THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG pe -- * 7 Where Warmth Begins to warm the heart, Keep the feet warm for good health. 4 PATRS BILK LISLE HOSE--1In DOX cuore eesom ome $3.40 4 PAIRS SILK HOSE--in box . .$5.00 SILK HOSE ....cc0eoesemmesensssss $1.00 to $1.50 per pair SILK LISLE HOSE ...0e.commesss aes 750. and 85c. per pair FANCY CASHMERE ....0ovec somessssescsss $1.00 to $1.50 FANCY HEATHER masa sebeeiveseves +750, to S135 ---- OPEN EVENINGS -- George VanHorne 213 Princess Street, Phone 362w. ssser esses Oe | Far Ct op Sabi Jmez 3 a] 3 Kinnear & d'Esterre Diamond Rings For Christmas We are showing Diamonds mounted in the very latest styles in Platinum and White Gold, Our sctumgs are designed to snow the Diamond to advantage. Pretty Single Stone Rings at . cee. « -. $25.00 Our special mount with square cut saphires at ceses ene mence somes $350.00 Cluster Single Stone effect .........$85.00 Fine assortment at $100, $125, $150 up to assesses snes sesesssserne Every stope guaranteed as to quality. Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewellers 168 PRINCESS STREET, Egg, Stove and Chestnut $16.00 ton, delivered Buckwheat or Split Pea $9.00 ton, delivered Hardwood Slabs, cut .....cicie.e.. $4.00 per load Softwood Slabs, cut ues «is eis « $3.50 per load SOWARDS COAL C0. Phone 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE S11. "May I kiss you? I asked. "No, I guess not," she answered. But she guessed wrong. We Push A Button. In this electrical age when we push a buttom for everything, we | have paid homhage to Watts and Ampere by measuring current in | volts, watts, and amperes. But we "have done nothing to honor the Billy goat." ; "What has the goat to do with 3H; "He was the first to push, a but- tin', in turning on his power." --Pensive Sam. Reassuring. Contributor: 'Why, written a joke." Bditor of THE FUN SHOP: "Go on, réad it to me. I won't laugh." --C. R. Dowd. yes, I've . THE JINGLE-JANGLE OORNER. Many men are studying Mars; Fall down hard end = you'll stars, -L. M. N. ® * ® Many to their chairs hold tight; Clothes look best when they sit right, --Helen Klesling. Poor actors get but Ifttle praise; There was & Ham !n Noah's days. | --Rosalind Juster. : eo mri temperatures are low; Prisoners to the cooler go, Some of Our Very Best Known Lies "Yes, it fits perfectly, Madam." "No, he's in conference." "No, we haven't a seat left." "Why, it's the very best car on the market." "Of course it's the real thing. We get it straight from Scotland." ""The boss isn't in, to-day. "Well, it's the greatest proposi- tion of the year, and we're going to {et you in on th' ground floor." "The wire's busy." --Charles G. Shaw. ------------ WALLY THE MYSTIO. He'll Amnpwer Your Questions, - Somehow. Our complex, modern life is bad, For little girls it oft makes sad; They should be playing with a dolly-- Instead, they have to Wally. write to . . A Common Desire, Dear Wally: 1 should love to meet THE FUN SHOP Editor so sweet. l}| I want to offer him somé verse, w FY ® ; w -. = f - Christmas Footwear BUY USEFUL GIFTS Why not give good, sensible gifts of Footwear this Christmas--lasting gifts will reciated. Make your selection from be: llowing offerings, all reasonably priced: -- Suit Cases Boston Bags Overshoes Moccasins Rubber Boots Skating Boots Shoe Packs Steamer Trunks Club Bags Hat Boxes Hockey Boots Felt Slippers Evening Shoes Overgaiters Bunny Slippers Boudoir Slippers Shop early. Buy Footwear for Christmas. i Dear Not So Werse: And maybe kiss him. NOT S50 WERSE. Regret to state fl He 1s a very husy skate Who firmly turns all girlies down-- But eee me when you come to town, » ® * Very Real, Indeed. Dear Wally: Since f am in doubt I come to you to help me dut. Is Santa Claus a fake, or real? Please tell the truth. VIRGINIA REEL. My Dear Virginia Reel: I'll take My oath Ne's real and not a fake. It's cost me quite a lot of dough To say, I've seen him and I know. ® * . The question asked of WALLY regarding Santa Claus comes from little Miss Virginia Mary Holland- morits, an eight and one-half year old contributor. Deliciously Dirty. Daddy was having his lunch of crackers and milk before retiring when little sister, two and a half years old, came to him for her goodnight kiss. As he reached for his napkin, she sald "That's all right, daddy, my face dirty anyhow." ~--Mrs. V, O. Glenn. His Better Half. Mrs. Knox: "Did success come to your husband early in life?" Mrs. Rox: "Yes, he was only 21 years old when he won me." : ~--Belle Ellison. nee, Hinte for ladies who like to { make a drametic entry, coming late for the theatre: : The play's the thing. 