a » ¢ HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Let These Generous Classified Opportunitie BIRTHS. ' ber 21st, 1924, to bertson. 29 Pine ter, (Rose Elinor). we KS--In Portsmouth, on_Decem | 19th, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs Ww. J.| Marks, a daughter, Mary Irene. \ ALBERTSON--In ings peo The British Whig 1 BOIS--Suddenly, in Kingston, on De- | cember Toth: 1924, Lucy Bois, belov- | ed wife of Alexander Bois, aged se; years. Funeral will take place her late | residence, 23 Stephen Street at 8.45 | Tuesday morning, to St. Mary's where & solemn requiem be sung for the happy of her soul | i and acquaintances are respect- | fully invited to attend. \ --At London, Ont. on Decem- | 21st, 1924, Eliza Simpson, aged years, relict of the late Joha | athe mass will r Fi ' not LI ge ee Fupera on ue afternoon - o'clock from the C.N.R. outer tion to Cataraqui cemetery. 4 The Old Firm of U 854 and 256 PRINCkSS STREET Phone 147 Jor Ambulance ROBERT J. REV Leading Undertaker The Phone 577. 230 Princess Street M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME 40 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE PHONE 1839 at 1.30} sta- | rons 856w. Oulis Night and Day Promptly Attended KNIGHT UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER LORM--Sydenham, Yarker, Veroma, and Baty Ambuilaaece 'phone 35. ARE ALREADY SWORN INTO CIVIC OFFICES Taking of Declaration Here after Omitted at First Ses~ sions of New Bodies. The members of Kingston's elty couneil for 1925 have been sworn in and are now ready for the inaugu- ral meeting of the council, which will be held on Monday morning, January 5th, at 11 o'clock. The Municipal Act peints out that the declarations of office must be signed by the aldermen within twen- ty days of the date of the election, and as the elections were held on December 1st, the @ Tor-sigaing expired on Sundaf, December 21st. It was learned on Monday morn- ing that all the "city fathers" and aldo the members elected to the ities Commission had taken their oath of office on Saturday. The Municipal Act states that if any of the members elected refuse to Sign their declaration of office within twenty days of the date -of the electioh, they are liable to fines not léss than $8 and not exceeding $80. However, the Kingstonians who sought municipal honors are ~mot courting trouble or a fine, and so no objections have been noted : ing taking the oath. When the elections were held on Ji 1st, it was the custom to have the members of council take thelr declaration of office at the in- augurdl meeting of the council, which usually came early in January, allow- ing ample time to be within the twenty days allowed by law. Under the new order of things, the taking of the declaration of office will be one of the frills omitted from the first session of the new eouncil. DECREE OF DIVORCE. Seldom Ends Love, Says an Astute San Francisco, Dec. 22.--Divorce not necessarily mean that 1 d apd wife have ceased to _]ove each other; in fact the contrary often is true, in the opinion of Judge Thomas F. Graham, known locally as he reconciler, " wdge Graham has been hearing cases for 24 years. "It has : my experience," he said re- cently, "that love is not always dead a wbman sues for divorce, I #9 per cent. of the wo- whe get divorces leave the court heavy hearts. They love men they have just divorced. I that when a woman once a man, she never ceases to even though she may testify against her husband. does not have the power of love that a woman | *P that love 'is there and it . When a father deserts his ] arrested, Almost as many mothers desert their children, yet we Seldom hear of their arrest They should be." CLASSIFIED, ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular ised according to \THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM, Inc Philadelphia, Pa. All ads dre restrcited to their proper clagsifical and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. Ci FIED RATES: Dally rate per line or consecutive ingertions: Minimum charge, 3§ cents Sarge, Cy Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.00 