NOW SHOWING TI) 3 | NOW SHOWING SINCLAIR LEWIS' Great Novel "Babbitt" WILLARD LOUIS un 24, Independent 0dd Fellows. Order of °T ill be conferred The Third Degree w ¥, m! 38rd. + Le Jackson, RM. Dougiza, Noble Grand. Rec. Secretary NOTICE My wife, Mrs Niollette Hawkins, having left my home and board, I will mot be responsible for any debts ocon- tracted by her in my name. FRANK HAWKINS. Township of Loughboro NOMINATION NOTICE is hereby given that a méeting of the electors of the Muni- cipality of the Towfship of Lough- boro will be held on Monday, the 20th day of December, 1024, af, 12 o'dock noon, in Township Hall, Sydenham, for the purpose of nominating candi- dates for reeve and councillors to serve in the Municipal Council in the said Mu ity for the year 1925. Clerk of. Loughboro. Dated at Sydenham, 22nd day of December, 1924. Ross G. Guess, Twp. Clerk. "NOMINATION Township of Pittsburgh, od. 2 at TOWN HALL, - BARRIEFIELD, Monday, Dec. 29th From 12to 1 o'clock WM. MURRAY, ; i "~~ Clerk Barriefield, December 20th, 1024. AMUSEMENTS What the Presse Agents Sag About Coming Attractions "WINE OF YOUTH" JAZZY STORY OF YOUNGER SET King Vidor has mede a most un usual . and interesting picture in "Wine of Youth," a film version of Rachel Crothers' popular stage play, "Mary the Third" which opens to- day at the Capitol theatre for a run of three days. In the first place, Vidor went out on Hollywood Boulevard, gathered up a dozen or «0 of the handsomest young screen \juveniles he could find, and signed them for parts in the picture. Then, for feminine beauty, he collected Eleanor Boardman and Pauline Gar- on, added five or six capable char- acter players, and called it a cast. The story, treated with the same acterized "Three Wise Fools," and other Vidor productions, is of the modern flapper and her com- patriots. Mary the Third is a real modern girl, who scorns the methods of he: mother and grand- mother in getting a husband; she will not be swept away by the most ardent suitor, but wants to see what her lovers will be like after mar- riage. Accordingly Mary makes up an uncheperoned camping party with her two suitors, her closest girl friend, Tish, and her "Sheik." The result of this ewperiment and 8 quarrel between her parents prove to her that she loves the less fiery, but more dependable boy. Miss Boardman plays the principal flap- per with originality end finish. The young leading men in the picture include Ben Lyon, Willlam Haines, William «Collter, Jr., Bobby Agnew, Johnnie Walker, Creightoh Hale, { Niles Welch, James Morrison et al. This should be enough leading men for any picture. Altogether, this picture, which contains many color- ful scenes, including a 'flapper party" which really looks like a party, is highT¥ entertaining. It has many touches of comedy, paints a realistic picture of real modern youth and reaches a highly dra- matic climax. SINCLAIR LEWIS' GREAT NOVEL ON SCREEN A superb picturization of 'Bab. bit," the sensational novel by Sin- clair Lewis, which enjoyed the greatest popularity of any book written in the past decade, will be shown at the Strand Theatre to-day and Tuesday, with Willard Lewis in the stellar role of the middle-age business man with a craving for romance. "Babbitt" brought to life!! GIPT SERVICES. _ nt Were Held In Some Of The Sunday The "White " Christmas" service héld in connection with Sydenham street Methodist Sunday school on Sunday aftérnoon was the most suc- cessful on record. The schol were asked to bring gifts of nfdoney and "useful articles which will be distri- buted during the week. The money contribution, which amounted to about $60, will be given to the Vie torian Order of Nurses and the oth- er contributions, will be handed over tothe members of the Lend-A- Hand Circle of King's Daughters. The Sunday school hall was decorat- Miss Hilda Day was leader of the gift bearers. Representatives from all the cldsses brought the presentations which were placed on the platform. Rev, Dr. R. H. Bell gave a short address. Queen Street Methodist. The "White Christmus," held in Queen street Methodist