KINGSTON VOTED IN FAVOR OF GOVERNMENT CONTROL ------ By a Majority of 1424--0nly About Two Thins of the People : Entitled to Vote Cast Their Ballots Kingston voted on the plebiscite "wet," while Rideau on Thutsday and voted in favor of! wards were recorded in the "dry" government control by a majority of 1,424. There were a total of 9,482 votes east out of a total of 15,247, so the vote shows that over one-third of the people did not take the trouble to answer the questions. In the vote taken in 1921 there were 9,482 votes polled when the "wets" had a mas jority of 1,256. Five wards Sydenham, Ontario, St. Cataraqui and Frontenac out 'of the: seven-- Lawrence, voted column. 1 The village of Portsmouth voted "wet by a majority of 166. The O.T.A. forces were well or- ganized for the vote, but the "silent vote" no doubt told the story of the ballots. The Whig had a speedy system for receiving the returns and the bulle- ting were given both ia the Whig windows and at the city hall as soon as they were received. The first returns was received and Victoria from polling sub-division 7c St. Law- rence ward, at exactly v.10 p.m., just | ten minutes after the closing of the polls. This was exceedingly good | time. Considering the number of | polling subdivisions, the returns | came in very quickly, and the Whig | was the first to have the final sum-' mary. Cataraqui ward gave the biggest majority for the "wets," that of 674, | while Rideau ward gave the largest | majority for the "drys," 307. } It is of interegt to note that on the yote taken in the city in 192%; on the question of importation, the city went "'wet" by a majority of 1,266 and at that time, the same &s in the election of Thursday, every ward in the city voted "wet," with the exception of Rideau and Victoria wards, " . The question at that time was "Are you in favor of the prohibition of the importation of liquor?" The very best weather prévailed for the voting. On Wednesday, the Weather Man predicted warmer weather on Thursday and he hit it right, for the ther was ideal-- in fact it could mot have been more "Phone 1071 UNUSUAL VALUES FOR SATURDAY FLANNEL DRESSES Favored styles of new Flannel Dresses in all new shades: Cocoa, Sand, Blue, "Phone 1071 ° More New Coats For Saturday NEW IN STYLE: FABRIC--COLOR--POPULAR PRICED" FUR TRIMMED Cut Velour Coats. at favorable for getting out the vote. 014 Sol came out in all his glory in homior of the great day, and stayed on the job. No person could blame the Weather Man for his not voting. However, the returns show that there were 5,765 people who did not exercise their franchise for some reason. "I did not vote because I did not | know how to vote," one man said to the Whig. And there were others of the same frame of mind. The Whig had a "full house" for its programme at Menlorial Hall, while the crowd in front of the Whig office was very large, a goodly num- ber remaining until a very late hour, eager to get information as to the results all over the province. Navy, Rust Brown and Taupe. All sizes from 16 to 40. Specially priced for "19.75 Warm, Winter Weight Misses' and Women's styles and sizes 16, 18, 20, 38 to 44. Styles suitable for each. Fine, heavy weight in Fawn, Brown and Reindeer shades. Full lined and in- terlined. Also Storm Shields. See these on Saturday. ALLAN LUMBER CO. Victoria Street. "Phone 1042. Lumber and Millwork Oak Flooring Absolutely the best made to-day. = i clear, plain, Red Oak 16c. sq. ft. select, plain, Red Oak . . . . . . . 12¢. sq. ft. Buy here and get a better floor. We keep quality up and prices down. EW N * Silk Blous es A Wonderful Display Gauntlet Gloves : Dainty in Novelty Fibre Silk in soft : Crepe effect, pretty, with contrasting braid \ li. | trimming, in Goblin Blue, Brown, Rust, Fawn, Black, Grey and Cocdi: Sizes 36 to 44. $2.39 OF CUT VELOUR, DOVETYNE, os J TEDDY BEAR CLOTH, ZYBE- 8 af Skirts LINE CLOTH NEW PLEATED 65 Every Woman interested in a new Coat should see . 