'SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1934 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG "Phone 31 6 Godkin's Livery For Bus and Taxi Service es and Saddle Horses BUS FOR CATARAQUI ren Dally except Monday and Saturday - at 1.45 p.m. 'DELCO- LIGHT | The complete Electric Light and || Your plant for every country home. || W.C.CAN.\ON 164 Barrie Street. 'Phone 150J. TO LET RIDEAU STREET--{rame, seven rooms, electric light. $16.00 per GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Plate Glass, Liability, Auto, Burglary, Baggage. Agent Great West Life Assurance Company. R. H. Waddell Phones 136, 506. #6 Broek Street en -- mv] | | PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine street. 'PHONE 134. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL BURGEON Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets. Telephone 363. For Moving of GHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, FREI PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF VERY DESCRIFTION Kingston Transfer Co. PHO 377. 'WY ENINGS 2231 163 WELLINGTON STREET DR. J. C.W. BROOM : Dental Surgeon 160 Wellington Street. 'Phone 670. Evenings by appointment. WATTS var. =, 177 Wellington Street J Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. : designs and wedding bouquets to order. Residence 1187; Phone 1763. ONE 50c BOX BROUGHT HEALTH | Years of Constipation Ended By "Fruit-a-tives" The Wonderful Fruit Medicine Anyone who suffers with miserable health ; who is tortured with Head- aches; and who is unable to get any real pl e out of life; will be interested in this letter of Mrs. Martha de Wolfe of East Ship Harbor, N 8. Mrs. de Wolfe says, "For years I was a dreadful sufferer from Constipa- tion and Headach2s and I was miser- ablein every way. Nothingin the way of medicine seemed to help me, Then I tried * Fruit-a-tives" and the effect was splendid ; and after taking only one x, I was completely relieved and now feel like a new person" 50c. abox, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At dealers' or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987 See us for ail kinds eof Carpentry work. Estimntes given on mew floary inid. Have your hardwood floors clean. ed with our mew floor cleaning ma. chine. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 84 Princess Street. Phone 15850 Gag for Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Geo. A. Wright & Son MACHINE WORKS 234-236 Ontario Street. ..'Phope 1264 All kinds of machines and machinery repaired. Prompt and efficient service. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. BRITISH AMERICAN) HOTEL In Public Service Since 1784, M. BOHAN, PROPRIETOR, KINGSTON. Dr. W. O. Vrooman DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and Barrie Streets. Entrance: 314 Barrie Street. PHONE "194J, Evenings by appointment. HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING & PLEATI..G MRS. H. J. SHALES National Cleaners Phone 2166. Bagot and William Streets W.R. McRae & Co. 'Golden Lion Block Our Coal 1s one kind of "fire insu. nce." It insures a good, brisk, lively, hot fire, with no bother, no dirt, no clinkers. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 1388. Grove inn Yards 'We Sell New & Used Lumber Iron Sheeting At Lowest Prices 1. Cohen & Co. 207-300 wa sARIO STRES PROSES 436 and 837. to the uid Country! Saturnia, Dec, 6th, Canad 13th. Saturnia: and dant Sth; a i 11th, Canada 14eh, Carmania St. John-- Minnedosa : bee aa Ton Neagama lath, Moaiian: Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w. A -- Dental--Dr. Alex. | Mm Clark will of Dr, Hu. A. Eine. OFFICE: 84 BROCK STREET Evenings by appointment. Phone 2002 Welsh Coal Just arriving. To those that have uned it, it needs no comment. To those who haven't had it, it is all Coal, mo slate or stome. Very little ash, with 30 per cent. more heat. We can only get a limited quantity. Order early! W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 ONTARIO STREET Telephone 67. A at $8,500--7 room brick dwelling, hard. wood floors; modern in detail. New furnace this year. Easy terms to a responsible party. $6,000--7 room brick house, 4 bed- rooms, all hardwood floors, good attic, hot air furnace, 8 p. B., elec. and gas. Garden. nA0-7 room brick V. dwelling, 8 bedrooms, dem, hot alr furnace, elec. and gas. Wired for an elec tric stove, 3p B. $1,830--Buys 7 room fame home, ec. light, garden, ete. E. L. MARTIN 287 BAGOT STREET Phones: 220---1428m res. or 11811. CandyFor The Week-End Assorted Kisses ..... #5c. Ib. Walnut Rolls (sliced) .50c. Ib. Crinklets and Rosebuds 50c. Ib. SEE OUR WINDOW Also Neilson's Chocolates in KINGSTON AND DISTRICT Received Injuries, During the fire at Westport, on Nov. 24th, 8. J. Sully, a volunteer fireman, was struck on the head by a falling hose and received slight injuries. To Farm On Shares. Ivan Ward has taken A. A. Mord- en's farm, Wellington, to work on shares He has moved into the house formerly occupied by Norman { Morden. 