church on Sunday was one of the most success- ful events of the year. Bach class eatne forward with its donations and sixty dollars in cash was realized. Mr. CE. Shaver, a former assistant superintendent gave an address. Splendid music was rendered by the orchestra. ------ At Chalmers. On Sunday afternoun the child- ren of Chalmers Sunday school held a gift service and contributed money, books, toys, ete. A program- me was given in connection with the event. Rev. G. A. Brown preach- ed. «Two impressive services were held in Calvary Congregational church, which the ladles "had de- corated tastefully with greenery and flowers. The pastor, the Rev. Frank '| Saunders, occupied the pulpit and spoke from the story of the nativ- ven in Luke's gospel. Miss ity as Janet am at the ore light, 'whimsical touch, which chars _1 Horne, scribe N.; Comp. J. Bleakley, gan and accompanied the choir igs THE DA TOWNS T0- BENEFIT BY LIQUOR FINES Saskatchewan Municipalities Will Get All the Proceeds Now. Regina, Dec. 22.--A windtall is coming to the rurel and urban muni. cipalfties of Saskatchewan under the provisions of the new Liquor Bil. At the, suggestion of Hon. J. A. Cross, attorney-general, all the fines imposed under the Liquér Act will! be handed over to the municipalities in ali cases where information lead- ing to conviction is given by munici- pal authorities, it was decided by the jegisiature on the Liquor Bil. Originally the bill provided for a firty-fifty eplit of the fines between the province and the municipalities, the provision being the same as in the Saskatchewan Temperance Act. Persons resident in stltes above drug stores will be able to have and comsume liquor In their homes it they wish without infringing the new liquor law. This point was settled beyond dispute when the attorney- general drought down a "clarifica- tion" ofthe provision epecifying where liquor may not be consumed, which was accepted. The provision directing terms of imprisonment on failure of "imme- diate payments" of fines imposed un- der the act, are being amended by elimination of the word "immediate," wherever it appears in the bil. | OBITUARY | Late Mrs. Alexander Bois. A very sudden death occurred on Saturday afternoon when Mrs. Alex- ahder Bois, Stephen street, passed to rest. The late Mrs. Bois suffer- ed a stroke about two years ago but was around as usual. On Saturday afternoow she was taken suddenly ill and pasi»1 away fifteen minutes la- ter. The ~ yeased had lived in that section of 'the city all her life and had a very kipdly disposition. She is survived by her husband, eight daughters and one son. The funeral will take place' on Tuesday morning to St. Mary's cathedral. Y.M.C.A. NOTES The usual after-service sing-song or pleasant Sunday evening was held in the Y.M.C.A. Everyone joined heartily in singing the old favorite carols and there were solos by Miss Peters, Mrs. Flynn and Mr. G. Ash- by. Next Sunday evening at the XY. M.C.A. a special Christmas pageant called "The Christmas Pligrims" is to be presented in the assembly room. Twenty, carolers from various eity choirs will sing. carols to the accompaniment of a full orchestra. Miss Woodman and Mr. Madrand are in charge of the music. During the next ten days the Y. M.C.A. will be kept busy with boys' activities which will culminate on New Year's Day with the finals of these series. ~ This will be open house to all Kingston on that day. ------------------------------ ROYAL ARCH MASONS | Install Their Oficers--A Banquet Was Afterwards Held. At the regular convocation = of Ancient Frontendc and Oataraqui Ohaptér No. 1, R.A:M., G.R.C., held on Friday evening, Dec. 19th, the officers were installed. The jnstalla- tion ceremony was performed by Rt. Ex. Comp. H. J. Milne, assisted by Rt. Bx. Comp. W. Y. Mills, Ex. Comp. W. A. Bearance and Ex. 