I LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE . Woman Page Bditor, Phone 2618. ¢ Private, Phone 857W. ; iversity, will be with Mr. and Mrs. i : '5 * Anthony Rankin, Collin's Bay, for Christmas. Miss Cecily Smith, Toronto, will be at the Cheteau Belvidere while in town for the Christmas danse. Mrs. C. H Hutchins, Worcester, Mass., who has been spending the last ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chown, Westmount, Que. is now with her parents, Mr. and The December meeting . of Queen's University Alumnae As- sociation, Toronto branch, was held ~ ~-at Sherbourne House Club, Miss Flores Stewart, President, in the chair. Mies Helen McEwen, B.A. Save an address on 'the third bien- : conference of the International a Federation of University Women|. yon; Nicolle, Barrie street. which was held at Christiania In 'ee oo ® AR, An eau. ot Sie Yawual Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Tavergne, November was given by the Presi- Washington, D.C., who will be In dent, Mrs. George Ross. Members | 1oWD for the Christmas dance at Drought generous contributions for the HHL. will be at the Chateau ristmas ere. Ho piskes at 'the Unt. Dr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Tandy » SeHiowent. * and Miss Louise and Miss Norma Tandy, Toronto, will spend the holl- ay. Delton Francis an day season with Dr. and Mra. A. R. perony 3 IMamson, Ki street, who will come to Kingston next| FITS CUS NISC 4 pore Week for the Royel Military Sollese young son, Master Miles, Ottawa Jitce. Tne pasty iL uclads Mis will spend Christmas In Kingston, Miss Hisie Burritt, Miss Barbara Green, Miss Marian O'Hara, and Miss Hope MacMahon. - Herman Macdonald, Earl street. Col. and Mrs. will be guests for Col. and Mrs. W. P. Andersci, Otta- . Mrs. George Mahood, University | _. avenug, will entertain for her daughter, Mies Gertrude Mahood, in Ohristmas week. * . * Mrs. J. C. Murray, Barrie steet, will give a party for the younger oot during the holidays. - - . Granger and Miss Bate, Montreal, will be at the Chateau Belvidere while in town for the dance at the Royal Military College Monday. . . . Major Stethem, who is now in Toronto, will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Carson, "Romlil- ly House." Mrs. and Miss Macdougall, Mont- real, who will be among the guests ot the Christmee dance at the R. ms Dr. and Mrs. Egerton Cays, Os- wego, N.Y, with Miss Louise and Mr. Jack Cays, will spend Christ mas with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cays, Barriga street. Miss Marion Rankin, Toronto ER EE SS MCINTOSH BROS. 8 More Shopping Days, Then Christmas See Our Displays for Special . Christmas Bargains DOLLS " Choice of 500 Mama and. Sleeping Dolls Be a COST PRICE CHINA AND sh See our displays of hand-paint ina' in groups % disple 35¢., 50c., 75¢., $1 piece. LADIES' SILK SCARFS Absolutely the best values in Silk Scarfs ever offered, at ....$1.00 and $1.59 each LADIES' KIMONAS Regular $5.95--clearing at .......$4.50 HOSIERY Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose. Special 79¢ pr. Gents' Boxed Ties ............... 50. Gents' Silk and Wool Sox . ....59c. pair McINTOSH BROS. "Hundreds of Other Gift Suggestions" GIFT WORTH WHILE ~~ LINDSAY _\ . PIANO $445 © Pull iron frame, overstrung bass, fvory keys, three pedals; mahogany case and extra fine tome. l COMING EVENTS | and Mr. David Rankin, Queen's vn | | dere. "| Louis, Mo., will arrive in Kingston | on Saturday to.spend a month at the guests of Mrs. Allen's sister, Mrs. |, "0" Division street. Victor Anderson | | the holidays of will be in town for the Christmas | dere. Miss Stuart Jeffries, Miss Ruth | { Pa.,, on Tuesday to spend Christ- | College, will spend the holiday sea | ageously employed THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ---- Notice of future events, not 'ne tended to raise money, 3c. per wod minimum §0c.; If held to ralse} money, 4c. per word, minimum 31.08 Reception and Personal Notices 26 words or less, $1.00. The Macgllilivary Mission Band tea and sale, Chalmer"s church hall, Satur- day, December 20th 3 to § pam N- ties, homecooking, aprons, candy. Ad- mission 10c a -- M. C. will be at thé Chatesu Belvi- Dr. Ballantyne, Mrs. W. T. Sher- iff and Mrs. Robert Shaw, Ottawa, will spend 'the holiday season with Mr. and Mrs. John Ballanytne. * - » ' Mrs. A. E. Ross, William street, will go to Oitawa on Saturday to apend the week-end. She will return to town on Monday. Donald Ross, Stirling, will be with General and Mrs. Ross for the holiday season. Miss Janet Mackenzie, R.N., of the staff of St. Luke's hospital, Bt. Miss Alida Starr, Toronto, who dance will be at the Chateau Belvi- Prof. and Mrs. M. B. Baker, William street, leave for Pittsburg, mas. Prof. Baker will attend the meeting of the American Geologi- cal Society in Ithaca, N.Y. in Christmas week. Capt. E. L. M. Burns, M.C,, R. E. E., of the staff of the Royal Military Son in Toronto with Mrs. G. Edison Burns, who has recently returned from a western trip. Miss Laura Shibley, New