THE DAILY BRITI SH WHIG 2 A 3 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, y coming from the factory daily. dlemen's profits eliminated. - Beautiful Brown Muskrat ~ Coats 45 to 47" long. E { : Priced 100 to $115 What other Stores ask $145 for. French Seal Coats Trimmed and All Seal. 45 to 47 inches $95 to $140 Model Beautiful Hudson Seal Coats Trimmed and plain. $210 to $375 Made from finest quality Northern Sed! Marmot Coats, 47 inches long Men's Heavy Fur Coats Fur Robes, Fur Caps, Fur Gauntlets, etc, - Beautiful Children's Fur Coats in White Coney and Muskrat. Save 20% to 30% And buy from Headquarters. Trapper-To-Wearer means all mid- ' Model Silver Raccoon Coats, 36 and 40 ins. Prites cut to the bone to clear $125 to $225 Beautifully made and lined. Persian: Lamb Coats Trimmed with Ko- linsky, Sable and Grey 'Squirrel. Priced $275 AND UP 46 and 47 inches long. Beautiful, glossy curl, fancy silk linings. Beautiful Chokers in all Furs. It will pay you to see MoKay Furs, Reliability and value. Ask your friends. 2 er s : y j 8 : C-- kn Yardley's Toilet "Pre- parations. Also Hud. nut's and Coty"s. See our Toilet Sets and Boxed Perfumes. We carry a full line for Christmas selection. Branigan's 208 PRINCESS ST. Next to Strand Theatre Ya Phone 18. Do You Know That | EXCELLENT ISLAND ROLL BUTTER FRIDAY AND BATURDAY John McKay Ltd, The Fur House, Kingston . 149-157 BROCK STREET AENEAN ENN EAA. BOOKS "I'HE UNKNOWN QUANTITY." By Bthel M. Dell. Ryerson Press, Toronto, .Price $2. A new book by Ethel M. Déll never falls to arouse interest among the admirers of the works of this popular novelist, and in "The Un- known Quantity," they will find one of the most Interesting and pleasing of her books. It is frée from the depressing scenes sha is fond of in whieh someone is flogging someone else, which in the opifiion of many people mar some of her earlier novelf. This does not mean thet there are not plenty of thrille in "The Unknown Quantity." It is an interesting story told in an inter. esting way of a young English girl, the idolized daughter of a supposed- ly wealthy banker, whose beauty, | SS a-------------------------------- ly |] DECL AR ATIONS | ChristmasFurs COMPARE OUR VALUES AND PRICES You will find McKay Furs reliable, smart and new, fresh Furs, ON CHRISTMAS GIFTS, Uncle 8am Is Acting More! Friendly With Canada In This Christmas Season. Customs declarations on Christ- | mas parcels going to United States! are being semi-officially waived. It] fs understood that the U. 8, Cus- toms Department will not insist up-| on declarations until after "Christ- mas, and that there will be no con-! cern about duty except on valuable gifts. ' Thus Canadian senders relieved of the necessity licly declaring the value entering the United States. Recently the Whig had a strong editorial on this matter, and it sug- gested that the new Republican Gov- | ernment at Washington should act | more friendly towards Canada in re-| gard to Christmas gifts going from | here across the border. will be for pub | of a gift | | THEY MET AND FELL. Story of a Younz Man and Woman | Who Slipped. An fjce-coated sidewalk was the underlying cause of a meeting that was anything but conventional yes- terday afternoon, He was coming from Barrie street, and she from Clergy. Surprise and pleasure light- ed two pair of eyed as they neared and recognized each other. Then she began to slip. The sur- prise remained, but the 'pleasure turned to terror. They came to- gether with a hump, and both sat down on the sidewalk. / "Well, how are you?" she asked. "I have'nt seen you for ages." "I'm fine" he replied. "Surely is good to see you." Then they picked themselves up. Presentation to Foreman, A most enjoyable event) was' ob- served at the Whig office on Friday afternoon when Mr. P. H. Burke, composing