SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1934 ------ i e-- GIFTS THAT CHARM | Book Ends, Candlesticks, Desk Sets, Under Arm Bags, Hand Bags, Strap Handle Purses, Golf Score Books, Bridge Sets, Coat Hangers, Music Cases, Dolls, Ever- sharp Pencils, Fountain Pens, Quill Pens, Boxed Stationery. . 'R. Uglow & Co. _., BOOKS -- THE PERFECT GIFT . Diamonds For Christmas Pismond Bar Pin in Platinum and White > .. Gold. Priced from $25.00 to $250.00 DIAMOND SET WRIST WATCHES $125.00 to $250.00 DIAMOND RINGS $25.00 to $550.00 Every Stone guaranteed-- Faultless quality. y 8 Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewellers 168 PRINCESS STREET Egg, Stove and Chestnut $1 6.00 ton, delivered Buckwheat or Split Pea $9.00 ton, delivered Hardwood Slabs, cut . . ..... ... $4.00 per load Softwood Slabs, cut ....c.eici0i010.0 $3.50 per load | SOWARDS COAL C0. Phone 155 CPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR _ | NENENRENENSNENRRNSS f Christmas ~ § Footwear § BUY USEFUL GIFTS > "Why not give good, sensible gifts of & Footwear this Christmas--lasting gifts will be appreciated. Make your selection from the following offerings, all reasonably priced ., a m-- "Club Bags > Suit-Cases Zn | you know that it is a sin to do any Che ' Fun $k 0 Maxson. Jooere SUGGESTED GIFT CARD SENTIMENTS. With the Gift of Boudoir Slippers. The Card Sent. Please hang them on your Chirist- mes tree These boudoir slippers white and blue, And when you wear them think of me = And the good things I wish you, too. The Card Meant. Please hang these on your Christ- mas tree, They're really just the same as new, Last year they proved too small for me. They ought to be just right for you. With a Powder Puff Bag. The Card Sent. Here's powder and a powder puff To wish you "Merry Christmas." Though The gift itself is small enough It brings a lot of cheer, know. you The Card Meant. Here's powder and a powder puff So you'll not need to borrow mine, For goodness sake, daub on enough S80 that your nose won't always _ shine. With a Vanity Case. I'm sending you this little case With loads of good cheer in it, 2'a like to see you face to face And wish you that this minute. : The Card Meant. I'm sending you this little case, For every blessed minute All you think about 's your face; So keep your war-paint in it! The Bobbed Hair Flapper. Pthel: "She felt badly the way he cut her." Marion: "Snob, eh?" Pthel: "No, barber." The Proof. Holoff{: "When a woman really determines to have something new one may as well let her have it be- fore she starts crying." Holdout: "But how can one tell she's really determined before she starts crying?" --Martin Fuller. Could Have His Choloe. Sheba (after refusing him for the third time): "Please don't ask me again. 1 wouldn't marry you it you were worth s& million dollars." Welter: "Don't worry. In that {| case I'd never ask you." --J. T. O'Brien. || SHE TAKES HER OIGARETTE TIP FROM HIM. To smoke or mot to smoke--that {s the question that often confronts {| a young lady when she wants to make su impression on 8 Young man. A Freesze-Ou Whalen: "How did bucks freese you out?" Salem: "With cold cash." --Blaine C. Bigler. Smirnn New Songs for Ola. Sing a song of Christmas, and what it brings to folks, Pipes, cigars, and ash<rays to the man who never smokes. Steamer trunks for etay-at- homes, lamps for those who go. Fountain pens for people who write once a year or so. A rose-pink scarf for al- though of couise my dears, You Xnow she'll never wear it, she's been in black for years. 1 old Million- B| Yes, sing a song of Christmas for, according to our dope, It's the unexpected happens pever what we hope. --Molly Anderson Haley. S---- ~ Put He Did. Pennett: "You couldn't give me a dollar,'" Rogers: "How did you guess nm --Helga Petersen. and Hat Boxes Boston Bags Felt Slippers Shop early. Buy Footwear for Christmas. 