PRECAUTION! Flu in a mild form is preva- lent at present in this district. Experience has proved that Dr. Hickey's Flu and Cold Capsules are the best preventative and relief for this distressing ma- lady. A few, capsules taken now FE will save suffering and incon- | venience. hickey's Speedy Relief will put an end to that early Fall cough. . » . Hickey's Analgic Rub for all ;ains, Gives instant re- sults. L. T. Best Druggist FOR SALE $2,200 ~-- Frame dwelling, 6 rooms, electric light and toilet. Good lo- $7,500 For three brick hoyses. Tollet and electric light. Good lo- cation. Good investment. Vacant lots; good business stand--- cheap. TO RENT several houses, $10 to $20. Bateman's Real, Estat We are showing some very attrac- tive designs in 'ENGLISH SOLID BRASS CANDLESTICKS PRICED FROM $5.50 per pair Our stock of ENGLISH LEATHER GOODS is also very complete. These goods are beauti- fully finished in both Suede and Mo- rocco and com- prise a great va- riety of articles. GET ONE OF OUR SPLENDID ELECTRIC HEATERS For that cold room, ranging from $4.00 to $20.00 H. W. Newman Electric Co. 167 PRINCESS STREET "PHONE 441 a ------ BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM CONTRACTORS JOBBING WORK A BPECIALTY. 0 PHONES 2267F--028W. 400 ALBERT STRERT THE BRITISH ELECTIONS ------------------ conservarre |_| LIBERAL v2 socaust [El THE marey * i RADIO BROADCASTING I THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27. KDKA (826) Pittsburgh, Pa. 11 am.--Thanksgiving services from the Miffin Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, 6.30 p.m.--Concert by KDKA Lit- tle Symphony orchestra. 7.15 p.m.--Uncle Ed has a Thanks- giving. KGW (492) Portland, Ore. 12.30 p.m.--Concert sponsored by Civic Music Club of Portland. 1.30 p.m.----Concert by Seton's Pipers of Eugene. 5 p.m.--Children's programme. 7.16 p.m.--Markets, weather, news bulletins and police reports. Af- ter 8 o'clock' KGW is silent for long distance reception. Junior WFAA (680) Dallas, Tex. 12.30-1 p.m.--Address, DeWitt Mc- Murray, editor of the "Semi-Weekly Farm News," in a medley of humor, pathos and wisdom. 8.30-9.30 p.m.--Midnight Men orchestra. 11-12 p.m.--Adolphus chestra. Melody Hotel or- Sr KYW (536) Chicago, Ill. 10.30 am --"Farm and Home" service. 6.02 to 6.18 p.m.--News, financial and final markets furnished by the Union Trust Company, Chicago "Journal of Commerce," and United States department of agriculture. 6.36 to 7 p.m.--Children's bed- time story. 7.00 to 7.30 p.m.--Dinner concert. 8.20 to 9.15 p.m.--Musical pro- gramme. 9.15 p.m.--'Safety First" talk by Z. C. Elkin of the Chicago Motor club. 10 to 11.30 p.m.--"At Home" programme. KHJ (895) Los Angeles, Cal. 12.30-1.30 p.m.--Programme news items and music. 2.30-3.30 p.m.--Programme pre- senting Edward Murphey, dramatic reader. 6-6.30 p.m.--Art Hickman's Con- cert Orchestra. 6.30-7.30 p.m.--Children's gramme, 10-11 p.m.--Art Hickman's Dance Orchestra. of pro- WBZ (8387) Springfield, Mass. 6 p.m.--L. 8. Wiggin's Schrafft en- semble. 6.30 p.m.--leo Reisman Hotel Lenox ensemble. 7 p.m.--Market report, United States department of agricultur® at Boston, 7.056 p.m.--Bedtime story for the kiddies. 7.45 p.m.--OCharles R. Hector with his St. James Theatre orchestra. '8.15 p.m.--Special Thanksgiving Day programme direct from the Estey organ studio. Universal pray- er and hymn service, Catholic and Jewish faiths. 9.15 p.m.--Concert by double quartette. 10.01 p.m.--Musical programme from Hotel Kimball studio. WMAQ (447) Chicago, Ill, 6 p.m.--Chicago theatre organ 'e- cital. 6.30 p.m.--Hotel LaSalle Orches- tra. 8 p.m.--Hotel LaSalle Orchestra. 8.65 p.m.---University of Chicago semi-weekly lecture. 9 p.m.--Musical programme. WGR (819) Buffalo, N.Y. 6-7.30 p.m.--Hallpryd string quar- tette dinner music. 10 p.m.--Lew Ferris, Tower of Radio. 10.30 p.m.--Concert. WHAS (400) Louisville, Ky. 4-6 p.m.--S8elections by the Alamo Theatre orchestra, the Eiffel WWJ (580) The D troit News. 9.43 ax.--Public Health Service bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- eral interest. 