A Ar y i Soaking takes the place of rubbing-- Jost by soaking the clothes in the suds of this new soap, dirt is gently loosened and dissolved. Even the dirt that is ground in at neck- bands and cuff-edges yields to a light. rubbing with dry Rinso. Not a thread is weakened. The mild Rinso suds work thoroughly through and through the clothes without injury to a single fabric. Rinso is made by the makers of Lux. For the family wash it is as wonderful as Lux is for fine things. 'All grocers and depariment stores sell Rinso. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO LETTERS To The Editor The Witness of the Stars. Kingston, Oct, 29.--(To the tor): As modern theologians are closing almost exery doot and win- dow against the admission of evan- gelical truth and are tearing the Bible to shreds, will you permit me through your paper to draw the at- tention of your readers to the fact that they still have the impossible task of extinguishing the light shed upon the fundamentals from the heavens, of destroying God's illu- strated edition of the gospel as out- lined in the stars. They may scoff at "the allegory," so called, of the serpent and the fall of man, at judgment, at the virgin birth, at sacrificial atonement for sin, at God's classification of hu- manity, at the second coming of the Lord to wrest the whole world-sys- tem out of the hands of "the god of this age," but across the starry heav- ens God has written In letters of gold, with all rights reserved if one may judge from His intolerance of "sooth sayers and astrologers," truth for which, until recéntly, the church has ever stood There are, as every one knows, groups of stats which form the out- lines of gigantic pictures in the heavens known as constellations. The Encyclopaedia Brittanica states that they were recognized before Semitic times. = Among these constellations 18 Scorpio, the Serpent. Job, in speak- ing of the Creator, said, 'By His Spirit He garnished the heavens His hand hath formed the crooked ser- pent." God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven-r-and let them be for signsa." A sign is that by which anything is represented. Of what is the Serpent a sign? Surely Edi- heavens on a white horse to judge the earth in righteousness and to place "Wrong forever on the sca¥old Right forever on the throne." The Leo speaks of the "Lion of the Tribe of Judah," Who is surely coming with omnipotent power to bring the sfiswer to the prayer-- "Thy kingdom coma Thy will be done on earth as It is 'doné In Heaven." The signs of the Zodlac are un- doubtedly based upon God's revela- tion to man which antedated not only the outgrowth of heathen myths but the records of Scripture itself. 3 ' Night unto night showeth know- ledge (even the knowledge of salva- tion). There is no speech nor lan- guage where their vofce is not heard." - God from the heavens is speaking to earth through His "signs" as well as through His writ- ten Word reminding us that His gospel is still "the power of salva- tion to every one that believeth." Among the papers of the poet Moore the following was found and published recently for the first time in the London Times. It was writ- ten, Moore said, on seeing an allu- sion to the Scriptures which Byron "made one of his poems: Thou who hast known what would sadly know, Pléeasure's flefce throb, and Fame's exulting glow-- The cheating joys whioh through our being thrill-- Till God retrieve us! Say, it light divine - Dawns oy thy soul the viéw That holy page whence endless shall shine . The Godhead's glory--If a ray of true intelligence shall win thee to the mine Of Gospel treasure--All that man e'er knew | Of bliss and wisdom, Byron, shall be thine! ! all and brightens to Yours truly, of "that old serpent called the Devil and Satan," who cémes like that one creature which exerts a fascinating influence on its victims, fastening them with its glittering eve, stealing upon them by its low, noiseless, un- goen approach, perplexing them by its wide-circling folds, coming upon them from all sides at once, capable of crushing ts victim with every part of its sinuous length. It does not need to hunt down its vietims by long continued pursuit: its victims put themselves within its reach. Un- geen, Satan Hes in our path and be fore we have time to think we are fascinated and bewildered, his coils rapidly gather round us and his stroke flashes poison through our spirit. The very powers with which we would resist are pinned useléss to our side; to attempt to extricate one part is to become entangled in another. Deny his existence we may blot it out of the written word, but there in the heavéns is "the crook- od serpent" which 'His. hand hath formed," reminding us of his devices and of our need of a Saviour. Again there is the constellation Libra, the Seales which point to God's judgment against sin first at "a place called Calvary," then in & day of reckoning which is surely coming when "He shall judge the world In righteousness by that Man whont He hath ordained" and whose verdict in many cases will be "Thou are weighed In the balances and found wanting." . L Then there is the Virgo constella- | tjon---a