a ' Lo ASR CARR SE SB EE LT RE ET I ¥ By " R. Arthey, Optometrist THE DAILY RETA TOMORROW ALRIGHT / by (72D ') Ak 7 7778) ii TAR i) LE be The doses, ehildren and adults, - SOLD BY YOUR DRiGQIST 148 PRINCESS STREET NO. THIRTY-ONE Can normal vision always be se- eured by glasses? The Optometrist does not al- ways desire to give normal vision. He is more interested in giving his i 4 i i A 3 " # patients comfortable vision. Why do people have uncomfort- able vision? Because their eyes are strained as the result of an error of vision. Then it is really eye strain that the use of glasses prevents? Yes, eye strain is the cause of the discomfort. (To be continued) "THE THIEF OF BAGDAD" RY ACHMED ABDULLAH Based on Douglas Fasbanks Dauthay of the Aralian Nights, by 'homas Then the medicine-man showed him that on one side of the apple was a tiny green point, like the point of a needle, and on the other side a similar point, but purple in color. "The touch of the green point, when it scratches the skin with a quick, criss-cross motion, means death. The touch of the purple point, applied with the same motion, means life." "Life""--demanded the Prince--'to whoever has died--and of whatever. causes?" "No. It cannot restore life to'those who have died by the sword, by wounds, or mutilations. But it does >y ~o- Dr. Martel's Female Pills thousands cases last half Sus. Duflals up and EEE yi uh otc, with our signature. | give life to those who have died of an ailment or of poisbn--any poison at | all--or by the touch and scratch of the fopmie's green point. Come!" laughed the medicine-man. "Let us put this | darling little apple to the test!" They left the ruins and returned to the harbor where, at/the water's edge, a Chinese was fishing. The man was intent upon his catch. He did not hear the footsteps behind him, nor the Prince's whisper: "Here is your chance, Yuqluq!" The latter moved noiselessly toward the fisherman; he reached out with the pole and, quickly, suddenly, touched and scratched the man's naked should. er with the green point of the magic fruit. . The Chinese felt the scratch; fm- agined that a mosquito had bitten him; raised his hand to slap it away. Then, with his hand still in midair, he drop- ped as if struck by lightning. He lay there, stark, stiff, lifeless, while, gra- dually, as the Prince of the Mongols looked on, the body became bloated and turned a terrible grey-green color, as though he had been killed by bubo- ROME RADIO TUBES r s eater Volume," "Better cofition are all combined in the ROICE TUBE. "Your tube is the heart of you "Your sot is only as goo nic plague. "Ah" --gmiled the Prince calmly-- "one less Chinese in the world!" "Not yet!" laughed Yuqlug. Again he reached out with the pole; again scratched the fisherman's shoul. der, but this time with the purple point. And at once the grey-green col- or of the skin changed to a healthy, ruddy flush, the bloated body d its ordinary proportions, and the man sat up nowise. hurt, except for a great fear which had swept over his soul which caused him to run away as fast as his legs would carry him. "The greatest rarity in the world," admitted the Prince of Mongols. "There is no doubt of it. More prec- ious than the Prince of Persia's flying carpet, more marvelous than the In- dian's crystal! And yet..." he slurred; paused. "And yet--what?" asked the medi- GRAY'S SYRUP: RED SPRUCE GUM cine man. "Will Zobeid think so?™ "How can she help herself, Majes- ty?" "The is beauty and romance in a rug that can cut through the air like a swallow; beauty and romance, too, in a crystal globe that mirrors the motley scenes of life. But is there beauty in this--a thing which' gives life--yes-- but which also gives death? Zobeid is a woman, soft-hearted. The thought of this grim thing might make her shudder. Perhaps she will fear and hate it--and fear and hate the giver." "Decidedly," came Yugqlug's inso {| ily. My brain will be of great help to you through the years to come. Maj- HER HEADACHES WERE 80 BAD SHE COULDN'T DO ANYTHING 'Onée the head starts to ache and pain you may rest that the cause comes from the stomgch, liver or bowels, and the cause must be re- Moved before permanent relict may <E Bek iE i & : fil ent answer. "It is lucky for you that 1 l| am going to be a member of your fam- esty"'--he lowered his voice--"use this magic apple!" "Use it? What do you mean?" "Send a confidental messenger to Bagdad as quickly as you can. Doubt- less the Princess has amongst her ser- vants one whose hand can be greased with gold?" "Yes. There is Fount-in-the-Forest, a Mongol slave girl who wishes me well." "Good. Send her word to poison her mistress." "Poison her?" Even the Prince's tough Mongo! hide squirmed at the suggestion. "What for? What is a dead woman to me?" Yuqluq smiled as babbling child. "Have her poisoned slowly," he con. tinued, "so that by the time you reach Bagdad she will be at the very door of death. Then you, with the help of this magic apple, will bring her back to life. And there will be no argument as to which of the three of the Princes has brought back the greatest rarity. Life itself? Is there a- finer gift on earth?" The Prince laughed. "Exquisite and harmonius thanks," he replied. "I am glad indeed to have you for a brother-in-law. Your time and talents are wasted in the Island of Wak. As soon as I return from Bagdad with my bride, I shall appoint you Chief Judge of the Imperial Circuit Court, Prime Minister, Moderator of the Buddhistic Faith, Supervisor of the Imperi#l Eunuchs, and a Knight