e Ory-haree 'Ww elding. Walter Cannem Tinsmith and Roofing Jobbing a specialty. Automobile Radiators repaired. o® IIAGOT ST. 'PHONE 2158m. QUEEN'S HOTEL taken 'over by M. J. BER. RIGA, tat Inte of the Whitney Hotel, 119 BROCK ST. Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. may st Phone 2045w. Wao have a Tot or customers vio simply say: 3 Me Another 2" on | They don' J 'about quali ties or xian they ih that sort. a get the best thy can buy, and' the He will be - a bottom Ramsay farnf®¥s won honors at | ceedingly regretted by a wide ac- iof the late Mr. Carr Thompson, Drummond; and for twenty years live Daily Use of Magnesia neviin, died a little over = three .To Overcome ble Caused by | p\,onths ago, and two children who IN THE STO iN {quaintanceship. Deceased was in ed on the 7th concession OT Drum- Fermanting Pood and Acid etill mourn for their mother have his forty-ninth year, and was a son iS DANGEROUS mond. His wife, who was Martha n now greater affliction to bear. Gas and wind in the stomach ac- companied by that full, bloated feel- ing after eating are almost certain idence ot the Dretence of Stomach, Women's Missionary Society, Mrs. rochloric acid in e stomac {liam r Cheating so-called "acd Indigemtion" | Vik a te minmpeiehis thom ihe Acid stomachs are dangerous be- | embers of th SEI for Ib cause too much acid irritates the deli- | 3 of 1:8 auyllary oF her cate lining of the stomach, often | faithful and untiring work in collut- leading to gastritis accompanied by |ing money for the mite box fund. serious stomach ulcers. Food fer-| For several years Mrs. Monaghan ments and sours, creating the dis- | has been mite box'secretary, and has tressing gas which distends the stom- | been able to present to the society ach and hampers the normal func-|each year a large sum of money. tions of the vital internal organs, of-|; ..t vear $200 was raised and at ten affecting the heart. 1 y It is the worst of folly to neglect | the meeting half that amount, $106, such a serious condition or to treat| Was placed in the treasury as the with ordinary digestive aids which | result of the collection for the first have no neutralizing effect on half of the current year. the stomach acids. Instead get from any druggist a few ounces of Bisurat- u M si. be Ike a toespeaoniyl n a quarter glass of water right af-! ter eating. This will drive the gas, | jcrop comes in for so much atten- wind and bloat right out of the tion, especially along the Ontario body, sweeten the stomach, neutral- lakefront, it' is interesting to mote ize the excess acid and prevent its that Asa Wallbridge, who made his lormation and there 1s Ro, putness or Readauariers at "Meyers' Creek" n. rated Magnesia (in pow-; Belleville, where he was the first to der or tablet form---never liquid = erect a log house, is credited with milk) is harmless to the Stomach, in. bringing in the first fruit trees. This Given Life Membership. At a meeting of the Wellington First Frult Trees. At this season, when the apple Dental-Dr. Alex. M. Clark will continne to conduct the practice of Dr. H. A. Stewart. OFFICE: 84 BROCK STREET Evenings by appointment. EMSTITOHING, PICOT EDGING & PLEATING MRS. H. J. SHALES National Cleaners Phone 2106. Daget and William Streets pensive to take and thé pest f was before the beginning of the o masse or siomach vyrvoser. I mineteenth century. Mr. Wallbridge enjoy their meals with no more fear | is also stated to have brought In of indigestion. seeds from the United States which Made fo your meagre and guaranteed pleasure-- Semi-ready Special Orders. Special Semi-ready Suits Tailored to Measure We send photo-type measures of Tailor Shops--and they cut and tailor the suit for us in four days. | | i R.. | { } } | prize for the best plowed land in sod. our customer to the Semi-ready he planted at different points as he travelled about. Many of the old orchards in Ontario 'county are stated to have come from his plant- ing. Contract Awarded, Announcement is made that the contract for the erection of the dwelling house at the corner of Margaret and Moffat streets for Miss A. Gray, of the Ottawa Y.W.C.A, has been let to the estate of Walter Beatty, the contract price being in the neighborhood of $24,000. The success of the local firm means that between fifteen and twenty men who would probably have been laid off with the closing of the active building season will have work for the next four or five months, as the construction of the house will be begun at once. 7 Wedding Anniversary in California. Honoring the fifty-eighth wedding anniversary of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Clarke entertained with a dinner and a reception at their home, 65642 La Mirada Avenue, Hollywood, California, Guests were Willlam B. Clarke, a son, the eight grandchildren and two of the twelve great-grandchildren of the honor guests, and a few intimate friends. Assisting the hostess in entertain- ing were her daughters, Mrs. E. Stanton Packard and Miss Muriel B. Clarke. Those invited to greet the couple, were Mr, and Mrs. William ,B. Clarke, Los Angeles, Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph E. Clarke, Mr, and Mrs, Clayton A. Clarke, Glendale; Mr. and Mrs. J. G. V. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. John Blewett, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Silver, Dr. and I%rs. BE. Stan- ton Packard, Miss Muriel B. Clarke, George A. Kober, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Woods, formerly of Picton; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Roberts, formerly of Toronto; Mrs, Mamie E. Hart, Walter Hart, Edwin 8. Packard, Jr., and Paul Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Clarke, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clarke were former residents of Picton, o . CROS88-WORD PUZZLE {Solution of Puzzle in Wed- nesday's Whig. gogonn og 0 Gn op SE L WIATR] A goa, Quknn fe {| JA{MIATZ[O/NID IAIN] [OIRIAIN 8} Addison, Oct. 21.--Miss Hewitt left today for Toronto resume her duties as trained nurse after 'spending the summer at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Watts have moved from Athens back to their farm. The farmers are busy plowing and digging potatoes which is abundant crop. Mr. and Mrs. Gifford, Athens, spent Sunday at H. Watts'. , Mr. and Mrs. Don%ld Hamblen, Stittsville, spent the week- énd with friends here. Arthur Watts has moved to Plum Hollow, having bought the I. Stewart farm. Edna Highway Improvements, Campbeliford, Oct. 23.--Work on the Hastings-Campbeliford highway 4s proceoding rapidly. The sharp winding turn at Bethany Corners, approaching the C.N.R. tracks, hav- ing been straightened out, gives mot- | orists a ciear view of this danger- | ous crossing, Grades have also been cat down and the roadbed wid- ened. Sit Down And Rest. While thé British Whig's bulletin results on the screen at to! Hardwood Flooring Stocked in a heated 'warehouse. We have a fine lot of Birch, Maple and Oak from the very best mills. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Telephone: vate Branch Exchange, No. 1571. IE MGI A FINDEAY SPECIAL TORTOISE COOK Six Cooking Holes, Special Fire Box for Wood. Another masterpiece in Tortoise Cook construction. Large and roomy Fire Box for burning wood, and still retaining the advantages of round firepot for coal. & Come in and see this excellent Range. Stevenson & Hunter TINSMITHS and PLUMBERS 85-87 PRINCESS 571. HEAR Ni FOR SALE SOLID BRICK HOUSE on stone foundation, double pare lors, dining room and kitchen, 4 bedrooms and dem, hardwood floors throughout; lights, gas, three piece bath, hot water heat ing, wall plugs, garage. This house is néwly decorated and in first class condition and will be sold. Worth the money. Please call at office for information, . M. B. TRUMPOUR 'Phone 704 or 20%2w 270 PRINCESS STREET . for HUDSON SEAL COATS uoliZrres see-- GOURDIER'S Brock Street.