* "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS ® ---- o) LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE {comma events) Notice of future events, fot in he Page BH i Len {1 tended to raise money. 3¢. per word, ds A on 2013 otis a Wilson Dave returned | minimum 50c; If held to ralse Private, Phone Tv x from a motos HI NO ratty || money. 4c. per word. minimum' $1.00. Miss ' | otices ! motored to Montreal for the Queen's- | Reception and Personal N The board of Sydenham Street [yr aill mateh 26 words or less, $1.00. Methodist church gave thelr annual ™ yo. "np op * Now York. is visting] : ' geception to the Queen's students her cousin Mrs Arthur 2 ns, Gore The m@nders of the Catholic Women's © and young people of the church on, " : Evans, League fee invived to hear Br. O Hagan Monday evening, when about five] noo Lo moulin and Miss Frances | OotoPer 29th, at § pm. Bundred svers orig Bl Thets Du Moulin, who have been with Mr. AAS dnvi - "land Mi h ' - » . teived by Rev. Dr. R. H. Bell and and Irs. Pullip Du Meulid. Syeeh Why don't the school children of On _ Bell and Dr. and Mrs. A. Polyong o ° tario rural schools who '- have our Ohown and members of the board Mopray. i.» wonderful soft maples which have ight for weeks, ; were about the rooms and halls in- ' Pat 7 : been such a glorious & froducing them to each other. Theil... 5 Agi Foster, THe Soe send along some of their treasures to a Broomstick. decorations were unusually fine.},, ny. i 'n town for a few days at in, children of the prairies who have ; Appropriate sandwiches for Hal- Jack-o'-lanterns grinned a cheerful 2 and Mrs. D. M. Riddle and only seen Manitoba maples in their ! : . lowe'sn are made of finely chopped welcome from the windows, and all Master ok. ek pen dry rusty yellow-brown dress? 1 i JO ua its Lore ports of gay Hallowe'en decorations | ? . \ i salad of celery, nuts and apples, and rR profusions turned the gd a town, left for Calgary via the| hat having lived under five sov- 3 baked beans and brown oy - school rooms into a bower of beau- - oy Sule 9. Monday, ereigns, Duglands oldest "Derby: | i ) ® oF pumpkin pie, grapes and other High class Pictures and Frames ty. Promenades, community sing-!,e Towel * Hlewg]) vid Misa go 284 Jean ate in the Limelight ae % i oY * % fresh fruits, popcorn, nuts, angel now at Bargain Prices. : es, violin solo by Mr. La ' ' "| Sophia Taylor, © + ' E ] i cake and devil's food, all fit for th Buc and o so0g by tia neq fram Puiladelyhia. Fu. While nay just celebrated Bo7 100th birth- . i Pepietny T Ho Photo Studio Now Open. ' y were lie gu of Mr.|gday and her husband became a cen- ; } : . : Sanders were much enjoyed. Re-| ng mre n y : . freshments were served downstairs|gvenue. Henry E. Seymour, Walnut | tenarian last April. : ! | : M. S. G artland By the wives of the board from a Mrs. B. V. Buchannan, Lond _-- a 4 rif 237 PRINCESS STREET es: Ae Na ' lon, That ueen's students 'drove hat five Q 3 y ] | AUNT HET One Door Above Harrison's a a ih Dgware -- Ont., is the guest of Prof, and Mrs. to Montreal in a one-seated motor to abl od went Ey relays, 260 Duncan McArthur, Wellington street. | see Queen's play McGill. The team v ' To 89 that has such supporters should ®t a time. Mr. E. P. Jenkins was| up and Mrs. T. Wilmot Siome, bring "the championship back to convenor of the committee Which |pragcott y ne : ; : 3 gave this enjoyable evening. ston. » Spent the week-aud in Kiag- | Kingston once move, 5 ie 3 . ' . § i ; > oo Col. John Buchan deputy chair-| That the woods are wonderful just] I : : Kingston Ss Leading Atrhauedd Sn Miss Bertha Smeeton, Ottaws.!man of Reuters, who is at present in| now. The hush of the dying year is whose marriage to Flying Officer E.