'Comp. H. V_| Moore. The following officers were installed and invested for 1926: Ex. Comp. J. B. L,_Chatterton, Z.; Ex. Comp. ©. J. Brunke, 1LP.2.; Bx. Comp. F. Moxley, H.; Ex. Comp. w. M. Moore, J.; Ex. Comp. James A. Minnes, treasurer; Comp. R. 8. Gra- ham, scribe E.; Comp. George L. Van P8.; Comp. H. Edgar, 88.; Comp. K. N. H. McCullough, J.8.; Comp. B. B. Vanalstyne, master 3rd V.; Comp. P. H. Ryder, master 2nd. V.; Comp. J. Leckie, master '1st V.; Ex. Comp. R, Bunt, Janitor. Auditors, Ex. Comp. W. J. Remton, Rt. Bx. Comp. Willjam Jackson; board of general purposes, the Excel fent Principals and Ex. Comp. C. J. Brunke; temple trustee, Rt, Comp. W. Y. Mills; organist, Comp. A. B. Hunt. * Immediately after the ceremony the companions held a banquet in the dining hall, Ex. Comp. J. E. L. Chatterton acting as toast-master. ------ i ss HEARD ON THE STREET Lbcal Briefs Gathered by Re- What the Merch= ants Are Offering. ae Table Pears at Carnovsky's. Help the General Hospital by a generous Christmag contribution. Bankrupt stock sale, The Club, three @oors below Grand Opera House. The city engineer's department had a number of men engaged in shovelling snow on Monday mora- ing. Pomegranates bec., at Carnovsky's. Ms. Swaine, plano taner. Orders received st 100 Clergy street west, 'phone B84w. The flags on the eity buildings were half-masted on Monday, out of respect to the memory ot the late J. C. Hardy, who served King- ston as an alderman thirty years ago. Toasters and Irons at the lowest prices. H. W. Newman Electric Co. Sweet Herbs at Carnovsky's Mayor Thomas Angrove is having the framed photographs of the mem- bers of the Queen's senior and in- termediate football teams, present- ed to him by the teams, placed in his office at the city buldinge. Bankrupt stock sale, The Club, three doors below Grand Opera House. The many friends of Mies Violet M. Oampenter, Gananoque Junction, are very glad to see her able to be around again after having the mis fortune to break her right leg in a fall several wedks ago. Chestnuts, Cocoanuts, Mixed Nuts. Hickory Nuts 3 pounds 26c., at Car- novsky's, The funeral of the tate John C. Hardy, whose body arrived in King- ston at moon, Monday, took place in the afternbon from the under taking parlors of Johm Cornelius to Oataraqui cemetery. Rev. G. A. Brown conducted the service. Christmas tree outfits, reduced for the last three days. H. W. New- man Electric Co. Prof. B. K. Sandwell, of Queen's University, will be the principal speaker at a twilight get acquainted supper, in the University of Western Ontario, London, on Feb. 24th, at the convention of the Urban School Trustees' Association of Ontario. eet meted S Brother And Sister Suffer Fractures Master Theodore Du Moulin, Trin- ity College School, Port Hope, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Du Moulin, Sydenham street, had the misfortune to fall as he left the din- ing-room after luncheon to-day, car- fying Bis fitte sister, "Philly Ante," in his arms. The fall resulted most unhappily in the lad breaking his left arm near the elbow, and his sister her right ankle. Just at Christmas time, when the young people are looking forward to the joys of the season, this accident is especially un- fortunate, and the victims will have the sympathy of a large number of friends. Young QGirls Will Be Sent To a Toronto Institution The case of a couple of young girls, who recently figured in a case before the assizes, in which young men 'were sentenced for offences committed against them, came be- fore Magistrate Farrell in the po- lice court on Monday morning. The cases were brought to the atten- tion of the court by the Children's Aid Society, and the society's local agent. Rev. Mr. Black appeared be- fore the court {n regard to the mat- ter. The girls will be sent to ansin- stitution in Toronto. BANK'S TRUE OONDITION. Not Enown To Directors Before August 7th, 1988. Toronto, Dec. 32.--Cross-examin- ed by D. L. MoCarthy, K.C., special crown prosecutor, R. P. Gough, di- rector of the Home Bank of Canada, who is on trial before senior county Judge Emerson Coatsworth, charg- ed with making and concurring in Ise statements of the bank's af- faire, testified- this morning that the true condition.of the institu tions finances was not known to the 23, of ter, ARRESTS ARE MADE ON FRAUD CHARGES Assistant Harbor Master of Montreal in Trouble Over Liquor Barge. Quebec, Dec. 32.