11.56 a.m.--Arlington time relay- ed by the Western Union. 3 pam.--The "Detroit News" chestra. 8.30 p.m.--The Orchestra. 10 pam.--Dance music by Jean Goldkette's Victor Recording Or- chestra. i . 11 p.m.--The "Detroit News" Or chestra, ' Or- "Detroit News" Complete radio progr ammes sold at Canada Radio Stores. WHY THE WEATHER? wn CHARLES #. BROOKS 2.35 to 4 p.m.--*"Afternoon Frolic"! DAILY BRITISH _WHIG such as Siberia, where the coldest | known weather on earth occurs. i A great permanent low pressure area, the North Pacific or Aleutian "low," largely controls the charac- ters of the winters in western Can-| ada, whence comes much of our cold | weather. In seasons when this "low" is very deep and far north, it spreads over the Yukon, and into the Mackenzie Valley, and appears to prevent the formation of anti- cyclones ("highs") and leads to a prevalence of southerly winds over | the Canadian western provinces and | northwestern states. On the other | hand, when. "highs" prevail condi- tions are right for a cold wave, Pos-| sibly the temperature and position of the Japan current partly control | this'North Pacific "low," just as the | Gulf Stream seems to influence. the North Atlantic centers of action. | | JOSEPH HENABERY AS PRESIDENT LINCOLN I D.W.GRIFFITH'S sTHE BIRTH OF A NATION' At ihe Capitol Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Board of Trade To Meet. The council of the Board of Trade met on Tuesday afternoon and arranged for a meeting of the board on Thursday night to tran- sact pressing business and to hear the delegates to the late convention of the Associated Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce of On- tarfo. On motion of Elmer Davis and W. A. Craig, a resolution of congratulation to J. G. Elliott on his new honors was adopted, Mr. Davis speaking in very complimen- tary terms of the work done by Mr Elliott for thé Board of Trade here. The presidency of the Onta- rio organization wz: a distinct honor to Mr. Elliott and to King- ston. {"Cascarets" 10c {if Constipated, + Dizzy, Bilious Feel fine! Let "Cascarets" clean vour bowels and = timulate your ANTEA fer No grip- | tar hs, 4&5 or overact- 18. Millions of & any = 0 I = men, women and oe 3 children take this afl ==% harmless laxative = = cathartic, It - doesn't sic ken you like puis, oils, calomel and salts. Tastes nicer--acts wonderful. 10ec., 26c. and 60c. boxes--any drugstore. A = = pi Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington st. Phone 256. QUART OF WATER CLEANS KIDNEYS Take a Little Salts if Your Back Hurts, or Bladder Is Troubling You. No man or woman can make a mfs- take by flushing the kidneys occa- sionally, says a well-known author- ity. Eating too much rich food creates acids, which excité the kidneys. They & AEE © PROBS: -- Thursday, cloudy and colder before night. THURSDAY FROM 9 to 2 O'CLOCK Discoun Shop Early - Save 15% This great store-wide bargain feature should appeal to all thrifty shoppers, as every department is represented in this great event. We are offering this special sale attraction -- TRIPLE DISCOUNT STAMPS positively for the last time THIS YEAR to-morrow. We invite you to take full advantage of its exceptional economies Thursday between the hours of 9 and 2 o'clock. See our bill posters and windows for added reasons for concentrating your shopping here all this week! g 150 a New Dresses li Half Price! The greatest Dress Sale of the year takes place to-morrow, when we offer 150 of the season's smartest dresses at just half of their regular price. Here is a bargain opportunity that you cannot afford to pass up--our loss is your gain--coming as it does at the height of the season, it should prove of exceptional interest. THE COLORS: SILVER GRAY. ROOKIE. BOB-O-LINK. COCOA. SAND. BROWN. HENNA. SCARLET. NU-BLUE. NAVY. BLACK. THE MATERIALS: Poiret Twill. Wool Crepe. Tricotine. Silk Tricosham. Silk Tricolette. Silk Velvet. Roshanara Crepe. Flat Crepe. Satin. Canton Crepe Meteor. Crepe. : The sizes range from 16 to 42. The prices from $15.00 to $52.50. Sale Prices $7.50 to $26.25 \