~~" tract of land consisted of 150 acres. ' TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1924 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Let These Generous Classified O s " MARRIAGES. : PALMATIER--MOUCK--At Arden, on Tuesday, December ¢th, 1924, Ethel Bdne, eidest daughter of Mr. and Mys. George Mouck, to John Pal- matier, son of Mr. Jacob Palma- | téer, by Rev. H. E. Frair., AAA DEATHS. SMITH---At the General Hospital, Ki ston, on Dec. 15th, 1924, BE. W Smiin, formerly of Dawson, Yukon, dearly beloved husband of Louise | F. Middleton, in his 74th year. | Yuneral (private) Wednesday after-| noon to Cataraqui Cemetery. { A IN MEMORIAM. In loving memoty of W. John Sud- dard, who died on December 16th, 1923. No one knows how sad the parting, No one knows the bitter pain. We have suffered since you left us; 1Afe will never be the same. sat, dear father, you are not forgot. en . Though on eaith you are no more; still memory you are with us, As you always were before. --Sadly missed by daughter, Flor- ence, and gon, Roy. OARD OF THANKS. The family of the late Mrs. James Kennedy, Garden Island, wish to thank theiz many friends and relatives for their many kind expressions of sym- y and beautiful floral tributes in recent sad bereavement in the f their dear mother. JAMES REID The Old Firm of U £54 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REIV The Leading Undertaker Phone 577. 230 Princess Street M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME 49 COLBORNE STRERT AMBULANCE PHONE 1889 JOHN CORNELIUS Undertaker and Kmbalmer Pariers. 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 599 I. RONAN Undertaker and Embalmer Phone S30w. 238-240 Street Calls Night and Day Prompily Attended AA A A NNN H. J. KNIGHT UNDERTAKER AND EMDBALMER FARLORS-~Sydenham, Yarker, Verona, and Battersea. Ambulance 'phone a5. SPOKE, ON BOYS' WORK 10 THE KIWANIANS Major C. H. Brickland, Ontario, Inspector of Neglected and Dependent Children: ng- | ar oo The Kiwanis Club held a special evening meeting at the Frontenac Hotel on Monday when Major C. H. Buckland, inspector of neglected and dependent children under the department of the provincial sec- retary, told the members about boys' work in general and about the Bowmanville Boys' Farm In particular. The Bowmanville School has long been a cherished project of such service viubs as Kiwanis, Ro- tary, Lions, etc., aid Mr. Buck- land announced that two buildings fave now been erected to near completion and that in June next a good nucelus of the whole school ghould be in working order, while by the end of 1925 the school is ex- pected to be completely finished. A resident 'of Bowmanville left $10, 00 for the project and the first Since that the government has purchased 208 acres across the road from the original section, wishing to utilize the creek run- ning through both properties for work for the boys when the school is in operation. the renge of his wide ex- perience the speaker outlined the child problem in general. He told of many cases where terms in penal institutions, had changed the natures of boys and girls and put them om a sure road to crime and wrongdoing., In most cases the parents are to blame and they go soot-free. The Juvenile Courts have done a great dedl to help out in this respect for under them the parents are arraigned and the child is considered principally as a witness unless the case be par- ticularly" bad and the offense a repetition. "There is no such thing as an incorrigible boy, sald Major Buckland. Without mentioning names he guioted many prominent cases in whieh boys called "incor- rigible" had been given a fresh op- portunity in proper surroundings and had made geod. He could tell of 4 bank manager in. a large city who hal thus been saved and was not ashamed to admit the fact. Two of the most ' important things for the new Bowmanville in. stitution were the parole board which would decide when a boy might go out into the world and a vocational school im connection where useful occupations might be {aught to the young lads taken in charge. : The plan is to hi bulidings, each presided over by a "father and mother." The right people for this work will be secured and the whole Institu- tion will be governed by a board on which will be representatives of the various service clubs Ontario Government. 