--David J. Perrault, assistant harbor mas- Montreal, Ludger Brien, garage proprietor, Montreal, and Come Dufiesne, river pilot, have been arrested by the pro- vinelal police on a charge of conspiracy to defraud the pub- lic by evading federal customs Jaws and liquor laws of the province of Quebec. Men are * held in connection With attempt to bring barge loaded with li- quor into province. Following seizure of barge and $500,000 worth of liquor detailed investl- gation was made by liquor com- © mission, ENTERTAINMENTS HELD In the Calvary and 8t. George's Mission Sunday Schools on Friday Evening. ' . SPORT Peterboro Won. . Peterbore followed up victories over Niagara Falls, Preston Parkdale in the S.P.A. series, bY trouncing the Soo Greyhouads, 3 te 2, ia the final game for the trophy at the Toronto Arenas Saturday night. ' "Mat" In Town. James "Fiat" Walsh, goal-keep- er of the Soo Greyhounds, Allan Cup holders, who were defeated in the senior S. P. A. series by the sensa- tional Peterboro intermediates on Saturday night, arrived in Kingston yesterday for a visit. Batstone Oaptain. At a meeting of the Queen's Un- was elected captain of the senior team for the season of 1938. Harry Batstone came to Queen's in 1923. Hie had previously beem the runme ing mate of Lionel Conacher with Toronto Argonauts, - Domision champions of 1931, and has eterr- ed, with "Pep" Leadley with the Do- minion winners of 1933, 1923 and 1924. ' LY BRITISH WHIG oy 1 8 ALY PB -------- Notice to Creditors - end | ha required on or bd January, A.D. 1925, paid or to deliver to P. 480 Cumberland street the Executor of the last tment of the eaid Christian nam and suraam dresses and deseript ait I thes accounts' and the nature of the he ar IT any, ne AND NOTICE thet after euch last tioned date the executor will proesed to distributént the said deceased the {itied thereto, havi he cladme of iversity Football Olub held on Sat- | pb urdgy evening, Harry L. Batstone | such 4 1} ist 8a ATED is at y of December, agers: 0 STRELA tawa, O ALLIES TAXI SERVIOE . Phone 240 % To all parts of the. city Friday evening was the big event of Calvary Sunday school. In a beautifully decorated hall, with its sparkling Christmas tree, the Sun- day school scholars delighted thelr parents and friends with a splendid programme, Rev. F. Sanders occu-. pled the chair and announced each number in such a manner as to give the children confidence and assur- ance that thelr effort¥ to entertain were kindly appreciated. Solos were sung by David Lewers, Alice Lewers, Vera Todd, Kathleen Boyne, and Eleanor Revelle and received heavy applause, The junior solos were sung by Millicent Gage, Muriel Pot- ter, and Mabel Paregis, supported dy a large chorus. Piano solos and duets by Gladys Cameron, Mabel Paregis and Doris Allard. The vio- lin and guitar duet by Misses Fer- ris was very much enjoyed. Two grills by Mrs. Hamilton's and Mrs. Allard's classes, The -vell chosen recitations were given by Mildred Hamilton, Emily Hart, Mabel Browne, Thelma Gow, Mildred Shuf- flebottom, Florence Buck, Dorothy Bryant, Lillian Potter and Joseph Jamison. A group of "wild Indians" trained by Ernest Sanders gave @& thrilling performance. Four espe- clally popular numbers on the pro- gramme were rendered by the Ban- ders family. A solo by Miss Lottie, Hawaiian trio by Miss Lottie, Er- nest and Frank, playing their own accompaniment on the plano ead ukelele. A splendid acrobatic stunt was then given by Ernest and Frank. This talented family cer- tainly deserved the hearty applause, which the audience gave with such good will. : The crowning event of the even- ing was the arrival of Banta. After distributing the gifts, Santa was in- troduced to some of the tiny tots, who assured them of their love and loyalty to him and he promised them that he would not forget them om Dec, 25th. Ra St. 