eaca insertion. Advertising ordered for irregular insertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than bagls of four lines. Fount asix average words to the ne. . Otiarged ads. will be received by telephone and if pald at The Brit- ish big Office within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. foes for more than one d and Stopped before expiration wi only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adiuat- type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. Telephone 243; ask for a want ad. taker. \ \FRACTURED HIS HIP An Accident That Recently Befel George Keyes, Wolfe Island. Wolfe Island, Dec. 20.--The wea- ther during the past week has been extremely cold, followed by a sheet storm which has made it very dis- agreeable for walking. There has been a large consignment of tur- keys shipped to the United States market during the past week and the prices are soaring and are ex- pected to go still higer. The United churches held a very successful concert on Thursday night. Many presents were distri- buted to the children off the Christ- mas tree. The pupils of the Sepa- rate schools Nos. 2 and ¢ held a big entertainment on Friday night in C.M.B.A. hall. Miss Brown and Mr. Cosgrove were worthy of much praise for the successful manner in which the children took their parts. The many friends of George Keyes were sorry to hear--of him having the mistortune of falling on Thurs- day and fracturing his hip. A speedy recovery is hoped for. William Kane, a former resident of the is- land, who has been living in Water- town, N.Y., for the past ten years, dled 6n Thursday , morning. His death was a great shock to his many relatives and friends. - Messrs. John and Joseph MacDonald, Buffalo, N. Y., are visiting with relatives on the island. Miss Evelyn MacTaren, who has been attending Peterboro Normal school, is with her parents at pre- sent for the holiday season. Miss Nellie Murphy has gone to Kingston to spend Christmas with relatives. George Russell has returned home latter a very succeseful season sail- ing on the Great Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald, accompanied by Master Lyle, are ho- lidaying on the island with 'their nu- merous friends. Miss Mildred Kings- ley is shortly expected home from Perth, where she 18 the guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. James McDonough. ------------------------------ Canadian Pacific. i City tifket office, 180 Wellington street, report the following arrivals of their steamships: Montlaurier, from St. John, arrived Liverpool, Dec. 19th. Montcalm, from St. John, due Liv- erpool, \Dec. 23rd. Marburn, from Antwerp, South- ampton and Cherbourg, due St. John, Dec. 23nd. Marloch, from Liverpool and Glas- gow, arrived St. John, ¥Dec. 21st. Empress of Australia, from Houng- Kong and Yokohama, due Vamcou- ver, Dec..24th. Pmipress of Canada, from Van- couver, due Hong-Kong, Dec. 24th. Empress of Russia, from Vancou- ver, due Yokohama, Dec. 31st, and due Hong-Kong, Jan. Tth. ' ------ Right Rev. Johan ' F. McNally, tormerly of Almonte, has succeeded the late Bishop Dowling as the fifth bishop of the Roman Catholic dio- cese of Hamilton, Ont. Don't forget your contribution for the General Hospital's Christus s Cut Down Your Living Expenses The Profits is always ripe for reading. Section is your anawer. The Time Is Ripe. And As far as A-B-C Classified Ads are concerned, the t And just about the same statement holds trug- garding taeir profits--their profits are always rai Any time--every time--all the time--the orderly ads that throng the Classified Columns are willing and| ready to help you solve any one of the hundreds of perpl that are bobbing up in everyday lives. It you want to sell something at a profit--if you want to buy something without embarrassment--if you want a position, a dog, or an automobile--the Classified You can't read this section countering profitable opportunities continually, f THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS. ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY Are.Rare "regularly without en- Announcement. Personals PRIVATE TUITION To anyone unable | to attend school; child or adult. New=-| est Engligh methods if desired. Ap- , ply Box U-17, Whig Office. SKIN BLEMISHES --- Hair, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, | Scars, Pits, ete, ed permanent-| ly. Satisfactory furnished after others have tre cured without operation. i years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, | Eye, Ear. Nose, Throat, Skin, 258] Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 11387 WATCH--Lost, Sliver wrist watch with silver bracelet, Monday noon. between | Queen and Clergy Streets and | Queen's University. Finder please + phone 956 or call at 197 Queen Street Lost and Found 1 BOX--Found, containing pair of new shoes, in Newman & Shaw's store. Owner apply at store. BUMPER Found, grounds Owner apply to Old building. Queen's University. | left on College Arts DOG-- Lost, .Saturday, black hair re- triever. Answers to name of "Barney." Rewanrd.. 'Phone 1221. GLASS -- Lost, pair of black shell rim glasses on Thursday. Tele- phone 738. GLOVE--Found, Lady's Woollen Glove and child's red woollen mitt. Left in Mrs. Potter's fancy store last Satur- day. Owner may have same at above address. i KEY--Found, on Brock St. Apply to Whig Office. PURSE -- Found, containing sum of] money and bank book. Owner apply at James Reid's, 252 Princess Street. PURSE--Found, containing small sum of money, in Mahood Bros' store, on Saturday nig! Owner may have same at 40 Division street. RING--Lost, platinum, with one dla- mond. Finder will be liberally re- warded on returning to 31 Aberd street. STOCKINGS -- Found, child's, black woollen, on Princess street, between) Barrie and Clergy streets. Owner ap-| ply 432 Princess street. WOOLLEN GLOVE--Found, also mitt, on Princess street on Tuesday. Owmn- er apply at 26 Pfum street. WATCH--Found, on Alice street, ster- ling silver wvist watch on strap; monogram on back. Owner may have same at C.N.R. Telegraph Office. CONOLUDES SERVICES. Rev. Father John, Handly Drew Large © ns. ! Concluding his three weeks of special sermons in St. Mary's ca- thedral on Sunday evening, Rev. Father John Hanpdly spoke on his conversion to the Catholic faith. He had a capacity congregation who listened attentively to his eloquent address. At the high mass in the morning many who had attended earlier services retur to hear his sermon off indulgencds and purga- tory. During the past week his evening sermons were announced as especially for non-Catholics and throngs attended each evening. Father Handly, receiving assist- ance only with the thousands of confessions, has conducted the full three weeks of special sermons, de- livering instructions three and four times a day. The firemen had a run on Satur- day to a home on King street west where trouble with a chimney fm- pelled the household to send for the fire brigade. Nothing serious developed. ! Northern Spy and MacIntosh Red Apples at: Carnovsky's. John Bowes, for many years a well known figures in Pakenham district, died last month at Ponoka, Automobiles 'Phone 24TSw. Ala. Automobiles For Sale 13 SPEED WAGON--New, Reo. Apply A. Glover, corner Bagot and Earl Streets. 'Phone 47. Second-hand Parts for All Makes of Cars Gray Dort. Chevrolet, Ford, Briscoe, McLaughlin, Studebaker. Also second- .| hand Tires, Auto Tops and Cushions. Repairing on all kinds of care done here at a reasonable price. H. ROSEN, 140 Rideau Street FOR SALE These exceptionally good, Used Cars having new tops, curtains and tires, are now offered for sale at extremely low prices. 4 CYL. ESSEX TOURING. DURANT SEDAN. HUBSON SPEEDSTER. STUDEBAKER SPEC. SIX. McLAUGHLIN D335, 4 CYL. CHALMERS' 1922 TOURING. Boyd's Garage, Ltd. 128 Brock St Phone 301\w. Business Service Business Services Offered 18 Expert Plano. Tuning. Player-Plano Adjusting. 'Thone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -- Repaired. David J. Coates, 383 Division Street Pupil of O. F. Telgmann School of Music. T. BISS--2§8 King street, has installed! the very latest skate sharpening ma-| chiné. Skates sharpened very reason-| ably. Quick service. work. First class Ladies' Halr Parjor. 