His Wardrobe Your gift to a Man will be some- thing to wear--bought at a Man's i Shop-- and something essential to his wardrobe shows thrift as well as thoughtfulness. . There is satisfaction and pleasure in our well-fitting Shirts. George VanHorne 213 Princess ge, Phone 362w. Watch for to-morrow's suggestions. & For Christmas will be found in our stock here. 'We {illustrate two beautiful Watches. Gruen Watches for Men at $150. Other good time-kee from ... Dainty Wrist Watches for Wo- men. Priced from $12.00 to $250.00. Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewellers 168 PRINCESS STREET «~-OPEN EVENINGS-- Egg, Stove and Chestnut $16 6. 00 1 ton, delivered Buckwheat or Split Pea $9.00 ton, delivered Hardwood Slabs, cut . ........ .. $4.00 per load Softwood Slabs, cut ...... .....$3.50 per load SOWARDS COAL C0. Phone 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE S11. Christmas Footwear BUY USEFUL GIFTS 'Why not give good, sensible gifts of " Footwear this Cierra dating gifts will be ap reciated. Make your selection from following offerings, all reasonably te "Club Bags Hat Boxes Hockey Boots Felt Slippers Evening Shoes Bunny Slippers Boudoir Slippers Suit Cases Boston Bags Overshoes | Moccasins Rubber Boots Skating Boots Shoe Packs Steamer Trunks Shop early. Buy Footwear for Christmas. x balleved to have board to ales. le poisoning. ° | Wilkie sald, | | A Christmas wreath with 'THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG YULE-TIDE WILLIES. By George 8S. Chappell. I Willie, at the Five-an-Ten, Bought a gift for Uncle Ben. "This is rather cheap, may "but so is he." mx red | willie placed in Papa's bed. | ) When Papa "There," jolly he said '"'wogpg that b tries holly." IL | Willie, on @ New Year's call, -| He'll "you lke Parked his bike in Grandpa's hall. Grandpa fell and hurt his side; "Merry Christmas," Willie cried. Her Choice. Butcher: Young Bride: cut of roast beef." It's the Spirit in Which it is Given, etc. "What are you going to give you wife for Christmas?" "I don't know for sure. We'r stil' arguing about i{™ --Beth Lawson. WALLY THE MYSTIC. Answer Your Somehow. The finest present you can find Undoubtedly is peace of mind. On Wally's Christmas Tree, found; He's Santa Claus the 'round. "tl whole yea Puzzled Youth. Dear Wally: 1 adore a girl, An actress in "The Dizzy Whirl," The third one from the end. I'd lik Advice on what to give her? MIKE Dear Mike: My best advice to you Is give the girl the toodleoo; Find some nice girl about your age; Don't fall stage. for grandmas on th And Puzzled Experience. Dear Wally: Though" I'm widowed, Am courted by a rich old guy. Sir diamonds were his Yuletide gift. What shall I give him? WHATTA LIFT. Dear Whatta Lift: \ 1 am surprise | A widow asks to be advised. | A proper gift for senile fops, It seems to mie, are loliypops. THAT BOX OF CIGARS. The Card He Sent. You sent cigars, you guessed The very brand I like the best. With every 'smoke' I'll think of You, and a Happy New Year Te Card He Meant. You sent cigars I couldn't smoke, Perhaps vou did it for a joke, I'd hate to feel you dumb enough To think Id smoke such awful stuff. THAT NECKTIE. The Card He Sent. Before another day goes by 1 want to let you know that I Appreciate your tie indeed, It's just the kind and shade I need. The Card He Meant. | Before another day goes by Thanks for the customary, tie Though I can't wear it, I'm afraid, Unless t's to a masquerate. THAT BOX OF SOCKS. The Card He Sent. l The socks arrived, I guess you knew They're what I'm always out = of, too; T said, as I untied the box: "A man can't have too many socks." The Card He Meant. The socks arrived. They always do, 'What elsé could I expect fom you I sometimes wonder if, indeed, You take me for a centipede. Has "Em Trained. Hanna: figures, honey?" Manday: at jest plain, ribbon to sleep with "What sort of beef would "1 think I'll baye a Questions, somehow "Am yo' husban' good at "Well, he ain't so good ordin'ry