's Mission Entertainment. St. George's Mission was gally de- corated on Friday evening for t Christmas entertainment when o one hundred children of the Sun- day echool gathered with their par- ents. An excellent programme comsisting of Christmas songs, pai tomimes,, drills and marches was presénted. A play in one act, en- titled "The Left Over Present" was cleverly done by Nora Harrison, Alice Ardern, Mabel Greenlees, Mar- garet Moore, Alfred Ayling. Itene Wright and George Angell, assisted by a chorus of the Senior scholars. A unique feature of the evening was (he Christmas greetings extend- ed by Charlés Payne,'James Bock- ing, Bertram Wright, John Gray and John Miller through artistically decorated post cards to five friends of the Mission school. Mrs. A. Hal- lam, president of the Sewing Circle, Dean Starr, "Rev. W. BE, Kidd, Mr. F. E. Dench and Mr, Charles P. Dal- ton. Several senior boys, trained bY Sergt.-Major Harper of thé Royal Military College, gave an exhibition of clubswinging which reflected great credit on the instructor. Miss Vera Lowring in a capable manner acted as accompanist, and Jadk Bearance and Irene Wright gave plano solos. : _ At the clese of the evening, sixty- one scholars were presented with prises 1 lar attendance. Lily Thompso "Red" Batstone holds football player to figure on succession. R A resume of Queen's unique and intermediate teams. Principal Taylor, Technical Supplies McGall's Ci Cigar Store, Dep r Store, \der's Ci Ane unique record of being the only Canadian Dominion champions four years in ecord of Champions "Three Years of Gridiron Glory." on rugby field. Attractively printed in colors, with illustrations of both senior Foreword by 35c per copy, at it. College Inn Ph 78 Clue Shor cess rmacy, Universit g Store, and at the Whig Office. y 1 senior record en's) STOCK MARKETS 80 Montreal St' Own material made (Repotted by Johnston & ohanges). - Montreal. Dec. 22.~(1.30 p.m.) Abitibi Power... .. Asbestos. . yaw oe Bell Telephone.. .. Bragilian.. .. «« .« Brompton, . .. «co coo oo British Empire Steel 1st PM British Empire Steel 2nd Ptd Can. Converters. . Can. Cement Com... «oc coco Can. Cement Pfd.. .. .. .. Can Steamers Com,. «+ «« Can Steamers Pfd .. . Cuban Cen. Bugar Com .... Cuban Can. Sugyr Ptd Detroit United.L .. seve oe ee ® ce se ee eo ee o0 oo ceo see aw Dom, Textile.: «eo oo oe oo Hollinger... «. co coe oo « Laurentide.. .. Montreal Power ..... NE Nationa! Breweries Com .. National Breweries Pid Ogilvie... .. .. Ottawa Power... Peamans. . Price Bro#... ccc oo se oo Quebec Power.... .. «+ Bpenish River Com .. ... Spanish River Pfd.. .. .. Smelters.. +. co se co cov Shawinig@fi.. .« oo oo ooo Steel of Canada... .¢ «vo oo» Twin City.. Wabasso. . Wayagaméck .e se ee ees "« see so @ ee 83s @ ss we ' New. York. Dec. 22.--(1.30 p.m.) Amer; Can.... Baldwin Loco B.&0.... .. C.P.Rivere vn =o Chandler Motors .. Corn Products .. Cosdém Ofl.... «ceo Crucible Steel .. .. Cuban Cane Sugar pid .... General Asphalt .. . Intergational Nickle Kelly Springfield .. .. Martine pfd .... +o oo oore Mack Motors .. .. Marland Oil... New Haven .. .. N.Y. C.... Northern Pacific . Pacifie Ofl.. Pan, Amer, Pete... .. 5. «- Pan. Amer. Pete. "B" Plerce Petféléum Sou. Pac.. .. Sou RIWY .. vo aces ov Sinclair Ofl.. "a Standastd Ol of ee ee ense ee aay oe abies on esevenne , ad sewer .e ce eee "ae se ws av @ ve se sie as vw se 20 oe we ogee "« sewn 86 Princess strest, members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Bx: Domi. BAdge.. .« oo oo soy Ward. Choice Beef| At Lowest Prices. Also Pork and Chickens SEE OUR RANGE OF Framed Pictures THE MELODY SHOPPE Opposite Grand Overs House 'Phone 188. 131% 53% MEAT STORE 133 BROCK ST. Paone 1064 y Eggs--splendid for cooking } Pelloville Creamery . . .88e 1b, | ------------------------------------------ "Sausages (fresh daily), home- 18c. I oy ee All Pork Sensages ... 2c. Ib, svssssnnane --------------------------_ ee ---------------- Fresh Hamburg Broek . ..10c ---------------------------------------------- 149% 117% splendid anthems, "O Come and, hip" and the "Prince of * In the evening "The Gift" by Miss Sanders in her re § ifr 1 g fi fof ij ols Si ? : ; it : : ; i : ¥18 : ii : i % Bg ge E i a! ¥ ! | i i i i : in § 1 hi kr n £ Sea YF