-- or THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS 0 Sl Christmas Socks Christmas Crackers . the children so much real pleasure. Nothing adds so much to the dinner table. Nothing gives Come in and see our wonderful supply. each-20c. each 25c. each 30c. each 35c. each 50c. each 75c. each, 85c. $1.00 $1.10 ea. ea. oa. $1.75 $2.00 $2.75 Our Crackers 'are simply beautiful. Crackers, box «.35c. Crackers, box .. 75¢c. Crackers, box $1.00 $1.40 " LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE > Woman Page Editor, Phone 2618. Private, Phone 857W. \ * . . The true spirit of Christmas per- meated the gathering of three hun- dred women and babies who on Sat- urday afternoon were the guests of the Graduate Nurses Association and the Victorian Order Nurses in the big cheerful recreation hall of the Y.M.C.A. It was a pleasure to watch them. Young mothers with little cnes, who had cares and worries no doubt, but who had laid them aside in the happy atmosphere of friend- liness which characterizes the rela- tions between the V.O.N. and those amongst whom they work, and the graduate nurses of the city who pro- vide this annual treat, were as smil- ing and happy as everyone else. The ladies who had come to-provide tertainment did not mind a bit oar the little ones sang a song of their own, but felt that mothers were en- joying the programme, as & glance at thelr faces showed. Miss Ardelle Elder played and sang, her simplé songs sufig In her rich mezzo s0D- rano being most suitable. Miss An- derson, a clever Queen's student, read the famous story of the little Ruggles being prepared for their Christmas dinner party and the sympathy of every mother in the room wag with Mrs. Ruggles. Mise Anderson also sang & charming song. Tea was served from a table centred with a big Jerusalem cherry given by anqther friend of the V. O.N., Mrs. Emily Crawford. Cake and sandwiches without Hmit were handed around by the hostesses and enjoyed by the guests. Then Dr. H. E. Day, the friend of the Kingston babies, who gives free clinies for well babies at the Welfare Station every week, spoke saying that the station had been open for six years now and that some of the children of eight years old who were present had had the advantage of the nurse' care from two years old. He urged the mothers to bring not only "thé babies but the older children to the station" every now and then just to let him and the nurees see how they were getifiig on. He also' wished everyone a very happy Christmas and was cordially wished ome in re- turn. . eo ® ® There was a good attendance a' the Badmifiton Club on Saturday and among those present were Co! and Mrs. C. F. Constantine, Obl, anc Mrs. Schmidlin, Col. and Mrs. Vic tor Anderson, Col. and Mrs. A. E Hairls, Mrs. Kaith Hicks, Mrs. T. D R. Hemming, Mrs. B. K. Sandwell Mrs. Brimacombe (Montreal), Mr: Charles Hanson (Montreal), Majo: and Mrs. Henshaw. Col. and Mrs. Sheffield Bacon, Col. and Mrs. J. S. Skinner, Capt. and Mrs. F. M. Har vey, Dr. and Mrs. P. G. C. Camp bell, Mrs. Hubert Stethem (To ronto), Miss Hora, Miss Florence Cunningham, Miss Amy MoGill, Miss Marion Lesslie, Miss Mildred Jone: Miss Afleen and Miss May Rogers Miss Nora Maktnee, Miss Aline Rutherford, Miss Bdith Carruthers Miss Lauts Kilborn, Miss Doris Mc Kay, Mr. del Panet, Mr. A. N. Lee. . . . On Saturday afternoon before the mothers' téa at the Y.M.C.A., eighty- four girls of the Welfare Station | sowing class had their annual treat. Christmas puddings made of candies tied in colored napkins were provid- ed for every child by the Y.O.N, and a fine programme eof carols and re- citations was arranged, Lillian But- fer being In charge. The childrea who were u to be present through illness and some other children unhappily quarantined at this joyous season were sent the sweels and oranges. ] . . . Miss Marguerite Hubbell, who has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Herbert Robinson, King street west, Toft today for home in Winnipeg to spend the Christmas holidays with fier parents. Miss Hubbell has just returned from the maritime pro vinces and Newfoundland where she Bobbie, Toronto, will spend Christ- mas with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. George A. Wright, Alfred street. Mr. Hugh Smith, of Cleveland, Ohio, is spending the Christmas holi- days with his friends in Kingston. Mr. de Lotbiniere Panet, of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, will visit his parents, Col. and Mrs. Charles Panet, Ottawa, for the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Green and Mrs. Dulmage, Kingston, are guests, of Mrs. Dul- mage and Miss BE. Hamlin, Almonte. Dr. Edward J. Williamson, of Ho- bart College, Geneva, N.Y., is spend- ing Christmas week with his sister, Mrs. 'E. H. Young, Gore street. : * . * Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brinacombe, Montreal, are the guests of Prof. Mre. B. K. Sandwell, Bagot street. . ~ Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Livingston. and their sons, Toronto, will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Livingston, Barrie street. Miss Mildred Low, who has been spending the past few weeks in Van- couver, B.C, and other places In Western Canada, is expected In town on Tuésday and will spend Christmas with her sisters, the Misses Low, Ottawa. Col. and Mrs. Everett Birdsall and their children, Birdsall, Ont.. and Mr. and Mrs. Dguglas Anglin, Montreal, will arrive in town on Tuesday to spend Christmas with Mr. R. E. Kent, "Somersby House." . ® * Mr. and Mrs. William Kemp, To- onto, are expected in town to visit 'he former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kemp, 455 Division street, vho will celebrate their, golden vedding anniversary on Dec. 24th. Miss Joan Daveaux, Montreal, is 'he guest of Miss Lorriane Irwin, 'olborne street, while in the city 'or the R.M.C. dance. Mrs. Francis and Miss Francis, JMtawa, are in town for the dance 't the Royal Military College. Irving Martin, Hamilton, and Viiss "Grace Martin, Mentreal, will e with the Misses. Martin, Earl 'treet, for Christmas. Miss Nan Heeney, Ottawa who is 'a town for the dance tonight, is the vuest of Major and Mrs. Frederick Alderson, Mack street, Miss Kathleen Lockhart, B.A. {anover, returned to town today to ipend the holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, T. J. Lockhart, Union street. . . . Mr. and Mys. Douglas ' Geiger, 'fontreal, will spend Christmas with he latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Bartels, Alfred street. Mr. Anthony Du Moulin, Wind- jor, will spend Christmas with Mr. nd Mrs. Philip Du Moulin, Syden- "am street. Miss Jean Matthews, Y.W.C.A. 