TRAURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1024 . \ Best' | SD wy ests | { rs] | | Gift List | : J French Ivory, Toilet and HN! Manicure sets, Shaving sets, J | Bmoking sets, Perfumery in fancy cases, Fountain Pens, {| Cameras, Incense Burners, Hair §| Brush sets, Military Brush sets, Ji | Compacts in Silver, Gold and § | Ivory; Cut Glass Perfumizers, Christmas Chocolates in holi- day boxes. An endless display of useful and appropriate gifts for your selection. Open, evenings till 10.80. L. T. Best Druggist Boys' 'Watch At $10.00 For Christmas A 15 jewelled, fully guaranteed movement in a dependable gold filled case. The very gift for "The Boy." FOR SALE || += $2,200 -- Frame dwelling, 6 rooms, A n electric light and tollet. Good lo- UMBRELLA cation. <4 $8,500--Frame, 8 rooms, B. and T., electric lights and furnace. Good lot. $7,500 For three brick houses. Tollet and electric light. Good lo- cation. Good invesument. or CANE is always a very accept- able and most useful present. We have a splendid se- Yacant lots; good business stand-- cheap. TO RENT several houses, $10 to $20. Bateman's Real Estate 1113 BROCK ST., KINGSION ephone 1925F. "IE ' YOU ARE REQUIRING BUILDERS (R BOAT SUPPLIES Our Stocks Are Very Complete YOU NEED FIRST CLASS MATERIALS (The Only Kind We Keep) WHY NOT TRY US H---------- McKelvey & Birch Worth While Christmas Gifts An Electric Percolator -- all sizes. One of our Electric Irons . .. $3.00 and up Flat and Upright Toasters, : a price to meet every purse. One of our DeForest-Cros- ley Radio Sets, $24.00 and up. _ H. W. Newman Electric Co. 167 PRINCESS STREET 'PHONE 441 ws the first boat passing through the Sodertelje al, at the dedication by Gustav of Sweden. The canal | the completion of a dream of centuries for a shor! cut to the Baltic Sea and thus to the Near East, PORTABLE SUPER-HET Sets of all kinds have been tried out for portability, but this is the first time that the superheterodyne has been made com- pact enough to be carried in a suitcase. Brent Daniel, who was formerly in the radio laboratory of the U.S. Bureau of Stand- ards, did it. He is shown here with his portable seven-tube superhet, which can be carried in suitcase form with dry bat- teries, loud speaker and loop. He has heard Pacific coast sta- tions from Washington with this outfit. NOW HE'S LIKE NEW DOG! It looked like Sport was headed for the eternal boneyard after an automobile broke his hind legs and they were dragging on the ground. But Dr. C. A. Deadman, a Madison (Wis.) veterinarian, devised this pullmobile out of some scrap iron he found in the junk yard. Now Sport can gabmol with his THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG _ .r 3 PROBS: --Snow and sleet to-night and Friday, turning to rain in some districts. neighbor hounds and enjoy himself. RADIO BROADCASTING | a 2 ano ovond KDEKA (828) Pittsburg, Pa. 12.20 p.m.--Sunday school lesson for December 21st. : 6.30 pm.--Concert by Hotel Schenley Meyer Davis Orchestra. 7.30 p.m.--""Stockman" reports of the primary livestock and wholesale produce markets. 8.15 p.m#---Monthly book review, "Two Recent Collections of Short Stories," given by 8. P. Mayer of the department of English, University of Pittsburg, from the University of Pittsburg studio. WJZ (485) New York City. 10.20 a.m.--"Book Review," by Grace Isabel Colbron. 1 p.m.--Hotel Ambassador Trio, Henry Vander Zanden, director. 8.10 pm --NYU Air College; "Sociology," Prof. E. George Payne. 8.30 p.m.--Ray Walker's Radio- lians. 10.30 p.m.--Beaux Arts Orches- tra. WEAF (492) New York City. 4-5 pm.--Musical programme and stories for children by Princess Chinquills 6-12 p.m.--Dinner music by the WEAF Instrumental Quartette. WJY (405) New York Oity. 7.30 p.m.--Billy Wynne's Green- wich Village Inn Orchestra, 8.26 p.m---Anne Tyndall, sopra- no; Keith McLeod, accompanist. 10 p.m.--Abraham & Strauss Choral Society concert. WBZ (887) Springfield, Mass. 6 p.m.