ones but, lordy' what dat man can't do. witt seben or 'leben!"s - --E. D. H. Evidence On The Face Of It. "That deaf-mute understood every | word that flapper said. She does it | by. 3p ading." iced the flapper's lips were | poe pn . (Copyright, 1924. Forbidden). Reproduction ers are uested to contri b All hunior: humorous -.otltoes), dotes, poetry. bur and brignt sayings of children, must be original and unpublished. Ac- cepted material will be paid for at from $1.00 to $10.00 per contribution; from 26e + - $1.00 2s Mne for poetry according to the character and value contribution as by th All manuscripts must be wiitten on one side of the [aver only, should bear name of this newspaper, and should be addressed to Fun Sho Headquarters, § West 40th Street, New York City. Unaccepted contri- butions cannot be returned. determined e GANANOQUE Dec. 22.--Death came suddenly to one of Gananoque's' most esteemed | citizens when George Cowan passed | away Saturday. Although Mr. Cowan | had not beén in the best of health! for some time his condition was not rregarded as imminently serious, and the end came while he was sitting in his chair reading. Besides his wife, he is survived hy one son, Mr. John A., of Okotoks, Alta., and two daughters, Mrs. Edith McRea and Mrs. Agnes Brough, Brockville. Two brothers, John X., of New Westmin- | ster, B.C., and Harrison, Gananoque, and one sister, Mrs. 'Cranston, Flint, Mich. also survive, A son was born on Friday last to Mr. and Mrs. L. Gould. Mr. and Mrs. Kelso have left for a two weeks' vacation with friends in London, Ont. : i Officers and members of Ganan- que Golf Club have received an in- vitation from the officers and mem- bers of Napanee Golf Club to a New | Year's eve At Home, As there will' be no dance here this New Year's Eve, it is quite likely Gananoque will be pretty 'well represented at | the Napanee 'function. " Miss Eville Davis, R.N., Montreal, is home for the holidays with her | mother, Mrs. A. Davis, Church street. ! Mrs. Jack McLellan and children, Montreal, have arrived to spend the holidays with the former's mother, Mrs. J. B. Mooney. Mr, McLellan will join them for Christmas. Mrs. Roy Wheeler and daughter have gone to Collins Bay to spend Christmas. Miss Edith McCammon, Brock- ville, is spending the week-end here with friends. Miss Margaret Edwards, attend- ing Varsity, home for the holi- days with heér parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Edwards. Misses Jane Moore and Edith Jackson visited friends in Kingston at the week-end. Frank Henne is home from "Var- sity with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Henne, for the holidays. Hawley and Miss G. Byron visit- ed Kingston friends at the friends at the week-end. CATARAQUPS OLDEST RESIDENT IS DEAD Mrs. Eliza, 8impson, Aged Ninety-four, Passes Away in London, Ont. Word was received in the city on Sunday to the effect that Mrs. Eliza Simpson, aged ninety-four years, relict of the late John Simpson, Cataraqui, had died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Weld, Lop- don, Omt., on'Sunday. The deceased who 'was the oldest resident of Cat- rv r e e I a ten years ago when her husband died. She was born in the house just opposite the Simpson home- stead. Mrs. Simpson spent the sum- mer mbnths of recent years with her soy John Simpson, Cataraqul. About two years ago Mrs. Simp- son fell and broke her hip and since that time: it 'was necessary for her to go around on crutches. She is sur- vived by one daughter, Mrs. Weld, London, and "her son, John Simp- son, Cataragul. The funeral will take place from the Canadian National outer _sta- tion on Tuesday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock to Cataraqu! cemetery wheres the remains will be placed in fhe ? Light Hurts Some eyes are extremely sen- sitive to light For such patients' we supply "special lenses that prevent the harmful rays of light from entering the vault. Xapaxes PERSONALS. Some of Those Who Are Home For Christmas. Napanes, Dec. 22.