65 Wool Crepe, heavy weight, in shades of these to-morrow. Every type of Topcoat is here, while BS Sand, Grey, Brown, Navy and Black -- our established reputation for Quality and Value guaran- _ .. . 62 pleating on side with plain panel back and tees alike our moderately priced ---- for greater busi- front. All sizes. ness. $ Chamoisette Y GLOVES ; At 50c. ' ® ALL SHADES, $2.95 28 ONLY 'Serge Dresses | _ a at ke pr Hosiery Specials for Saturday--See Windows ! for Saturday LIMITED : 114 PRINCESS STREET By Subdivisions. The vote by subdivisions follows: Bs 2 was as Sydenham Ward. Govt. 0.1.A. Control. This sheep on knitted underclothing signifiesi-- it teed NOT JOA " or irri _tate--it is made of the same long fine wool that our babies' Jann nts are made . If baby can - wear it--you can. -- 31 . 26 = . oa wr -- Ae ] " li : me " oy " 8 ME soci i || See Us When In Need Of Lamps | Shi : a ll We are distributors for Ld EDISON MAZDA LAMPS HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. 'PHONE 94. CURNER KING AND PRINCESS 878. For COMFORT, wear ote Frontenac Ward, - ae anie 31 Celis teen 3e 90 74 EI oaXES AND TARIFFS, "a5 142 the elimination of duplication of | taxation by conference with the gov- ernments of the several provinces: 62 106 TOURISTS AND TOLLS Compulsory liability insufance for o 47 14} automobile owners is tinged by the . 80 93| © aL ! Guelph Chamber. of Commerce, 188 T : n ' which advises legislation "requiring ; EE SEE Fed 0 Be Oonsidered at Meeting : A every owner of an antomobile to j of the Associated Boards at {nsurance against liability lo Egg, Stove and Chestnut dawns $ .00 69 of Trade. ea the praperty of others to il Small Hard Coal ..........$12.50p - 1h ren : "74 : an amount of not less than $1,000, Bucl heat $ 9 00 1%¢ 3a vat 78| Among the twenty-two resolutions | and the person of others to an : 18a .. Ja eatel 74 10 be discussed at the annua) meet- | amount of not less than §5,000 for i car Semi-Anthracite Smokeless, suitable for * Range or Furnace, $12.00 per ton, delivered 18b Fries Nati 70 ing of the Ontario Associated Boards | any one 'individual and. $10,000 for SOWARDS COAL C0. Phone 135. 18¢ aie TIE ad TUTTE of Trade Chambers of mmerce | 8ny one accident." The same body a8 4 oa Linn ty hall oy Sg 91st | urges legislation to make all vehicles _CPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. ---- : , - . ; .. 46 ral of a radical | carry lights in front and rear when * © JOHN LAIDLAW AND SON, LTD he fo| and 20nd, are several of 8, TIECRLL Sighways, in which opinio it is id > ), 194 .. oc ulee ed : 44! na Belleville men support for St. supported by Hamilton. : Ses a : 4 20a we 68 Lawrence waterway and power de- The chief social event of the . Distributors wt oR 20b 671 velopment, advocate the _develop- convention will BE uo given 'be 5 + : 't tourist traffic by parks and | in' the King Edward 'on 'Nov. derwear Since 1879. - MAUL oF tour 'Of Turnbull's Un 4 'acquiring ot { 20th, for Lieutenast-Governor Henry sing for fru emombor : 21a ae uebicty, wad urge the SCAR Tl oo hat The French droming for fruit, When baking cals sembmber fs e : : 5 a Kin | will be represented by sa shou! made with lemon] measure flour after it has bees sift. - 5s rio in Seatpal Lander aalites. they 1,0: gon first, vice-president of juice instead of vinegar and with ed; unsifted flour invariably weighs 54 a. ronto hy the Baords, J. M, Cemp- paprika instead ot black pepper. more. i a] rr nie othe. Domini | bell ana Eimer Davis. The vest 52 ] | meeting, In 1925, is expected to be 98} ve. Hamilton | held In Kingston. = -- a " --c- - -t12lb .. - Te Fen E fn B14 at eed PIN Leh BR LY . ikea Sate sl 28. Lo.