THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG LONDON'S GREAT "8" AS GOOD AS EVER Pleased Good d Audience at the| Grand Opera House on Thursday Evening. L e-- Tom Copeland, the prince of Scotch entertainers, and his splendid company of antists delighted what was a good andéence consiaering the interest shown in the election Te- turns, at the Grand Opera House on Thureday evening. The violiniste, Miss Dorothy Alwynne, was ocertain- ly wonderful and her numbers were enthusiastically applanded. She was most generous with her music gs in- deed were all the English artists. Miss Alwynae's technique is beauti- ful, her fingering and bowing de- Mghttul to watch and the exquisbie expression with which &he plays, mekes ter music, real 'music. The cellist who. played with ber in several duels and with her accompanied, with the plano, some of the songs, was also excelent. But Miss Jean Duff, the slender ginl of sixteen, who has a great future before her, is truly fas- cinating. She plays difficult accom- paniments for the violin numbers with perfect sympathy and a touch abw brilliant, now soft as velvet, and ab for the songs, be they grave "or £5y, she Is with the singer and his mood with unerfing ekill. Tom Copeland and his baritone and tenor were heard with pleasure in "Willie Brewed a Peck 0' Malt," end many another old favorite as well 4s some naw songs. Miss Mary Mackie sang "When Mother Bobbed Her Halr" and was loudly applauded. Her "An- nie Laurie" was most sweetly sung. The "8" sang together "Roamin' In the Gloamin" with good effect. Al- together .the performénce was an excellent oné and the London "8" will always find a welcomé in King- ston. | IN MARINE CIROLES i The eteambarge Jeska cleared this myorning on her last trip of the season. : The steamer India is being put into shape for the winter below the Causeway. The steamer Brockville arrived with freight and passengers on the regular run "apd will clear again this evening for Picton. The steamer Britannic arrived from Montreal. The steamer Mapleheath cleared west. The steamer Arabian arrived from Montreal and cleared for Port Colborne. The steamer Maplehill arrived and cleared west. ; The steamer A. E. McKinstry ar- rived and cleared west. The steamer City of Hamilton ar- rived from Toronto and cleared for Montreal. False Faces, Masks, Favors NEW STOCK -- EVERYTHING FOR PARTIES FOR HALLOWEEN MOORE'S 206-8 WELLINGTON STREET ons SELECT ™N YOUR FUR COAT + NOW! Quality for quality, our values are aun- beatable. ; Satisfactory credit terms may be ar- ranged. - SATURDAY SALES COATING, $1.50 YARD 56 inch, Wool, Blanket Cloth Coating, in good shades of Navy, Copen and Brown. A splendid quality and real value at $1.50 yard. Big Baskets Peaches and Pears. Saturday prices number one stork $1.25 until six o'clock then 10c less every hour. Number two stock 25c less making them 60c a basket at ten o'clock if not sold sooner at Carnovgky's. "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" NEW HOSIERY, $1.00 We announce eH Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose in | Ladies' all wool Cashmere Hose, itw shades of Sand; Brown, plain and ribbed, - with elastic FUR COAT Grey, Blue and Black. All sizes. top. Colors are Brown, Fawn, --- Sand and Grey. All sizes. WEEK Oct. 25 to Nov. 1 FARE REFUND SALE BED SPREADS, $3.19 An extra large size, in White, Honeycomb Bed Spreads. Poi: RES ge Exhibition tiful quality and regular $3.75. ..-........ . Saturday $3.19 each ale and L showin | ving COATS NIGHT GOWNS, 98c. LINEN TOWELLING, 20c. Muntrada choose from Ladies' White Flannelette Night | Pure Linen Towelling in White Gowns with short sleeves and | with red border, and grey with low neck. Blue stitching around | red border. Good weight and neck and sleeves. Good size. width. : ; BROCKVILLE DISTRICT W.M.8, The Convention Was Held In Pres. cott Methodist Church. One of the "red letter days' in | the Woman's Missionary Society | calendar is the anhual district c¢on- | vention, held this year in Prescott Methodist church. Ideal weather conditions prevailed, resulting in a large attendance. Not often is such a gathering favored with the pree- ence of two outstanding personages, but this year Mrs. W. H. Henderson, Ottawa, president of the Montreal BM | branch, and Miss Martha Barnett, | home on furlough from - Chengtu, ~~ | Ching, both contributed materisily toward making the occasion a mem- | orable one. The former during the afternoon conducted an ausiiary| conference in which Mrs, Murray, Maynind, Mas, Wesley | Towriss, | Brockville, Miss . Lillian Connell] © rrille, and Mrs. Thomas Beott, rescott, participated, and at the evening meeting, in hér charactér- fstic. manner she gave a stirring ad- dress, containing 4 resume of tho year's work, and a ples for the heeds #!| of the field, meaning in mény items \ i| gléamed from the recent mebting of | Old Style Homemade CANDIES 60c. a Pound---81.20 for 2 lbs. FOR SALE IN KINGSTON ONLY AT-- Branigan's Drug 208 PRINCESS ST. Nest to Strand Theatre STORE LNT "Phone 18. WE sell HOUSE FURNISHINGS that please. 20 new patterns in. FLOOR OILCLOTHS ... .60c. sq. yd. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE YOU BUY WHEN! Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste. 'Theexceptional tone quality in the Weber HEAR FUR YOURSELF AND BE VINCEU. AT C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Princess Street : | Ginger and Sugar Cakes | 21 ~ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY .10 Ibs. 84¢. | Belleville Creamery, Ib. . Belleville Whey Butter, Ib. 84¢. | ll] experiences, varied and various, as i matron of the Chengtn hopital in || Saschiwan, west China. bs. 23¢. || Granulated Sugar . Quaker Corn Flakes 8 for 8c. Absolutely Pure Lard, 1b. 200 H the hoard of managers in Toronto. | ll! appeared in 88c. lll years ago, of the trip out, Duritig the afternoon Miss Barnett Chin: Sostume. speaking but briefly, th 'evening session the spoke or ih of her call to the foreign Inhd fve which lasted trom May to November, of hej During the three sessions; Miss Lillian Connell, "the | We. have Been making and selling Furs in Kingston for nearly fifty years, but we have never before had as large or as fomplete a stock of Furs as And 80 wa have planned a "FUR COAT? WEEK with a Sale and showing that will dos tight those who appreciate a big variety to choose from, as well i as unbeatable values. Wo invite in to visit oud store during Fur Coat Week i | T § & STEER | TENDER GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Cut the Modern Way -- Meat That Will ing with 8 rooms, attic floored, furnace, H. light, 3 plece bath; good cellar and extra lot. Get busy. $8,000 A detached frame dwelling, which we wait to make one the gglent and biggest in alt' "LADIES FU. COATS LOOK! - STEAKS With Sable, Squires Round, Ib. . . in wl lengtn, Sirloin, Ib. . . . .23c.| Prime Ribs, Ib. .12¢. pnsian Lams 00TS, Ill T. Bone; Ib. . . . .25¢.| Chuck, Ib. . ...114c. pi Hamburg 3 Ibs. 28¢.| Thick Ribs, Ib. 13}c. and othér Furs. - wl OANADIAN TE COATS Ie er 45 inches ec al L COATS, up SP. ll! Spencerville: District Suparistend. i | ent, occupied the platform, and, at the afternoon session gave & brief || account of the year's activities. Re- | lnotantly she yielded to the unami- mous wish of the convention that + she ls the office for (he ensuing Dcontesing reports were res cetved fi the morning from eighteen 5 1b. pail Table Syrup . Satisfy--Try It and Be Convinced LOOK!!! ROASTS | .16¢c.| Rump, Ib. LOOK! with 7 rooms, E. light, 3 plece bath. Good buying. To clear an estate. Going for $1,600. Houses and heated apart~ ments for rent. Fire Insursnce, a --------------