THE DAILY BRITISH PRECAUTION! Flu in a mild form is preva- lent st present in this district. Experience has proved that Dr. Hickey's Flu and Cold Capsules are the best preventative and relief for this distressing ma- lady. A few capsules taken now will save suffering and incon- venience. Hickey's Speedy Relief will put an end to that early Fall cough. Hickey's Analgic Rub for all pains. Gives instant re- sults, 25 Cents. L.T. Best Druggist : ARAN FOR SALE THREE SPECIALS ! $7,000 Store, 8 rooms, 5 bedrooms, hot air, 8 piece bath, electric lights, h.w. floors throughout, full lot, garage. $2,500 Frame, 5 rooms, Bu y bath and tollet, electric large lot, good $4,900 Brick, 9 rooms, 8 plece bath, elec tric light and gas, hot air; h.w. floors throughout. : Bateman's Real Estate 1113 BROCK ST., KINGSTON Televhone 1928F. Snm------ We are showing a limited number of two special de- signs in : Ladies' Ribbon Watches at very remarkable prices. 18 jewelled, fully guaran- teed movements in Solid 14k. White Gold Octagonal Cases at $17.50 ox in: highest qua lity White Gold Filled Rec- tangular Cases at $15.00 : SOLID BRICK HOUSE om stone foundation, double par- lors, dining room and kitchen, floors throughout; lights, gas, three piece bath, hot water heat- ing, wall plugs, garage. This house first class condition and will be sold. call at office for information. 4 bedrooms and dem, hardwood newly decorated and in orth the money. Please M. B. TRUMPOUR Thome 704 or Widw . . 270 PRINCESS STREET A Shoe that Foot Natur-Tred A Shoe for Tired Feet. See them at The Sawyer Shoe Store 184 Princess St. ---- 3 & Ottawa, Oct, 27.--F. C. T. O'Hara, Bayuty Minister of Trade and Com , gives in . annus] report ne " pointed x Nr DE VALERA ARRESTED, Offered No Resistance At London. : Meeting. Londonderry, Ireland, Oct, 27. -- Eamonn De Valera was arrested «| last night outside St. Columb's hall, where {t was hig intention to deliver a speech. When all hope of the coming of de Valera appeared to. have been abandoned, a slim figure was observ~ ed approaching the side door of St. Columb's Hall. It proved to be the '| republican leader, and a police officer | immediately put him under arrest, and transferred him in a motor car the Victoria police barracks al- before anybody im or outside, | the hall realized : that - t re rh san | Local Briefs Gathered by Re- porters--What the Merch- ants Are Offering. i : Mr. Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 564w. Mr, R. L. Taylor, of the Oakville Record, was in the city on Saturday, to attend the Oakville-Hussars base- ball match. "Hear the Welsh Evangelists egery night this week (except Tues- day) in the Orange Hall, at eight o'clock. Rev. J. K. Curtis preached the anniversary sermon at Union church, Bath Methodist circuit, on Sunday afternoon. The music was furnished by the choir of Princess | street church. Travel on the highway from King- ston to Toronto is quite heavy. The roads are decidedly fine, the two de- tours not being very serious just now, The country looks delightful Jin its autumn garb, It was announced in the city churches on Sunday that those who worked in the interests of the O.T. A. party would hold a meeting in the lecture hall of Sydenham street Methodist church on Tuesday even- ing when a permanent organization would be formed. The choir of Sydenham street Methodist church, under the leader- ship of Miss M. Shaw, provided an excellent musical programme in the church on Sunday evening when {here was a capacity house. Miss Kathleen Lyons, a pupil of Mise Shaw, played the closing number on the organ. AT QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY By Our Student Correspondent. The emnual conferemce of the Queen's Theological Alumni com- menced at the college Monday atter- noon with an address at four o'clock by Reid MacCallum assistant pro- féssor of philosophy at Queen's, on "Leonardo da Vinci," the celebrated Italian painter. Monday evening, at | eight o'clock, in Convocation Hall, Prof. R. M. Maclver, of Toronto, University, who is giving the Chan- 1] cellor's lectures, will begin his ser- jes on 'Civilization and Politics," his first lecture dealing with "Cili- iization and Culture." Miss Jessie Gordon, assistant sec- retary of the medical faculty at "Queen's has received word of the serious illness with pneumonia of her brother, Dr, Frederick W. Gor- don, a former Kingston boy who Is a Yonge street dentist in Toronto. A discussion group 'for the girls {under the leadership of Mish Roy is being organized, and the (firet. meeting will be held Tuesday even- ing at 28 Wellington street. In the men's tennis singles semi- finals E. Lindsay has won from F. W. Gillespie and is now in the finals ! against Ian McLachlin. In the mixed doubles Miss Kerr and Maybee have won from Miss Roy and Stevenson, in the second round, and from Miss Brian and Jeffrey in the semi-finals. In the fourth round of the girls' singles Miss Kerr.has wor from Miss Williams, The girls were ¢o hear a chalk talk on ground hockey from Mrs. McRae on Monday afterncon. This week year practices are being oon- tinued and the regular inter-year matches will begin next Mouday. To fil vacancies 'on its executive the QU.M.A. has elected Mr. Bbersole as financial secretary, R. W. Langdon as corresponding sec- retary and Miss Alexandra Campbell as the assistant convener of mem- bership. Don Mclnnes is in charge of the "Save The Children Fund" for which Miss Knight recently gave an address at the college. Rev. Dr. MacRae addréssed the Student Volunteer Band om Sunday morning. In the evening the mem- bers again had the privilege of meet- HEARD ON THE STREET! 