Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Dec 1924, p. 2

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Without Exception -- ES Good Furs Make 'Warin Friends Store Open To-night. CR | 'The Greatest Fur | Values John Tr ------ | Satistactory Credit Terms yay be arranged in town | Our Trapper to Wearer selling plan elimi. nates the middieman's profit and gives you first quality Fai at prices that will cer- tainly surprise you. Buy from the Factory. Save 35% to 50%. She ahh het - Mal Orders. Write for Catalogue. McKay Limited. 149.157 BROCK STREET - ES ------------ ee ------ Ii R : . I HRISTNAS __ SERVICES Held in Some of the Churches on Sunday--S8pecial Music Rendered. . There was very fine Christmas music rendered at both services in | favilian street Methodist church {on Sunday. The choir, under the | leadership of Miss M. Shaw, who is retiring the first of the year after 'thirty-eight years of service, was never heard to better advantage. The soloists at the morning service were MMiss Anna Pollard, Miss Anderson, Miss . Woodman and Harold Single ton. Miss Shaw also gave a fine or- gan solo. A At the evening servicer Dr. An- grove, Miss Woodman and Miss Pol- f'iard were thew soloists. Mr. La France gave a violin solo and Miss Kathléen Lyons favored with an or- gan solo. Miss Shaw played two organ solos. At both services the choir 'sang Christmaf anthems and these were given with marked finish. At Chalmers, A good-sized congregation filled the church Sunday morning. The pulpit and choir loft 'were prettily decorated with greenery and bril- lant poigsiettas, Owing to the re- gréttable illness of Mrs. Dobbs, the musical service was somewhat cur- tailed. Mrs. W., M. Campbell took charge of the organ at very brief notice and played most effectively. The choir sang "Chiistians Awake by Maunder. . In a quiet and effective sermon on the text "For unto us a <hild is born" the pastor, the Rev, G. A. Brown, déclaréd that Jesus is the universal child. He himself was ever "telling men to retain theif chfldhood--its wonder, faith and simplicity. As we kneel at the manger we feel that no matter what life has heen we can begin again. At the evening gervice Mrs. Evans ._ piit's and Coty's. Bee Yardiey's Toilet Pre parations, Also Hud. = Yap Christnihs. selection. sang Ernest Newton's "The First Christmas Mora' most acceptably. At St, Andrew's, Masses of pine snd balsam deco- ratéd the pulpit and choir loft of Bt. Andrew's for the Christmas sea- son. THe special Christmas service, however, will be on Thursday morn- fag. Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson pro- vided "effective organ music at both fervices. In the morning a duet, 'Blessed 1s He Who Cometh" was THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG phraseology of those Yuletide prais- es so well known to all A splendid song service featured the ceremonies in the evening with choruses, Christmas hymns and oa- rols. - The Nuging included: | "*The Birthday of the King' by James Marshall; "O, Holy Night," by 8. Salsbury and a beautiful solo by little Miss Vera Brand. Sal Oitadel. . Ensign and . Bosher, assisted by Lieut. Ritchie, conducted special Christmias services in the Salvation Army citadel on Sunday. In the 'morning Ensign Bosher took as his subject, "A Ohristmas Message to the Soldiers." Lieut. Ritchie, in the afternoon, chose for his text "No Room {fi the Inn" and In tie evening Mrs, Bosher spoké on the subject "The Word Was Made Flesh and Dwelt Amongst Us." The band rendered special Christmas hymns and carols. The citadel was beau- tifully decorated with evergreens and Christmas scenery portraying the "Stable at Bethlehem," the "Angel Appearing to the 8hep- herds" and "The Three Wise Men." Ensign Besher announced today that Ensign Madele Wilson, well known in" Kingéton, would conduct services next Sunday. To Bo Prosecutions, It is quite likely that prosecu- tions will take place in the course of a couple of weeks against farm- ers who have not complied with the Dominion egg regulations. Up until the present time the inspectors who have visited the Kingston market have tried to show the producers the benefit of living up to the new rules, but eome have not