Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Oct 1924, p. 15

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' J dity which our governments should gor It [to ¥RIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1024 It Is A Fact That Money Is Saved By Regular Reading Of These Offers 3 ! ; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG BIRTHS. i -- On 'Thursday, October 3 WES at 639 Maine West, Rochester, N. Y, to Mr. and Mr. Kenneth H. Weir, a daughter. 3. MARRIAGES, = _ ngston, at thea n Ea or 11th, Rev. Dr. Kingsley, 3 RN. only daughter of A. N. Cassidy, King ton, to Earl Doyle, son of Mr. al Mrs. Thomas Doyle, Pittsburg, Ont. DEATHS. BY Kingeton, at her HO ones 138 Johmson street, Thursday, October 23rd, 1924, Amy .nje, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Hickey, formerly © Glenburnje, Ont. Fun ke piace from above ad- r Grea, on Saturday at 8.40 a.m. to Bt. Mar thedra lem Ma ina will be sung at 9 &'- clock for the happy repose of her - acquaintances are respeot- vr og ite AAT JAMES REID The Old Firm of Usdertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Phone 147 for Ambulaste (TOBERT J. REID REIL Phone 577. landing U fo Street i M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME 49 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE PHONE 1880 1 on Frien The British Whig py for irregular tious one-time 'nser- ile M hen for leas then Count six average words to the wT received by "aaa It at The Sei t- Office Within § days from of Insertion, cash rate gd 4 Pade th Bite per ise for je space is BAT fade the Yibrly Se Spec rate th nt advertising ues Publishers er I acsorve the right to edit or reject an classified advertising hone 243, ask for a waat ad JOHN us Undertaker and Paricrs, 274 Princess Street: Ambulance Phone 889 | " Undertaker and Plone 856w. 288-240 Bagot Street Calls Detiate Bed bene Ant UN ah 38 he 16 : Lost and * 2% EEE ER DR. JAMES CAPPON'S VIEW OF THE RESULT Absurd for Half ¢ the People to Coerce the Other Half, ' He Says. When interviewed by the Whig $riday morning, Dr. James Cappot, Yite-presidént of the Kingston Mod- Station League, 4nd one. of Onta- o's leaders in the work of that ore ganization, made tne following st#tement: L¥Kingston increased its previous mdjority against prohibjtion substan- figlly and that in" spite of the great Préponderance of prohibition work- rk at the polling stations and the al prohibition maetings and {és * ised "WAS to the general result in the | vince, I have only to say that fmmense reduction of the prohi- bitionist majority from over 400, 000 to about 30,000 shows what a féw years' experience of the work- {ng of prohibition has done to flange the mind of the country. It nly 'rural ts where there 1s oe knowledge of the larger social and economic conditions of life that éntibled the prohibition party to get ven this small majority. The rural constituencies were practically unde- fended and ay at the mercy of well- meaning, but rather fanatical pulpit | ordors. Any way the fact that {| something like oy per cent, of-the voting population is allowed to co- érte the other fifty per cent. in the onde of a social habit, which has al- wéys been a8 lawful all over the civilized world, is an absur- never have permitted to occur. dreates a situation which can never be considered settled or satisfactory. Sométhing like sifty or sevénty per detit. majority at least would be ne- dessary to make a prohibitory law of such a type e oF useful." STACK KITTEN---Found, with white paws and face. Owilier may have same by paoning $3, BAG OF FEED-- Found, on Peniten- tiary Hill. Owner apply Stores, Ports- mouth Penitentiary. elma ara FOUNTAIN PEN-- Found, at Stadium, ¥r . Owner apply to an Johnson street. MAN'S UMBRELLA handle, silver tip; inftials rt in grandst after Varsity: Queen's 6 last urday. Reward at 47¢ A) treet. "Phone 11584. POCKET COMB -- Found, in case, oh Mompres! street. Owner oan have same t 398 Montreal street. PAIR or TING NEEDLES -- Found, neon wireet. Owner