|moronto, is expected im Ottawa om | proken by the ceaseless rustle of the : ne ® R. Owen ales Place sortly, Has the | wednesday, to address the Canadian | falling leaves, and the tap, tap of the : Florist guest of LoRoR at ac om ng y ar- | club. He will be the guest of their | woodpecker searching for tood. The ; : = age - neous : wes gen Excellencies the Governor-General |robins are with us still, and the ee ol Wedding Bouquets, Funeral De- by girls of the staff of the Civil {ang the Lady Byng of Vimy, for &|chick-a-dee's hoarse but cheerful ; 7 : *s} signs, Cut Flowers, Potted Plants Gervice Commission, Others Who few days at Government House. The [note can be heard from the thickets. | | =p. Cor, Brock and Wellington Streets have entertained for Miss Smeeton | .eaders of Col, Buchan's delightful | Little. grey blue nuthatchs creep : Sex Member F.T.D. were Miss lsahel Davidson and Miss | ooks will be interested: in his move-| along the tree trunks finding the ps ; : * | Phones: Oftice 770. Residence 2603w, dna Hearnden, who were hostesses | nents during his visit to Osnada. | tiny insects and small seeds and the a : No : ; 5 Vo ot a delightful vanity shower, «. * squirrels and chipmunks are as busy y ¥ SCE . Si a H. STONE, Manager The Right Rev. I. O. Stringer Mrs. Baker, Sr., and Miss Nellie |as bees getting ready for the long g i Husbaiids is like Shildren. They " D.D., Bishop of Yukon, "and Mrs. Balor, Niagura Falls, are visiting | winter days when the snow wil have a : : ) % OE ickes A rolling ston: thers kK Stringer bad the honor of lunching Bet rs. W. O. Baker, Centre| covered their supply ot food. € e ga no WOTK. with their Excellencies the Gover- i . S "- | mor-General and the Lady Bysg of ne ud Ny Sa Nose Sod That soft moll sollary.of white _ Miss Nevada Best, daughter of Rotarian L. T. Best, who || © - = ' + spent Sun |geors 5 will play the role of "Dorothy" in "All Aboard' at the Grand Vimy at Goverment House on Sat-lgay with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Scott,|ly long tassels 'often form the only 0 wruday. They left on Monday for|geljeville. ET i: reliet to a black frock. High colldrs Opera House, November 10th, 11th and 12th. JUST ARRIVED FROM foronto and will go on'shortly t0| nr Reginald Reddick, Kingston, |are creeping back through the per: their home in Dawson City. spent Sunday mith his parents in |manently attached scarf swathed an initial having been cut In each| glove, a fan; and the boys must BONNIE SCOTLAND y . Belleville. round the neck. apple. One must catch an apple] find each one. The ong who fails to Mrs. F. A. Folger Toronto, epend- .e. with the teeth, it not being allowed find one in five minutes will remain {ng the past month with her sister,| Mrs. R. J. Webster and Mrs, Fen- That an excellent picture of Miss | to touch them with the hands. a bachelor, Mrs. Henri Larkin, in Atlantic City, | ton Webster were in town from Gan-| Mary Hore, as she appeared in the A time-honored custom is to pare See who can write the best four- ! Kingston historical pageant, wearing | an apple without breaking the strip line stanza introducing the words 4s expected home shortly.' anoque on Tuesday. LE Mr. Lionel McKay, Wellington her great-grandfather's naval uni-| and toss the peeling over the shoul- "witch" and "Hallowe'en." See who 4 | Miss Betts, "Keywadin," was the | street, is the-guest of Mr, and Mrs. | form, was in fast weeks Toronto | der to ses what initial it will make, | can draw the best picture of a mmael moon hostess of the L.C. Reading Club on | Hilton R. Holmés, Ottawa. Sunday World. . Go into a dark room with a ~~" 100 pairs of the famous entertained at the tea hout on Mon- Jumping over the candle' is a owe" v day. Hail on Hints century-old game for Hallowe'en. . 