room foreman, was pre- sented with an address and a hand- some club ;, by members of the editorial, co! ing room and ste- reotypjng staff. The address was read by J. V. Garrigan and the presenta- tion made by James Breen. Mr. Burke made a happy reply. (Three) Days More for Christmas THE IDEAL GIFT We make everything in fine Furs for Men, Ladies and Children. We carry one of the largest stocks In Canada. | nesday evening ! adherents re: SeuNN Moore's Toyland We have the largest selection of Toys in the city, and with o wishes can be fulfilled quickly and at a saving to you. We are open every evening, but it pays to shop in the morning. Moore's Toyland i a de yy J ai A "= \ -- } 2 EVERYTHING IN TOYS large stock and efficient clerks your A List sizes .,.... .. Men's Brown Mocha Penman's fine. Black THE All Floor Rugs Until Christmas ............... 20 Per Cent. Of. Beautiful Silk Scarfs--priced . . .. Best makes in Silk Hosiery Dainty Collar and Cuff Sets--priced Knitted Silk and Crepe de Chene Ties . Women's Glove Silk Vests in Peach, Rose, White Fine Silk Bloomers--to match Vests Women's warm lined Silk Gloves. ...... ..... Women's Mocha Lined Gloves, Grey or"Brown . Women's Chamoisette Gloves . Women's Fine Silk and Wool Hose Brushed Wool Gauntlet Gloves . Children's heavy Wool Mitts ........ Children's Snow Suits--all wool. .... Heavy Wool Mufflers ......... . Colored Border Turkish Towels .. A Pure Linen Huck Towels . . Gift Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes. . Eiderdown Comiorters i. ........;. Newman & Shaw of Practical Gifts .... $1.50 to $8.50 each $1.00 to $2.50 pair and Orchid--all $1.50 each $1.25 and $2.25 ... $2.00 pair $2.00 ene. $2.00 pair 50c. to $1.75 pair .. . $1.00 pair 75¢c, and $1.00 pair ve +s se Lined Gloves ... ..... ...... Cashmere Hose 50c. pair ee... $5.00 ... 89c¢. to $3.00 each : 75c. to $1.25 each «ovo. 50c, to $1.50 each «vere... 25c, box up os. mene 31000 up ALWAYS BUSY STORE HATS $2.98 Parisian Shop 822 BROCK STREET Look For a Bright Future. Rev. J. Y. MacKinnon and Mrs. MacKinnon were welcomed Wed- the members and of Zion Presbyterian | church, Brantford, in a very hearty | { | | of Ladies' Furs Big reductions on our im- mense stock of Coats, Capes, Scarfs, Chokers, etc. Fur Coats in all the wanted Furs. charm and riches have provided her |g with a train of lovers, Advised by her friend, Lady Varleigh, to marry, she chooses Lord Conister and them the blow falls, the Dank fails and her father suicides having been re. sponsible for the failure. Jeanette gives up the money he settled on her and goes into the world to earn her living, giving up her marriage which was hardly one of love, In her struggles she is followed by her ome faithful lover and in the end finds through her responses to his true love, which she flouted in the days of her prosperity, the un. known quantity, happiness. The General Hospital needs your assistance. Send in your Ohristmas contribution now. Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards will celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of their marrisge on Dec. 19th at their home in Keene, 3 Bankrupt stock sale, The Clad, three doors below Grand Opera House. 1 'Francis M. Flanagan, who lived for at Maitland, 'died in Buf- falo, N.Y., on Tudsday, aged forty- years. - His remalas were 1 at Brockville, _ Electric Teastérs, irons, and cur- lers. H W. Newman Electric Co. You select the plant, we keep it til Onristmas. Lawson's Green- houses, 66 Centre. ' | here Mit two weeks, Mr, MacKin- | lar in and inspiring manner. Althougn non has already become very popu-' his charge. Mr. Dowling briefly addressed Mrs, MacKinnon on behalf of the ladies, and Mrs. w. E. Lochead presented her with a beautiful bouquet. After addresses Mr. MacKinnon replied saying he realized the great respon- sibility that evolved upon him, he nevertheless falt that with the help of God and the co-operation of the members and adherents of his | present church that the future; would be bright indeed. Record of Champions. . "Three Years of Gridiron Glory. A resume of Queen's unique record on rugby field. Attractively printed in colors, with iHustrations of both senior and intermediate teams. F oreword by Principal Taylor. 