> DO "YOU REALIZE THAT THE GOOD, OLD 'WHITE PINE IS GETTING SCARCER EVERY DAY Yet we are still able to supply that same quality which has made a reputation for itself. Let us have your order now. ALLAN LUMBER CO. Victoria Street. "Phone 1042. See Us When In Need Of Lamps _ We are distributors for 'EDISON MAZDA LAMPS HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. | 'PHONE 04. KING AND PRINCESS STS. is NOT on the Bo:'it is NOT BROMO QUININE "There is no other BROMO QUININE" Proven Safe for more than a Quarter of a Century as an effective remedy for COLDS, GRIP and INFLUENZA, and as a Preventive. Price 30 Cents. J The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet Made in Canada. BINIRTNYNIRVETEVNTRONTROR re POR BYBRY GOOD LITTLE GIRL AND BOY a "A Merry Christmas Tn All Make this & real 6id-fashioned Christmas with od THE FAMOUS CANDIES The candies loved and appreciated by For your convenience in one, two, three, four snd five pound boxes. All mxiy cents the ' our dear * to one wide, is a popular model In mil 8 at|Mnery now. ll | togs and gun to go hunting. But he overlooked the fact that || somefimes the hunted turns hunter and approaches from the THE DAILY BRITISH eS " ; : = [ BEFORE YOU SHOOT, FIND YOUR BEAR This youngster at Buck Hill Falls, Pa., borrowed his dad's rear. _ nroclaimed the Gospel for Presby- erians; Episcopalians listened to "resbyteriang interpret the teachings »t Christ; Universalists and Unitar-, ians participated, Such a demonstra- fon of Christian unity Detroit has never before witnessed. Most extra- THE VILLAGE LIARS. (Crawf. Slack) I believe that kindly Bture has bestowed on ome; and all Bits of humor, wit sud wisdom, be the portion great or small; Here the rank exaggerators are a factor in life's game, 'of these popular hh", WHIG Strollers Cigarettes Packages of 10s or 25s, Christmas wrapped, in 100s... $ Tins of 80... - This Announcement makes your Christmas shopping easy If he smokes the best of cigarettes and tobacco you can surely Foes his taste by choosing one rands. Clip this advertisement. Mark the brands i have selected for your Christmas gifts. e prices are Plaidy marked. Then go to your nearest dealer, and he will supply you. All these brands are put up in most attractive Christmas gift packages. Known the world over for their » SE 0s in Christ their delicate aroma and flavor. mas pper. And we should be coy and careful ere we censure them or blame To the keem imagination we're inm- debted, doubly so; Were it not for bygone dreamers very little we would know. I enjoy just thinking backward, to the mediums ruling them, Of the wit and of the folly of the charecteristic men; Back to Nature's pastime long before the movie star, Back where mirth and entertain. ment was more genuine by far; ' I would Mke to spend an evening seated by the wood-stove fire, in the old bark-bottomed rocker, listening to the village liar. 1 would like to hear Cy Hopkins tell of hero deeds afar, When he fought with "Grant and Sherman, ind the great Amer! can war; Hear him boast about his daring. and the fearless things he dia Of the bullet scars he carried, which from us were always hid; As he'd talk we all would listen. but the most of us could vow, That Cy's only deed of daring was to milk a mulley cow. How .I'd like to hear Tish Toney boast of her relations great, What lived across the border and owned a vast estate; How, her father was advisor every president, And was sent as an ambassador to another continent. How she ohanced to be among us as a servant round-bout, Is a mystery remaining that wever figured out. to was » 1 would like to hear Mat Mather yarn of things back years age. When he used to chase the wolves % and bears and wildcats through the snow; to And how he fought the '"'Injuns," which were always five to one, With every brave 2 woodsman and an expert with a gun; How he'd face 2 pack of wolverines, all in snarling mood, When we knew well one -time a skunk had chased him from the wood. To just go in the ofd hotel, T often long, and wish, That I could hear yarn about fish, Doyn in Mud Lake, so docile old "Slippery" the wonderous they'ed eat bread-crumbs from | his hand, And were so thick they erowded one another out on land; Though 'we knew there was never water deep down in Mud Lake, And: about the only denizens were the mud-turtle and snake. I long to hear Seth Spooner blow about his courting days, And of all the maids who pleaded to share his winsome ways; Hear him tell of reigning beauties he'd eldetracked and turned (down, When he was a door-mat agent tra- véled round from down 'to . 'town; Seth we know came back to Bean- ville, and he married Sally Broek, Who possessed that' brand of beauty that would stop an eight-day clock. I enjoy the hthking backward to the mediums ruling them, Thinking of the wit the men, the characteristic Just to heer the village liars yarn bot things in sizty-three, Woul better than radio, or a re show for me; ¥ could ust all might apd listen to their yarne 1 'years ago players!" ordinary of all, a distinguished Jew- ish Rabbi preached in a Christian church and the Dean of St. Paul's occupied the pit of Temple Beth El. Allin all, it , was a Sunday long to be remembered, . Philip Morris Virginia Ovals 85-20s in Christmas wrapping. $1.75 Tins of §0..... creer ines 0 reuse srmassane 1 The millennium hasn't come, but it looks as if it might be on the way. This general exchange of pulpjts in Detroit is a- harbinger of a when In tins of 100......... evil Plain or Cork tipped If something unusually select is desired we recommend 'This smoking tobacco is a beautifully blended tobacco, mild, but of the richest aroma and flavor. An unusually tobac- co which pleases the most parti smoker. 34-pound tins.. revenncrnerne $180 Ia 1-pound glass ene oe 3.28 we shall look back to denomina-j tional strife and sectarian bitterness! exchange of pulpits and with © an with something akin to pity. How! ever-widening circle of participants. Henry Ward Beecher, Horace Bush-| And in the meantime all of us might nell and Phillips Brooks would have! profit by repeating with Whittier: revelled in _such a practical and in- | Melachri viduals, cigarette individually wapred in tin foil. "Put u in tins of 50 with Christmas ribbon bel, a very attractive packing, Melachrino No. 4. Tins of 50...........cce0onnenn $3.98 Tins of 100 -- no Indi $2.50. Suffice it now. In time to be Shall one great temple rise to Thee, Thy church our broad humanity. . Benjamin Franklin was the inven- | "There is no teaching until the pu- [pil is brought into the same state of principle in which you are; a trans fusion takes place; he is you, and you are he; there is a teaching; and and folly of | | Kinnear & d'Esterre Waterman's Ideal Fountain , : i - MAHOOD BROS. 113-115 PRINCESS STREET « | WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS AND PENCILS spiring example and great good will! advantageous if one §hnday a year The varying tongues ot spiritual er "Forgive, O Lord, our childish ways, It would ve! The separate altars that we raise. tor of bifocal spectacles. In a letter to a friend he describes a pair made that speak Ty [tor him before 1785 by the famous London optician, Dollard. by no unfriendly chance or bad com- |pany can he ever quite lose the bene- fit.--Ralph Waldo Emerson. at least were set apari for a general praise! NN A : (rw \ (I \ NW LO \ \ SRE TY SH SH &~ - N By DB < 3 657 / A Se ; RR SD = Na Ny o > \ Ah VR 2 x PAP for40 years . the World's _ Christmas Tol s £5 5 JEWELLERS Pens N