'eft on Saturday to spend the holi- lay season with her aunt in Wind 30T. Miss Buhlah Shepley, Queen' "Tniversity, leaves tonight to spenr the holidays at Hier home in Wind or, Miss Dorothy Roberts, YW.C.A will spend the holidays at her home sear Tremton. Valet Auto St from start to finish. The keen, stropped -- r------ » || The Editor Heors |] That there are only two days in which to do up Christmas parcels and to buy the last minute things we need. crowded for the last few days and the postmen, who by the way we must not forget on Christmas Day, have already such laden packs that they look like veritable Santa Clauses and, indeed they take his place most effectively and it only remains for some enterprising per- son to -suggest that they have a special costume for Christmas. That a reader makes a suggestion that the city get an expert to de- cide which of the many trees that are so cloge in some parts of King- ston that they prevent each other from growing to perfection, should be cut down amd the wood used as firewood during this time of unem- ployment. As well as making & de- cided improvement to the city streets, work would be provided for a number of men, That the Christmas baskets should be generous ones this year. Baskets that will provide the family for a little longer than the day of rejoics ing. The unemployment relief, gladly as it is received, does not run to luxuries and we all feel like en- joying a few good things in the holi- day season, That the red flowers mounted on real oleander leaves have taken the cities of Ontario by storm this year and are sold readily in all the larger centres. On Saturday many people were carrying a bouquet of them home to deck their "Christmas din- ner table. ~ -- That it cosps an Oxford student $5 to dance with a girl, that is if he is caught In the dreadful act, which, while not ferbidden by the Univer- sity anthorities; is so. frowned upon that it is penalized by a one guinea find. Mixed dances are not barred but all dance rooms are raided every night by the university proctors, and the students who cannot escape down back alleys are regularly fined. As dancing is popular, dance fines are an important source of uriver- sity revenue, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Any sized box, from a small one or the dressing table to a large ingerie box, can be made from, an rdinary wooden box. Cover the box rith attractive; and decorative wall saper and then give a coat of varn- sh. Paint or line inside to match some color featured in the paper. The thing I'd do If I'wanted to please dome man, Much time and much trouble it saves, Through the year-- Dull days and clear-- Tt delivers most capable shaves." p Razor No valuable minutes lost. There is nothing to take apart--the blade remains in the ragor REG. IN CANADA i edge removes and leaves a cool, comfortable feeling that puts him in good humor for the balance of the day. Self-stropping is an exclusive feature of the - Valet AutoStrop Razor. $5.00 up to $25.00 ; other models i ; prices. ; ' The post office has been | "My soul/ ain't never exalted ex- cept when I hear a organ and when I'm showin' callers new dresses I'm makin'." KNIGHTS | t PHARMACY b Double Mesh, Cap Shape Real Human Hair "Nets 4 for 25¢. or Single Mesh, Cap Shape Real Hair Nets . 6 for 25¢. Made from hair as fine and fluffy as your own. 280 PRINCESS STREET 4 : 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 <9 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 9 4 4 ll avoid your hands Sippel bande and e FP » "CHRISTMAS PLANTS Trees and Férns of all kinds. All seasonable Cut Flowers, Holly Wreaths, Mistletoe, Holly by the bunch. LY Wedding Bouquets and designing. Kingston's Leading Florist Corner of Brock and Wellington Streets Telephone 770. H. STONE, Manager, mn ) YOU BUY WHEN! Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste. The exceptional tone quality in the Weber HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED. AY C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Princess Street "BURKE ELECTRIC CO Wish to announce that they have mov- ed to a larger store-- 244 PRINCESS STREET (Near Sydemham Street) BIGGER STORE AND BETTER SERVICE KIRKPATRICK'S ART STORE (Established 1874) Artistic Designs for Any Occasion. Telephone 452. Res. 12183. ' WHY NOT BUY HER A NICE UMBRELLA A Silk Scarf, Silk Stockings, Kid Gloyes, fancy and plain Linen Hand- kerchiefs or a Sweater Coat. We have a nice, big variety of all the newest and best styles of the above at very attractive prices. FOR HIM we have Automobile or Travelling Rugs, Shirts, Ties, Sox and many other useful articles. OPEN EVENINGS. W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. "The Waldron Store MODEL 530. $175 COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA STYLE 239. ,18 very similar to model 580, and is exéeptional value $100 _ __ This Gratonols is sold gn easy terms of $10 cash and $7.00 monthly, . » '