35c per copy, at Technical Supplies Dept. Queen's; | McGall's Cigar Store, College Inn Cigar Store, Elder's Cigar Store, Prin- cess Pharmacy. University Drug Store, and at the Whig Office. Wants Better Cheese. G. G. Publow, chief dairy imstruc- tor for Eastern Ontario, attended a |i dairy convention at Warsaw on Thursday. He made a strong ples to the indifferent farmer and fhe In- different cheesemaker for co-opera- tion in the efforts of the majority of the farmers . and cheesemakers to raise the standard of cheese turned out, ; i : J Sells His Stock. J. G. Campbell, reeve of Tyendi- naga township, 4 of his farm stock and implements by auction sale "Good prices were realized for the offerings. Mr. Campbell is re. tiring from active farming opera- tions on sccount of ill heaith, Don't forget your contribution for the General Hospital's Christmas n Y If the vegetables you are stewing i you are little old, add a little soda to the water in which they boil. : sod 919, Tne: Shun, various | the General Hospital's At Depot School. Mr. R. Baldwin, chatrman of the Depot School, presided at the clos- ing exercises Friday afternoon, The pupils sang a number of Christmas songs and gave several dlalogues and recitations. Then a mysterious basket which Mr. and Mrs, Baldwin had brought with them, and which had aroused the curiosity of the class for some time was opened, and each pupil received a IGvely Christ- mas gift. Miss Plerce and Miss Scammell, of the publie library, sur- prised each pupil by giving a gener- ous parcel of candies. A large box of sugar canes, sent by Miss B. Wil- a paved street, with electric son, was distributed among the 1 ; central. happy children before they depart- od for Home. 100. Deaduot frame Swans floors, furnace, electric light, food yard and in good come dition, REAL ESTATE $1,100---Land for industrial site or factory (off Montreal Street), close to car line -- 208 feet by 130 feet to lane- way. $2,200 Double frame dwell. ing, 6 rooms, electric light, rent $300 per year (near the University). $2,850--8tore and dwelling on Don't forget your contribution for Christmas appeal. , Miss Edna May Howard, R.N., Belleville, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. George Howard, Lisbon, N.Y., and William Robert Crozler, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crozier, Brockville, were married in Brockville on Wed- nesday, Bankrupt stock sale, The Club, three doors below Grand Opera House. Visit "Little Californie' whether you buy or not. Lawson's Green- houses, 66 Centre. Santa "Claus Headquarters If there ever was a time when you wanted the best it is now. Look over this list and if you cannot come in telephone, Candy Canes, Ribbon Candy, Mixed Nuts, Candy Toys, Tunis Dates on the stem in fancy boxes, Seedless Oranges, Table Rai- sins, California Walnuts, Paper Shell Pe- cans, Smygha Table Figs, Shelled Almonds, Toy Drums filled with Biscuits, etc. 20% off all Tom Smith's C and Stockings. Shipment arrived late. Ton't forget Sage, Savory, Cranberries, Holly, Mistletoe and Wreathing. - vo : REE HENDERSON'S on Brock St. ITALIAN WAREHOUSE "It It's Good We Sell It" Money to loan. Fire Insurance. Houses to rent. and big list of bargains at office, SEE E. W. Mullin REAL ESTATE Cor Johnson and Division Sts. Phone 589J, 580w and B38. ~ "Phow: 279. Established 1868,