1 c-- Faith, Little Dorothea, just four, wes In her nursery one Sunday {roping her dolly' clothes. THE DAILY BRI | town. -- ---- Nurse came in and, in a tome of surnprise, exclaimed: "Dottie, don't work on the Sabbath?" i But Dorothea calmly replied: | «fell, nursie, don't you suppose the good Lord knows that this fron | isn't hot?" | --Mrs. L. J. Simon. First Ald. Eugene (abouf to propose): #Miss--er--, there has been some- thing on my lips for these last few | weeks--er--"" Nancy (mistaking his meaning): "Well, shave it off." --Walter E. Adams. (Copyright, 1924. Reproduction | Forbidden). -- (Copyright, 19 24. Reproduction Forbidden). 7 Readers are bute. All hud humorous dotes, poetry. quested to contri r: epigrams (oF wottoes), Yo anec~ bur ues, satires ages of children, must o th of the contribution, as determined by the Editor of "The Fun Shop." All manuscripts must be wsitten on one side of the per only, should bear name of this newspapar, and should be addressed to Fun Sho Headquarters, 8 West 40th Stree ew York City. Unaccepted contri. utions cannot be returned. GANANOQUE Dec. 20.--Ivan Scott has return- and Mrs. W. Bates for the past week. Mrs. Henry Parker is the guest of | her daughter, Mrs, Seymour, Clay- | ton. Mr. and Mrs, H. 8. Campbell and | Miss Bessie were in Kingston yes- terday. Mr. McDonald has returned to | Toronto after spending the past week with his daughter, Mrs. Rich- ard Johnson. i William Child and George Hilder had a& narrow escape from drown- ing when they went through the, fce in the bay yesterday afternoon. | Mrs. A. Welsh, Mrs. Rough and | the Misses Rough have gone to Mon- | treal for the holiday season. Misses Maude and Leila Jackson are in Montreal, George Swalwell, Toronto, is in Fred Marshall and wife, Howe 1s- land, had|a close call on Thursday when returning home, their car skidding and"turning turtle. Mrs. Marshall was injured, though not seriously. The accident happened near Willow, Bank school house. Mrs. James Brewster, Victoria avenue, has gone to Oshawa to spend Christmas with her som, Ernest. Mr. Balkwell of the high school staff, left last might for Detroit to spend the holidays. M. Macdonnell has returned to Kingston after spending the past few days-here with friends. 'The Beavers hockey team is plan- ning a big euchre and dance in the Lyceum shortly after New Year's with the idea of equipping them- selves with sweaters, ete. JOEN SAYERS; PICTON, Died In Toronto Hospltal--The Late William H. Gerow, Picton. Ploton, Dec. 19.--Captain D. B. Christie is home for the winter months after a busy season on the Great Lakes. F. W. Newman has been in To- ronto this week attending a meet- ing of the executive committee of the Ontario Boards of Trades end Chambers of Commerce. Mrs. Sarah Mastin, Maple avenue, has gone to Detroit, Mich., to spend the winter months with 'friends. 4 Word was received in Picton yes- terday of the death in Toronto of John Sayers. Mr. Sayers bad been for about two weeks in hospital in Toronto, taking treatment for heart trouble. His wife received word Wednesday evening that he was worse and left om the early morning train Thursday to be with him but was too late to reack his bedside before he passed away. Mr. Sayers was well known in educa- tional circles having owned and been {n charge of the Picton Business College for many years. He leaves a wife end no childrer; also ome sister, Mrs. Adam Flake of Picton and one brother, Wiliam Sayers of Detroit. f Captain B. A. Adams has been yaleed to the rank of Major in the Hastings and Prince Bdward Regi- ment. Major Adams is in charge of € Company. Miss Annie Hooper has returned home after spending several weeks the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ross Vandusen, Ottawa. Mre. Vandusen s~companied her home for a short = x d | ode Oak Ridges atter visiting pir. | er will make their home in Buffalo. Right Rev. BE. J. Bidwell, D.D., Bishop of Ontario, is to preach In St. Friday night. Miss Jessie Carter entertained