1924. Reproduction (Copyright, Forbidden). Readers are requested to contri- bute. All, humor: e Agrams tor humorous :.ottoes), ¥o es, anec~ dotes, poetry, burlesques, satires and brignt sayings of children, must be original and unpublished. Aec- oepted material will be paid for at from $1.00 to $10.00 per contribution; from 250.1 ~ $1.00 per line for poetry according to the character and value of the contribution, as determined by the Editor of "The Fun Shop." All manuscripts must be wsitten on one side of the paper omly, should bear name of this newspaper, and should be addressed to Fun Shop Headquarters, 83 West 40th Street, New York City. Unaccepted coptri- butions .cannot be returned. GANANOQUE Dec. 19.--The Citizens Band held their annual meeting a few days ago and elected the following of- ficers for the coming year: Manager and secretary, Willlam Kelly; treas- urer, Fred Mooney; property com- mittee, Charles Swann, chairman; Dexter Keyes, Jr.,, James Amo,; ex- ecutive: Ernest Spencer, Henry Parker, Willlam Pratt, William Kelly and Fred Mooney. Miss Nellie Hanley has return- ed to town after spending the past few weeks with her father in Kingston. Miss Mary Jeroy of the Hotel Dieu staff, Kingston, is the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alan Jeroy. H. S. Campbell, traveller for the Ontario Steel Products Company is in town and will remain until after the holidays. Edward Delaney, attending Queen's, is home for a few days. Miss Betty Sampson arrives home from Trafalgar, Montreal, to spend the holidays. Mrs. Thomas Sherril, Misses Janet McKellar and Rachel Gordon spent yesterday with friends, in Kingston. Canadian National Fast Service Toronto To Winnipeg. The "National" now leaves To- ronto 8.45 p.m. daily for Winnipeg, arriving Winnipeg 8.456 a.m. the second day, making the run in 87 hours actual schedule, In addition to Compartment-Leb- rary-Observation and Standard sleeping and dining cars and coach- es, the "National" carries the ever- popular Tourist sleeping cars, offer- ing to patrons of such equipment the fastest service between Toronto and Winnipeg. The Toronto-Sud- bury sleeping car is handled as usual and passengers destined Port Ar- thur or Fort William are able to make very convenient connection at Longlac with Buffet-Sleeper operat- ing between that point and Port Arthur. The Port 'Arthuf connection leav- es Toronto daily except Sunday and returning, leaves Port Arthur daily except Monday. The public are invited to make every use of this improved service, in which are blended the most mod- ern of travel requisites, safety, comfort and speed. Shippers will find it greatly to their advantage to forward express Canadian National on this train. livery in Winnipeg will make every consignee a real friend. J. P. Hanley, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, Canadian Natiohal Rlys., Kingston, Ont, Phones 99 or 1433, rns WHO WILL PAY THE COST? The Action Taken at a Gathering in Toro nto. At the Ontario Municipal Electric Association meeting held in Toronto Nov. 26th, to consider the St. Law- rence development, Ex-Mayor New- man of Picton, presented a resolu- tion pointing out that in a circular issued by the Canadian Deep Water- ways Association, government own- ership and control of power develop- ment was favored as opposed to municipal ownership and also' pay- ment by power users of the total cost of a proposed ship canal from Lake Ontario to Montreal. The re- solution, declaring the Hydro Asso- ciation to be opposed to the methods urged in the Deep Waterways Circu- lar as being an attempt to interfere with municipal rights and to place an unfair burden on the power users of the province, was passed unani- mously. At a meeting of the Canadian Deep Waterways Association in St. Catharines, Nov, 28th, the president of the association referred to the apparent conflict between the Hydro and deep Waterways Association and said he had not the slightest idea of Interferimg with the carrying out of the Hydro project. In conclusion he pointed out that a canal system vthe St Lawrence without the er development to bear the cost was an Impossibility, that neither government would consider the scheme without the inclusion of the power development. on po It is estimated that the deepen- ing of the St. Lawrence will cost $252,000.000 and will save the West $12,000,000 to $15,000,000 their The earliest arrival and de- Ho - = ' mmm PATENT ENAMEL DUCK ; TRAVELLING CASES | The Ladies' favorite: . $8.00, $10.00 to $15.09 : Fitted Overnight Cases $9.50 to $18.00 Handy size--compact and beautifully lined. Steamer Trunks Perhaps an unusual gift, but a wonderful gift just the "From $10 to $20 From Kiddies' Suit Cases 45¢. to $1.45 Why not choose a piece of Luggage "Good Baggage adds comfort to the trip." EVERYBODY ADMIRES GO®D BAGGAGE "A person may be judged by their luggage" HAT BOXES Make practical gifts Hat boxes have become one of the most popu- lar pieces of luggage. It has always been a problem for a lady to properly take care of extra hats, and these boxes just fll that need. Dainty wearing apparel may be packed around the hats and In this way they will also serve as