tried to co- gpérate, with the result that thers will likely be some police court cases. » COarload of Mail Arrives. .A carload of Chtistmas mail ar- rived in the city on Sunday night and will be distributed as fast as the carriers can get around. It 'ls the intention of the post office de- partment to have delivery sieighs for the carriers on Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday. A vacuum cleaner at a special price with the attachments free at the Newman Electric Co. Help the General Hospital by a generous Christmas contribution. " Moore's the morning. > Women's Fine Silk and Wool Hose Brushed Wool Gauntlet Gloves . .". . Children's heavy Wool Mitts . ........ Children's Snow Suits--all wool. .. Heavy Wool Mufflers .......... Colored Border Turkish Towels ... "ee Penman's fine Black Cashmere Hose . . . Toyland EVERYTHING IN TOYS . We have the largest selection of Toys in the city, and with our large stock and efficient clerks' your ) wishes can be fulfilled quickly and at a saving to you. 'We are open every evening, but it pays to shop in 'Moore's Toyland All Floor Rugs Until Christmas ....... ........ 20 Per Cent. Off. A List of Practical 'Gifts Beautiful Silk Scarfs--priced ............... $1.50 to $8.50 each Best makes in Silk Hosiery ................ $1.00 to $2.50 pai Dainty Collar and Cuff Sets--priced ...... .. : Fae Knitted Silk and Crepe de Chene Ties . . . Women's Glove Silk Vests in Peach, Rose, White and Orchid--all 81288 oui teniete RITA Tuie wads v wen svn nnnas 31.500n6h Fine Silk Bloomers--to match Vests ..... ..... sy fg $2.25 Women's warm lined Silk Gloves. ...... ........ ... $2.00 pair Women's Mocha Lined Gloves, GreyorBrown ..... ...,.. $2.00 Men's Brown Mocha Lined Gloves ...... .. Women's Chamoisette Gloves ................ 50c. to $1.75 pair ce eve. . 50c. and 75¢. ea. . .. $2.00 pair vo... $1.00 pair ve...75c. and $1.00 pair ee ee 'ee sie ee ve... $5.00 .. . 89¢c. to $3.00 each ns ++ oo 5c. to $1.25 each rendered by Miss Muriel McLeod and Mr. Ernest Hess. At the even- ing service Matthews' ! "Christmas Bells". was an enjoyable feature. The Rev. J. W. Stephen delivered two thoughtful addresses. His even- ! | ; Branigan' ' Pure Linen Huck Towels ........ Gift Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes . Eiderdown Comforters ......... wee... 50c to $1.50 each cree ene... $10.00 up STORE LUND 18. EFAS 6 0 ed Si mtr East a i READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Know Where To Shop ing subjéot was around the passage "But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart." He spoke feelingly of Mary's faith, obedience, medkness anc love. The Christmas story bas sanctifidgd child life and motherhood the world over. Princess Street Methodist. There was spécial music at both St Tuoetted From England Choice assortment of Lustre Bowls, filled | with Narcissus Bulbs 'Priced from $1.28 to T™ Kingston Dairy School, 1b. 40c. Grafiulated Sugir, .5 1bs. 400. Joel, Quifiy Tes. I. S38. A nen Nua {miked) .. . . $e. the services, at the Princess street Methodist church, on Bunday. In the morning, the anthem, "Christ fans Awake, Salute the Heppy Morn," whs sung, Mrs. Archibald singing the sblo parts. The junior choir sang Ohristmas carols, In the evening, "Birthday of the King," ahd "Chime Ye Bella" were sung, the #olo parts being faken by Mr. J. AlegAhder and Mr. H, Wiskin, Mia. Archibald eang "The Gift." Mr. C. Canfion add Master Leslie Jollite asiistéd with violins and Mr. BE. Madrand was the organist, At Cooke's. Much appreciated Christmas mus sic was rendered by the choir at both gefvices in Cooke's, In the morning the choir sang the anthem, "Brightest and Best of the Sons of thé Morning," and Mr. Anderson rendered "Hosabua" with effec). At the evening service portions of the cantata "Light of Lilé" were sung with spirit. The ladles quaftette was takén by Mrs. Treneer, the Migses Easson and Mrs. McGrath. The men's quartetie was composed of Messrs. A. Lemmon, H. New- | man, T. Donnelly and J. Anderson. A solo was given by Mrs. 