--Mr, Aubrey Pringle of Los Angeles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Esra Pringle, Napanee, de- lighted the congregation of St. An- drew's Presbyterian church at both services yesterday with beautifully rendered solos. The church was The following are home from To- Capt. Miles Miller returned last week from a trip to Saskatchewan. TE -- EEE EN % araqul, had lived in the village until |- Store open every night till Christmas $1.00 Just arrived essere At rather a late date--but just in time for the big rush---about 200 pairs Ladies' Warm Slippers-- some with Fur tops--some Brown Kid Soft Soles-- Padded Heels--Black Kid with pomps--also Grey Embossed soft leather--another Black Felt, cosy trimmed with Ribbon--all sizes from 8 to T--all attheone price .......... err BOYS' BROWN, SOFT KID, COMFY SLIPPERS--sgizes 1 to 5 included in the lot $1.45 $1 BOYS' PATENT 'LEA- THER SLIPPERS Size 1 to 5. Soft soles and rubber heels. V. cosy. Just arrived Sat- urday morning. .50 to $3.00 MEN'S SOFT ENG- "The best that's made" --- every -Man these Slippers. < 39c. Only a small lot LITTLE BOY BLACK KID SLIPPERS LISH WOOL SLIPPERS ON BALE 39c¢c. likes Sizes 8, 9, 10 of ~ WOMEN'S BROWN AND GREY COSY SLIPPERS Soft, padded soles and heels--sizes 3 to T-- make a good gift. | MEN'S steel Professional Hockey Boots Other good lines . OCKEY BOOTS8--with Hockey Boots THIS IS A BIG YEAR FOR HOCKIES! BOYS' HOCKEY BOOTS--The very best-- $3.00, $3. LADIES' HOCKEY BOOTS--Brown and . . $5.00, $6.50 Joos $8.50 to $4.50 50 and $5.00 tan trim and OVERSHOES OVERSHOES best to su LADIES' OVERSHOES ,. Overshoes MEN'S "SKINNY TOP" -- fits snug at the ankle--38 buckles . «..$4.50 and $5.00 .. $4.50 and $5.00 GIRLS' OVERSHOES and CHILDREN'S --just arrived late Saturday. are scarce but we will do our pply your wants, | - Morrison, --_-- for the Gipast four months, returned home on Sat- urday. Mrs. J. R. Dafoe left to-day .to spend the Christmas holidays in To- ronto with her daughter; Mrs. Co- leen Stewart Miss L. Fleming, of the staff of the Robinson Co., left for her home in Brampton on , Sunday. Mrs. Campbell also of the Robinson Co. staff, left on Sunday to &pend the Christmas holidays at her home in OrilMa. Mrs. Robert Foster and baby Francis, Renfrew, arrived in town on Saturday, end will spend the Christmas vacation with her mo- ther Mrs. Robert Webster. Miss Vera Shorey, of Utica, N.Y,, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Canfield Shorey. Rev. A. J. Wileon, is spending the Christmas holidays in Buffalo, N.Y., with his mother. Miss Hypatia Fox, Midland, Is spending the holidays the guest of her father, Mr. Max Fox. Miss Lulu VanAlstine is epending Christmas in Toronto with her sister, Mrs. Wiliam B. Briggs. Miss Rehder, of the Collegiate staff, is spending her holidays at her home in Paris, Ont. Saturday night was the coldest of the season, the thermometer drop- ping to fifteen degrees below zero. Miss Muriel Paul, of the Coile- glate staff, Hamilton fs spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Paul Miss M. Mangan of thé Collegiate staff 1s gpending her holidays in @shawa with her brother. Mr. Murray of the Collegiate staff is at his home in Pembroke forthe holidays. ® SANTA CLAUS FUND. Being Ralsed In Napanee For Those 'Who Are Unfortunate. Napanee, Dec. 22.--Invitations are out for a dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Daly, Dundas street, on Tuesday, Dec. 30th. The Beaver's Santa Claus Pund is getting on well and the sum se- cured will be a bi to many who would otherwise get lttle Christ- mas cheer. The dance given by the Walter's Orchestra, in ; the town hall on Friday night, for the benefit of the fund. There were no expenses, the whole sum taken. in being donated. W. G. Wilson, who apent a few days In Toronto last week, has re- turned home. Miss Cora Morrow, Toronto, épent the week-end in town with Mrs. Me- Clow, Bridge street, and will visit her