THE DAILY BRITISH. WHIG " THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1024, FINE FOXES The valu¢ of a McKay Fox is more than Fur deep. It is Skin deep. Each pelt is taken when the animal is in finest Winter coat; when the fur is deep, thick and glossy, and the skin pliable and rich in beauty, retaining oils. Comparison will emphiasi the desirability of a McKay Fox. Among the smart dyed shades are exquisite Parisian Grays, Cocoa, Beige and Platinum. In the natural shades there are rare specimens of those Aristocrats of Foxdom---the Royal Silver Fox, Blue, Black, White, Silver Cross and Labrador Red Foxes. Jobe McKay Limbod 119-157 BROCK STREET ATO STROP RAI Gold Plated A S50 Branigan's Drug in Next to Strand Theatre 'Phone 18. "ALL ABOARD" Is Coming Soon And board at your own house, there must be something wrong with the A you are using. Get the best at HENDERSON'S. See L, ABOARD" and be happy. "If It's Good We Sell It" Established 1868. : HENDERSON 'S on Brock St. YOU BUY WHEN! Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste. The exceptional tone quality in the Weber . AT C. " HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE W. LINDSAY'S Princess Street CONVINCED, Warerooms, 1§ } OUGHTON x Pure (4s) ...... Pure Marmalade (4s). ...... Clover Honey (OY uiry iv. FRIDAY Carnation Milk ... 2 tins 25¢. Lemons (last lot), dos. .. 18c, Clover Leaf Salmon (large) Clover Leat Salmon (small) "se Sere snare Sewenn ) c | oe 63c. | 73c. |SELL BY AUCTION SPACES ON MARKET Recommendation by the Pro- perty Committee to the City Council. The civic property committee will make a recommendation to the city council, et its next meeting to setl by auction, the spaces on the market square. At e recent meeting of the council, a deputation of the market gardeners asked that this action be | taken, and at a special meeting of the comfittee held on Wednesday even- ing, the matter was under discussion and it was decided to auction to make a recommendation to the coun- ¢il to auction the spaces off the first Saturday in December. The city so- ticitor will be asked to prepare a by- law covering the matter, and this | by-law will be presented to the |'\couneil. The members of the property com- mittee have given the matter serioue consideration, end are anxious to give the plan a test, as it is working out with great success in many cities. As alrecdy stated in the Whig, it has been found that other cities are realizing substantial sums of money as a result of rentals charged for | market space. At a meeting of the | conimittee heid on Monday of this | week, information was given by Dr. W. W. Sands, city clerk, as regards what other cities arg doing in the matter. This infor jon has al- ready been given in the Whig. i | 'The by-law governing the market in Ottawa was taken as a starter, {the by-law to be prepared for King- | ston to meet the conditions here. | The city engineer recently pre- | pared a plan of spaces to be alloted on the market ,and spaces of 8 feet 8 inches or in accordance with the plane, as some will be smaller and some a little larger, will he offered at auction, none of the spaces to be | old for Jess than $5 per annum. The { by-law will call for these spaces to | be occupied at 9 a.m., so this will assure the public of an early matket, and it is felt by the committee that | this' will be appreciated. Market | gardeners will be limited to two spaces each. Farmers purchasing the spaces will not be called upon to pay th usual market toll, It is estimated that there will be twenty-five mar- ket gardeners alone seeking space on the market. Under the present system of collecting tolls, the city realizes from $900 to $1,000 per year, while other cities from th plan of renting spaces, have been ll | realizing ail the way from $2,000 ll | to over $8,000 a yéar. Thé market | gardeners want the spaces alloted | so they will be sure of a place and have stated that they are williig to pay a good price for these locations and the auction sale should prove a most interesting one. The present market by-law will be amended so that the plan of sell- ing the &paces at auction can be car- Tied on. Ald. Joyce was the ohly member of the committee to raise an ob- jection to the proposal, but after the "matter had been thoroughly discuss- od, he sald he was willing to give the matter a trial. He said that he felt that the selling of the spaces by auction might be a hardship on some of the farmers. He thought the selling of the spaces in this Way would be the means of driving many oft the market. However, the otlier on the market, and who wanted to make sure of a favorite "spot," would be quite willing to pay, and for this reason, and in an endeavor to keep up Kingston's market, tow regarded as one of the best in the province, the committee voted to have a bydaw passel to secure the necessary authority to go ahead with their plans. he fact that the rented spaces are meats that IT MUST FIRST ASK BOARD'S PERMISSION To Install Gasoline Pump Be~ + fore Work Can Be, Pro- ceeded With. At a meeting of the civic fire and | light committee on Tuesday after- noon, it was decided to erect a 225- gallon gasoline pump at the Brock street fire station, for the purpose of supplying the motor apparatus. The members of the Board of Works, at their meeting on Wed- pesday afternoon, received a request from the fire and light committee asking that the board undertake the 'installation of the pump. As mno formal application had been made to the board for permission to install the gasoline pump, no action was taken on the matter. It has been the rule