Com- mander of the Order of the Five: Clawed Dragon." That same afternoon a messenger was sent to Bagdad with the necessary instructions, while the Prince with' the rest of his retinue returned to the mainland on the next day. They tra- veled quickly, by relays of horses and camels, toward the rendezvous with the other two Princes at Terek-el-Bey. For it was now drawing close to the end of the fifth moon, and there was not much time to spare. (To Be Coniinued.) he might at a HERE'S A PICTURE OF A REAL FLOOD aN ou Warfare in North China is being conducted under difficulty. The disastrous floods of last summer must still be reckoned with. This airplane view near Tientsin shows the region Wu Pei-fu's troops had to travelse in order to block off Chang Tso-lin from coming to Pekin. A A lt at tt NNN NA NINN ENN NIN ENN NEW CANADIAN PACIFICO. Toronto to Winnipeg--386 3% -Hour Feature Service. The new daily 36% -hour Toronto- to-Winnipeg service just inaugurated by the Canadian Pacific Railway not only establishes a record in fast, con- venient transportation, but provides the traveller with a feature service to Fort Willlam from both Toronto and Winnipeg inasmuch as the Winnipeg Special, leaving Toronto at 9.45 p.m. every night and arriving in Sudbury at 5.30 a.m., arrives in Fort William at 11 p.m., leaving'there 15 minutes later and arrives in Winnipeg at § am. Returning, the "Toronto-Montreal Special" leaves Winniieg at 7 p.m. arriving in Fort William at 6.40 a.m., leaving 16 minutes later, arriving in Sudbury at 1.05 a.m. and in Toronto at the conventient hour of 8.35 a.m. Direct connecticns are made by travellers from Wianipeg for all main points in Ontario, Quebec and east, which will receive the serious consideration of those who desire efficient service. Dominion Express shipments are delivered hours earli- er, which is also a feature. The most modern equipment, in- cluding standard and compartment sleepers, dining and compartment- observation cars, are carried, which, with the reduction in the runaing time and the courteous efficient ser- vice by all employees, makes this new service pre-eminent as the last word in traneportation. Secure further information, tickets, reservations, etc., City Ticket Office, 180 Wellington street, phone 1197. F. Conway, C.P.A. Messagés From Wilton, Wilton, Dec. 18.--~Very many people have gone to the city today to make their Christmas purchases. The postmaster is very busy these days. Dame Rumor says we have a new bride in our midst; more ex- pected. The Christmas tree practise is the centre of attraction these days, Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Mills were call- ed to the city to attend the funeral services of Miss Ward. James Davy and Miss Wallace spent a few days at Bath visiting Mrs. Henderson, the former's daugh- ter. Mrs. BE. A. Glass, who has been visiting with Mrs. H. Storm, return- THE WHIGS ZOO court , Ph mei in Lille, | . bators the Fre Cowl martial which 3 s imprisonment for loo homes in Fo Te the Com Sa: cami aatettdad sentenced him the village of occupation in war days. to Rou- ' $6 TRE : QUALITY AND VALUE LIMITED } ole distributors IMPERIAL TOBACCO CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. Each Way Leave Leave Fort Travel The Fastest Train Toronto to Winnipeg 36 Hours 15 Minutes sesesssssasssncan (36 Hours 35 Minute.) Arrive NO A (eal Aiarning). + 835 am. Carries diner, standard and compartment cars and observation car. S----yiny Note convenient hour of departure and arrival. Domsinion Express Shipments delivered immediately en arrival, saving hours." -------------- F, CONWAY, C.P.A.. City Tieket Office, 180 Wellington Street, Ki ngston, Ontario. Telephone 1197. CANADIAN Every Day 7.00 pny 7.58 am. " PACIFIC ed to Napanee yesterday. Mrs. Blake Switser is attending the wants of a sick mother, Mrs. Bell Sharpton. John Burley has Invested in a great number of Wyandotte hens. We wish him success. There Is great need for a truant officer here AA AAA as a number of boys are not im- proving the golden opportunity. Our council members are very friendly | these days. We hope our member gets re-elected. Our cheese factory has closed for this year. We Can Make Your gasoline engine as pow- erful as when new. Arrange with us to have the cylinder reground and fitted with over- size piston and rings. Call and seé our Heald regrinder. Automotive GrindersLimited 225 Wellington Street Before placing your order for a Monument, or having Letter. ing done in cemetery SEE J. E.Mullen | 857 Frontenac St., Kingston 'Phone 1417. Sleighs Painted Now Will be hard and dry for the first snow. FROST'S PAINT SHOP 299 Queen St. Phone 526 Hard Wood Choice Body Hardwood. Soft Mixed Wood. Kindling and Slabs. Chas. Bedore & Son 840 NELSON STREET Phone 1746J. RE Speckled apples are inexpensive and are excellent for apple sauce. . » It's your smallest annual expense' Do you realize that the smallest item in the family budget is the . # telephone bill? 1 per cent. It averages only A careful study of families with incomes from $1500 to $6000 a year shows that food costs 43%, rent and taxes about 17%, clothes 18%, telephone 1% and miscellaneous 20%. Apart from the time the fele- phone saves everyone, the mind requires the stimulus of contact with the world, " requires vitamines. cannot mean growth. friends or customers towns you can easily, There are in Thy L as the body Isolation Distance. Add a new interest to your life by, calling some of them up in 1925. a J EVANS, nor. @® THE VALUE OF YOUR TELEPHONE :