'A hundred and ome interesting features of the subject were ouf- lined By the speaker, who is him- self a Kiwanian and a member of have several by Stewart (raw Lively discussion resulted when pO "paddy presented the re- of the executive 'commendation : that, instead of paying $200 a year Gor » The British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular {zed according to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM, Inc. Philadelphia, Pa. are restscited to proper classification, and to regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 2 Dally rates per ll All ads. their the wees 6 insertion, charged, , + Engagements, Marriages, $1.50; cash 31.00. Card' of Thanks and Memoriam Notlees---Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.00 each insertion. Advertising ordered for irregular insertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for lesa than basis of four lines. Godnt six averuge words the De. Charged ads. will be received by telepnone and if paid at The Brit. ish hig Office within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjust- ment made at the rate earned Rete per Hine for white space is the same as a-line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising to copy Telephone 243; ask for a want ad. taker. for a period of five years, the Kingston Kiwanis Club should be first in the field and, by commut- ing the total amount, pay the Gov- ernment an amount at once equal to the value of $1,000 In five years. His motion was seconded by F. J. Hoag. After over half an hour of discussion for and against the profect it was finally passed. A letter was read from the King- ston Choral Society asking that the aims and objects of that organiza- tion be explained to the members of the club and pointing out the pleasure from such work. Atten- tion was also drawn to a concert to be given in the near future. Tt was decided that, next week being Christmas Week, no meeting of the Kiwanis club will be held. Somewhere In Florida, To be somewhere In Florida, where the sun is always shining, where the golden oranges hang in clusters on the trees, the palms stir gently to the warm breezes, and "where the sweet magnolis' blooms" is the thought in the minds of hun- dreds of Canadians every winter. When Canadians -at home are skating and skiing, those In the south will be surf-bathing, sun- bathing on the warm sands, deep- | sea fishing, golfing, ete. When making arrangements for the trip south, consult any agent of the Canadian National Railway for particulars of service. Winter tou- rist fares are now in effect, valid to return up to June 15th, and good for stop-over at all important points, as well as for diverse out- ings. Direct connections are made at Detroit and space obtainable on the following crack Florida trains --the "Royal Palm," the 'Ponce de Leon," the "Suwanee River Special," ott. Addressed the "Wise Men." The weekly gathering of the "Wise Men," an organization Te- cently organized at the Y.M.C.A., was held on Monday evening. This organization is composed of young business men of the city. On Monday evening there were twenty-seven present. Harold Elliott, the presi- | dent, presided and the usual ten minutes of community singing took place, after which Mr. Mayell, bro- ther of Mrs. BE. P. Jenkins, who is visiting in the city, gave a velx in- teresting talk on California, where he had lived for some years. or Mayell made it clear to the boys that he was still a Canadian al- though he made his home in the United States, A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the speaker. The General Wospital. The management conumittee of the Kingston General Hospital and a special committee had a confer- ence Monday evening with Horace Brittain, efficiency expert of To- ronto, who made a survey of the hospital. : H. C. Nickle, chairman of the board of governors, when seen by the Whig on Tuesday morning stat- ed that there was. nothing to be given out as to what took place at the meeting. Mr, Nickle said that a meeting of the board would be held in the very near future and, the report would be presented to the larger meeting. pportunities Cut Down Your Living Expense . S As far as A-B-C Classified is always ripe for reading. Section is your answer, The Time Is Ripe And The Profits Are Rare And just about the same statement holds true re- garding thelr profits--their profits are always rare, Any time--every time--all the time--the orderly ads that throng the Classified Columns are willing and ready to help yeu solve any one of the hundreds of perplexities that are bobbing up in everyday lives. It you want to sell something at a profit--if you want to buy something without embarrassment--Iif you want a position, a dog, or an automoblle--the Classified You can't read this section regularly without countering profitable opportunities continually, THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS. ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY Ads are concerned, the time en- Announcement. Personals | Business Service Business Services Offered 18 i SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanent- ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and furnished after others «have failed. Goftre cured without operation. 38 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J Lost and Found 10 CHILD'S SLEIGH--Lost, with ribbed back, from vicinity of Albert and Parl streets. Finder please notify 266 Albert Street or phone 226 w. Found; on re LINKS OF STOVE PIPE -- Princess street. Owner apply to 340 Nelson street. 'Phone 1748J. PRAYER BBADS-- Found, silver, on Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington streets. Owner apply at 72 Earl street. . RADIATOR CAP--Found. Owner apply at Whig Office. SUM OF MONEY--Lest, on Barrie or| Princess. Street, or in a Princess street) store, sum of money in handkerchief. Finder please return to Wihig Office. SUM OF MONEY---Found. Owner ap- ply to Kingston Meat Store, 183 Brock | Street. ee ---------------- ts WRIST WATCH--On ribbon band, gold, | lost between Callaghan's garage and Jackson-Metivier's. Finder please return to or phone Callaghan's Gar- age, 1410. Automobiles Fo 11 SPEED WAGON--Naw, Reo. Apply A Glover, corner Bagot and Earl Streets. 'Phone 47. Second-hand Parts for All Makes of Cars Gray Dort, Chevrolet, Ford, Briscoe, McLaughlin, Studebaker. Also second- hand Tires, Auto Tops and Cushions. Repairing on all kinds of cars done here at a reasonable price. H. ROSEN, 'Phone 2475w. 140 Rideau Street FOR SALE These exceptionally good, Used Cars having new tops, curtains and tires, are now offered for sale at extremely low prices. of CYL. PSSEX TOURING. DURANT SEDAN. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. STUDEBAKER SPEC. SIX. McLAUGHLIN D385, 4 CYL. CHALMERS' 1922 TOURING. Boyd's Garage, Ltd. 129 Brock St Phona 201w. There's A Reason Final clean-out of Used Cars for this year. We need the room for new stock. __ DODGE SEDAN. "Ys¢4 CHEVROLET TOURING with hany extras. FORD TRUCK. MAXWELL-CHRYSLER DISTRIBUTORS. Corner of King and Princess Streets Garages--Augos for Hire--Taxi 14 GARAGE--For rent in central location, four dollars per month. Possession at once. Apply at 116 Earl street. Automobiles For Bale NAPANEE REBEKAHS Paid A Visit To louise Lodge of Monday Evening. On Monday évening in the King- ston Oddfellows lodge rooms, the degree team of the Queen of Sheba Lodge, Daughters of Rebekah, Na- panee, exemplified the degree work in a manner that did great credit to so young an organization. About Expert Plano Tuning. Player-Plano Adj 'Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY: LIMITED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -- Repaired. David J. Coates, 383 Division Street. Pupil of O. F. Telgmann School of usic. Ladics' Halr Parlor. 21a 'PHONE 6578 For appointment. Frank J. Robbs, 185 Wellington St. FRENCH MARCEL WAVING Water Waving, Round and Bobbed Curling, Heir Bobbing and Trimming, Facial and Scalp Tréatment. Special attention iven to Hair Dyeing. Miss Switzer, 267 Queen 'Street. For ap- pointment 'phone 2016, LADIES TRANSFORMATIONS -- Bob- bed curls, switches, shampooing, singeing, curling, Ladies' and Chlld- ren's hair cutting. Mrs. Cunningham, 66% Bay Street, Kingston. Phone 1613w. PERMANENT WAVING An ideal Christ.nas gift for a lady. We are now booking appointments. A. B. KINGSBURY, 209 Princess Street. 'Phone 1328. Business Services. Hemstitching 21b ART NEEDLEWORK---Newest designs in stamped Suods aud material. Child- ren's wear a specialty. Apply Mrs. E. Dunlop, 181 Alfred Street. Pons 1018. rICOT EDGING Hemstitching, Pleating, work guaranteed. Mre. Feild, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess Street. 