1924, -- : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 11 TORE STSY STA ETRE LTTE LEAL ALLER TORRE FER OES McNabb's Fourth FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, { those meetings. Carried, QGrothier- | Hodge. that the treasurer be instruc- {ted to deposit $300 with the coun- [ties treasurer to be used on county | roads Carried. A by-law was | passed appointing the following of- { ficers and polling places to hold the | r Township Councils Front of Escott, Sale Starts To-Morrow 9 a m. Sale Starts To-Morrow 9 a.m. Bscott, Dec. 1.--The council of the township of Front of Bscott met | with all the members present. Ten- | nant-Williams, that the time: for ad- | ding the 6 per cent. to taxes that] remain unpaid be - extended until | Dec. 10th, 1924. Carried. Hodge Tennant, that the use of the town- ship hall be given free for the an- nual Christmas entertainment and practices in connection therewith; the caretaker not to be responsible for heating or cleaning and to de- liver the kéy to Charles Heaslip for Backache IF BACK HURTS FLUSH KIDNEYS Drink Plenty of Water and Take Glass of Salts Before Breakfast Ocoasionally When your kidneys hurt and your back feels sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys clean like you Keep your bowels clean, by flushing them with a mild, harmiess salts which helps to remove the body's urinous waste and stimulate them to their normal activity. The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from it 500 grains of acid and waste, 80 we can readily understand the vital importance of keeping the k dneys active. Drink lots of good water -- you can't drink too much; also get from an pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Balte. Take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine. This fam- ous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used f years to help clean and stimulat clogged kidneys; also to neutralize the acids in the system so they are no longer a Jource of irritation, 'thus often rel adder weakness. + Jad Salts Is inexpensive; can not injure; 'makes a delightful efferves- cent lithiaswater drink which every- one should take now and then to help keep r kidneys cleaned and ac- tive. this; also keep up the wa- ter drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what became of your kidney t and backache. By all means have your physician examine your kidneys at least twice a year. municipal electiofi in 1925: Poll I, A. M. Searman, D.R.O.; Clarence Root, poll clerk and Mrs. Alzina White's house as polling place. Poll II, Charles Heasllp, D.R.O.; Eu- gene Lynch, poll clerk and the town hall as polling place, Poli IIT, Ar- den Warren, D.R.O.; Ira J. Moore, poll clerk, and Fréd Austin's house as polling place, Grothier-Hodge, that the motion passed by this council on Nov. 3rd, 1924, re the D. W. Hutchison award drain be recinded. Carried. Tennant-Gro- thier, that D. W. Hutchison, reeve, be and is hereby appointed to de- fend the municipality of Escott Front in connection with the D. Ww. Hutchison award drain. ° Carried. Accounts ordered paid: Gordon Summers, work as sanitary inspfec~ tor, $2.60; R. Horton, balance in full on stone, $93.39; Wm. Brennan, balance on stone, $11.85; John Flood, balance on crushing stone, $884.05; M. M. Brown, revising voters' lists, $46.84; Charles Ten- nant, clerk of the court, costs of court re suit against C. J. Running, $28.57; Dr. Lochead, attending C.| J. Runing's family, $12; Dr. B 8! Bissell, attending C. J. Runnings | family, $8; D. F. Dowsley, pay list for November, $456.25. Council adjourned to meet Dec. 15th at 11 a.m., according to statute, --BRNEST C. KELLY, Clerk. PLANS BIG BLIMP ' Dr. Karl Arnstein, chief engineer of the Zeppelin works at Friedrichs- hafén, Germany, has started work 1. Akron, Ohio, on plans for the world's largest dirigible--even big- ger than the Los Angeles. MRS. L. SOHONAUER ILL. Plevna, Dec. 1.--We are having some real cold weather with a little snow. Mrs. Laurence Schonauer is very ill. She was in her usual health, Sunday morning when Mr. Schon- ater went to the barn to do the morning work and when he came to the house she was lying on the dining room floor unconscious. Dr. Adams, Denbigh, was called. Mre. Stanley Massy Amiecl, eldest daughter 6f Mr. and Mrs. Edward Watson, died this morning in the Hotel Dieu hospital, Kingston. This is three daughters Mr. and Mrs. Watson have lost in the last five years. John Flake is taking out another cafload of cattle and sheep to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Ostler and son, Rus- fell, recently motored to Ottawa. Dr. Adams was called to see Miss Esther Gore who has pneumonia. Miss Grace Gore, nurse-in-training, Smith's Falls is with her. SUPPLICANT SPUD / STEHT TRAN , HH HEH THH HN TI HOSES EM DEH BIC FHM LE EA ER FREON EERO RE LOTR IROREI LE ELLE MEDORA ERI L TVR TLLLRETRE EHEIRHEU EH HONOR RRR an Extra Sales Staff offeting. . E One hundred only range of all wanted colors, including black. ANNIVERSARY SALE An Unusual Event of Great Interest To Thrifty Womenfolk