~--Dinner concert by the Westinghouse Philharmonic trio. 7 p.m.--Market report as furnieh- ed by the United States department of agriculture at Boston. . 7.056 pm.--Bedtime story for the kiddies. 7.15 p.m.--Current Book Review by the Court Square Book Store, 10 p.m.--Concert by Bessie M. |: O'Connell, soprano; Willlam C. Ki- vian, planist and accompanist, from the Hptel Brunswick studio, Boston. 10.45 p.m.--John Doherty, the man who plays and sings. 11 pm.--Concert by the Westing- house Philharmonic trio and Tony Mastroianni, violinist; Rena Breglio, accompanist. WGY (380) , N.Y. 2 p.m.--Music and health hints. 6 p.m.--Produce and stock mar- '| vet quotations; news bulletins. 6.30 pan.--8tories for children. 7 p.m.--International Sunday. School lesson. x 7.46 pm.--Health talk. Selec tions from "Messiah," WGY or chestra. ; $8, "Religious In- fluence in Colleges," Warren C. associate professor Civil Engineering, Union College. 8.15 p.m.--Dickens' "Christmas Carol," read by Edward H. Smith, assisted by WGY orchestra. WEEL (308) Bostom, Mass. 7 p.m.--Boston Edison Big Bro- ther Clno. : 8 p.m---Programme of instru- %| 8.50 p.m---John T. Connor Com- pany presents Captain Percy Red- fern Creed in a heart to heart chat on "Sportsmanship." Complete radio programmes soiu at Canada Radio Stores. BER" | | December 18th. When, as a result of the Pacific scandal that grew out of the rail- way building programme of the gov- ernment which began with Confed- eration, Sir John A. Macdonald was forced to retire from the premier- i ship, his place was filled by Sir Alex- ander McKenzie, He was the first Liberal premier of the Dominion. He coupled the department of Pub- lic Works with his own office, and i thus took charge of the rallway | problem. He was determined to se- cure the consent of British Columbia to a change in the terms which had been granted as a condition of that province entering Confederation. British Columbia was obdurate end | insisted that the promise to build a railway to the Pacific be fulfilled. | When the disagreement became ser- fous the coast province sent its premier to England to protest against the repudiation of the terms of union. The Earl of Carnarvon, who was then Secretary of State, offered his services as arbitrator. His terms meant a compromise for each side, but on this day in 1874 Canada accepted them. Bankrupt stock sale, The Club, three doors below Grand Opera House. A new Belgian loan will be issued in the United States. Bridge lamps, $13.50, Robt. J. Reid's. , A split in the ranks of the Soviet leaders in Russia is reported. 3 London believes Spain can ris- ing of Amgeras tribe. t Driving Job ..... $2.00 per hour Shopping Job . . .. $1.50 per hour ' STORE OPEN TO-NIGHT And Every Night Until Christmas STORE HOURS: 9 to 6 O'clock--7 to 9.30 O'clock. ----To-night and Friday Your Last Opportunity Double Discount Stam To-night from 7 to 9.30 O'clock. To-morrow morning from 9 to 1 O'clock. This is your last chance of making a saving of 10% on all regular cash purchases before Christmas and we invite you to take full advantage of it. k A message concerning friendly gifts to make the Yuletide sparkle Whirling snow and crimson holly, merry packages and bright eyed people everywhere--there's a picture beautiful, to rejoicein. It's a part of the good, glad things which make up Christmas time. The other parts concerned with giving cheering gifts, which will keep the gay holiday spirit alive through months to come. 5 | ; . This store of Holiday Happiness invites you to do your Christmas choosing here, where there are delightful gift sugges- tions for every person on your list and the home as well, PLEASE ACCEPT. THIS INVITATION and your task will be one of enjoyment, and we know you'll be cheered in the store's Christmas atmosphere. MAY WE EXPECT YOU ? STEACY'S - "The Store With the. Christmas Spirit" |