2a 'PHONE 678 -- For appointment. Frank J. Robbs, 135 Wellington St FRENCH MARCEL 'WAVING Water Waving, Round and Bobbe Curling, Facial and lp Treatment. Special at iven to Hair Dyeing. Miss Switzer, 267 Queen Street. For ap- pointment "phone 3016. Bobbing and Trimming, LADIES TRANSFORMATIONS -- be bed curls, awitch: SN TE . singelng, curling, ies' and Child- ren's hair cutting. Mrs. Cunningham, 56 Bay Street, Kingston. Phone 1613w, FRENCH MARCEL Water Wave, Hairdressing, Ladies' Hair Cutting, Curling, Facial and Scalp Treatments, eto. Hair dyeing a specialty. MRS. WILKINSON, 360 Frontenao Street. Phone 1080J. for appoint- meat. PERMANENT WAVING An Meal Christmas gift for a lady. We are now booking appointments. A. B. KINGSBURY, 209 Princess Street. 'Phone 1238. $ + Hemstitching ART NEEDLEWORK---Newest designe in stamped goods and material. Child- ren's Wear a jalty. Apply Mre. E Dunlop, 1§1°A Street, hone 101L. rIcor EDGING Hemstitohing, jeating. work guaranteed. Mre. Feild, 362 Bargie Street, near Street "Phone 2433). Successor Hat Cleaners HOW---About your feit hat ? 18 hete. ide Hatter, 36 Bank of Nova Rev. J. D. McCrae, Almonte, mn timated Sunday that If the vote 4d! WANTED --Men and women to earn $8 Princess to Mra. Business Services Insurance 28 | re Insurance, Stox- | Reliable compan-, E. Willams, 3] ALL LINES--Of ™ ness ahd Accident. fes. 'Phone or call Couper street. 1 Insur- | FIRE--Automobile and Cpeuaity , reet. | ance. E. M. Crumley, 430 Ear Phone 1783M. INSITRANCE--Cnly the most reliable companies Nprtaented Strange & Strange. established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office J. B. COOKE--Life, Flie, Accident and Sickness, in reliable companies. dis-| triot manager, Imperial Life. Phones: Office 50fw. Res. 1731m. | i W. P. HEWGILL & SON--Representing | all branches of insurance; o ha , assumed business of Col G. Hunter| Omilvie. 281 King Street E. 'Phone! | ee a ------ POULTRY. Cinancial Money to Loan 40 FRONTENAC. -- Loan and Investment Society, incorporated in 1881. President A. B. Cunningham; vite-president, A. D. Cartwright. Money to loan on City properties; Investments, Bonds bought and sold, deposits re- ceived and interest d on minimum monthly balance. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence Street, ng- ston. wive Stock Wanted--Live Stock 0 f all kinds. We are fre- told ours js the best market to for good chickens. Prices Waller's, Spadina Avenue, quently in Torom mailed. Toronto. Moving, Trucking. Sterge 25 | ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and yards. clean job done. A. MacGregor, 24 Russell Street. 'Phone 2285. STORAGE--For furniture, clean, ary, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage... 299- 305 Queen St. Phone 526 Res. 9 , Papering, Decorating 20 SIGN PAINTING--J. 8 Robinson, rear 275 Bagot Street. J. FLANAGAN---Painter, and Decorator. E 'Phone, 1433. Kingston. Paperhanger Estimates submitted. 247 Montreal Stréet, Sample books in stock. ARMY RUBBERS-- "ry | Articles For Sale B51 reread a ------ iy orse Blankets, Bed| es, Bréeches, Leg-| Special bargains in} 4 Blankets, Sleigh-R gngs, Mitts, etc. Club bags. Suit Cases. A. Shapiro, Princess street. ALUMINUM WARE--Double Roasters| in Aluminum, White Enamel and Black Stee} at greatly reduced prices, at} Taylor & Hamilton's, 8% Princess St.| BARGAINS--4 real bargain upright, $45, $30; 2 Gramay 8, 2. Lesses Antique Shop, 807 Princess; treet. 'Phone 2410. 1 BRICK--Hard and soft, any quantity. Apply E. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson Street. | Phones 1391J or 618. (Ageat for Baker} rick). RADIO--This Christmas--Buy your est now and have it installed before Christmas. Open every evening. Came ada Radio Stores. Rooms For Rent Rooms Without Board 68 FURNISHED ROOMS --- Single or double. Phone 1208J. LARGE ROOM----And kitchenette, gos for cooking, furnished or uwfurnish- ed on bathroom flat; two garages, ia good condition. Apply 288 Queen St. I SI SAS Rooms For Housekeeping 69 ROOMS--- In desirable locality. Hot water heating. 