10 » AUTO SENSE r 3 3 BULLETIN THE RADIATOR SHELL 15 PRO- TECTED WITH BAK ENAMEL AND A COAT OF VARNISH BUT IF THE RADIATOR OILS OVER OFTEN THE HOT WATER WiLL DISCOLOR THE VARNISH, GUARD AGAINGT OVER- HEATING WW $:, DOING 'NOW -- USING BEAUTY CLAY ON ITS FACE 7 Keep the MINSTRELS. WHAT CAN | 00 Radiator Clean LEMON On. AND ELBOW G SHOULD TURN THE TRIG , BUT IF YOU HAVEN TO CLEAN OUT THE COOLING SYSTEM (' D PAINT THE CAR A MUD COLOR TO COVER UP THE EVIDENCE, Hens Wise to Automoblles Bloomsburg," Pa., Nov. 22.--Al- though the reason a chicken cross- es the road never has been sattled to the satisfaction of everyone, the fact that most fowls attempt to get on the other side of the highway Is responsible for thousands of dol- Jars loss to farmers in this part of the state, and many other sections. "Automobile mortality" is one of the chief sources of loss to poultry- men, it is declared, and two pro- teotive steps are being taken. One is the removal of the chicken pens to points far distant from the road, and the other the breeding of birds that have shown, under observation, a readiness to stay on their own side of the road when an automobile comes along. " Tests made with nearly 100 flocks of a certain breed revealed but a halt dozon chickens which went across the road. With other breeds there were less than a half dozen of entire flocks along the road which £ EDWARDS {AUTO SERVICE McLaughlin Car "= Owners Try the man that knows your car. Bix years of factory experi. ence in the McLaughlin factory. All, work absolutely guaran- teed. Flat rate if you prefer it. 85 MONTREAL STREET 'PHONE 2544w. (TE il Auto Tops New and Repaired Cushions SIDE CURTAINS. 5 Also did not try to cross. Some of the farmers are not slow to realize the difference and are turning to those breeds which 'stay put" and aveid the lossers. On farms along main highways the losses to flocks from motor cars has been as high as 25 per cent. In some cases a single passing auto- mobile has killed four chickens. Speed Tendency Increases British Road Casualties London, Nov. 22.--Motor cars in England have not yet become so common that they kill as many peo- ple each year as does Influenza, which stat.stics show to be the case nowadays in America, but the toll of 1ite on the highways is becoming a - matter of concérn over here, too. |! In the past 12 months road ac- International Federation Takes cidents Increased in number by 26 Back German Motor Cyclists per cent. over the previous year. Sir Berlin, Nov, 22.--German motor cyclists have been readmitted to the International Federation of Motor Cycle Clubs, according to word recelved here from tho inter- national headquarters at Parls, Motor cycling is a favorite sport {fn Germany, and occupies a much more prominent position in sport- ing life bere than it does in tho Un- {fed States. The fact that German motor cyclists were barred from the {nternational federation has been felt keenly by the German's and the removal of the ban is-halled with satisfaction, British Motor Trade Brisk Despite Taking Off Duties Lonlon, Nov. 22.-- The with- drawal of the McKenna dutles has not hurt the British motor trade, ac- cording to Sir John Simon, who in a recent address sald: "Birmingham happens to be both the Mecca of tariff reform and the principal market for motor shares. Since t! McKenna dutles came off, Birm.ngham newspapers announce that the market in motor shares is very active, that the threatened foreign invasion is be- ing met by a better article at a re- duced price and that the British light car industry is well establish- ed. Gramophones tell a similar tale. Manufacturers, it was reported, were passing through a period of unexampled prosperity. There was similar prosperity in the piano trade, anl a possible shortage of pianos." Expert Battery Repairs VULCANIZING BATTERIES TIRES UniversalT ire & Battery Service Cor. of Queen & Ontario Sts. F. R. OHLKE, Prop. Phone 981. ah Ah hh Aa A ed TTT YY YY RY RY © Your gasoline engine as pow- Arrange MR. MOTORIST Cold weather is here! Antifreeze, guaranteed to 15 ei ------------------------ EE Su a Henry P. Maybury, director-general | of roads in the Ministry of Trans- port, told a recent meeting of motor manufacturers, that he has been im- pressed with the growing tendency to increased speeds by all manner of vehicles, High speed driving is more dang- erous in England that in almost any | other country with good roads, for ! the country highways seldom keep | to a straight line for any consider- | able distance. It is doubtful if they i ever will, unless automobiles be- come considerably more numerous and new roads are demanded. Ome of the charme of England 1s her winding narrow roads, lined with hedges, and few want to see them given up merely for the sake of iting from place to place in less me. French Car Makers Recognize All Chauffeurs Are Not Short Paris, Nov. 22.