¢ of way "Ssult Ste. Marle .. .. Sarnia .... 7 CAPITOL NOW PLAYING | 1925 High Speed. . Melodrama "THE CYCLONE RIDER" CAPITOL NOW SHOWING Canada's Premier ' Vocalist CAMERON GEDDES YEAR 01; No. 219. be Baily tish Whig KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1924. : LAST EDITION ONTARIO GIVES 36924 MAJORITY FOR 0.1. -- e URBAN VOTE STRONGLY "WET" THE RURAL VOTE WENT "DRY" Premier Ferguson Will Not Say Whether the Government, in Handling Liquor Problem, Will Make Any Discrimination Between Country And City Upon the Lines the Vote Has Taken. - Toronto, Oct. 24.--With about fifteen per cent. of the, rural polling booths still to be heard from and with about 1,000,000 ballots cast, the Ontario Temperanoé Act late this morning had secured a majority of 35,000 in yesterday's plebiscite. -Such result was the final form of the vote which, in early returns, according as high as 80,000 majority for govern=- ment control, but which constantly dwindled from this peak to a goodly win for the existing legislation. -- The early lead for government control was furnished largely by urban returns, Toronjo, Hamilton, Ottawa and Windsor giving large anti<0.T.A. votes and other cities also assisting substantially the Moderation League's cause. : Rural balloting, however, took a directly contrary course, and the heavy government control leadership was overcome by returns which were received early in the morning. : Complete returns will not be known until this evening at the earliest, but sections still to be heard from are rural and will likely give O.T.A. majorities. ; : PREMIER FERGUSON REFUSES TO COMMENT. "Upon this result, Premier Ferguson, at the instance of whose government the plebiscite was taken, refused to comment last evening. The prime minister stated that he would want to see the complete returns before ven- turing any pronouncement, and that the vote In its various aspeots would have to be subjéct of discussion and consideration by the government. ; The notable cleavage of rural and urban opinion upon the lssué was pointed out to him but he would not state whether or not the government In handling the liquor problem would make any discrimination between the country and city upon the lines which the vote had taken. The vote in its broad lines was a contest between the ruraiite and the urbanite. Speaking generally, the O.T.A. found its greatest support in the country districts, while government control, without a single exception, gained in the cities over the showing which It made In 1919. In the vote of that year the cities of Ontario actually returned a majority 18,408 for prohibition. Yesterday, however, the cities voted overwhelmingly the other by 18 + it had i Chatham E 2 In wet one of 660. St. Catharines likewise switched a dry majority of 512 into a wet 1. Gait, which had previously gone dry by 572, went wet by 580. Falls, went wet by 1,416. Sarnia, previously dry by 1,082, went wet by BES. Stratford and Welland also left the dry cause to espouse government control. Other cities in the prov ince were unchanged In their allegiance, but in very case their majority for the temperance act suffered a slump. Alliston. oo. vivian AlBORLS ovis va cosy sole Aylmer . Barrie... soe 71 Beamsville .... .... .. .. Bracebridge Brampton Burlington eRe WU Carleton Place .. .... .+ ++ Clinton Drayton .. 485 67 758 1144 150 167 749 39 507 432 213 201 183 272 231 197 283 65 © 650 276 328 198 789 , 352 523 1,441 627 "158 352 583 570 252 Renfrew .... .. BIMEOE vis v:vr vivr le we Smith's Falls .. .... .. .. Seaforth .. ...... ++ +s ss St. Mary's'... .... ..0.o 0 Stouffville .... Strathroy Thamesville .... .... «+ «. Thornbury .... Tillsonburg HItDY Lc. a Wiarton «vee Kitchener .... London ,..: i. Niagara Falls Ottawa Port Arthur .... iain Gananoque St. Catharines .. .... Georgetown Glencoe Goderich .. .. Gravenhurst .... .: .. .. Grimsby 5... o.oo Tovi te For Government Alexandria .... Araprior iy... ia aaiae Bridgeburg .. ...: cone vo Chapleau Cornwall . a Ford City .. .... . Hawkesbury Kepora -. +... + North Bay... i... «a Control, PE Stratford .... ie sof ee oe Toronto, ... ..- . 49,437 Welland .... 