will spend the Christmas with her sister, Albert street. Mr, George Tandy, New York, will be with Mr. H. Tandy and Miss Let tice Tandy, King street, for Christ- mas. Mr. and Mrs. BE. H. Fitz-Hugh, New London, Conn., are with Mr, and Mrs. James Haydon, Johnson street. Miss Florence "Mackenzie, Lake- fleld, will be with Mrs. F. B. Dench, West street, for the R.M.C. dance. York, holidays Mrs. W. B. Carey, The Editor Heors | That the state of the streéts on Wednesday and Thursday called forth many complaints from citizens who were anxious to get down town to finish their Christmas shopping. The thin coat of ice was most dan- gefous and the question was repeat. edly asked, "Why are not the walks sanded?" with the question of um- employment gueh a burning one syrely some men might be advant- in sanding the streets, , That™ the Victorian Order of Nurses is giving their Christmas tea to the mothers who bring ther children to the Welfare Station on Saturday afternoon. This iz ome of the most delightful parties of the season and the spirit of cheer which prevailed will no doubt be carried over the Christmastide. That holiday visitors in. London, Eng., from south of the equator, In- dia, the Gold Coast and West Africa are going to Mlle. Jeanne de Casilis' hair dresser. Miss de' Ousills plays the leading role in Fata Morgana, and observers declare that if her wave can withstand the ruffling of that play with its heétic situations, a similar one should withstand a clii- mate in which the lizards have to walk on tip toe. That already from several places in Ontario has come the sad news of drowning accidents of children who have been skating on thin Ice. The city has wisely set aside rinks NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS In these attractive buckles an ever. sparkling reminder of the giver. $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Lockett's FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, OT -- a---- Shoes and Hosiery Spats would make a delightful and useful gift. Nice Brown, Fawn, Grey and Black .... $1.50 up One who travels will be delighted with such & practical remembrance Good Bags at $6 to $20 Suit Cases at : .$2 tq $5 Inexpensive, useful and something every one needs. 15¢. and 25¢. To carry a Christmas message of thoughtfulness $3, $4, $4.50, $5. DUCHESS VISITS UNKNOWN TOMB The Grand Duchess Cyril, wife of the claimant to the Russian throne, visited the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National cemetery w hile in Washington. She laid a single white rose upon the sacrophagues. ' in Kingston and it fs to be hoped that the ice in the harbor or on thé Cataraqui r will not be visited for some time Every year the first ice takes Jts toll of the youth of Canada.' -- ET That even conservative Spain is falling into line in the matter of al- lowing women a voice in the govera- ment of the country for recently at Madrid women took part in the de- liberations of the municipal coun- ells, NAY Quantities of NEW Local Council Meeting. At the monthly meeting of the Local Council of Women held in the council chamber on Thursday afternoon, Miss Muckleston, honor- ary vice-president, was in the chair. Resolutions of regret at their re- moval from the city were sent to Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie and to Mrs. D. A. Volume, two active members his war service, was a son of Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. McCallum, Smith's Falls. He was thirtyfour years sia. Bankrupt stock sale, Briefs From Bethél. Bethel, Dec. 18.--The sale at Clarence Manion's was well attend- ed on Tuesday, A number attended the play, "The Arabian Nights," at Yarker, on Friday night, and re- ported it good. Mrs. Robert Gal- braith is spending a month with Mr. and Mrs. H. Galbraith, at Ardbeg. Miss Sarah Hamilton, who has spent the past year in the west, is visiting at Samuel Hamilton's, Miss Estella Doyle, Mrs. James Doyle and son, Percy, and James Dewey, were entertained to tea at the home of Mrs, Myrtie McWilllams. Mrs. Harry Robinson was with her mother a day recently. Mrs. Levi Salsbury and Miss Alice on MacDonald spent Saturday In Nad panee. Mrs. Edith Alkembrack spent last week with friends in Kingston. Personal Ohristmas Cards And Christmas Novelties. Christmas cards, crepe paper, tissue paper, ~ wowpping peper, Christmas seals, Christmas bells, red and green cord, etc, The Jaok- son Press, Wellington street. \ Gossip is composed principally of tongue and legs, to which is often added a good supply of venom, Inside page Remember the General Hospital at Christmas time, > Telephone 452. Res. 1218J. FLOWERS -- KIRKPATRICK'S ART Artistic Designs for Any Occasion. . 159 PRINCESS STREET ART STORE prices. Phone 191. SATURDAY Lots of useful articles that make ac- ceptable gifts--Stockings, Underwear, Gloves, Mitts, Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Towels, Blankets, Linens, Bed Spreads, Table Cloths, Sweaters, Pyjamas -- all at attractive W. N. Linton & Co. Comforters, Fancy The Waldron Store iy '