BATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1924 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG A ren ee ------------ Phone Godkin's Livery "For Bus and Taxi Buggies and Saddle Horses BUS FOR CATARAQUI CEMETERY Dally except Monday and Saturday at-1.45 p.m. Capes, ( x plete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home. wW.C. CANNON 164 Barrie Street. Phone 11084. TO LET RIDEAU STREET--{rame, peven rooms, eclectyic light. $16.00 per month. GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Plate Glass, Liability, Auto, Burglary, Baggage. Agent Great West Life Assurance Company. R. H. Waddell Phones 326, N96. #6 Broek Street PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine street. 'PHONE 134. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets. 'Telephone 363. Cr FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE UF EVERY DESC N RIPTIO Kingston Transfer Co. PHO, 337. EVENINGS 2281. 158 WELLINGTON STREET DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. Evenings by appointment. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs and wi bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Residence 1187. W.R. McRae & Ca. Golden Lion Block Our Coal is one kind of "fire insurance." It insures 8 good, brisk, lively, hot fire, with no bother, no dirt, no clinkers. = : BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards AA ----------------d DELCO-LIGHT | | | | i | | f ! '© and so weakening in their effect! 316 | FRUIT TREATMENT. ror CONSTIPATION | Quick and Permanent Relief | By Taking *Fruit-a-tives" What a glorious feeling it is to be well, What a relief to be free of cathartics, salts, laxatives and purga- tives that merely aggravate consti- pation and are so unpleasant to take What a satisfaction to know that the juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunes will absolutely and perma- nently relieve constipation. :- By a certain process, the juices of these fruits can be concentfated and combined with tonics--and it is these intensified fruit juices that correct constipation, relieve headaches and biliousness, and make you well and keep you well. "Fruit-a-tives" are sold every- where at 25¢. and 50c. a box--or sent Jontpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, tawa, Ont. THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987 See ws for all kinds of Carpentry| work. Estimates given on mew floors iald. Wave your hardwood floors clean. od with our mew fSlvor ecloaning mae POT OL TONY Te ILL EGR EE MONEY ORDER CPR DOMINION EXPRESS STATIONS AGENCIES a DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 84 Princess Street. 'Phone 1850 Gas for Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT a Geo. A. Wright & Son MACHINE WORKS 234-238 Ontario Street. . Phone 1264 All kinds of machines and machinery repaired. Prompt snd efficient service. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w. -- a Deatal-Dr. Alex. M. Clark will continue Y sandugt the practice of Dr. A. Stewart. OFFICE: 84 BROCK STREET Evenings by appointment. Phone 2002 Dr. W. O. Vrooman DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Priests and Barrie i: reets. Entrance: 314 Barrie Street. PHONE "404J. Evenings by appointment. EE HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING & PLEATING MRS. H. J. SHALES National Cleaners Phone 2166. Bagot and William Streets Kingston's Leaiine Florist Wedding Bouquets, Funeral De signs, Cut Flowers, Potted Plants Cer. Brock and Wellington Streets Member F.T.D. Phones: Office 770. Residence 2603w. H. STONE, Manager FOR SALE $7,600--Brick V., kitchen, dining Nicely located om . the | ton. Flour was quoted at from KINGSTON AND DISTRICT Heads The Children's Aid. J. M. Denyes, Milton, inspector of schools, has been chosen president of the Children's Aid Society of | Halton County. He is & former resi- dent df Odessa. Gives $10,000 to Hospital. The Hospital of the Good Samari- tan, Watertown, N.Y., has been pre- sented with $10,000 by the estate of W. A. Stevens in accordance with in- structions given before his death. Has Third Crop. James Mitchell, a farmer living In Elizabethtown has demonstrated the fertility of the soil upon his farm by recently