THE _DAILY BRITISH WHIG GENT'S GLOVES TO PLEASE ALL Tan Cape Gloves--price . . $2.00 Unlined Grey and Beaver Siede Cloves Sik Lined Gloves ig Skin Gloves Buck Gloves - English D St you Bod Gloves it will pay you to see "our stock. George VanHorne's 213 Princess ge Phone 362w, . Gifts for Baby We have just received the "Bunny Sets" in the famous Community Silver. Baby Spoons 75¢c. and $1.25 Spoon and Fork $1.50 and $2.50 Knife, Fork and Some Eyes Some eyes are cxtremely sen- sitive to light: For such i patients we supply special Hi lenses that prevent the harmful Hj rays of light from entering the Ji eyes. If the movies, bright lights, travelling on the water or by auto bothers your eyes, let me. | | nt you out with a pal of these ll lenses. | W.D. Graham, R. a ates ll100 do amg oo enings by a Spoon $2.50 and $3.75 All very nicely boxed. Let us show you these. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS ST. Dr. Waugh {08 Wellington SC hose 356. rr 7 " : BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM CONTRACTORS JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. PHONES 2267F---928W, 400 ALBERT STREET | i ol @ - Sim * IN "OLD LEEDS SPRAY" PATTERN "This pattern is one of the best made by the famous Royal Doulton Pottery. It is open stock, get what you really need. Our stack | is now complete. 1 1 know Mies Peets across the street W Hp o%as the saision Shit We Tent; Fire Thousand Pe ~Everyiody The most outstanding newspaper coup in some years was that secured by the Whig on Thursday's O.T.A. plebiscite vote. Withou; any undue fuss about it, Memorial Hall was secured for the big night and ar- rangements quietly made. Several comic flimg were secured from the Pathescope People and also, through the courtesy of the Ontario govern- ment, several reels on government and general provincial activities were also secured, At six o'clock there were several hundred in front of the Whig bulle- tin and it was not lohg after when the crowds started to fill Memorial Hall, When, the first returns from the province started, ome could not gain entrance at all. The large hall was filled to capacity and the hal- way outside was crowded to the stairs and back through the socagenl way to Ontario Hall. On the side of the auditorium to- wards the market square, the "wet" supporters were gathered and to- wards Ontario street hundreds of the "drys" congregated. Thus two gee- tions were formed, and as the re- turns trickled in 'over the special wire, first going one way, and then another, the applause swayed back and forth. The "wet" majority start- ed out strongly and then was gradu- ally worn away. As it diminished from over the 70,000 mark the "dry" element in the crowd became more and more jubilant and a great out- burst of applause came when 24,000 was clipped from the total in about. twenty minutes. Then the "wet" majority started to climb once more and the other side of the house cheered and clapped. Charlie €haplin, Bobby Vernon end other screen comedians of fame kept the people entertained and in good humor between announcements and by the aid of the projecting lantern used as an auxiliary for the "movie" machine, glides bearing comic remarks were flashed on oc- cagionally and caused much laughter. The Congratulated. From all sides came congratula- tory remarks on the Whig's enter- prise and the manner in which the big coup' wag put over. Fully five thousand people came and went from the hall in a steady stream, keeping in touch with the progress of the YWHIG'S PLEBISCITE PARTY EVENT OF THURSDAY NIGHT Visited Memorial Hall to Hear the a Good Time Geting the Results. vofe, and the market square "was crowded with parked automobiles. - One lady, a staunch supporter of the O.T.A., passed the remark: "Well, no matter which way it ends up, I'm here to say the Whig is giv- ing us fine service on the results." There was much good-natured chafing back and forth by supporters of_either side of the question, and Inthe best of feeling prevailed. One or two gentlemen who were taking mo chances on Government Control stalked merrily up the stairs occas- fonally, enquired the standing of the vote, and then went away highly pleased, only to return later and re- assure themselves that their side was still winning. It was certainly remarkable to sit at the side and watch the reactions of the crowd. Dozens of citizens who might be put down as "dry" support- erg at the first inspection, were lond- ly applauding the "wet" majorities, while dozens others, all thought by their friends to be dyed-in-the-wool wets, staunchly supported the "dry" section. Certain it is that no election in a long time, and especially a plebiscite, has caused so much interest. Prom- inent citizens of Kingston made their way through the council chamber and up behind the stage to the tele- graph operator's table to make sure of hearing the latest returns. Largely Ladies. The crowd at/:Memorial Hall was fully two-thirds ladies and a very large Umber of them were on the "wet" gide of the house, at that. They took a keen interest in every announcement and applauded or look displeased acording as {he re- sult pleased them. Too much credit cannot be given | to the-telegraph operator