For THE DAILY BRIT ¥ ISH WHIG ~ "WS FOR WOMEN READERS 0 | NEWS AND V afternoon for a cup of tea and &|p;9 cen | LIFES SOCIAL SIDE Woman Page Bditor, Phone 2613. . Private, Phone 857W. : es Word has been 'received in Ot- Sawa that Mrs. John Francis Water- fall, Hatzle, BC. Is the mother of a little son, Mrs. Waterfall was formerly Miss Gertrude Bmery, & ddaughter of the late Rev. way Cartwright, formerly of "Mrs, Van Straubenzee and the 'Misses Van Straubenzee, Beverley 'street, were the hostésses of a plea 'sant tea on Thureday afternoon in Bonor of Mrs. Van fitraubenzee's _njece, Miss Oaley, Toronto. 4 . . . On Thursday evening Miss Ella Matthews, Beverley street, enter tained in' honor of Miss Blanche "For SURE relief from be sure you get ALL BRAN--Kellogg's! If you suffer from constipation, you cannot afford to lose time experiment. The which accumulate you try ineffective measures can 10 relieve permanently most chronic cases of constipation, ur will return your money. you SURE results because Bran. Nothing but ALL wholly effective. Doctors That is why Kellogg's and is en: prescribed by phyicians will bring k your So be sure you get cooked and krumbled. tell Kellogg's Bran with closed--once you had tasted. =='s gE & : g g Et ily i £ nut-like flavor. Kellogg's Shepherd, who is leaving shortly for Montreal. : * * The LO.D.E. never like the anni- versary of the armistice, which ceas- ed the bloddy warfare on November 11th, 1918, to pass unobserved, 50 this year Cataraqui chapter is giviag a ball to commemorate the event. The ladies receiving will be the re- gent and vieé-regents. Mrs. Ww. H. Macnee, Mrs. Norman Leslie and Mrs. J. H. Bjmsley. » - -. Mrs. B. J. C. Schmidlln, Royal Military College, was the hostess of a small mah jongg party on Thurs- day for Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, Ea * . * A number of people dropped into Mrs. PF. M. Harvey's home at the Royal Military College on Thursday Bran is different from ordinary unpals brans. The wonderful flavor of Kellogg's is exclusive. You will like it. Eat at least 'two tablespoonfuls daily--in chronic cases, much with every meal. Eat it with milk or cream. inkle it ovet other cereals. Cook it with hot cereals, Try it in 'the recipes. which given on the muffins, But start eating Kell 's Bran to- Have each member i your famil '| treal on Saturday for the week-end. 'I has as her 3 chat by the bright fire. . » * Mrs. BE. T. Taylor, England,' Is with her sister, Lady Macdonell, the commandant's quarters, Royal Min- tary College. Mrs. HY W. Going, Wilkinson, Miss Shirley Going and Mr. King, Brockville, motored #0 Kingston on Thursday. Miss Myrtle Johnston, Deseronto, was a visitor in Kingston on Thuts- day. 3 Miss Katharine MacPhail, King street west, has left for Vancouver, B.C., to visit her aunt, Mrs, Regi- nald Brock and Dr. Brock at the University of British Columbia. . . » Mrs. Maloolmson, Edmonton, Al- ta, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. William Bermingham, "Otterburn." Mrs. Donald: MacPhail, King street, has left for New York with her 'sister; Mrs. Alexander Primrose and Dr. Primrose, Toronto. She is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Louis May. Miss Purdy and Miss Johnson, who have been visiting Mrs. Purdy and Mrs. Frank Purdy, Clergy street, have réturned to Clifton Springs, N. Ys Mrs. Peart Birley, who his been visiting her sister, Mrs. John Car- son, Albert street, left for Vancou- ver, B.C., on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bdwards, Ottawa, accompanied by Mrs. George Darraugh, Kingston, who mot tored to Oshawa to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. L. O'Brien, have returned home. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Sandford Calvin, «Rutland House," will spend the week-end in Montreal, Mrs' Horace Lawson, Johnson street, left for Montreal today to spend a week with Mrs. Jennings. Major Lawson will go down to Mon- Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Herrington and Mrs. G. P, Carr, Napanee, mo- tored to Kingston on Thursday for a game of golf and were the guests of MY. and Mrs. A. H. Fair, West street. ,. * * Mrs. EE, , who 'has been the t of Mrs. W. J. Moore, Col- {ingwood street, and for whom many small parties have been given by her Kingston friends, will return to Toromto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Marshall, whose marriage took place in Syra- cuse, N.Y., on Wednesday are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Doh- erty, Albert street. go Mrs. H. B. Van Laven, Earl street, _her sister, Mrs. J. Austin Elliott, Vancouver, B.C. Miss Helen Shearer, who has been with Dr. and Mrs, Bruce Hopkins, King street, left for Toronto on Thursday. She sails for Europe this week and- will. spend 'the winter in the south of France, > : - A party of Queen's girls from Queen's Residence, Earl street, mo- tored to Montreal today to see md Mrs. C. 7.) | over and the autumn of 1924 get high priced Boots at bargain prices. : | A factory shipment just received gives you the chance to | BARGAINS IN MEN'S SHOES | Men's Good Calf Boots, leather lined, welt sole and winter weight ©... cov ais WE i Tara se $6.48 Men's Calf Boots, welt soles, rubber heels. Winter weight .... .