harvesting a matured crop of cabbages the third crop to be taken from the same land this season, s-------------------- To Made Additions. Perth Board of Education will en- large the collegiate institute there. "It is proposed to add a storey to the gymnasium bullt a few years ago, and build in one of the light "wells," providing six new rooms, including a large eommercial form and type-writing room. Visited At Picton. Colonel Fraser, head of the Arch- {ves department of the Province of Ontario, was the guest of Inspector Smith for a few days last week. The colonel is always on the lookout for historical records for the archives. With Mr. Fred Newman and Mr. Smith he visited the Cooper store- house at South Bay and procured many papers of historical value. Fifty Years Ago. Butter was selling in Renfrew at from 22 to 25 cents per pound. Hay was worth from $13 -to $15 Per $6 to $6.50 per barrel. Potatoes were listed at from 50 to 55 cents per ewt. Wheat and oats were also quot- ed by hundredweight, the former at $1.80 to $2 and the latter at 90 cents to $1.05. Dental Clinic For Schools. . Miss Crowe, public school nurse, | was authorized by the Pembroke Board of Education to arrange for a dental clinic for the inspection of the teeth of children attending the public schools. Miss Crowe told the board that eighty-five per cent. of the children attending the public schools have defective teeth, and that the local dentists had agreed to make the survey free of charge. Madawaska Water Not Perfect. Engineer Berry, Department of Public Health, Toronto, was in Arn- prior conferring with the council and the board of health on matters of importance concerning the sani- tary conditions of the town. First Mr. Berry visited the waterworks pumphouse and his conclusions were that the filtering equipment is now much too small and requires another unit; to this should be added a ghlorinating plant. But for the known clarity of the Madawaska river the department, he said, would long ago have insisted on the instal- lation of this equipment. Formed a Partnership. On Dec. 1st the large general merchandise stock of Burdick & Armstrong, Cape Vincent, N.Y. will be taken over by W. F. Blum, of the village, and W. H. Monteith, Clayton. The new firm will be Mon- teith & Blum. Both Mr. Monteith and Mr. Blum have had quite a bit of experience in the mercantile business. The surviving member of the old firm, Charles Armstrong, connected with the business since 1887, will retire. . Repairing Old Windmill. The old windmill at Maitland, the scenic of stirring times a century ago, and which was erected in 1814 | by Colonel Jones, and used by him for many years to grind corn and wheat for the early settlers, is be- ing repaired and strengthened. | The work is being done Sy a Mr. | Webster, a lineal descendant of his, who has a number of men employed. It is one of the remaining relics of our early revolutionary wars, and on several occasions was the scené of skimishes, soldiers having been by millions and prescribed Colds Headache Pain Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by physicians 24 years for -- RD) Accept ay "Bayer" package contains proven a quartered there. Being close to the water's edge, it commanded a slpen- | did view of the American main shore, and of the river for several | miles both east as well as west. CONSTIPATED CHILDREN Constipation is one of 'the most | common ailments of childhood and the child suffering from it positively | cannot thrive. To keep the little one | well the bowels must be kept regular - OUR RED CARTS are busy supplying genuine Scranton HARD COAL They will fill your bin next if you will tele- phone to number 1571. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, Neo. 1571. and the stomach sweet. To do this nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- lets. laxative; are pleasant to take and can be given to the newborn babe with perfect safety. Thousands of mothers use no other medicine for! their little ones but Baby's Own Tab- | lets. They are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wiliams' Medicine Co.,! Brockville, Ont. ! ' Pentecostal Church Services. On Thursday evening in the Pent- | ecostal church a revival service was | held. James F. Lebrocq gave a very | fhteresting message on "Naaman | the Leper." Three professed salva- | tion, making a total of six for the | week. A good crowd was in at- tendance, Old Resident Passes. D. H. Pettit, West Lake, passed! away oh Saturday after five weeks' | fllness folldwing an aécident in which his spine was dislocated. Mr. Pettit was highly respected. Ever ready to lend a helping hand, he will be greatly missed. He leaves a wife who 'was, Mary Essie Platt, aiso one daughter, Mrs. A. J. Lake, West Lake, and one son, William, Calgary. Quite Remarkable. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Willis, Port- land, are setting a standard for the raising of geese which, some of the oldest residents claim, was never before known in this district. At the Willis farm a goose, during the last week in October, brought out a sec- ond hatching of eight goslins, which are a novelty In the district. On the first of May, 1924, the first hatching was produced and while it is claimed that this {s not unusual in turkeys, it has never been heard of around Portland in geese. The 'young ones' are progressing favor- ably. Prince Edward Hospital. At the annual meeting in Picton of this hospital these directors were chosen, Mrs. W. R. Browne, W. J. Carter, Dr. Currie, H. B. Bristol, H. H. Horsey, F. Newman, Dr. Philp, H. E. Hyatt, Mrs. J. R. Brown, Dr. Platt, Dr. Publow, Dr.' Walmsley, Dr. Lighthall, Mrs. CoMiver, M. W. Reive, R. Davison, Dr. McCulloch, Dr. Allison, BE. Masten, R. Purtelle, Mre. Goodwin, Mrs. N. D. Gilbert, KE. A. Pearce and the warden of the county. The year's revenues and ex- penditure for the year was $12,000. Canadian Pacific. City Ticket Office, 180 Welling- ton street, report the following ar- rivals of their steamships. Montiaurier from Quebec Liverpool Nov. 21st. Montrose from Liverpool Quebec, Nov. 21st. s Melita from Antwerp, Southamp- ton and Cherbourg due Quebec, Nov, 22nd. Minnedosa from . Montreal, due. Cherbourg and Southampton, Nov. 21st and due Antwerp, Nov. 22nd. Metagama from Montreal due Belfast and Glasgow, Nov. 21st. Pmpress of Australia from Van- couver due Hong Kong, Nov. 27th. Pmpress of Canada from Hong Kong and Yokohama, due Van- couver, Nov. 24th. due due Failed To Do It Justice. Despite the efforts of song writers to sing the glories of California, they have failed in giving an ade- quate description of this land of re- markable loveliness. It is a land of They are a mild but thorough The One Good Radio Battery ~ . The Batteries that are lead- ing all others in sales, relia- bility end long life. Canada Radio Stores stock all sizes of these popular Bat- teries--every one sold on a 1009, money back guaran- tee. Write for price lists, Dealers--outside of Kingston -- we -@istribute many radio lines, Including Eveready Bat- teries. Let us kpow your wants. (Canada Radio Stores 269% Princess St. Phone 1207, Higher up street--always No. 772 Eveready. List price $5.20. lower In price. Sold m generous size Bottles by alt dealers, "THE J. L. MA U CO., Props, - . SHERBROOKE, P.Q. Makers also of Mathieu's Nervine Powders the best remedy for Headaches, Neuralgia and Feverish Colds. See Us When In Need Of Lamps | We are distributors for EDISON MAZDA LAMPS HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. 'PHONE 94. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. JACQUETTES and SMART FUR GARMENTS GOURDIER'S Brock Street. FURS EXCLUSIVELY perpetual summer, of romance and beauty, of rest and play. Cool, in- viting mountains, sun-steeped slop- es and vales, balmy breezes carrying the tang of growing fruit, bring the glow of health to the cheeks of the alling. The world-weary find re- juvenation on the sunny bathing beaches, in motoring, riding, bowi- ing, dancing, tennis or golf, while deep sea fishing, surf-riding or agua-planing keep the more active ntertained. There are two splendid routes to California, the first via Chicago reached by the famous "Ipternation- al Limited" of the Canddian Na- tional Railways, also by late daily evening connection (observation sleeper from Toronto). The "Inter- i + 4 esi arifil TWEDDELL'S FOR THE BEST VALUES IN SUITS : AND OVERCOATS SALE ~ Winter Overcoats