'A Young Lady Improving. Miss Myrtle Coolidge, Selby, who underwent. 'a critical' operation at the. General Hospital, Kingston, is improving as well as can be expect- ed. Engagement Announced, Elmer Robertson, Carleton Place, announces the engagement of his sister, Jennie A. E. to Elwood P. Halpenny, son of R. Halpenny, Prestonvale, The marriage will take place shortly. Municipal Voting Monday. Ald Nash wishes to state that all married women have votes on Mon- jay whose husbands have; also every widow and unmarried lady who is Voting is from ~<Advl {the head of a house. 19-5 instead of 8-6 o'clock. An Efficient Pump. The new fire pump installed at the electric light plant by the Al- monte Commission for the protec tion of the power plant and the on was tested this week, and ound to be entirely successful. Tt is directly connected without belt- ing and is driven by a 50 h.p. gen- eratof. Gift For A Lady. On Tuesday evening friends of Miss Maude McFadden, Carleton Place, surprised her at her home. About thirty young people invaded Miss McFadden. and gave her a gold bar pin. She is going to Ot- tawa to train for a nurse, New Chief of Police. With the Canipbellford council chamber crowded with ratepayers, the council at a special meeting ap- pointed ex-Chief of Police John Brown, Port Hope, as chief of the Campbellford force at a salary of $1,50Q per year, his duties to com- mence Jan. 1st. There were 157 applications for the position, Tabb-Osment Wedding. On Tuesday last, at Smith's Falls, Rev. W. G. Tabb, rector of Montague and Franktown, and Miss S. M, Os- ment were joined in marriage. The bride, dressed in a navy-blue cos- tume, wag given away by G. Gra- ham, Rosedale, while Miss A. Tabb, sister of the bridegroom, was bridesmaid. John Salter, a friend of the bridegroom, was best man. Both bride and groom™ came from Jersey Channel Islands. A Surprise Party. William Monteith was plea- santly surprised her homé in Riverside Drive, Clayton, N.Y. Monday, when friends tendered her a farewell party. During the even- ing 500 was enjoyed, and refresh- ments were served. Mr, "and Mrs. Montieth and family will leave to make their home in Cape Vincent, N.Y., where Mr. Montieth has pur- chased an interest in a store. Mrs. Passed Away at Rochester, N.Y. The death is reported from Ro- chester, N.Y., of John Fox, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Fox, Deseronto. Just a few days ago the serious ill- ness of the late Mr. Fox was re- ported and his father and sister, Nora, left to be with him. His death is a heavy blow to Deseronto, where he was known by a wide cir- cle of friends. Particularly heart- the house and made an address to |rending is the affliction which this MOTHER:~ Fletcher's Castoria is especially pre- pared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Absolutely Harmless - No Opiates. --- | Children Cry Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always fook for the signature of Zur Rtidon Physicians everywhere recommend it. 4 YOU BUY WHEN! Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste. The exceptional tone quality in the Weber HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCFUL, \ AT C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Princess Street ing business hours. No one but access to your very moderate. 3 o_o Your Securities Owners of bonds, deeds and other important papers now recognize that A Safety Deposit Box Is Indispensable ia Drovifes the best known method of all valuable documents, and its bovis Bop Bonen any time dur- or your deputy is given Box. Jt semaiais absolutely under your control, and the annual cost is er ape 0 + ge { Boyd occurred at the home of his] | father, Andrew Boyd, Smith's Falls, | .ed by law. family has suffered, as the deceased is the third son to die within twe years, and all the deaths have oc- curred in Rochester, N.Y. Late Captain W. J. Boyd. The death of William James on Sunday, after an illness extend- | ing over a period of three years. He | graduated at Toronto, was in the Yukon, and went to the war as captain of the 16th Battery. He was twice wounded and was inva- lided home, In 1916 he married Miss Eleda Singleton, a Smith's Falls teacher. After the Armistice, he went to British Columbia, re- turning two years ago. He was a Mason, a Presbyterian and promin- ently connected with the G.W.V.A. and was one of the founders 'of that club in Smith's Falls. A wi- dow and som survive. The Coming Assizes, The winter and spring assizes will be held as