ape AT to Tis Joharon street. PARCEL-- Found, on Princess street, near Wellington," oont®ining dry Apply Lackie's Bakery, PLIERS---Found, near corner of Divi. salon and Princess street. Owner ap- ply at Whig Office. ARY -- Founda, on Rideau Street. Terrace, EE ea Srooked The Whig's A-B-C Classifi receiving room. ment. with an unexpected interest. home." - And you'll not lose. above-board. collection! Step Into Opportunity's Receiving Room It is where all the best opportunities of this city and surrounding territory are received, sorted, labeled and pladed in orderly array for convenient finding--like the stock room of any well systematized mercantile establish- Step im and glance around! The first thing you know you will browsing among the different groups of opportunities opportunity which looks "just like getting money from You'll pause, ponder---and plunge! You CAN'T lose~--wheiA you make your selection from Opportunity's receiving room where everything is spread out in front of you, open and There's not one blind chance in the whole classified = THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS, ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY ed Section/is Opportunity's Business Services MKepairing 29 FURNITURE FINISHING--OTL all kinds. Cali and see W. Driscoll ' 33 John street. Phone 286%. . UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- Sure; work, guaranteed. Call or drop & ecard . Gavine, 116 Bagot Street. UPHOLSTERING--ANG general repair] 8 he. Leave orders at or drop a eard W. Harolg, 104 Clergy Street. Phone 16007. Employment Help Wanted--Female a2 find yourself Then you'll see some one » GIRL--Or middleaged lady for general Rousework. One who understands cooking. Apply 588 Frontenac street. HOUSBKEEPER--Two gentlemen re- uire the services of a capable house eeper. Apply in the morning or 3yealng to Mr. MacCallum, §31 Brock reet. MAID-- General. Must be good, plain cook. Small family. N ironing. Apply 9 We fear City Park. SERVANT-- Good general, one who ¢an do plain cooking; good wages; ferences required. Apply Mrs. J. nkin, 19 Rideau Street. gton Street, Automoblies | Automobiles For Sale un SPERL WAGON-=New, Reo. Apply A. Glover, corner Bagot and Ear] Streets. 'Phone 47. SAiNS = Chevrolet ho Mag in yo Gray Doct special B Donia Robi inson Motor Bales, Blue Garages. 'Phone 567. FOR SALE' Our Jat of good Used Oars at present compris 1028 " 1. McLaughlin Coupe. Essex 4 cylinder Touring. Two McLaughlin 6.cyl. Touring Cars, Hudson Speedster. Chevrolet 400 Touring, Durant 5 Passenger Sedan. Boyd's Garage, Ltd. 129 ye St. Phona 301%. Second-hand Parts for JAIL Makes of Cars Dont, Chevrolet, Ford, Brisgoe, ih, Studebaker. Also sepohd- Auto Tops and Cushions. H. ROSEN, 'Phone 2476w. 140 Rideau Streét Auto Accassories--Tires-- Farts 18 AUTOMOBILE = Used parts for all makes. Palmer Auto Salvage, corher _Bagot and 1 Queen | wtreets. Business Services. Business Services Off Offered 18 Mery hand on = morning. ~ Apply $13] UMBRELLA-- Found, at Stadium, on SEE TT Bult RS t en and Al Monday we Found, firstly, the continuance of the O.T. A, and, secondly, the proposal to es tablish sale of bevérdges undér Gov erament control, The result of Thursday's vols shows a great dhange of sr sabia the part of the people, LETTERS To The Editor Kingston, Oct. 24.--(To the Bdi- A Card of Thanks. tor:---Permit me through the Whig Mae pein a Se bl D. BROWN---Plano tuner &nd er. 12 Markland Street. Téle- Phone 2671-w. Expert Plano Tuning ~ Player-Plano Adjusting. 'Phone 1544 C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED MUBICAL ANSTRUMIGNTS i He opbited pull of SO Mrilem aka Souoar of ala Ladics' Hair Parlor, qos, FRENOM MARCEL WAVING ter Waving, Round and Bobbed . Hair Bobbing snd Trimmin : Scalp Ireatment. wo Hair Dyeing. las Street. or &p- 016. 18J «~ For appointmint bha. 185 Weilington Ah 1 and sttention Sliven 18 Switzer; #87 Qued, pointmeént 'phone bed eur al Bay Water Wave, Halrd passing: ale ore Cur Baer an Frecimonth, js, cio ors a R. 360 Fr on: 10803. Sor appo! -. THANSKFUKMATIONS-- Lob uring Lecies und Calle Mrs. CURR Ing RAD. cut t #ston. Phone 1813w. 5 On Serigus Charge. , * Brockville, Oct. 24.