3 a's That there are many children in 4 | Light twelve candles and place t h B l l ad Risse gave a suai luncheon | the Northwest whase parents were| To learn who will be your future them id the i naming each for e a =. These are made from the very finest of tl ata and Count a mont the year. Jump over at raqui ntry | born in Ontario or Quebec who have| mate, eat an apple befére a mir- o ¥ P Wool and are guaranteed to keep the Club on Monday. never seen a maple leat, the emblem | ror in a dimly-lighted room. Be- them in turn. The first to go out { You don't want to a. of which they sing so often. Somel| fore the apple is finished, "Mr. or from the draught caused by the feel that the frills appearance and not to wash up hard. 3 Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Sparks and |of the chapters of the 1.0.D.E. are| Mrs. Right" will look over jumping will be the month of the and furbelows of the O.D.B. ; your 8 : 1 1 ith gathering the leaves, now so lovely | shoulder." . jumper's marriage. other girls were more Each Blanket whipped singly wi Beir autumn tints, and packing] Put initials cut out of pasteboara| A contest suitable Is the thread. attractive and fetch- ; Yed and yellow ones in small oxes|in a tub of water. Biindtold the| PE of wet pumpkin seeds 'on a ing than yours, do Pink and Blue borders at $5.50, $6.50, first wrapping them in slightly damp | fate-seeker and have him dig up string. you ? $7.50 and $8.50 each. cotton wool and wax paper. They | some water in a dipper. If any in- In' telling fortunes, ibis scheme q Let Parker's help you then take a railway guide and find-|itials are found in his dipper, they may be used: A witch sitting be- A ' ! hind an imitation fire, over which make your gown a ing the names of some small places, will be those of his future mate. success. Whether it CANADIAN MADE BLANKETS on the prairie, address the boxes to|A variation of this performance is hangs a pot, and with behind her a ; i ti the teachers in the rural schools. 't f tent made of grey tissue paper, stirs is a costly creation i i - 0 have apples floating In the water the conténts of the pot and recites ..that only needs a mn White, Grey and colors at $3.00, it : some unintelligible phrases. As each thorough renovation . . in turn comes up to hear her fate, | or a simple little last $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 each. the witch asks her to put her hand year's frock that you in the pot and choose. Whatever want dyed to some * : is drawn out indicates thé fortune. new and becoming WwW | The witch will explain these. ghada : ® ® on e In the witch's pot are found such 9 things as the following, all made \ 'Phone 191. The Waldron Store of pasteboard, tissue paper, ete. } Witch with a X. (The subject soon ; | : Sh.with a X. (THE oHbleet 3 DYE WORKS LIMITED {} : experiences a fascination that is fraught with, danger), Witch with a re ---- horseshoe (A fascination from isn't half so important as the money you | vin soot wit mui 4 room| 99 Princess server, Kingston reas : (This means a journey). A broom 5 bs save. Millions of dollars are wasted on [3a 55 A000 Mayen: Phone 307 . ., an me). : TIE AAS expensive, indigestible foods--foods that [gui Ties vd oh supply no nutriment because they are not | ome Min a saa owt. (Money digested. Shredded Wheat supplies the [mec tan intasses tor good will begin with the next new greatest amount of nutriment at the JOWESt | Soon. Many others can be sasily devised. All predictions of death, _. fale as A of . . cost and with the least tax on the digestion. | acum. sd uk, sone Being ready-cooked it saves fuel, saves |tou must ai vo tor greater asst time, saves money. Two of these little | ™e room shouta' vo" aim for is time, Se nov baked whole wheat with [ut esses maa «| fo oaza lf EE loaves of flavory baked whole wheat wits ui I i ERE fang fl | LINDSA Ser. gg meal. Itisthe most [Honor mye Bl syle" 2. 7$395 pi Sold on easy terms of ten per cent. ebuisiom Monday. 3 match and a mirror, Light the yo . sw, ; match, and see in the mirror: the \ Mrs. James Miller, Albert street, Th eE. ditor hears face of your future companion, P A fter . \ an e S Sham x A