1,886 Huntsville .... +... +. ws avs 9,434] Ingersoll ..,. Pe Kemptville .. ' Kincardine .. .... «. .¢ +» Leamington .. ...... FT RN Markdale: ...... .. .... Meaford... . (00 L000 ve ee ares saan : I": For O.T.A. 0 Belleville. . .... md vo ss 7 Brantford .... Oshawa .... «+s. sv os aut Owen Sound.. <,.s + sterboro 52 41 © 823 038 4 9 Es f Perth PR as "eu Eien Raat VE P St. Thomas Woodstock Wor OTA. PET qn? SE SC NR A ow wae ee raterlo 1,414 Walkerton .... .... .. BT '| would win 'here on Thursday, but | life-long temperance worker, sald that he bad hoped that many of the | importation Four Montreal Murderers H in Bordeaux Jail Went to Their Were Montreal, Oct. 24.--Laouis Morel, ex-Montreal detective, Aréngiolo. Di Vincento, alias "Tony Frank," Guis- seppe Seraffini and Frank Gambino, four of the six men fou guilty of the murder of Henri Clergux, chauf- feur of the Bank of Ho lection car on April 1st the penalty for their minutes before five o'clock ning when they were hanged 'at Bor- deaux jail here. They went to their death in pairs, Morel snd Gam- bino being executed simultaneously on one scaffold, Serafini and Frank on the other. It was eight minutes to five when the doors leading to the scaffold were thrown open and Morel and Gambima walked on to the gallows. In a few seconds their bodies drop- ped through the scaffold. The gec- ond pair of executions was carried out with the same celerity in the yard on the opposite side of the jail, Louis Morel wrote two letters last night, one to his daughters and an appeal to his Creator. All through the night a sad vigil was maintained outside the gates of the jail, the wife and mother of Tony Frank sitting in cars station- ed at the entrance. Earlier in the evening, Mrs. Gambino hed paid her last visit to her husband, in com- pany with Mrs. Valentine, whose husband had his sentence commuted to life imprisonment. ' Sentences Oommuteds Ottawa, Oct. 24.--Two pf the Moritreal bank badidits escaped the scaffold, At an emery To Have th "bandits ae EE alanting wa left the o- withou tears. Death it Paits--The Seatences of Two Others Comite By the Dominion Cabinet Valentino and Leo Davis were com- muted to life imprisonment. It was stated at the conclusion of the meeting that the reason for the decision in regard to Valentino was that he had been a tool rather than a principal in the conspiracy and hold-up. 'The actual hold-up had been performed by Morel and Sera- fini, whereas Valentino was merely an assistant to the two others, who were engaged in protective work, The decision of the cabinet was made as a result of representations which have been received by the justice department since the case wag considered last Friday. Plead With Minister. Joseph Cohen, counsel for the sentenced to die, Mrs. Frank Gambino and Mrs. Valentino saw Hon. Ernest Lapointe, minister of justice, shortly. after his return from Washington at noon yesterday. and made a last plea for clemency for the. condemned men. At the conclusion of hig conference with the minister, which lasted a quarter of an hour, Mr. Cohen said that Mr. Lapointe had promised to consider representations made to him. Mr. Lapointe saw the two women separately, each interview consum- ing only a few minutes of time. Mrs. Gambino broke down completely in the minister's office, fell to! the floor and cried for *'justice." 'She was assisted to her feet and given a glass of water. She was assured that careful consideration would be given to the case, and finally con- sented to go to the hotel where she is staying while in Ottawa, Mrs. of 0.T.A. Enforced Si. Leading Members - Say 'Promise-~-Statement The prohibition forces, although rather disappoiuted that the Mode- ration League got such a large majo- rity in Kingston, were delighted with the result in the province as a whole. Several prominént workers, when speaking to the Whig, stated that they did mot figure that they They Will had hoped to reduce the previous majority. ; The prohibition forces point out that Premier Ferguson assured the people that if O.T.A. was car- ried on Thursday, hé would enforce the act as it had not been done in the past, and they are Sslerminad | to see that the premier