pleture outlined in stars ofa young woman with a branch in her right hand and a sheaf of wheat in her left. All traditions empnasizé her virginity, The Greéks called her Parthenos; the Arabs, Adarah; the Hebrews, Bethulah. Seeds and branches represent reproduction or motherhood, In condemning Satan for introdficing sin into the world God sald--*1 will put enniity be tween thy seed and her seed (an un- usual expression biologloally indicat ing no Human father) and he shall bruise thy head." None but a super- man, a God-man, could crush the head of the Serpent. "The Lord Himeelf shall give a sign," sald FIsalah, "Behold a virgin shall con: His name Immanuel (God With us.) The first megnitude star, Spica, in the seed of the virgin's left hand, outshines all others in the constella- tion. The constellation Taurus (the Bull), Aries (thé Rath), Capricornus (the Goat) spesk of sacrifice. One ~he shall con~ sd and he shall unto the lows--"It a soul fess that he hath ceive and bear a son and shall call| oop ~--B. CARR-HARRIS. A LANSDOWNE CLUB HAS RE-ORGANIZED Borden Dillon, Montreal Bank Olerk, Has Been Sent to Kingston. Lansd&wne, Oct. 29.--A meeting of the Lansdowne Social Club was held on Friday, Oct. 24th, for the purpose of organising for the com- ing season. The following officers wete electéd: President, ¥. O. Mell- veen; sec.-treas., Dr. H. Lochead; directors, Percy Earle, Joseph Heg- slip, Frank Guiness; Mrs. Percy Earle, Mrs. A. K. Sha¥, Mrs. Gordon Surplis.. At the con- clusion of the business meeting Suneisg and cards were etijoyéd by On' Tuesday evening Mrs. ¥. O. Méllveen entertained the Bank of Montreal staff at dinner in honor of Borden Dillon, who is leaving shortly for Kingston. ° The wide-awake "Y's" of Lans- downe will hold thelr November meeting at the home of Miss Helen Beckstead on Wednesday evening, Nov. 5th, The topic Ts "Life of Frances Willard." The Lansdowne Auxiliary of the Women's Missionary Soclety of the Methodist church, are preparing a bale otf clothing and other comforts to be sent away early in November. Those wishing to contributes will please leave their donations at Mrs. willlam H. Foley's or at the par- sonage. L.O.L. No. 26 will hold its memorial service on Sunday, Nov. 9th, in Chalmers 'Presbyterian church, at 2.30, pm. A. E. Mooney is removing from Ivy Lee this weak and will take his family te Kingston for the winter, = 22 Frank McDonald is visiting rels- tives in Toledo and Brogkville. Mrs. Murphy, Kihgston, and Mrs. Maho- fiey and little som, t the week- énd guests of Mr. , J. P. Pap afternoon bt a a a" k's | I war. Raward Flood and and a success ih Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Shortell, of the laws of Moses reads as fol} ni patronesses;" Gananoque, | Redeem Your NICTORY LOAN BONDS (MATURING NOVEMBER 15T, 1924) WITHOUT CHARGE AT ANY BRANCH OF K>TORONTO HRA INCORPORATED 1855 PAYMENT WILL BE MADE IN CASH OR PLACED TO YOUR CREDIT AS DESIRED re - " Carthy has been removed ronto. Relatives from here attended the funeral of the late Claude Root, held in Gananoque, on Monday afternoon, A farewell party for Borden Dillon was held at the Manse on Tuesday evening. Mr. Dillon leaves on Mon: day for his mew position in King- ston. Mrs. 8. Donevan, who has been with her daughter, Mrs, John Collins, Mallorytown, has returned home, to To- Moonshiner Convicted. Brockville, Oct. 30.--Duncan Me- | McKelveysB a Tavish, Kitley, was fined $200 and the road, a short distance from costs, or six months, by Magistrate Page, for having a quantity of mash | Portland, an automobile owned by James Marshall, Seeley's Bay, who used in the manufacturing of liquor, | was em route to Perth, overturned in his possession. the amount of the fine and costs, buy in addition thereto must serve one month in the county jail. Frank White, South Crosby, who completed a sentence of a month in the county jail for having a portion of a still in his possession, pail $200 and costs and regained his liberty. Motorists Are Injured. Brockville, Oét. 80.--8werving on McTavish paid ! into a diteh, geverely injuring the driver," his daughter, Mrs. J. M. Henderson of this town, and the lat- ter's son, who were all more or less cut and bruised. i Kent county police are on the look-out for three confidence men who have been victimizing farmers in the county with $10 Mexican bills, No potato shortage in Gréat Brit- ain. Ry ns Limited HAS ---- 1 T0 SEE YOU! IC 7 They are anxious to séé you save money -- they want you to know that everything in their Retail Hardware Store, from a tack to a fine Kitchen Range is being offered for less than the goods cost MCKELVEY & BIRCH at the factory -- in fact, a great quantity is going at LESS THAN HALF PRICE. Then again--don't forget that these goods are the best products of the best fac- 'tories--no second bests. Also Please Remember that MCKELVEY & BIRCH, Ltd., will continue the contracting business with more vim, vitality and push than ever--af- ter the retail store goods are'all sold -- in fact thie contracting end of our business is growing so fast that the retail end has to get off the road--it's in the way. COME! HURRY! ACT! SAVE! i ek ln KINGSTON '