'Treneer. Great orédit is due the organist, ------ i Miss Bessie Rodgers, for the train- wr GOR swRATER We show the choloest selec. | tiom of MEN'S SHIRTS - in Kingston. comp Sinn F a ~The Newest Ties fl Stylish Fure "Comfy" Scarfs Popular Shirts Fancy Socks Warm Caps ing evidénced by the choir as well as for her enjoyable organ numbers. BA At Bethel Church. Special Christmas setvices were held 'at Bethel church oh Sunday. fn the morning; the sermon was proached by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Miller, and the anthems "Hark .Abgelic Volces" and "Sing O Hea vens" were sung by the choir. In the evening, the sermon was preach- . Baldwin and "Joys and "Silent NIzhg, Holy Night" were rendered: by the choir. v * ony, a Zion Church. a The featube at Zion Presbyter: {afi church was a ehildfen's cholf at both morning end evening 'ser: . The boys sang "Noel" and Our wonderful, rich display of Furs with price yeductiofis on all Ladies' Furs, has - attracted Ohristmas buyers from far and near, Furs are always a most acceptable present, and it is al- ways easy to choose from our immense stock. We show Ladies' Fur Coats in endless variety, in all the most desirable Furs: HATS $2.98 Parisien, Shop OVERHEARD fe other so earnestly, laughingly, or with heat as they pass to and fro on Princess strest? Here are a fow ver- bal snapshots which a reporter took of the passers-by, much as a movie man catchés péople unawares at a windy cormer. Are you here ' ---- Babes And Sucklings. "Ye-a-a-4!"" (This from a baby- earriagé cynic who had just discov- ered that all the things of life are kept behind plate glass). "A big one that runs along the floor." { "Mamma, look at the green an' red bell!" 2 "Gee, Ma, why don't it snow fer Christmas?" Sn . Bweet Sixteen. ~ "Heavens, 1 hope it snows Christmas!" * "Well, I don't care. Ma'll give me the devil anyhow." ¢ "Betty's just wild for a pink one." "Laugh, 1 though I'd die!" "She calls everybody dy his first name!" : "Overstockings keep them warm- for oh, he got sore" et ' . . 1% ¢ 3 Wouths. § "So 1 asked Bill what her name "Who ever sald. . . .could play goal?" . "1 knoe! ball four "You 'em all down with one ! "Bo 1 441d hit 4 'wasn't me, and, | 'Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY-STORE "I've got my wedding | nearly ready." Men. "He's worked up a splendid, prac- tite out there." , { "I've had the worst cold this year I over had." "They ought to be strung up." "I said, - You can't quarantine me." "He said, Anyone who smokes cigarettes is a bum." "We'll g&t some snow along about What are people saying to each oy iigimag i Old Boys. Ml be a full churchyard ¢his year, I think." "It I was as young as [ used to be; he couldn't have said that to me." "Nine-hundred dollars, and look at all the men there are out of work." "It wes his stomach or lungs or something." . "See here, I don't want you to run all over advertising my name." "It looks as if we were the only people who could pay taxes." ; ASKS FOR NAMES Of Families Not Yet Provided With Christmas Fare. In St. George's cAthsdral on Sun- city of plenty and there wag and toys shough for All. The clergy would be Ia the al northern paft of the diocese from the city children. Dies at Age of 104; things | ll $1,100--Land for industrial [i site or factofy (off Montreal | Street), close to car line -- 206 feet by 180 feet to lane REAL ESTATE Cor Johmson and Division Sts. Welland canal shortly after its com- struction, D. G. Holcombe died in fouth township Friday evening, aged 104 years, He was born in Welland county and moved to Cook's Mills, where he operated a sawmill For ¢ighit Years he resided in Minne. sata, returning to Louth thirty years ago, since living retired. He had besn in fairly good health untfl & month ago, being able to read the newspapefs regularly. He is sure vived by one son, Francis, of Louth; one daughter, Mrs. Sarah Swift, of Mount Cloud, Florida; nine grend- 4 children and tweniy-six great-grands children. ------------ Bankrupt stock sale, The Club, three doors below Grand Overs 'TO-NIGHT ~ ~THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE. SCATTER SUNSHINE WITH ouE RUST CRAFT LINE OF i GREETING CARDS. SPECIAL $1.00 MUSIC OFFER--Any thfee populag numbers ia Special Music Holiday Pack tennegeressnseneecssberh 83,00 i a... RE

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