on the job, who, in spite of the murmur and noise of the crowd, caught his "stuff" from the ticker without an error and |' typed it speedily and accurately that it might be announced. His job was no sinecure and he handled it well Just one more word--the Whig wishes to extend thanks to all those who took advantage of its invitation by coming to Memorial Hall, By their aid the big coup was possible and if they all appreciate the ser- vice as much as the Whig appreciat- ed their presence (and all seemed to) then it was a perfect affair. A thousand eyes has night, they say, So have our neighbors all the day; There's Uncle Andrews, who's re- tired, ' He's always thinking I've been fired. And of I hive not gone by eight Sings out: 'Get busy--you'll be late!" While Mrs. Jones, who rents the rear 1s prety sure I'm: brewing beer, And every vie the gas range pops She's alt prepared to call the cops, Has sized me up as & dead beat; She trains a epygiass on our door, And watches all our furniture. Oh yes, 1 almodt missed Old Bent, { Bach motn abe hus to uss our 'phoma, night at six he'll always pass | 4t we have soaked the geasm. worst of all, thet Mrs. Bone, focally, as he pleked w aviother cigar- étte end, "every little butt helps." ¥xplanation. Guest: "I notice a dollar on this bill for cover charge, but what's the extra dollar for?" Walter: "That, sir, is to cover the cost of removing the cover." Too Bad. Mrs. Ahrens: "I see they've dis- covered a way to insure secrecy in radio transmission." Mrs. Peck: "It was about time. Those people hext door with the cheap set were getting the same stuff we were." ~--Audrey Higgins. ARTISTS AND MODELS. "I want you so," the artist said, The I's eyes grew wide, "I want you 'vo, Diesty turn your head i A little to the ide: ~--M.F.K. Sidewalk Conversation. Mre. Stone: Young woman, you have a fot of powder on your nose." - Mapper: "That goes to show I don't poke it into other people's GANANOQUE Oct. 24.--Mr. and Mrs. T. D. O'Connor have closed their summer home for the season. Charles Gilfilin and George Bish- op, Lyndhyrst, were the guests the former's daughter, Mrs. Frank Tapping, on Tueeday. Miss Sarah Stunden has left with Mr. and Mrs. George Stunden io spend the winter in Orlando, Florida. They motored down. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Delaney and Mrs. Thomas O'Connor motored to Brockville yesterday afternoom. yesterday afternoon. The U-Hoot Club is holding an- other of their popular dances next Tuesday evening. John Berry, Leeds, passed away at his home on Wednesday. The funeral will takg place from his home to-day to Olivet cemetery. Richard Anderson, Brock street, who suffered a stroke on Tuesday last, is in a serious condition. A Bargain in Boys' Bloomer 'Pants. We are selling a dandy Boys' Bloomer in dark tweed for $1.45. Sizes 27 to 35. ---The Lion Clothing Co. Prof. Watson Honored. On Wednesday evening, a dinner was tendered to Prof. John Watson by the members of the various staffs, to mark fifty years he has been a member of the staff. Principal Tay- lor presided at the event which was held in the Red Room of the old arts building, Addresses were given by Principal Emeritus D. W. Gordon, Dr. A. P. Knight and Dr, 8. W, Dyde, end all spoke in feeling terms of the service rendered by Dr, Watson at the college for over half a century. In reply, Dr. Watson told many in- teresting stories of the olden days at the college. Following the dinner there a "sing song" was held, Prof. P. G. C. Campbell acted as song leader with Prof. Sandwell" at the piano. A iy never sits in the aisle saat of a fheatre if she is accompanied by a gentleman. LAUGHS BY THE SCORE. Eight pa of" America's greatest comics, "The Gumps" and all the rest, all in colors. Sunday's Detroit Free Press. All leading news stands. --Advt. : of |} Kiddies' Shoes We specialize on Kiddies" Footwear Shoes for Little Tots-- soft, non-slip soles for little tots learning to walk. Brown Kid, Black Kid and Patents, $1.50 Many styles of Kiddies' Shoes for dress or play, ranging from $1.75 to $4.50. Children's School Shoes, too. Simmons Week . ° + SuinoyS, MTESses at Reid S An Unclean Mattress is a Menace to Health As the largest single factor in the bedding business, SIMMONS," | LIMITED, whom we represent locally, are concerned for the integrity of the industry and the consequent well-being of the people of concerned to protect you against old infected in your to this end we guarantee that all Mattresses bearing Simmons' labels are of pure, clean, new cotton, delivered to your home in. a sealed carton. JAMES REID The Busy Store Phone 147 - KINGSTON 'MSNABB Eastern Ontario Chain of Women's ang Misses' Ready-to-Wear Stores BROCKVILLE thu In fact, it is an opportunity to obtain for 55 » Cant Tor whicls Jou might Seetty pos $05.00 ia ol tho ew hegre einer Sealing far Co., LTD. * BELLEVILLE PETERBORO Saturday at $10.00 A Group of Fifseen FUR TRIMMED - Coats in fine Velour with Beaver- ine Collar and Cuffs, in Brown shades. Sizes 16, 18 and 36 only. Saturday's price less than cost of cloth alone. : ~ SMART SPORT Coats $19. 95 reguipr $85.00 and $20.50 Costs reduc. 2445 $105 as Sauiniay Jeger, Sizes Nea. dian, 15 fine Sudiney