= THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PRECAUTION! Flu in a mild form is preva- jent at present dn this district. Experience has proved that Dr. Hickey's Flu and Cold Capsules are the best preventative and relief for this distressing ma- ady. » , A few 'capsules taken now will save suffering and incon- venience. Hickey's Speedy Relief will put an end to that early Fall cough. - shen ; signs in Tor ry ys Gives ic Rub ' Ladies ? 2 Gent. 'Ribbon L. T. Best} { watches Druggist at very remarkable prices. We are showing | a limited number of two special de- teed movements in Solid 14k. White Gold Octagonal Cases at $17.50 highest quality White Gold Filled*Rec- tangular Cases at FOR SALE THREE SPECIALS ! $7,000 Store, 8 rooms, 5 bedrooms, hot 8 air, 8 piece bath, electric lights, h.w. oF in floors throughout, full lot, garage, $2,500 Frame, and it, B electric Bungalow: Tela large lot, good condition, $4,900 Brick, 9 rooms, 8 bath, elec. tric light and gas, hot air, h.w. floors throughout. > Bateman's Real Estate 111% BROCE ST., KINGSTON © 'Televhoue 1925F. -~ Som = 15 jowelled, fully guarans | TTT TY YY Home Made Candies SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY. - ; Pure-Cream Caramels with Nuts or ine Brazel and Walnut Rolls . Assorted Bon-Bons Assorted Chocolates--our own make 35¢c. Peppermint Humbugs . AR The Supericy Ice Cream and Aah dy Shop The Can of Good Sweets' Aa a hha Shaded a THE LIBRARY PLANS ONDER DISCUSSION at Municipal Elec- "tionss : =" The Library Board supported by the Board of Trade committee went before the Finance committee of the city council, on Thursday night, to request a grant of $25,000 to fit up the Chown building for library pur- poses and also to purchase the land at $10,000, a special price by the Synod authorities for library pur- poses. W. H. Craig, of the Board of Trade; introduced the deputation and said the library committee's plans had the Board's recommenda- tion. Francis King, K.C., outlined the proposals which had been cut to the bone. There are 8,000 citizens taking out books and for the first six months 108,000 books had been passed out, or 216,000 for a year. The growth since the library became a civic Institution had grown beyond its bounds and a bigger buflding was imperative, To carry the pur- chase cost of the land the rental of "| the garage was available and would meet the Interest on the debentures issued for that purpose. After discussion, Mayor Angrove said the finance committee--and he was sure also for the council--was sympathetic to the scheme, the par- ties + convinced were co-operating heartily and he looked for results. He said there had been a discussion as to an altogether new site and new building. The committee had thought of an alternative plan to go to the people along with the library plan. Some thought $50,000 would purchase a site and erect a modern building; the committees would look {nto the suggestion and given an ans- wer at an early date. In any event he thought the necessary by-law could go to the people at the muni- cipal elections. He thanked the dele- gation for coming and so frankly discussing the matter with the fin ance committee. The finance committee did not take any definite action in the mat- ter, ------------ | raoio sroabcasTing The following is a list of radio stations and their broadcasting pro- grammes which may be heard local- ly on Saturday: ' SATURDAY, OCTOBER 285. KDKA (826) Pittsburgh, Pa. 9.45 a.m.--Stockman reports of the Pittsburgh live stock markets; general 'market "review and agricul turel items. 12 noon--@tockman reports of the Pittsburgh live stock and wholesale produce markets. 1.30 p.m.--Concert by Dagigherty's orchestra. 6.30 p.m.--Dinner concert by the Westinghouse 'band, T. J. Vastine, conductor. for the radio children, 7.30 p.m.--Sport review by James J. Long, sport editor of the Pitts. burgh Sun. 7.40 p.m~--World's uniform Sun- day school lessons presented by Car- man Cover Johnson, teacher and editor of the Christian Outlook. 8.30 p.m.--Concert by the West- inghouse band, T. J. Vastine, con- ductor, WEAF (492) New York City.' tra. 6-12 p.m.--Dinner music from the Rose room of the Hotel Waldorf- Astoria. Thrilling adventure stories for boys by Fred J. Turner. Edm Fields, messo contralto; Leon Car- son, tenor; May BSinghi Breen and yer syncopators; Mary Wilderman, planist; Rose Becker, violinist. "The Functions of Congress, by Congress- man Emanuel Cellers. * Vincent Lopez and his orchestra from the Hotel Pennsylvania. .. WJZ (488) New York City. 1.16 p.m.--Orlando's Hotel Roose- volt orchestra. ld pam.--State and federal agri- ural reports; farms and home i closing ndulticns of the PROBS: F air and moderately warm on Saturday By-law May "80 te 10 the People 7.15" p.m.--Richard the Riddlere-- i. 4-5 p.m.~--Clifford Lodge orches- | == SATURDAY AT STEACY TRADE EXPANSION SALE! ' ' Daily we are welcoming new customers to o this store wide sale, which has: as its objective 500 new customers. Special value-giving isin force in all departments, and we take t casion to invite you to shop here to-morrow and test our values. 4 WARM WINTER 3 A j 18 OC~ 50 "All-Wool Velour, Duvetyn, Polama and Camel Hair Coats, smartly trimmed with: Bea- verine, Seal and Dyed Oppossum, Fur'Collars and some with Cuffs. Lined and interlined they assure warmth and comfort. The colors are Sandalwood, Cocoa, Brown,' _ Taupe and Black. Sizes from 16 to 42. Regular $25.00 to $27.50 values. 5 35 only, Novelty Silk Knit Dresses in a host of attractive, new styles, in Novelty Stripes and Crepe weaves. The colors are: Gr Cocoa, eindeer, Navy and Black. e sizes range from 16 to 44 and the prices from $17.50 up to $22.50. New Tailored Suits Saturday $25 and $35 50 only, beautifully tailored Suits in All- Wool Tricotine and Poiret Twill. The colors are Navy Blue and Black. Full silk lined and warmly interlined. All sizes. In two groups as follows: regular $35.00 to $39.50 for $25.00, and $45.00 to $47.50, fur gas. ALL SALES FOR CASH. NO RETURNS OR APPROBATIONS. . this drastic reduction, Men's Underwear, $1.50 ea. Penman's heavy ribbed Scotch Wool Shirts and Drawers--all sizes from 34 to 44. A Great One Day Sale-Rugs and Mats Saturday Less: 20% Our entire stock of Wilton, Axminister, Brussels and Tapestry Rugs and Mats ina wonderful choice of patterns and colorings. Every article marked in in Plain figures less ¢ Men Rr Fg Shirts, $2.49 ea The colors are Grey, : Prince Blue, Helio and White. $3.75 values.