'Phone 457-F. { OFFICES -- Four well, heated ___Real Estate For Rent For Rent usiness Places NEW STORE-- 290 Princess Streel, heated and comimodious, rear entrafce and stabling. Also rooms above sults able for dentists' or insurance offices. Will rent from $12.00 to $20.00 per month. Store at 368 Princess street .and house, Montreal Street. Apply kh Cohen & Co. - rr ---- Kirke n centrally located. Apply C. 8 patrick, 38 Clarence street. Houses For Rent. Chiropractic 8c. LUCY--Drs. G. F. and Jennies A., Chiro- ractic Specialists; Registered Nurse, 39 Bagot street. 'Phone 943w. Hours: 9-12, 1-5, 6-8. Consultation Free. Dental ARKS & SFARKS -- Dentis ellington street, coruer of 'Phone 346. esd. 1569 rock. KNAPP--Dr. A. E, Dentist. Office: 283 Princess Street. 'Phone #§3w. Open evenings by appointment. Legal 28e. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunaingham, K.C; Cyril M. Smith DAY AND REVELLE--Barristerg and solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King- ston. A E. Day, Adrian L_Revelle Mortgages arranged. Phone 208. HODGINS, W. C.-- Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public. Office: 38 Clarence Street. Over C.P.R. Telegraphs. Téle- phone 1980. REYNOLDS, J. C.--Barrister and Sollci- ~tor, 58 Brock street. Mortgages ar- ranged on city and farm property. 'Phone 3509. . wr SHEA--Wifbrose, B.A.. Barrister and Soliciter. Law Office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. 'Phone 1999. = Repairing FURNITURE FINISHING--Of Cal} and see W. Driscoll, 23 Joh street. Phone 296F. . UPHOLSTERING--New or used fural- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. UPHOLSTERING---ARG general repair- ing. Leave orders at or drop a card to F. W. old, 104 Clergy Street Phone 1§00J. + Employment Help Wanted---Female all kinds. MAID-- For general housework. AY ply Mrs. Borland, 122 Union Street . to $15 weekly at home. No canvas. sing, experience unnecessary, distance immaterial. For ticularg address he Auto Knitter Hosiery Co. Ltd. pt. C-19. Toronto, Ont. COLUMBIA GRAMAPHONE-- And 24 selections of reconds Worth $80.00, at half price., F. J. Grace, 37 Mack) street. 'Phone 2267J. COMBINATION STOVES--ADd heaters, library tables, beds and mattresses. Paslor turniture. J. Thompson, 333 Piducess street. 'Phone 1800w. HARD BODY WOOD--Mixed wood, hard and soft slabs, rough and dressed lum-| ber; shingles $3.80 r thousand and| up.. W. H. Talbot, § St. Catherine St.| Yard on Concession street, near Divi-| sion. 'Phone 2303w. HARD COAL COK 10.00 ton, 1-4 ton AD Coe Do. "mixed, soft. wood! slabs and cordwood, $2.50 load. Doubls| amount $4.50. Splitting 26c. extra | Dry Hard Cord Wood, $32.76. Double cord $4.50. W. lington strest, amount $5.00, or a 1-4 C. Bruton, 290 Wel-| corner Ordnance street.) 'Phone 2440w. -- eee ete ements. | OVERCOATS-- Will sell much below | their value to clear out. Made to your order with easy terms of payment. Phone 2206w. G. Patterson, 120 Johnson street. PIANO--Wiiliams make, walnut 'case,, tone Al. Price reasonable. For par-| ticulars apply Colborne Street.| 'Phone 2417J. 149 { PIANO-- Marshall & Wendall Upright, 7 1-3 octave, overstrung bass, tuchord| scale, ivory and ebony Keys. Just the| plano for a lLgginner. A bargain at| 225.00. Easy terms arranged C. W.| indsay, Ltd., 121 Princess street. | PRIVATE SALE--At 313 Albert Street.| Stoves and FurnMure at a bargain.| Owner leaving city. RECORDS --Get the gooa ones, just In. New Irish, Scotch and Engiish melo-| dies, vocal and instrumental. Elder's| Cigar Store. | SKATES Sharpened ground, 15¢. to 2c. Muller's Bicycle Works, 371-373 Kg sireet. "Phoue| 1981w. . i and hollow| SEE--Our, $39 Quebec, six 9" lida, be- fore buying. wrenson"s, 387 Prin~ cess street. Phone 33%w. SALE---Of bed springs, all sizes, 15 reduction. Mattress for $4.50. "Fron tenac Mattress Co. 'Phone 1761J. SCALES--AIll kinds, new and second- +Jand. GSAS, OL aly, terms. Toledo cale » + Tincess St. - ston. 'Phone 1228. + King SBOONER--OTr later you will use a De Laval Separator and Milker, A few second hand separators for sale. Also De Laval 'repairs: J. F. Cramer, 63% Rideau street. 