week-end cases. And when not In use they are the safest places to keep "best Hats from exposure to light and dust. We are showing beau- tiful boxes from $5.50 up to $12.00. Make your now# selection $1.95 to $5.00 BLACK, BROWN, RED, BLURB SN EREERNERENENEENEENEENARNANEANAARARNARERRARRACE Open Every Night Till Christmas : $7.50 Good quality, real Cowhide leather, double swing handle 18 inch Club Bags, real lea- ther lined «ovo ueesas $7.50 $18.00 Real Cowhide, smooth, black Travelling Bag, with strong, outside straps, in 18 and 20 inch cocoa sows one. . $18.00 Child's Trunks Real strong, made like big Trunks, lock, ete. $2.50 LADIES' BOSTON BAGS States may have cheap transporta- tion? . NAPANEE COLLEGIATE. The Commencement Exercises Took Place Thursday Night. Napanee, Dec. 19.--About three thousand people assembled at the Armouries last night to enjoy the commencement exercises of the Napanee Collegiate Institute, which included a musical, literary and | athletic entertainment, celled any previous effort of that seat of learning. The school orchestra, under the conductorship of Mr. Cameron-Wil- son, was wonderful and even better than last year. There wae no chairman, but Dr. Morden, principal and his staff of willing assistants had everything so well arranged that the program- me was carried out from start to finish without a hitch. Principal Dr. R. Bruce Taylor of Queen's University-gave a fine ad- dress, brimful of wit, humor, good advice, and what is krdown in' Scot- land as 'sanctified common sense," his subject being "Education." A dance for puplls and ex-puplls concluded a most successful eve- ning. ' ---------- WANT THIS FREE NOVEL? Get "The Six O'Clock Train," an _exciting book-length novel worth $2. Printed complete in Sunday's De- troit Free Press, All leading news stands.--Adv, I A ( TL 11 (LE LY A nook in a room is a good place to put a large plece like a sofa, or a big secretary desk, like the kind shown here. This relieves the piece from taking up too much room or trom jutting too far in toward the centre. & - i-------- Vet Craft Waggons, $2.50, $2.75, makes a suitable present for the children. Robt. J. Reid's. th After maturity many a man has considered it a blessed thing that his mother's apron strings were - so strong. wish It often happens that much Chris- tian courtesy is lost between the vestibule of the church and the side- walk. i Don't forget your contribution for the General Hospital's . Christmas 'the Cologne area indefinitely. Bridge lamps, $13.50, Robt, J. which ex- | is I AE Abernethy's Shoe Store EEN EEE EEN NENA EERIE NEE Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers a ho A Chesterfield Christmas This is going to be a Chesterfield Christmas judging by the numbes of Chesterfield Sets we have sold for our Christmas delivery. If you want Style and Quality Furniture that will give you the greatest amount of wear and pleasure, can be had at REID'S, guaranteed Sani bilt, absolutely moth proof. JAMES REID THE STORE WITH THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT 'Phone 147 for Sewvice. vy) December 19th, Beautiful Spencerwood, the resi- dence of the Lieutenant-Governors of Quebec is adjoined by a smaller home known as Spencer Grange, an- other historic Quebec residence. In the walls of the Grange is a small > gate with a sad story attached to it. On this day in Decembef, 1854, Bir Edmund Head was sworn into office as Governor of Canada. With Lady Head and their omly son,' he took up his residence in Spencerwood. The son was nineteen years of age, a gifted youth, endowed with a gen- erous and charming nature, and winning friends wherever he went. | + IB He was their only child ang had been trained to assume fittingly the honors of an old and noble family. During a visit to Three Rivers, the boy went in swimming in the Bt. Maurice river, and was drowned. His body was taken to Quebec, and interred at Mount Harmon ceme- tery. The grief-stricken parents found the world a sad place theres after and gloom settled down upon Spencerwood. The sympathetic own- ers of Spencer Grange cut a small gateway in their wall, by means of which the lonely governor and his wife might more easily and privates ly walk from Spencerwood to Mount Harmon. Don't forget your contribution for the General Hospital's Christmas appeal. SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS HANDEKERCHIEFS--White and Colored, with em» , 8 in a Christmas box for ....28c., 88c, 42c. and CREPE DE Of COPIOUS ....c-sovooses sasnnevss sosssscevnns HANDKERCHIEFS--all colors, embroider 28c. B7c. a don. MEN'S CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS--hemstitched $1.00 doz. CHR Rs Ase. Sess aaa ns a LADIES' WOOL GAUNTLETS--S8cotch make. . . . MEN'S PURE LINEN .....000 coovecsvcscosannaniess SBC wool lining, $1.50, $1.75 Tae. and 5c. STYLISH PURSES and HAND BAGS, SILK UN ) CAMIBOLIES, PRINCESS SLIPS, NIGHT GOWNS, B10.