the Dickens Reading Circle at her home on Hill evening. EASTERN ONTARIO LIBERALS. Some of the Officers Elected From This District. Among the officers elected by the Eastern Ontario Liberal Association are: Honorary vice-president--Mre. Ww. J. Wilson, Gananoque. Vice-presidents--J. M. Campbell and Mrs, John Macgillivray, ston On tha Advisary Council are the following: Leeds--Dr. J. P. Sinclair, Ganano- que; Sarah Bowser, Delta; Mre. Ww. Gananoque. : Frontenac -- James Halliday, Portsmouth; James Baxter, Barrie- fleld; Mrs. J. Q. Ellerbeck, West- brook; Miss May Lake, Battersea. Kingston--Mr. W. J. Falr, King- ston; M. Sullivan, Kingston; Mrs. R. J. Quinn, Kingston. Lennox--Dr. Bath; D. H. Allison, Bath; Mrs. Ww. g. Herrington, Napanee; Mrs, PF Miller, Napanee, Addington--W. A. Martin, Mos- cow; P. J. Murphy, Enterprise; Mrs. A. N. Benn, Moscow; Mrs, Thomas Scanlon, Enterprise. Prince Bdward--Grant Sprague, Mountain View; W. 8. Benson, Plo- ton; Mrs. Charles Wilson, Picton; Mrs. John Shaw, Bloomfleld, A beautiful line of Crane's Sta- tionery in dainty gift boxes. Pens, Crepe paper, Bells, Cord, Seals, Open to-night. Wellington street. 3 Bankrupt stock sale, The Club, three doors .below Grand Opera House. Cyclamen, forn, cherry plants for Christmas at Lawson's Greenhouses, Christmas fruits at Pickering's. The pholad, a small Pkin to the oyster, can TISH WHIG 23 EEEEEEERNEAEENEEENEEREENRRNE Open Every Night Till Christmas 5 i Why not choose a piece of Luggage "Good Baggage adds com fort to the trip." EVERYBODY ADMIRES GOOD BAGGAGE "A person may be judged by their luggage" Frat Vv NG CA The Ladies' favorite. HAT $8.00,$10.00t0 . | = BOXES $15.00 Make practical gifts Hat boxes have become ot one of the most popu- / lar pieces of luggage. Fitted Overnight It has always been a Cases $9.50 to $18.00 problem' for a lady to properly take care of Handy size--compact and beautifully lined. ~ extra hats, and these boxes just fll that need. Dainty wearing apparel may be packed around the hats and in this way they will also serve as week-end cases. And when not In use they are the safest places to keep best Hats from expusure to light and aust. We are showing beau- tiful boxes from $5.50 up to $12.00. Make your now. Steamer Trunks. Perhaps an unysual gift, but a wonderful gift just' the "From $10 to $20 Kiddies' Suit Cases =" 4Be. to $1.45 selection LADIES' BOSTON BAGS $1.95 to $5.00 BLACK, BROWN, RED, BLUE $7.50 Good 'quality, real Cowhide leather, double swing handle 18 inch Club Bags, real lea- ther lined ..vseesons $7.50 $18.00 Real Cowhide, smooth, black Travelling Bag, with strong, outside straps, in 18 and 20 INCH tinea ass ons $18.00 Child's Trunks Real strong, made like big Trunks, lock, ete. $2.50 ¢ Abernethy's Shoe Store 3 Mary Magdalene's church on RA Hl LIRA) M ARV W i street on Monday ---------------------- King- Frank Halladay, Elgin; Miss Peck, bilt, absolutely moth proof. Diack, Kingston; Mrs. 3 BR H. 8. Northmore, | 'Phone 147 for Service. A---------------- 11: t ill Wi N > Ny, Pa A Chesterfield Christmas This is going to be a Chesterfield Christmas judging by the numbes of Chesterfield Sets we have sold for our Christmas delivery. . If you 'want Style and Quality Furniture that will give you the greatest amount of wear and pleasure, can ERESAR ENE NEARS ER Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers be had at REID'S, guaranteed Sani JAMES REID THE STORE WITH THE CHRISTMAS SPIRI? village. Stationery. Quill The Jackson Press, ---------------- Centre. sea animal, pore holes Fe The original Jeff" [ie mencing Mrs. Anna Miller, Alexandria Bay, N.Y., is the new president of the American Legion Auxillary of that ' Ricin, the themical principle castor beans, threatens to break all records for poison strength, accords [ing to scientists. of Mutt and Jeff who appear with the "Mutt And 'at the Grant Opera House for two might £0 y, December 25th, with a § Da; 1 Chris