follows: Kingston--Jury, Tuesday, Feb, 3, Mr. Justice Lennox. Non-jury, Mon- day, June 1st, Mr. Justice Rose. Brockville Jury, Tuesday, March 9th, Mr. Justice Rose. Non- jury, Monday, April 27th, Mr. Jus- tice Mowat, Belleville--Jury, 9th, Mr. Justice Kelly. Monday, May 18th, Mr. Wright. Napanee--Jury, Tuesday, Feb 17th, Mr. Justiee Kelly. Non-jury, Monday, May 4th, Mr. Justice" Mowat. Picton--Jury and non-jury, Mon- day, April 20th, Mr. Justice Mowat. Pembroke--Jury and non-jury, Tuesday, April 14th, Mr. Justice Kelly. Perth--Jury and non-jury, Tues- day, March 30th, Mr, Justice Len- nox. Tuesday, March Non-jury, Justice THE TOWN WATCHMAN When the winemakers of Ontario are allowed under the O.T.A. to pro- duce 26-per cent. stuff, the wine drinkers have no ground for protest. They are very much up-to-date in Picton where there is a Jane street, In Kingston the janes live on nearly |= every street, even on University ave- nue. In the town of Gananoque the golf ladies are not backward about admitting their age and entering competitions for those over the age of thirty. In Kingston none of the lady golfers admit being over thirty, 'Well, the official season of church sales and teas is about over. Now the merchants will have, their chance to sell something: ° The mayoralty contest in King- ston is between Methodists and that for utilities commission seats among Presbyterians. The utilities candi- dates go to the Scotch kirk up on Princess street. Just because the Grits knocked the spots off the Tories up in West Hastings is no reason for supposing that Balmy Beaches can lick Queen's rugby champions. It must be admitted that the di- rectors of the Ontario fair assocla- tions should be given the same right to hold games of chance at their fall exhibitions as the churches are at their money-making sales, The same people attend the events. A fall fair does not seem to be a fair without games of chance. The old- timers mourn the passing of the shell men. Banking Is beginning to lose its fascination for many young men who gee little in it for them, And with the late mergers the way will be weary for hundreds already engag- ed behind the counters and cages. The Watchman. has little ' sym- pathy for those who complain that their names are not on the voters' lists. If they would pay heed to public notices given they would get their names on, but the tendency is to let things go until it is too late, * There are fnany people too who pay mo heed to assessment notices delivered at their homes. When they find they are wrongly assessed, they raise a great holler, but not un- til it is too late to appeal as requir- Now we hear about the "black horror on the Rhine" the alleged ill-treatment of German women by | France's black colonial troops. All, red-blooded will sym- pathize and also wonder if the Ger- mane have forgotten how thelr best- born soms treated the women of France early in the great war. * It is declared by our friead Dr. Edwards that the Liberals have no policy. We are sure of ome thing-- certainly have no heart or they Oak Flooring is now selling at favorable prices. 'A § plain Oak Floor in that room will make a wonderful improvement, and cost less than a Rug. Come and see us about it. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Telephone: Private Hranch Exchange, No. 1571. a a AY FM = THIS CHRISTMAS -- wee A DEPENDABLE RADIO! Radia Nes You can make gure of getting "Radio That Satisfies" by coming to Radio Headquarters -- Loran every set or 'part sold on a 100% money back Ta Tal, guarantee! Canada Radio Stores can build you any make of receiving or transmitting set and is the only house between Toronto and Montreal giving a complete Radio Service! Sets from $22.00 to $850.00--together with a line or radio parts that cannot be beaten and you'll always find C.R.8. prices much lower than elsewhere. Open evenings--drop around. CANADA RADIO STORES 369%, PRINCESS STREE 'PHONE 1207- wned and Operated 3 Men Who KNOW Radio. Ss Full Volume Natural Tone yr FINDLAY SPECIAL TORTOISE COOK Six Cooking Holes, Special Fire Box for Wood. Another masterpiece in Tortoise Cook construction. Large and roomy Fire Box for burning wood, and still retaining the advantages of round firepot for coal. Come in and see this excellent Range. Stevenson & Hunter TINSMITHS and PLUMBERS - 85-87 PRINCESS 57. aR PHONES 2267F---928W, BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM CONTRACTORS JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. 400 ALBERT STREET \ \ ~~ o= SMART FUR GARMENTS GOURDIER'S Brook Street. FURS EXCLUSIVELY they certainly would have foft West Hastings aloe: and not hurt the feelings TWEDDELL'S FOR THE BEST VALUES IN SUITS AND OVERCOATS =, SALE Winter Overcoats NE pe Se Sr Es An Fag a of