carries out his promise. ie "A number of the members of the prohibition party, when interviewed, stated that they would father wait for a few days before making any statement. YS D. G. Laldlaw, who has 'been a Hold Premier Ferguson to His By Chairman, Rev. T. J. 5. Ferguson Rev. T. J. 8, Ferguson, chairman of the local Prohibition Association, when seen by the Whig made the following statement: "Fellow Citizens: We prohibition ists are filled with gratitude. With shame we confess that we had been slumbering. - Only very recently, were we awakened to find that a Jong and subtle campaign had mis- led many good temperance people. We thank our opponents for reveal- ing so well the defects and weaknes- ses of the present Ontario Temper- ance Act. It is now our business to remedy these defects, and to enter into more deadly combat with this Goliath in our midst. : The battle is not over. Revela- tions havs been made which show the nature pf our opposition. Science teaches ug that alcohol, opium, mor- phine and cocaine are all most dan- gerous, and deceptive hadit-forming drugs. Already we have 4 law pro- hibiting the manufacture, sale, and of the last three. bol in the form of | Bruce south. THE "DRY" MAJORITY. STEADILY MOUNTING The Prohibition Leaders At Toronto Claim That 3 It Will Eventually Reach 75,000--Claim 55,000 Majority Now. Toronto, Oct. 24.--Ontario's majority for prohibition climbed slowly this morning, increasing a thousand at a time with each revision of returns as belated records from outlying polls drifted in. There are still a thousand odd of these to hear from and the extent of the victory for the Ontario Tem= perance Act may not be known for days. -Based on actual returns available, the majority for the continuance of present legislation stands at 36,924 with 1,146 polls to hear from. DELAY THROUGH MISUNDERSTANDINGS. There has been dglay In some ridings owing to misunder= standings over the method of reporting the returns. Some returning officers have declined to reveal these, and have sent their ballot boxes to the government in Toronto without divulging the resuit. There are also some remote oounty polls unreported, 'but the majority are small and the final resuit of the plebiscite will not be greatly affected by their quota of votes. The total vote apparently will be a very little over a mil« lion as compared with nearly 1,200,000 cast on the same sub= Jeot in 1819. There are roughly 2,000,000 people on the pro= vincial voters' lists. EXPECT 75,000 MAJORITY. ? A majority of 55,000 for the Ontirio Temperance Act on returns already tabulated is claimed by officials at the prohibi= tion headquarters here at noon to-day. Dry leaders confidently expect that the majority: will reach 75,000 when the returns 1 80 6,826 3.827 9,246 4,462 220 8,626 1,833 2,781 4,613 1,457 1,739 2,002 4,488 11,631 14,688 2,443 9.824 5,479 392 * 839 12,611 Essex north .. Fort William ...." Hamilton east .. . Hamilton west ... Kent west .... Ottawa east .. Ottawa, west ,. . Port Arthur .. St. Catharines .. Stormont .. .. oes Sturgeon. Falls .. . Toronto northeast .. Toronto N W.. .. .. «« «= Toronto 8 Bi. vv vis vv ve Toronto 8 W.. .. .. +« +» Park@ale ...... «sci vnins Riverdale .. vo aa en Waterloo N.. .... «. «os os Waterloo 8.... .. .. . Wentworth 8 ./.... Windsor .. we York East .. Brant south ,.. Brockville .... Bruce North .. Bruce West .. .... Carleton +..s sei Duffering .... «+ +. Durham West. . . Elgin Bast .... .. cc ov os Blgin West .... + ++ cove Grenville .... See grey North .. .. -¢ .. «os Huron Centre . 'Haron North .. Huron South . Kent East .. Lanark South . saves me ew We LOBNOX ows ++ 4 Middlesex Ne. . ave am ow Bdward .... +: pe Bast .... +... . West ...i ov x. N . Ce me se. 2d we ehbeey aves .e "rw Was av warn aw NL eer ; North"... «4 vo vs ! North Crosby, 21 majority drys Crosby, 250 majority dry; Front of Leeds and Lansdowne, 500 majority dry; Front of Bseott, 146 majority dry; front of Yonge, 200 majority dry. Bedford Mlils 4n the Township of Bedford voted 26 in favor of gov- ernment control dnd 14 for O.T.A. Premier to See That the OTA. Is Carried Out Toronto, Oot. 24--Promier, Ferguson, In a