that all re- quests for the installation of gaso- line pumps should go to the board of works, whose members believe that the fire and light committee is not immune from this rule, and so acted accordingly. Owing to the fact that gasoline is being stored at the fire station there has been an increage in the in- surance rates and the committee after considering the matter felt that it would be a paying proposition to install a pump, Ald. Peters, the chairman, pre- sided at the meeting, and the other members present were Alds. Joyce, Johnston, Sargent and Kidd. i * Discovered in 1518, Four hundred and eleven years ago an intrepid Spanish explorer and adventurer, Juan Ponce de Leon, by name, first set foot on a land of luxuriant sub-tropic growth knowa to-day as Florida, Since that time Florida has be- come perhaps the most alluring Winter Resort in the world. A warm-wateréd ocean . offers bath- ing at its best; a few miles off-shore the mons#trous and sporty Tuma and Tarpon await the more adventurous disciples of Izaak Walton; a 1- lous beach fringed with tic palms, broad motor highways, scores of green, velvet-smooth gol courses --the whole steeped in glorious sun- shine and perfumed with the frag- rance of fruit blossoms and sub- tropical flowers. Nature has lavished her bounties on: Florida, and man has moulded them for his Convenience. There are facilities for every summer recrea- tion--surf-bathing, deep sea fishing, boating, golfing, tennis, riding, mot- oring, 'beautiful hotels, splendid apartments and bungalows house the visitor in luxurious comfort. Canadian National Railways can offer a splendid service in helping you plan your visit, For full infor- mation and reservations apply to J. P, Hanley, C.P. and T.A. C.N.Ry, Kingston, Ont. ' & The Late Harvey 8. Buck, The death occurred on Oct. 14th of one of Loughboro's most highly respeoted residents in the person of Harvey 8. Buck, at the age of seven- ty-five years. He lived practically all his life in the vicinity of Kep- ler, where he was born and resided until three years ago, when he re- tired and moved to Sydenham. In religion he was a Methodist. Left to mourn his loss are his widow and two sons, Herbert of Kingston, dnd Dr. Loyst of Grimsby. The funeral, conducted by Rev, W. Hollings worth, took place from his late resi- dence to Sydénham cemetery. members felt that all doing business | Canadian National Railway The gross earnings.of the Cana- dian National Railways from Jan. 1st to Oot. 31st, have been §1965,- 825,323.00; or a decrease of $11, 070,018.13 over the correspondin period of 1923, . Oyster Shell for Hens. Just received from Baltimore new- Iy shed shell. Keeps hens heal- thy and makes them lay; at Carnov- sky's fruit store. "The Hat Store" LADIES' HATS SPECIAL-DOLL SALE! DRESSED, UNDRESSED, FULL JOINTED and MA MA DOLLS SPECIAL--13 INCH MA MA DOLL ................. 98c. MOORE'S 206-6 WELLINGTON STREET SEE WINDOWS SEE WINDOWS NEW FLOOR COVERINGS Beautiful Rugs A wonderful assortment of beautiful Carpet Squares in Bruse suit every color scheme ~---- all sizes. Mats to match. Quality considered our prices are remarkably low. Linoleum and Con- goleum Rugs and Mats Floor Linoleums A pattern or color for every room in the home, office or public building, a quality for every use. In stock at all times are Printed, Inlaid Cork and Battleship Lino- leums, in all widths. Phone 986 and let us give you an FLOOR OILCLOTHS Best quality, heavy, Floor Oilcloths in neat 'Block, Tiling and Floral designs; all widths from | to 2} yards. Special . . .60c. sq. yd. NEW TABLE OILCLOTH SQUARES .... $1.25 and $1.50 each 'Newman & Shaw | THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE 1 : Z the cough have a croupy sound, give pure glychbrine, one half to one tea- spoonful according to age. This Is Hats $2.98 absolutely harmless, It is much bet- ! ter than giving coal ofl or goose oil PARISIAN MILLINERY as in former days. If there is no 322 BROCK STREET reliet im some hours, eend for th physician. I could mention other drugs to give, but as they depress To The Editor For Real Estate| Fire Insurance | EW. Malin . $4,800; New brick, detached dwelling, with 7 rooms, attic floored, furnace, electric light, 8 piece bath and extra lot. Easy terms if desired. the heart, should not be given haphazard without a doctor's orders, for many a child has been Injured or left too long by listening to the advice of others. In all cases give a purgative of castor oil or which I prefer a good dose of olive oil, which is not only a purgative but a food to the sys- tem. I trust, Mr. Editor, that you will see that this letter will appear in the semi-weekly paper, as well as |} the dally, for many outside of the city take the semi-weekly. It is those more particularly I wish to reach. For in the city the people can get a physician in a few minutes, but what about those who have to go fifteen or twenty-five miles for a doctor? ~W. A. McCARTHY, M.D. Sailor Joe Travels South. Bonhem, Texas, Oct. 31.--(To the BEditor) : Just a line to let you know that 1 have left the Gold Medal Shows to take charge of the Museum and Circus Side Show on the Con. T. Kenneys Shows at Waco, Texas, We are just driving through here now. | We came all the way from Pittsburg, Kansas, by auto. The Con. T. Ken- mnedy is making an all-winter tour in Florida, Mississippi and California. 1 have with me four :great freaks, Puig Poss, Mary Gallucl the Ital- ian Midget, Jack Limb the Skeleton Dude, and Joe Cramer, India rubber. neck men. These four freaks I have under contract for one year. Well of whom are quite aclive Oo