In All Parts of Eastern Ontario all OR THE FOURTH ANNIVERSARY. of the organization of "McNabb's"" Eastern Ontario's greatest in- stitution of low profit and large turnove (WS been planned in our Peterboro, Belleville, we believe are the most remarkable ever offered in Eastern Ontario. r in women's apparel, the most remarkable celebration of values has Kingston and Brockville Stores. Values have been selected which Values in Dress and Coats that are remark- able not only because of their price but because of their style rightness in every item. Here are end-of-the-season prices while stocks are full, new and fresh. Here's our Fourth Anniversary offering. Note the prices. Note the reductions--by comparison you would hardly think them possible. For best selection we urge you to shop early tomorrow morning. Hundreds of Clever New Fashionable Frocks -at Sensational Anniversary Sale Prices BOR LO pe aed NEN 7 PP Silk Dresses REGULAR $32.50 TO, $37.50 $18.94 Each Frock shows unmistakable signs of exclusiveness and careful selection from autumn fashions. New cuff and neckline designs, colorful embroidery, fancy trim- ming--details that go to make the smart Frock smart- er. Satins and Cantons. Black and colors. And spe- cially reduced to begin our Fourth Anniversary Sale Saturday. Come Early For SiTk and Cloth Frocks, To-Morrow, Reg. $19.95 to $32.50 Cloth Dresses REGULAR $15.05 AND $19.98. $14.94 Smart new Tailored Frocks of Poiret twill, in black, navy and brown, make up this interesting special. All are carefully cut and beautifully finished. Sizes 16 to 44. Specially reduced for ous Fourth Anniversary Frock, $0.04 Dresses of satin, Canton, georgette, wool gens and twill cord. Sporte and. utility apparel, de luxe for the hike, A motor ride, business or afternoon wear. taken from our regular stocks that have been sold at $15.95 to $32.50, and priced at this very remarkable reduction fo r early shoppers to begin our Fourth Anniversary Sale. Silk Dresses REGULAR $39.50 TO $89.50 - $27.94 Decidedly the Frocks of the moment, in styles that express originality, personality and charm. Satins and Canton crepes. Black, navy and browns. Sizes 16 to 20 and women's 36 to 46. We have taken big mark-downs on these fashionable Dresses, but they are offered as a real Sele special to begin our Fourth Anni- versary Sale Saturday. Cloth Dresses REGULAR $24.95 TO $29.78 $22.94 If you have been seeking a smart Tailored Cloth Frock to fit your particular type it is certain to be among this group. Poire twill, charmeen and smart pencil stripes. Black, navy, brown, rust and green shades. Sizes 16 to 44. These are new shipments just freshly in stock, in modes so versatile this season, and reduced for our Fourth Anniversary Celebration Saturday. UNUSUALLY SMART i Plain and Fur Trimmed Coats Extraordinary Reductions | Wool Crepe Skirts REGULAR $9.50 $4.94 Twenty-five only Pleated Wool Crepe Skirts, camisole top. Splendid range of colors. Come early to share in this Fourth Anniversary Sale nn Silk Tricolette Slips REGULAR $4.95 $2.94 Tricolette' Slips in a duced in price for our Fourth Anniversary Sale. Misses. Reg. $29.75 and $35.00 For able Winter Coat. 16 to 42 in the lot. All fully lined and interlined. FUR TRIMMED COATS. Newest Colors. Newest Fabrics. Reg. $39.50, $45.00, $49.50 Styles, materials, furs combine to produce the most charming Coats im- aginable, Authentic in every detail of line, skillfully tailored in the new closely shorn suede-like materials, as well as soft pile fabrics, and rich with large fur collars and cuffs. Fully lined and interlined. Greatly re- $29.94 FUR TRIMMED COATS. For Women and $2 4.94 A most timely opportunity for women to economize on a smart, comfort- All are reduced because of our Anniversary Sale. They are made of fine quality duvetyne, suedine and Bolivia cloths. Many are generously fur collared and others have fur collars and cuffs. Sizes Fabrics and Here's one of the season. True, therd isn't a large lot of cially picked for its excellent cut and backs, Hylo cloths, zebeline, English Whitney, teddy Anniversary Sale. '\PLAIN TAILORED COATS In Many Styles lors. Reg. $19.95 to $29.50 t Coat values for women that we have put on this but every one has been spe- Tye gilli vg camel in the smartest Coat shades. You'll like them on sight, but you'll a how the price can be so low. It's a real Coat value during our Fourth $14.94 #1 ous i high 3 » Is : ak $55.00 to $125.00, on Sale during our Anniversary Celebra- were THANE HHH IRI TI EEL HN THIN . : HH MELEE IMRT LL EEL HEAN OTRO HORI LON OED SIR EET OPR LARS EDNNH) S00 JO0RRIR HOM ATER TO MOREL EERTE THOT UASRORLA MER OEO OL REPO HIRI A DEORE LER ROI RL 0 aed visi of another & and Mrs. D. Huntley, Ivy Lea, spent! Worth, Tex, when an Ambulanse accident, crashed with s Mss: Ar-| enroute to & hospital with a ely' car and upset. ; . | Sunday at Anson Andress'. line Seneca! is home after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. De Santos, Chatham, N.Y. BE READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Wise Shoppers Do It TT