-.. Men's Kid Cushion Sole, Wide Toe, Co OI ees Shoes . .. Queen's play McGill on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Robertson, Wellington street, 16ft for Montreal today to attend the Queen's McGill match. > Miss Gwenyeth Matheson, Ottawa, is now at St. Hilda's College, To- ronto, and is in her second year of an arts course. ST, JOAN'S LADIES' AID, The Fifteenth Anniversary Is Fitt- ingly Celebrated. The Ladies' Atd of St. John's Church, Pittsburgh, met et - the | home of Mrs. Robert Gates on Wed- nesday afternoon. It was the occas- fon of the fifteenth anniversary of the society. There were thirteen members nt, also three ex-mem- bers who were invited to attend this meeting and four visitors, The meeting opened with singing, and prayer by the president, Mrs. D. T. Lancaster. Mrs. W. J. Gates was called on and gave an historical ad- dress. of the activities of this so- clety since its organization on Oc- tober the twenty-second, 1909. This address was very intefesting to all preset and a hearty vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Gates for the able way in which she put before those present the untiring efforts of many who have now been called home to rest. Three new members were added to the roll and Mrs. George Gates few linés of regret were received from Mrs. Daniel Mclean, King- ston, ex-president of this society for many years, who was mot able to be present but wished to be remem- bered at this occasion. The ladies decided to hold their tes and sale in Dufferin Orange hall on the afternoon and evening of De- Refreshments were Mrs. George Gates, honorary mem- Per was asked to cut this cake and | was assisted DE: ths In The gs will at the Ww. That the wonderful weather is act long be remembered as a : '| one for this lovers of God's great tol { helen # od "sa. was made an honorary member. A} "aes eve sian a CER sy) mfortable Easy i . Brown Calf, Plain Toe, Military style Welt Shoes: $4.75 HERE ARE SOME WORK BOOTS Four styles, solid leather Outside Counters -- Black or Brown--Tip or plain toes. Choice ....... +... $3.98 Lockett's gquares of various colors, finished with a pretty crochetted border. Three-quarters of the quilt, Mrs. Cash proudly stated, was done with- out glasses and in two months' time. She is a great-grandmother, and four generations of the family reside in Winnipeg. That handkerchiefs, of the "gports" type, are divided into small squares. by rows of stitching in bril- lant shades, One initial is embroid- ered in the centre. This is an idea tor the girls who are already making Christmas gifts, That the British Columbia Pro- vincial New Era League 'volced a strong, protest against the appear- ance of Roseoe Arbuckle in Vanocou- ver at one of the theatres. Declaring that his appearance for a theatrical performance of any other purpese in public life was a gross insult to the womanhood of Vancouver, in- stead of elevating the ethical stand- ards. or stamina of the citizens, the members thought such an . engage- ment would have a tendency to lower the morals of those attending the theatre, esecially the young and im- pregsionable. The league will pro- test to the city council and any other bodies which are responsible for this appearance, WOMAN'S INSTITUTE. » SUNBWRY. The Sunbury' bfanch of the Wo- man's Institute held October meet- and a-large number of ent. The president was in the chair and atter the Ode was sung and Lord's Prayer repested the ki Special For 'Saturday Men's Pure Wool Cashmere and Ribbed {| Wool Sox-- English make, in Black, Brown, - Heather, Grey and Coating shades. All gtzes from 10 to 11}, for ......50e. a pair Women's Brushed Wool Chappie Coats, Fawn, Sand, Pearl, Powder Blue. New style at $5.00 each. Women's Pure Wool and Silk and Wool . Undervests in no sleeves, short and long sleeves. All samples of best quality goods at about 1-3 off regular prices. 'W. N. Linton & Co. "Phone 191. The Waldron Store