FRIDAY: NovENGER m1, ae THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. KIWANIS CLUB OF KINGSTON PRESENTS "THE MIKADQ" GRAND OPERA HOUSE November 24th, 25th & 26th | 4 PERFORMANCES | The Manufacturers Life | THE KIWANIS CLUB PRESENTS i Noirs Chncalatcs es. .] ce Co. | | mm "THE MIKADQ" || Christies Biscuits ~ KIWANIAN M. G. JOHNSTON, rr MeaVo¥t, .. | | H. 1. HORLING, Cashier Gilbert & Sullivan's Famous Two Act Comic Opera Under the R. H. TOYE & CO. N. KIWANIAN HARRY LAW. F. L. JACKSO I Direction of Dr. Joseph Andre. PROM 25D COMMESSION MERCHANY, 75 Distinguished Local Artists in the Cast--Specialties between acts Popular Prices 50c¢., 75c¢., $1.00, $1.50. Wednesday Matinee. Seat Plan now open at Grand Opera House THE KIWANIS OLUB PRESENTS ON NOVEMBER 24th, 25h, 26th A MONARCH Gilbert & Sullivan's Two Act Oomic Opera "THE MIKADO" | BATTERY "With your Radio Set will give best results. Under the Direction of Joseph Andre. ' (By arrangement with the Owner of the Composer Copyright) Your Auto needs an efficient Battery for this cold season, 1 tea a : . : . INSTAL A MONARCH FOR RELIABILITY. CROTHER'S, KINGSTON The Kiwanis Club are making great preparations for the production of the Mikado on Nov. |} , i| 24th, 25th and 26th. It will be entirely by local talent and under the distinguished patronage || Madé fn Ki Ful tool of His Excellency, Lord Byng, governor-general of Canada; Mrs. Cockshutt, Hon. G. Howard KIWANIAN 1. COHEN. 7 gna =| Ferguson, premier of Ontario, and Mrs. Ferguson; Hon. Arthur Meighen, General Sir Archibald || i Macdonell, R.M.C., and Lady Macdonell; General Arthur E. Ross, M.P., and Mrs. Ross; General |" ill J. H. Elmsley, general officer commanding, and Mrs. Elmsley; Hon. W. F. Nickle, attorney- [Ji general, and Mrs. Nickle; Hon- Lincoln Goldie, provincial secretary, and Mrs. Goldie; Prinei- ||| KIWANIAN W, J. CROTHERS. I The proceeds of "The Mikado" will be devoted to the charity and welfare fund of the lo- ll cal Kiwanis Club, most of it for work among under privileged boys and the Boys' Farm, which [ff ll! is now being established by the Ontario Government. | & . on HN Xi pal Bruce Taylor, of Queen's University. The support of these distinguished gentlemen and || on o a \r your support becauseitisa their wives was secured through their interest in the great growing work of Kiwanis. ll : urniture 2 { f There is nothing like truthful advertising. THOSE TAKING PART IN THE OAST ARE: «STOP TO THINK-- The Mikado «--c-c corvernriciiiiiiiiiiniiin.. Mr. Jack Elder I Can you get gold dollars for 50c. pieces? Nanki-Poo Mr. Harold Singleton il The quality and price sell our goods every time. Mr. Charles Gates | rer BO. years' Sapitisute should be a good guarantee. PoOl-Balt +++: cc sstreie srinssirprsnnse Mr. A. J. Woodthorp goods mark plain figures at 23 ! | Pish Tush Mr. Ernest Hess a feiads hn ry xno a 3 ho Yum-Yum -... Miss Marion Bruton and Miss Marjorie Newton ROBT i; REID of DECEMBER EIGHTH. ~ H Pitti-Sing Miss Annie Pollard and Miss Mary Gration I : Peep-Bo Miss Eileen Moffatt and Miss Bessie Gratton ll 260, 263, 284 PRINCESS STREST KIWANIAN B. 0. SMITHIES. : Katisha .... Mrs. Fred Taylor, Miss Winnie Secker and - Telephone Ambulance 577. Mrs. A. G. Self KIWANIAN R. J. REID. Umbrella Bearer to the Mikado ++. «Mr. William Smith Stage Manager ----- Ean snaan ipa ne ana anna. Mr. Charles Gates Special Scenery and Costumes, large Chorus and Orchestra. Ladies and Gentlemen taking part Miss Claire Curtis, Mr. Jack Elder, in the Mikado: Miss Dorothy Jenkins, Mr. Charles Gates, Miss Anne Pollard, Miss Alice Treadgold, Mr. A. J. Woodthorp, Miss Mary Gratton, Miss Margery Kennedy, Mr. Eruest Hees, Miss Marion Brutton, Mies Marjorie Lambert, Mr. Edward Steacy, Miss Marjorie Newton, Miss Carmel Lambert, Mr. Herbert D. Harling, Mrs. Fred Taylor, Miss Evelyn Jackson, Mr. Jack Alexander, Miss Winnie Secker, Miss Violet Jackson, Mr. H, B. Trotter, . F. Fiyan, Mr. Frank Goddard, » 3 75% of the Bowlers ir Tornato, Oshawd, Belleville are Mims Ww Miss Dorothy Cople ; ! ins Afleen Kane, pley, Mr. T. H. Hall, . k . Jin Siw Kana, Mis Grace Lavols, Mr. Thomas Stash, When You Want Good Things To Eat, Buy In will be the same in Kingston! Miss Dorothy. B. Tulloch, ss Mary ead, Mr. G. Balley, F ' Miss Matjorie Lawl Miss Marie Goswell, Mr. Joe Whalen, rom the Place That lls Them. Qus Ladin Late already formed. Ladies' Rest Room. sh Miss Mas E. Millner, Hr 1S nan yr Se Miss Marjorie J. Ferguson, Mr. K. McMahon, Miss Margaret E. Fearne, Mr. hE Ene EE Crawford's Grocery Miss Catherine Muchmore, Mr. J. Miss Nellie Gollogly, Mr. TELEPHONE 26. Miss Nellie Carr, Mr. : KIWANIAN STUART CRAWFORD. ji Hig Hi Hi H > Miss Hattie McKegney, © Mr. Miss Mary McGrath, Mr. Miss Rita LeBlane, : Nr. . ) Miss Mamie Wil i Mr. Mr. Harold Sin ; r.'B. D. EETERIIERINE i i 75 Accidents on Street Cars last year, due to col- Hakone with vehicis. high heels, sight skirts and slighting Hons cars backwange, KINGSTON, PORTSMOUTH AND [CATARAQUI ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY | EIWANAN HUGH 0. MIGKLE. A