'Phone 2433). to Mrs, | Business Services Live Stock. Merchandise msm ilu tb AT Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 Wanted--Live Stock so Radio Equipment NG--J. 8. Robinson, rear SIGN PAINTIL 275 Bagot Street. POULTRY RADIO--Your set purchased now will be installed before Christmas. ve! set sold on a positive money guarantee. Any make of Tad. ada Radio Stores. Open evemn --Of all kinds. We are fre-| quently told ours is the best market in Toronto for good chickens. Prices | mailed. Waller's, Spadina Avenue, Toronto. Canw gs J. FLANAGAN---Palnter, Paperhanger and Decorator. Estimafes submitted. 'Phone 1433. 247 Montreal Street, Kingston. Sample books in stock. Chiropractic 28c. "Articles For Sale 51 Rooms With Board A Blankets, Sleigh Robes, Breeches, , Mitts, ete. LUCY--Drs. G. F. and Jennie A., Chiro- practic Specialists; Registered Nurse, 239 Bago. street. 'Phone 943w. Hours: 9-13, 1-5, 6-8. Consultation Free. Dental SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentist Wellington street, corner of 8, 1569) Brock. 'Phone' 346. f KENAPP--Dr. A. BE, Dentist. Office: 283 Princess reet. 'Phone 652w. Open evenings by appointment. ey Suit Cases. ALUMINUM WARE--Double Roasters in Aluminum, White Epamel and Black| Steel at Taylor & Hamilton's, 89 Princess St eet ee e-------------- BARGAINS--4 real bargains--2 Planos, ROOMS--To rent, students, double rooms, warm, up-to- two blocks from college. desired. 'Phone 2747w. / Rooms Without Board RMY RUBBERS---Horse Blankets, Bed Special ereaing In A. Shapiro, 48 | Board Princess street. greatly reduced prices, at) FURNISHED ROOM Apply 260 King treet. LARGE ROOM---And kitchenette, gus for oeoking, furnished or unfurnishe ed on bathroom flat; two garages, in 386 Queen upright, $45, $60; 2 Gramaphonas, $3, 3. Lesses Antique Shop, 507 Princess treet. 'Phone 2610. Legal 28. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, KC; Cyril M. Smith. DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and solicitors, 69 Clarence Street; King- ston. . E. Day, Adrian 1. Reveile. Mortgages arranged., Phone 208, BRICH-_na:e and soft, am Phones 1391J or 818. (Agent for Baker Brick). -------------------------------------------------------- COMBINATION STOVES--And heaters, library by Parlor furniture. Princess street, good condition. Apply = Rooms For Housekeeping 69 ROOMS-- Three large, bright, hoyse-. keeping ruvoms, on bathroom at; every convenience; rent moderate to right party, 'Phone 3456w or call at 460 Brock Street. Real Estate For Rent quantity. ply E. E. Wathen, 137 Nelaon Street. eds and mattreases. J Thompson, 333 'Phone 1600w. tables, HODGINS, W. C.~-- Barrister, Solleitor and Notary Public. Office: 38 Clarence Street. Over C.P.R. Telegraphs. Tele- phone 1980 ' REYNOLDS, J. C.--Barrister and Sollci- tor, 58 Brock street. Mortgages ar- ranged on coity and farm property. 'Phone 2509. a King SHEA--Ambrose, B.A. Barrister Solicitor. Law Office, corner of and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. 'Phone 1998, Repairing FURNITURE FINISHIN( £ Call and see W. Driscoll, street. Phone 296F. UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop & card W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. UPHOLSTERING--ARa general repair- tng. Leave orders at or drop a card to F. . Harold, 104 Clergy Street Phone 1600J. Employment "Help Wanted--Fenale 32 all kings. 33 John es CHRISTMAS TREES--Sult in the home, 60 cents eac gan"s Drug Store, Lamited, next to the dtrand Theatre. FIREPLACE SCREENS--- And fenders We make them Black, Brass or Cop- z + HARD BODY WOOD---Mixed wood, hard and soft slabs, ber; Shing Yard on Concession street, near Divi- sion. HARD COAL COKE--$10.00 ton Rens and cordwood, $3.50 load. Doubis amount $4.50. - Splitting cord $4.50. 'Phone 2440w. PRIVATE SALE--At 312 Albert Street. Owner PIANO--Williams make, walnut case, 'Phone 2417J. Business Places For lent 78 NEW STORE-- 200 Princess Street, heated and commodious, rear entrance ald stabling. Also rooms above suite able for dentists' or insurance offices Will rent from $13.00 to $20.00 per month. Store at 388 Princess street and house, Montreal Street. Apply kb Cohen & Co. OFFICES -- Four well heated rooms; centrally lgoate pply C. 8 Kirk- patrick, 38 ki} able for use h, at Brani- Phone 18. e Wire & est. er. 