parents at Sandhurst for the holidays. Hugo Gleeson, Toronto, is spend- ing Christmas with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Glee- son, Bast street, Turkeys scold on the market on Saturday for from 35 to 38 cent a -| pound. There was a very large crowd in town on Saturday and the merch- azits report good business. Miss Muriel Paul of Hamilton Collegiate Institute is spending Alta. | Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. BE. Paul. Miss Bdnx Morrow is spending the Christmas vacation at her home in Sandhurst. "4 1 B. H. Costizan, Trinity College, Toronto, is spending his holidays with his uncle and aunt, Mr. snd Mrs. D. McClow, Bridge street. ' ~ WM \ JAN \ i Nr J i of Chesterfield Sets we have sold for bilt, absolutely moth proef. : THE STORE WITH TH 'Phone 147 for Service. Apples, pk... .. .. Apples, No. 8pys, pk.. .. .. Apples, Tallman Sweets, pk .. Quinces, doz. ... co. 40 Roses, cut bloom, doz ' $4. 00-$9.00 Carnations, cut bloom, doz $3.50-§6 Daffodils, cut bloom, doz $2. 90-32. 50 Parsnips, pk. Beets, pk .. Turnips, bus .. ... Carrots," pk.. .. Lettuce, leaf, bunch.... .. Lettuce, head .. .. PRODUCE MARKETS Napanee, Dec. 22nd. ..25-36 .76 .65 ..10-20 ..15-36 ..10-15 ..10-20 .10-16 ..26-36 .60 FE .. 40-45 Cauliflower, each .. .. Celery, bunch. . Onions, domestie, pk .. Potatoes, bushel Potatoes, bag .. ... Butter, creamery, I .. Buttér, dairy, I .... .. .. ..40 Cheese, new, b.. .. e.vy ..23-36 Cheese, old, Ib. . ...0o o¢' .. ..30 Eggs, fresh, doz.. . 50-85 Lard, 1b. vos 30408 Flour, cwt.. . ++ $4.60-85.00 Sugar, granulated, owt $8.00-38.26 Shorts, ton .... Straw, baled, cwt. Wheat, western, bus. .-. . Wheat, local bus ..' Bran, ton .... .. Buckwheat, bus oe Sora" feed, cwt .. Fri ht Oats, western, bus .. .. . "vr we +.$1.00-31.30 es ++51.75-82.25 ees. $1.85 15 "ene EE Young pigs, vajr .. Fish: Herring, .. "a White fish, ®» .. | Salmon, ® ., . Fillet of Haddie, ™ .. .. Finnan Haddle, ® .. Beef: Roast Beef Ib...... ...s0.14-38 6 for 25 es aes.18-22 ceeFe oes dB-20 vo ws 3l «18 | Ham, Abernethy's Shoe Store ERE ECR ERC RRR RRL RRR . Kingston' s Biggest Home F urnishers A Chesterfield Christmas "This is going to be & Chesterfield Christmas judgihg by the numbes our Christmas delivery. If you want Style and Quality Furniture that will give you the greatest amount of wear and pleasure, can be had at REID'S, guaranteed Sani JAMES REID E CHRISTMAS SPIRIT oe Steak, round, 1, ,..... 'wes.18-20 Stewing cus, ID. ..coemeeonB-13% Beef, western, cWt. ..cccoa.10-14 Steak, Tehone .... «. oo om -.28 Boiling cuts Ib. Beef, hinds, cwt. Beef, local, 1b. Veal, 1b. cone masmes 13-17 deeecssscae.8-18 10-13 Pork: Loin roasts, 1b... .. .. «4s 40s :.36 Hogs, live weight, Cewt ee +.39.26 Chops, Id ...c vv ov oe reia)8-28 Hogs, dressed, cwt. e oe +.$11-316 Bacon, breakfast, 1b.. ... -..89-60 Bacon, Peameal.. .. .... ..42-50 Fillet of Haddie, ™ .., .28 Roast pork, sliced, ®» ., .. ..50 Ham, smoked, Id ee +++36-48 Picnic Ham, Ib ee +4.30-26 Hinds, ® .. «17-23 Pork sausages, 'Iv. Sausage, beef and pork, Ib 10-12% Lamb: Carcass, yearlings, 1b.. Carcass, spring, \b., .. .. .. Hinds, yeerlings, Ib.. .. .. . Hinds, spring, 16.. .. .. Forequarters, spring, 1b, . Lamb chops. . - Mutton, carcass, 1b. . Poultry: Fowl, D.. i. seve ue Chickens, Ib ... .. +... cooked, ™ .. Chickens, ™, milk ted Ducks, Geese, Turk sessccans . "eo "oe .e ' AE vr ey «15:18 ees 18-28 ..23-28 cee BO ..28-30 .. 23-28 veo 28-20 Sar ae =a 30-38 eee Don't forget your contribution for the General Hospital's Christmas appeal. A decrease of 440,000,000 busts els In the estimated wheat crop compared with year is in- dicated by the United. States depart 'ment of agriculture, which the crop st 3,300,000,000 bushels. The average five-year pre-war total was 3,740,000,000 bushels. The Freeman's Journal, Dublte,* announced thet Friday's issue wasp the last. The paper was started 163 eys, "es va porterbouse, 1b: ....e.38:25 4 'years ago. } ervenssmmedodl 2