--John Godkin, deported from Pitishutgh, Business ess Services Hemstitchibg FANCY WORK--And wugtainped goods" an working; the néawest des ing patterns; high class ren's wear & specialty. Mrs kk Lull- lop, 181 Alfred Street, 'Phone 101¥. .Open Tuesday and Friday evenings. PICOT EDGING Jemutitehing Heating, work _guBfantee.'. Feild, 382 Barrie Street, near Py yd Strest. hone 2413). Successor tu emt Hat Cleaners 210 HOW--About your felt hat ? *The time is he George, the Hatter, 50 Prins gs treet. Phone i333, next the Bank of of Nova & seotia. 21d ey Exch materials ns in stamp ne of obild- ge 2 C, 8 KIRKPATRICK=<3§ Clirence Fo, Kingston, Marine, kire, Acsiden font tomobile insurance. Lloy AaB sto oe Siatrior. Telephuie 508 B--Auomublie ahd Casually ri Ek Cruiniey, 42v Earl Phone 1788 -------------- a -------------------- INBURANCE= Only the most Atiivie vompanies répresenied. Strange Strange, established in 1880. ice: 9 Clarence Street, opposite Post he J, B. COOK B-~Life, fue SS aiaent Sh Sickuess, in relia b rn trict manager. imperial Er PRONE: Office 503w. Res 1731m. OUR--Siekiess and Accident poliey will protect your Salary Fire Insurance, Plate Glass, oto. . William, 2 Couper Street. . Insurance RAUL. rest, P. HEWGILL & BON---Represent {ng ii Pres of insur news "iso havin, assunied business of bg Munter oy 281 King Rs Phone 2 "ovidg, Trucking. Storgo 25 saned vut of ogjiars and froin oie iy ld none 3355. : ¥ToRAGE- For fucaitire, clean, ai shades; your wil 1h and ae Pour Ot Tato e, ioc 306 Queen Si. Phoie 634. Paiiting, Fapering, Decorating J PALETIN Sols Apart 8p vi Hr nate pions Assn a 4d Weil ING. 8. Robinson, reat and on oF. amd lake "Hilal mite 'Phoue 1433. 247 ae Kingaion simple buoke n ston. + SIGN L AINTS 275 Bagot 4 FLANAY LUQY=-Dit. Gu F, snd Jeanie A., Chiro« a Registered Phone Sidw. ? aad 153° rue. loathe n ental 8d. Sat etl se Phona 348. Rie FE 35s Per, Av By EY 280 TERE, Ea Ei os CELE iE ety io i SARL t! "8a WANTED300 and women to earn $5 to $256 weekly'at home. No canvas- Aing, experience unnecessary, distance immaterial. For particulary address The Auto Knitter Hosiery Co, Ltd. Dept. C-19, Toronte, Ont. Help Wanteg<-Male 33 MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$§1 to $2 an hour for your Te time writing showcatds for us. o canvassing. Wa» struct and supply you With work, est-Angus Showeard Service, 17 Col- borne Building, Toreato. BALESMAN -- resent a thriving Canadian RC, in trict. Apply, stating Co chtions and =xperiencs to P. O. Box 233, King- ston, Unt. Help--Male or Female 8 AN OPPORTUNITY-~Th earn from one to three hundred dollars from now until Christmas, with excellent line of Personal Greeting Cards. ole Of Spare time. Samples free. Write for information. Master Kraft Greeting Card Co. Toronto, Ont. wo LADIES--Or Men to demonstrate Tokio Laundry Tablets in Kingston. je teach you how, Write okio Mfg. Co, Box 357, Trenton, Ont. $0---Sell houseliold necessities, greatest imaginable demand; have business of your own; make five dollars up dally; eapital or experience unnecessary, Qarretson, Brantford, Oat. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 88 BALES AGENT---Reliable, fo, funtepre- Septed districts. Good ulpe ent. We are the large t grows 's OF uit and ornimental tieey Sell fur a Nitrsery, not. fi «Jobber You will be as{u), Write: ham Nifrsery Co., oronto Situations Wantod--iFemale 80 BTENOGRAPHER--With 5 e Rookkassing. ho Boa + dress Hox 5, Wapaneer Om RE mio. situations Wunted--Male E21] OUNG -- Wishes "* pet Ain someone contem rating ib Relthensta" TRAE y ni Financial . Money to Loan 40 FRONTENAC -- Loan as and Investment i vio BS eh a bn a ruth Slit, Hs SE © hal King- Live Stock Dogs, Cats, Pets 7 BUY---A real, live dog. We have them, iredales, tons, Pomer me and Socks Boa a. ered hoe ai sonable of dogs and ry. B Portsmouth. 