9 { RADIO BROADCASTING The following i# a list of radio stations and their broadcasting pro- grammes which may be heard lo- cally on Tuesday: - TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28. KDKA (826) Pittsburg, Pa. 12 m.--Stockman reports of the Pittsburg livestock and wholesale produce markets. 12.15 p.m.--Concert by Scalzo's orchestra. 6.30 p.m.--Organ recital by Al- bert F'. Taylor. 7.15 p.m.--The Lady from Mother Goose Village, for the radio child- ren. WBZ (837) Springfield, Mass, 6.30 p.m.--Leo Relsman and his Hotel Brunswick orchestra. 7.10 p.m.--World market survey from the department of commerce at Boston, from the Hotel Kimball stu- dio, Springfield. 7.30 p.m.--Bedtime story for the kiddies. 7.40 p.m.--Music by the Copley Plaza orchestra, under the direc- tion of BE. Edward Boyle. 8 p.m.--=Second of a geries of talks on "Eternal Youth," by Alice Jewel, from the Hotel Brunswick studio, Boston. 8.15 p.m.--Violin recital direct from the Springfield National Insti- tute of Musical Art. 10 p.m.--Soprany recital by Beu- tah Whitney Orr 11.56 p.m.--Estey organ pro- gramme by Jack Hanly. WGY (880) Schenectady, N.Y. 12.30 p.m.--Stock market report. 12.40 p.m.--Produce market re- port. 6.30 p.m.--Dinner music by the trio from Hotel Ten Eyck, Albany, N.Y. 8 p.m.--Comedy. WEAF (492) New York Oity. 11 a.m.-12.10 p.m.--Talk under the auspices of the lecture bureau of the board of education. Motion pic- ture forecast by Adele Woodard. Or- gan recital direet from the Capitol Theatre, New York City, by Mel- chiore Mauro-Cottone. Consolidat- ed market and weather reports, 14-5 p.m.--Josephine Whittell, so- prano; women's programme under the auspices of the Women's League of the United Synagogue of Amer- fea. ' 6-10.30 p.m.--Dinner music from the Rose room of the Hotel Waldorf Astoria, New York City; joint pro- gramme by Robert Huntington Ter- ry, composer-pianist; Edna Fields, mezzo contralto, and Jean Stockwell, violinist. "The gixth'of*a series of lectures on '*'Politics in Theory and Practice," by Prof. Raymond Moley, speaking under the auspices of Col- umbia University, . .. ---- Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. MEXICO CALLS BACK CONSULS FROM BRITAIN Commercial Relations Are Suppressed But Not to Show Hostility. Mexico City, Oct. 27.--Mexico has suppressed commercial relations with Great Britain, the department of for- eign affairs ordering the consulites in London, Liverpool and Glasgow closed as well as all the hofiorary consular offices throughout the Unit- ed Kingdom. This drastic step was decided up- on in the words of Foreign- Minister Saenz not to show hostility to Great Britain but because the Mexicans be- leve it "unworthy" of themselves 'to maintain consular representa- tives under a Government which does not concede Mexico the honor of maintaining official relations, thus implying that it does not consider Mexico has the moral and legal capa- city inherent to sovereign countries." No Word Here From Mexico. Ottawa, Oct. 27.--No word has been received here of any intention on the part of Mexico to close her consular offices in Canada. Mexico has consular representatives in Win- nipeg and Toronto, / OFFICIAL MAJORITY 1,426. ! For Governinent Control in Pleblscite in Kingston, The official returns as given out Su Monday moralag by Ms. Freut J, Hoag, chief returning officer for Kingston, shows that the '"'Wets" bad a majority of 426. Mr, Hoag PROBS: --Tuesday, moderate west and southwest winds, fine and moderately warm. Sr I Ee FROM 9 TO 1 O'CLOCK DOUBLE DISCOUNT STAMPS SHOP EARLY - SAVE~10% ! Take full advantage of this special feature event to-morrow and save |0c. on every dollar purchase. GOLD EAL Congoleum Floor Coverings rices! Don't miss this timely money - saving opportunity, which comes just at the time when you need new Floor coverings to freshen up the home for winter. If you haven't any Congoleum Rugs in your home, voi owe it to yourself to at least see what beautiful, sanitary and practical floor coverings you can buy for so little money. Here are the special prices that are now in effect: RUGS Size 9x6 ft. Reg. $9.00. SALE PRICE $7.95 Size 9x74 ft. Ret. S125 & $9.95 Susann $11.95 | Spm8xioph. oud $15.75. Soe $1 3. 95 Sentai $15.05 Other attractive reductio RE ". ranging down a by the yard--2 yards GOLD SEAL | wide/at78els0. yard CoN yard. eg anno sh rE