--Long legs final- ly have overcome tradition in the French automobile. Until this year driver's seat has been rare. "We've always known the driver was cramped," sald one of the lead- ing factory's representatives re- THE DAILY BR THE ENER@Y the body with liberal room in the cently, "but what would you have ITISH By Williamson " BULLETIN MUDDY WATER IN THE RADIATOR OF TEN RUNS OVER 'THE SHELL WHEN YOU ARE TAKING WATER ABOARD AND THE MUD DRY S OVER THE VARNISH -- KEEP THE WATER CLEAN BY DRAINING AND FLUSHING THE RADIATOR ONCE A MONTH us do? In the first cars the drive: sat up straight, Later the manu- facturers built the body for a short chauffeur, and with most of the room in the back for the owner and his friends. Someone then adopted the standard of about five feet four as the height of the driver, and this has been maintained. Many people complained, but the practice con- tinued except where the owner or- dered a special body and had it built 50 Ne himself might drive. But now foreigners, particularly Americans, have presented a strong argument, and it has been a simple matter to make the change so that leg-room in front is no longer a sign of the car's price." U. 8. Auto License Plates. Washington, Nov. 22.--The auto- mobile license plates for 1925 will have a new variety of color schemes. A number of the states will have different colored license plates for passenger cars, trucks and motor- cycles within their borders. Louis- fana will have seven different color arrangements in its 1925 "tags," the most elaborate plan in the Un- fon. ' Officials of the American Auto- mobile Association explain that the states endeavor to use in their plans for registration plates the colors that will show best at a distance, so that a number may be more easily "taken" in case of trouble. ---------------------- A man may easily get a reputation for silence if he talks only when he has something to say. Duty may be in the shape of a burden, but don't shirk from it, A lot of people seem to be afrald of wounding the devil's feelings, A patch may denote poverty, but it also may tell of self dependence. occupying the front seat. utmost to stop it. It is difficuit wide. gh to drive a emergency, is prevented. brake pedal advantageously, HE i FE i] fed ef § 81 1 : 8 | ! 2 2 i sf : i one who has any interest in reducing motor car Where The Danger and squeezed to such a degree 'that all his motions are or difficult, it 1s no wonder that accidents often happ( : Control Interfered With Loan With restricted elbow room, rapid spinning of the wheel in an Somebody's knees may be in the way when the brake lever is reached for to make a 'vitally necessary stop. operator is crowded too far to the left to enable him to operate the even if someone else's foot is mot In the ~way., Moreover, the operator, jammed over toward the left, is brought into such a position that the windshield support with his view of his side of the road. The driver's handicap is made all the more severe if his seat-mates do not Keep still--as they very ALBERT L.CLOUGH The Crowded Front Seat "Shall We Have To Resurrect The Divided Front Sealy STATUTES, ORDINANCES, POLICE REGULATIONS and warnings from authoritative sources seem not to be roving effective in the growing practice of operating cars with more than two persons It constitutes a very real danger and every- stopping haxards should do his Lies car safely, nowadays, even under the most favorable conditions, but when the operator is crowded way . toward the left side of the seat, out of his accustomed driving position amped and The interferes appreciably starter crank the engine Yor a long time, before the lack of ignition' is noticed, would cause an unneces- ey ran on the battery, but that is the only iil effect that would be produced. book accompan states that oll pressu 18 pounds at high speed, but it has never exceeded five pounds since have had it and the engine gets very hot. How can the pressure be WHIG Back to EN SE a pa Stonewall ackson The old time favorite at the Monufbcured by Gerral Cigar Company Limited, IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED, Sole Distributors. RECORD FOR SUSTAINED SPEED Ascari, Italian racer, being helped from his car after driv- ing 531 miles at the rate of 98 miles an hour. He was in a state of physical exhaustion. His mark it said to be a new world's record for sustained speed. old time price GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Guns, Rifles repaired and refitted. Paris su Saws filed, knives, scissors and edge tools ground. Lochs repaired. Keys fitted te all kinds of locks. All makes of Lawn Mowers saarpened and reo paired. We can repair anything that is repairable. J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Street, Kingstom WALL New Fall stock of Wall Paper just arrived. Choice range of patterns to i pick from. 1 See us for estimates on deco. rating your home. | W. G. VEALE 814 BARRIE STREET Welsh Coal Just arriving. To those that have uwed it, it needs mo comment. To those whe haven't had It, it is all Coal, no slate or stome. Very little ash, with 30 per cent. more heat. We ean only get a Mmited quantity, Order eariyl W. A Michell & Co MAIL 10% FOR GENEROUS SAMPLE, Templotons, 122 Kine West. Toronte "For sale by Jas. B. McLeod, Mahood Pharmacy. siti . O i your prejudices may discredit you. Don't lose sight of the fact that wall ad Dopse BROTHERS TOURING CAR {for_all-weather driving Widespread comment on the beauty or the car has not overshadowed public appreciation of its really exceptional riding comfort, smoothness of operation and long life, Bad weather also emphasizes the value of other features--the unfailing response, in extreme cold, of Dodge Brothers powerful starter, and the snug protection afforded by suitable curtain enclosures. A special enclosure with glass windows, 'which will provide closed car appear- ance and comfort, is now available at. slight additional cost. M. OBERNDORFFER 124 CLARENCE STREET.