'Fhone 2635m. Poultry and Supplies REBp The eg basket fu full ih Be feeding urifig Chicken Chowdor Hen Chow, the fect oS fo tion for laying hen fof Your i Marghanding | 51 paps | 8 CK---Hard and Sort pply E. E. Wathen, TH be ons $ 1991J or 818. ih ric i HERR cess Street. hone 1600 . LO0K STOVE ---- Imperial Oxf in a oor Ti Si 208 EE EE en's Bia 0 washing or | 4b' Merchandise ; 3 eClary's, four burner back GAS RANGE--a sell lighter, ne enamel a eleva: Also am "oraling atone Owner leaving city. 33 'Phone 182 10.90 ton, 1-4 ton 'wood Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats APARTMEN houses in Ape TS---And residential sections of the cit Kingston Agencies Tad iv HBAYED R APARTMENT -- All moderh ol Tochted Sap Ape 215 Box Ge6; Whit ¢ HARD See, Dough a yn er ah if Tale SH par hoteena Yard on Acomaion street, ntar Divi sion. 'Phone 3303w, RAS a VE--Yout pre ana §- = & Street. LAE 4 4 cE order 2nd b ing Stoves 'and Ri Hamilton's, 89 Princess ae. A tiokl 'White layer rielt Fn Frontenac Maitre Co. ny THE HONE OF mn BEDDING For ? woos Cheer" 'Phane 33%w. LAWRENSON' 8 Stoves and Furaaces. D Df W an siges. re and Iron Works, f I ial Beales. Streat MUSICAL INSPRUMBNTS "3 See our Lots of bargains. Bvery in- LI ¢ 35 sit tilt thin Bhp: ophoni jReul r tl ook $5.00, eT robll grey, EE Rr ToT ud, srobll en na West apply to 173 Barrie LAMP 8 make over 500 styles; 380. Part- ge King Street --ie MEAT SLICER-Set Apply 212 Montreal reat. OFFICE BOUIPMENT-.y_oM North. ern Crown Ban Must sold. Ap- ply Royal Bank of Canada. PHONOGRAPH -- New Sonora, cheap. Apply 84 No. McDonald Street. PIANO=-Bijou Upright RIAL0. practice ey a. Cash, §6 peor Ltd, 121 Princess Street. RADIO SET---Five Tube, will Jeti gon} plete or without acvessobtes. Apply a ter 8 pm. to EM Al a Queen t BALE--Of Bicycle Tirés, 3 Also baby earriages re-tited and Apgd. Fuk 37-3 ing street. lors Bicycle orks, "Phone 1961W. SCALES All kinds, new and ghttangs Caugda.| hahd Cash or easy terms. ale Co., Ang 209 Frinceds Sb, ae ston. 'Phone 1828. OLET RAY-- Generat 7, home Tirade ap a, TS 16 of git ok. ek 68, paibs, eto. ¥ 8 Sith, 190 Colbert WOOD<=Dty hand maple, dry i ott wood, hardwood slabs, Einaling PSE ha. IT RINT--500 shosts tor | ue vp ARR hy Whis SMALL APARTMENT -- - Sail NAY Centrally to 300 r ten dollar Felts Syma 113 HO! ) WINTER OVBRCOA Epon J terms of ehedht. ocif! valde thw, J + Paltersun, _ "Radio er, oda 10 $n RA te, at lower prices are but trae: reasons an most people buy sadn" Radio Rooms For Rent 'Rooms With Board oF REPROO uitable for She Sh ion; . avery enienoe without Board. PPI 301 altied a IM AND BOARD. easomabie ROO! Aps ply 27 Clergy street wi Rooms Without" Board os hp sopven Re ied wie" Rooms For Housekeeping 6v ER a AE | ©0. Jam: ye En es street. 4 Da 243 STORBS--To re Ro ht, 383 Prin at AL 608 Moncrens saoor api 8 Company. . Houses For Rent, HOUSE--4 rooms, 120 Main ones ol tric isis, Possession The Le Store, 352 na $9 Queen street. Ak br x at 69 RR aE Abels "188" Qlten stron = LET OR FOR town regents: ag Riepdla as rooms, hardwood floors, elec - tures, furnace. Apply 241 circ "fa es se le Ros Sate For Sule ; TEE pad Whig Offige. ey aad for Sui 118 ACR. gr shied id Wee | Be por aruiguiars Suen ee --_ ow York, R.F.D. Ey For Sale HOUSES --Best locations in the e¢ Apply ngst: Sh en BOP pots Phane 108 sig t. § ony lene Yar a Tor A rard. Wats oto or ont able' Tor wi terme House on Charles street, JSaskin electric light, gas Sra $20 a Sis ie 4 £000 street, s | Siectrle i s Jig! dE trie. Tend Tel a "8 garden ye rm Ee ROLL arena dyionts 3 BRICK ent: HA re. ull; | 7h EA 3 0 VD oy on iil sale and to let in all parts Phone Hous hans iron & ho le Ui Dalasor a SE dh MERCHANDISE TAKE NOTICE We ve Eee stoves at J. Turk's i Ww. KENT KENT MACNEE ni En x 13 BROCK #% PHONE sisw, Two Cars Dry Body Hard Wood Cut in 12 inch lengths. A few pieces in the furnace takes the ¢hill off the house." + $4.00 A LOAD James Swit & Co Limited Foot of Johnson Strest

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