« CANADA'S PART IN BRITISH ELECTION Continued from | froin Pat 10. at Queens + University and went . te England in 1004 where he took up | volt Raion an Manchester Uni- wi a debating course. ¢ has contributed political articles to ius 3 and has spent Dractiealny all his time since graduat- from Manchester as a commercial a time in Los He Angeles, California, in a coal yard. He ° offered the 8 oFmanship of it on condition *hat® he joined a union and. become a U. B, citizen. "A British subject, I was born, a British subject hig peated reply sitting member for West Salford, le was on a tour of Canada specting gratio ibilities for the Labor in She Phen the elec- tion was announced. PERCY HURD. Percy Angler Hurd, who is contest- 'ing the Devizes division of Wiltshire, 18 no stranger to the House of Com- mons. He entered Parliament at'the general election of 1918 as member for Frome. Born at Berkeley 'Gloucestershire in 1864, he has been engaged in journalism all his Ute and is well-known to Canadians as the London editor of the Montreal Daily Star, where his cables appear under > Majority ty Will Be About t 1,400 When: All Polls | With five polls to heéar from out of Tie forty-one, the "drys" had a | Frontenac. In the vote on importa- tion fn 1921, the county went "dry" The first return to reach the Whig ofce arrived by telephone at exactly came from Florida, the farthest north voting place in Kingston town- it 'was from Westbrooke. Both these | returng coming in in such a brief and both from country points wefe somewhat of a surprise to the Whig to come from the city. The other | returns from country points came in posted. Howe Island went "wet" by a vote Kingston township polled a majo- rity of 305 for the "drys." government control by a majority of 143. i STICKS WITH "DRYS" Report. | majovity of 1,279 in the county of} by 2,266 majority. 6.16 o'clogk Thursday evening, and it ship. The next came in at 6.20 and time after the closing pf the polls staff, which was expecting the first fairly rapidly and were quickly of 4 to 41. Wolfe Island voted in favor of Bedford. Con- % O.T.A. trol No. 1--Fermoy.. ... :. 90 86 No. 2 -- Brutataws schdolhouse .. ... | | No. 83--Bedford Mills. . No. 4 -- PitaGerald's schoolhouse... .. «+ +» Howe Island. John Walker's House. ... \ Kingston, No. 1--Bath Road ....y112 No. 2--Cataraqui .. =. 97 | No. 3--Riginburg .... .148 No. 4--Westbrook .. .. 94 No. 5--Montreal Road... 16 No. 6--Sharpton ...... 16 No. 7--Florida., ++ .... 28 No. .8---Glenvale .. ... 61 No. 9---Concession street 44 No. 10--Hickey's Corners 46 Loughboro. No. 1--Sydepham .. ..289 All | No. 2--George Harker's house. and as | N3, Howard Buck's a8 : 50 He made a lecturing tour | in 1019 and again came as hn the mpaial Press Con« He married Hannah, Aaurter of Rev. Dr. Cox, of Dundes, | SIR NEWTON MOORE. Although his life work has been | 'solely achieved in Australia Sir New- an important industry of this country, being a director of the British Empire Iteel Corporation. 'paid 'a visit to the Besoo properties | i Just year in Newfoundland and Nova | 4 id, representing the English in- : A Australia. A surveyor by professiol as a you lay out the le gold ! fields, He was sent to Parliament home town in 1004 and the : the State of 36 he : i ks n, | Sir Newton helped to i tf aon house. { No. 4--Perth Road ps 1148 No. Desert Lake .... 21 | No. 6--Raflton .. .. .. ¢ Pittsburg. { No. 1--Barriefield .. .. 62 No, 8---Dufterin ., .... 52 | No. 8--Fourth Concession135 | No. 4--Joyceville .. .. 78 | No. 5--Brewer's Mills... HOP opi 0. 1--Murvs ayes 18 40 0. 3--Harrowsmith ..200 . 3-Hartington ,. ..130 i . 4--Petworth .. ... 68 x . B-=Verons ..:., ..226 Jo. 6--Bell Rock .. ... B7 48 ------ Storringto Vo. 1--Inverary BY . 