'Phone $80. Partrid ron Works, King street rough and dressed lum- es $3.50 per thousand and Talbot, 8 St. Catherine St up H 'Phone 2302w. a BUNGALOW NgWw, six room brick, north side, all hardwood floors, splene: did basement. mediate possession. 'Phone 1528-J Apply 478 Princess St. HOUSE~$§60 Princess, near cars; six rooms, bath, attic, cellar and yard; gas and electric. $27 00 a month, or would sell. Apply 660 Princess Street. 1-4 ton $2.76. Dry, mixed, soft wood 26c. extra. Hard Cord best quality, Double amount $5.00, or a 1-4 C. Bruton, 280 Wel- ljngton strest, corner Ordnance street. D 32.75. HOUSES---Two, on Charles streét, ejue~ tric light, gas for cooking, one brick rage, one flat on Sixth Street, th 3 plece Lath, electric light, cooking, good cellar, §2 Small house on Stanley street. $12. Immediate possession. Avni F. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. ' a Stoves and Furniture at a bargain. | leaving ony. | tone Al. ticulars apply Price reasomable. For par- 149 Oolborne Street. WANTED--Men and women to earn §3 to $25 weekly at home. No canvas- sing, experience unnecessary, distance {mmaterial. For particulars address The Auto Knitter Hosiery Co. Ltd. Dept. C-19, Torunto, Ont. PIANO--Gerhard Helintaman, style, slightly used; 5 years' guarantee -- Upright 730w. finish, Sherton, fumed oak HOUSE--6 rooms, hot water, hath, tol let, gas, electricity, 3 Chapman street, opposite Business College. Pusseksion December 1st. Apply 159 Union West, ogd buy. Terms to suit. J. Grace, 7 Mack street. J, 'Phone FOUNG LADY --Wunted, about 18 years! wld, for office work. Able to do a little | boukkeeping and use a typewriter. Wages to start $8.00 per week. Steady position. Apply Box T-16, Whig Of- ce. Help Wantea--Male ss FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN--- Begin: ners $150-3260 monthly (which $30. & PIANOS TO RENT--We will rent you a purchase of new piano, RECORDS--Get the gooa ones, just in. plano for six months at §6.00 per month and &t expiration of 6 months will allow all monies paid as rental on C. W. Lindsay, | 121 Princess street. | BRICK HOUSE---312 Albert stre rooms, 3 piece bath, gas, electric in good condition ary lst. Apply 314 'Phone 1072J. corner Alfred. Tar ight, Possession Janus Albert street. $25.00--7 room house, below Div Street, eleotric hght, gas, three plece bath, hot water furnace, immediate possession. Phone 539w or apply 388 New Irish, Scotch and English melo- ion dies, vocal and instrumental. Elder's Cigar Store. tion?) Write Railway, Box H-6, MAKE MONEY AT HOME-- $1 to $2 BEE----Our $39 Quebec, six 9" lids, be- Karl Street. 'Real Estate For Baie For Ly TF = fore buying. wrenson's, 387 Prin i. cess street. Phone 330w. Oftice. per hour for your spare time writing showcards for us. No canvassing. We instruet and supply you with work. West-Angus Showecard Service, 17 Col- borne Bullding, Toronto. BALESMAN -- To represent a thriving Canadian Company in Kingston dis- trict. Apply, stating qual ificarions and experience to P. O. Box 233, ston, Ont. : 8 Card. Hat Cleaners 2c HOS--About your feit hat ? The time is here. George, the Hatter, 80 Prin- ceas street. hone 1333, next ti Bank of Nova Scotia. Insurance . we SALES AGENT--Reliable, unrepre- sented districts. Good pay, free equip- ment. We are the largest growers of full and ornamental i) iq Can 11 for a Nursery, not_ for obber. You will be successful. Write: Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto "Financial SALE--Of bed springs, all sizes, at 16 SCALES---All kinds, for payment. SOONER--Or later you will use a De Houses For Sale a FOR SALE OR RENT -- Brick venesf house, 7 rooms, hardwood floors downe stairs, 3 plece bath, furnace, electrie light, deep lot. 'Phone 1612m. HOUSBES--AnNd farms for sale a and money to loan. ar sale And to He , OR, Phone 1268J. Barrie St B. W. MULLIN Real Estate and Insurance Broker and Divisiun Streets Phone 53yw. Bee Advi Fare s EWING MACHINES--- Three, glightly used, Singers, at bargain prices. Easy ayments, Apply Singer Shop, 226 Princess Street. 'Phone 631. % $4.60. Fron- 'Phene 17614. new and hand. Cash or easy terms. Scale Co., Ltd, 209 Princess St. ston. 'Phone 1228. reduction. Mattress for tenac Mattress Co. seoond- Toledo King- UITS-- Guaranteed genuine Bannoc burn Suits made as you wish, yr Grand Wearing cloth With time given one 2306w. J. G. - terson, 129 Johnson street. 30. ft J. B. CUNNINGHAM Real Kstate, Insurdnce and . 