'Phene 1217J. Help Wantea----Male 83 FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN-- Begin- ners $150-3250 monthly (which osl- tion?) Write Railway, Box H-§, Whig Oftice. MAKE MONEY AT HOME-- $1 to 82 r hour for your spare time writing showcards for us. No canvassing. We instruct and supply you with work. West-Angus Showeard Service, 17 Col- borne Bullding. Toromto. SALESMAN -- To represent a thriving Canadian Company in Kingston trict. Apply, stating qualifications and experience to P. O. Box 23%, King ston, Unt. ' BALESMEN--We offer steady employ- ment and pay weekly to sell our com- lete and exclusive lines of guaran- eed quality, whole root, fresh-dug-to- order trees and plants. Attractive, il- Justrated samples and full co-opera- tion; & money-making opportunity. Luke Brothers Nurseries, Montre Solicitors, Canvassers, Ageats SALES AGENT---Reliable, fo sented districts. Good pay, ment. We are the largest growets of fruit and orntmental treey Canada Sell for & Nurasry, not for a jobber. You will be Successful. Write: Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto Financial _ Investments, Stocks, Bonds 39 BONDS--Cash for any bond you have! for sale st market prices. We have on band any bond you wish to pur-! chase. Canadian Pacific Raliway| nds on now. gey attractive. Yield- 8 8 1-3%. J. O. Hutton, 67 Claren ~ unrepre- equip- VIOLIN--Fine. hand-made instrument. Sxcellent tone. Appl Bo: - Whig Office. Py X Hiss, VIOLET RAl--- Generator. A home treaiment apparatus, relieving quick- y all aches, ins, etc. Price' $9.50. C. Smith, 199 Colborne Street. WOOD--Dry hard ma, soft wood, hardwood cut and delivered; Peters & Son, corner Broce to streets. 'Phone 889. WHITE NEWSPRINT--500 40c. Suitable for wrappl Shsete i or household use. Apply British Whig THE CLASSIFIED ad that fells ah the ta is the classified eulck, profifible results, uy at gdis a erent classified sach different kina of an Sat = want to sell. BUNGALOW ---- New, six room brick, north side, all hardwood floors, =plens did basement.. Immediate possession. 'Phone 1528-J.. Apply 473 incess St. HOUSE---560 Princess, near cars: aix rooms, bath, attic, cellar and yard: gas and electric. $27 00 a month, or would sell. Apply 560 Princess Street. HOUSES--Two, on Charles street, elec- tric light, gag for cooking, one brick garage, one flat on Sixth Street, with 3 piece bath' electric light, gas for cooking, good cellar. $25 per month. best quality,| mmm na -- Farms and Land For Sale 83 FARM--For sale or to let choice farm, on Lake Shore, near Kingston. Apply evenings. R. MM. VanLuven, Palace Road, Portsmouth. Houses For Sale 84 FOR SALE OR RENT -- Brick veneer house, 7 rooms, hardwood floors downs stairs, 3 piece bath, fu light, deep lot. HOU ES--And farms for sale and to let and money to loan. . O'CONNOR, Phone 1268J. Barrie St. E. W. MULLIN Real Estate and Insurance Broker Johnson and Divisiun Streets Phone 639%w. See advil. Page & WE. CUNNINGHAM Rea! Estate, Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street To Close An Estate Partg lots No. 38 and 37, Con. Storrington ... Parts lots No. 36-7- Storrington West 3% lot (1) In 8 160 acres, ace, electric 'Phone 1613m: in S------ The following bulldings are on roperty--frame dwelling, § rooms, Tame barns, henhouse, nbe pens, drive houses, machinery sheds, the for dairy or grain or hay. The best water, two wells, also watered by Ri deau River, besides running spr Convenient to Seeley"s Bay. For particulars apply to-- D. A. CAYS 239 BAGOT STREET, KINGSTON, ONT. MERCHANDISE STOVES Wood Cooks, Coal and Wood Ranges, Quebee's, Pugs and heaters real cheap. othe J. Turk's PHUNE 106. ee BUSINESS SERVICE W. KENT MACNEE INSURANCE BROKER Writing Fire, Life, Automobile, Ae-|' I kiess. Piste Glass and other lines of Insurance. 33 BROCK ST 'PHONE s85w. TOURIST BONDS -- We issue Auto Bonds en~ goes anti-Unlon he will resign. Many of congregation will leave also. tert the U. 8 Alm for ,U. 8 } e 01 ol nter ng Canela. Mills Company, iH Clareges Street. ! James Heat With Coke and Pea Coal THE NEW WAY. SAVE 25% IN YOUR FUEL BILL GET STARTED TO-DAY. LET US TELL YOU ABOUT IT, Swift & Co., Limited Foot 01 jonnsen direet-