2----Sunbury .. .... 59 . 8--Bdttersea .. . 26 No. 4--Opinicon, majority for "drys" 11. Wolfe Island. ! No. 1----Robt." Grimshaw's house... .. men 18 57 | No. 3~Township HMall.. 60 107 No. 3--Cold Springs ... 28 44 No. 4-7. O. Hogan's house... qa. i iintwe OB 26 No. 8 aa 19 FRON E BULLETIS GOVERNMENT CONTROL. Toronto, 128,024 to 78,687; ma jority, 49,437. Timmins 1,212 to 184. Sardia and Point Edward, 3,740 to 2.892. Durham East, 48 majority. Sault Ste. Marie, 4,128 to 2,743. Hawkesbury, 882 to 318. Glengarry county, 355 majority. THE DAILY It costs no more to buy underwear that will make you really comfortable No. 5421 Fine Wool Combinations (Sizes 34-44), et $3.50, Algo Vest and Draw- ors, "$2.00 per ger ment. Ne, 1442--~Medinm he Combina { 34-42), ot $2.25. Vest and Draw- holes 34-38), of garment. hi le), at L265 per germent. BRITISH WHIG 34-42), $2.50 per garment. No. 7800---Medium weight wool medium, large, HOUGHTFUL 4 women are par- ticular about under- wear--rightly so. The woman who chooses Stanfield's 1s assured of getting a .soft; luxurious fabric, soothing to the tenderest skin; snug tailored-to-fit comfort and exceptionally long wear. Yet Stanfield's is not ex- pensive. Compare it gar- ment for garment, price for price. You will find it, over a long period of wear, the ~- most economical underwear I ~ you can buy. ' 7 oc (HEmptrated booklets showing - Btanfields wide range of styles and weights in men's, women's and chi ren's will be mailed on request. Write for them. StanrieLp's Lisaren Truro, N.S. BE COMFORTABLE HIS WINTER WEAR STANFIELD'S Coprrabt. 984. tants Limited. Ap > Ne f pad Stanfield's. will not shrink! You don't have to buy a size larger to "allow for shrinking." Be careful to select the size that STANEELDS fits you perfectly,' use ordinary care in washing according to our directions--and a Stanfield's gar- ment will keep its size and snug tailored-to-fit shape as long as you wear it. And Stanfield's stands ° strenuous wear. ™, Pick and examine any. Stanfield's garment Feel its delightful softness. See how it's finished with scrupulous attention to every detail; how the seams lie flat, the buttons a are sewn _ on to stay. Note. its generous cut, the full length of the garment-- no skimping. This careful making is a part of every Stanfield's gar- ment, whatéver price'you pay, and in every weight: Pure Virgin Wool, Silko-Wool and mixtures of Wool 'and Silky Cotton. There's a size, style and weight of Stanficld's for every member of every family, priced from $1 to $10, \ Parkdale, 9,659 to 8,151. fn cold iter apd ©00 Alexandria, 424 majority. _ Temfskaming, Araprior, Prescott, Catharines, Kenora, ver) Seams a Stratford. 3 Leumingten 1,083 to 626. Bast Toron . Osgoode 303 to- 4%. 5, i to det South Mountain 249 961. Vankleek Hill 220 to 1 ( Petrolea 738 to 472. Seeleyis Bay, "dry" 146; "wet" To Enter Drydock. Kenora 426 to 112. 70. | The steamer Toronto will enter] hours and you have a North Perth 1,400 majority, Adolphustown, majority 89. the Collingwood Shipyard drydoek | tion for vegetable West Bruce 4,173 to 1,346. Township of Olden. For O.T.A.|next week to be lengthened forty North Norfolk 5,239 to 2,054. 127; government control 111. feet. She will be in Kingston ait and cuffs of street South Norfolk 2,879 to 1,500. eet | win! Perth, 965 to 682. 1. people were as bad as some Carleton Place, 1,098 to 693. people think, there would be a big Thamesville 158 majority, shortage of angels in heaven. * Woodstock 2,512 to. 3.498. Elors 402 to 179, Essex town 447 to 264. ter. . Never St. Thomas 3,490 to 3,830, * Lindsay, 1874 to L578. th Rentrew 38 Saebi. 717 "to 353. } North 'Waterloo: 5.464 to 1,006.