79 Clarence Street IEEE IS Laval Separator and Milker. A few : ALL LINES--Of Fire Insurance, Sick ness gna Accident. Reliable compan- jes. 'Phone or call, E. Williams, 32 Couper street. FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insur- ance. E. M. Crumley, 420 Earl Street. Phone 1782M. INBITRANCE--Cnly the most reliabl panies represented. Strange ange, éstablished in 1860. Office: #% Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. J. B. COOKE~Life, Fiie, A and Siskoesy, in liable companies, dis rict manager, Imperial Life. Phones: Oiice Bos Res. 1731m. oad W. P. HEWGILL & SON--Representing all branches of insurance; also having assumed business of Col G. Hunter Ogilvie 281 King Street E. 'Phone Moving, Trucking, Storge 25 ------------------------------------------------------------ ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, 24 Russell Street. 'Phone 2256. STORAGE--For. furniture, clean, dry. airy rooms and spaces; your own J and key. Frost's City Storage, 399- 305 Queen St. Phone-$3¢. Red. #89w. Rut fifty of the sisters camg4 down from Napanee and some 150 of Louise Lodge No. 10, Kingston, welcomed them, Following the degree work, all sat down to a splendid banquet. Addresses were delivered by De gree Master J. Douglas, of Napanee, and Noble Grand Inez Oldham, and responded to by Degree Master Monk ofsKingston. The social fea- tures lasted till a late hour. i p-------- George J. Jonas, cashier of the First National Bank, Carney, Okla., was. shot through the head, and probably fatally wounded by ome of four men who had robbed the institution Monday. s, Stocks, Bonds 39 Pacific attractive. Yield- tton, 67 Clarence chase. Canad Pands on now. Ver ing 6 1-8%. J. O. } Street. TOURIST BONDS We issue Auto Tourist Bonds for Canadian cars en- tering the U. 8. Also for U. 8. cars entering Canada. Mills Company, 79 Clarence Street. BONDS For sale, 20 year City of King- ston, 5% Bonds at par. Interest pay- able 1st January and 1st July. C. KIRKPATRICK Tel. 568w. 36 Clarence Street, 40 FRONTENAC -- LoAn ahd Investment Society, incorporated in 1861. President A. B. Cunningham; vice-president, A. D. Cartwright. Money to loan on City and farm properties; Investments, Bonds bought and sold; deposits re- fu Money to Loan BTOVE GRATE -- heater. Price $0.00 each. Phone 1986J. VIOLIN--Fine, hand-made Instrument. VIOLET RA%Y~-- Generator. WOOD--Dry hard maple, WHITE NEWSPRINT--500 sheets for or household use. Apply Bricioh fame to appear, may have r to & bo» number at %ne Daily Wal g Of iy confidential. d hand separators for sale, Also MERCHANDISE STOVES Rideau street. 'Phone 1217J. Wood Ceoks, Coal and Wood Ranges, Quebec's, Pugs and other heaters real cheap, SJ: Turk's PFHUNM 0) One large, electric 3 Exvellent tone. Appl Whig Office. PRY Bex H-28, A treatment apparatus, relieving one ¥ all aches, pains, eto. Price $9.50. C. Smith, 199 Colborne Street. dry bod Rind) + in prices, iA and Toron- J Ww. KNIT MACNEE INSURANCE BROKER ifire, 'Life, Automobile, Wag ess, Plate Glbss a other lhes of insurance. 33 BROCK ST. 'PHONE Si5w. / 1 Lise unnecessary wg s and dont Jenve Sut necessa wor when you write a classified soft wood, hardwood slabs, cut and delivered; livin Peters & Son, corner Broe to streets. "Phone 889. 40c. Suitable for wrapping purposes hig Advertisers who do not wish their Of. cy This Information is kept avsolute. celved and interest Joid 'on minimum monthly balance. . C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence Street, ng- ston. sive Stock Dogs, Cats, Pets 7 DOGS Collie uppies, one pointer uppy. Muller's Bicycle Works, 371- f3 lag street. Phone 1061w. HOUNDS--One beakle fox hound, two Jie old. One Kentucky fox hound, & months old. Both have run fox: Price $20.00 each. Charles Shipman, Stone street, north, Gananoque, Ont. The U. S. will construct a dirig- ible more than twice the size of the Los Angeles capable of forty trips sonually between New York and London at a profit of $4,856,000. Hard Wood Slabs and Edgings Maple, Beech, Red Birch, etc. Nice, bright James Swift & Co., Limited - Foot 01 jonisen Sureet J id » i» EH) 33 $ - as 3. aR BY GEORGE 'McMANUS YOU REALLY LIKE THIS HAT YOU SAY You ONE = noree 1] "I'M GLAD | SAW THE ORICE A THOSE MATS «1 © OUT YHE CHEAP OME. AN TOLO MALGIE | LIE IT THE BE &T | LIKE THI% HAT BEST ON ME: AND YOU MIKE THIS ONE DAUGHTER LIKES THE AND OTHER 50 I'M GOING TO KEEP ALL