SILK AND BRUSHED WOOL SCARYS, $1.95-$3.75 MODLER & CO. UNUSUAL VALUES IN OVERCOATS Re a ga - MODLER & CO 216 PRINCESS 97. Kingston Music Studios PHONE . 207. 888 KING STRERT Plano and Theory : Mr. H. Packer, AT.OM. ¥iditin, Junior 28d Kindorgarten Plano . Mist D. Johnson, ATOM. Modern methods. Special free advantages to pupils. Pupils prepared for examination. Rates on application. 31. OUT OUR WAY: iad WO | See, WHEN Smells SEEING ISNT BEUEVING. pseawwmoamnes - AN Try our Pocahontas Smokeless Coal. Proving very satisfactory--$11.00 delivered. We also soll all sizes best grade -Soranton Anthracite, Egg, Stove and Chesnut, $15.50; Standard Pea, $12.50; 8piit Pea, $8.75, delivered. : DENNEE & MORRIS Yards, 27 Brook St. ISTE EERE EE " FINDLAY 'SPECIAL TORTOISE. COOK | Six Cooking Holes, Special 'Fire Box for = == | Zemzem, the Princess' faithful Arab B|slave girl; and once more addressed _ Wood. Another masterpiece in Tortoise | Cook construction. Large and roomy Fire Box for burning wood, and still retaining the advantages of round firepot for coal. Come in and see this excellent Range, Stevenson & Hunter TINSMITHS and PLUMBERS - "THE THIEF QF BAGDAD" BY ACHMED ABDULLAW Based on Douglas Fairbanks' mks' Pyntaay of the Arablan Nights, by The Mongol turned and joined the other two Princes who were busy ans- wering the Caliph's questions as to the Why and Wherefore of the extraordin- ary happening, | "I am grateful--so grateful!" ex- Te claimed the happy father, fondling his daughter's hand. "Grateful to all of youl" Do not forget that most of your E gratitude belongs to this little magic apple!" suggested the Mongol. "With its help I restored life to your charm- ing daughter. Life! The greatest gift in the world! Ah!"--he bowed deep ly before the Caliph--"the greatest ra: rity in the world! I found it! Be pleas. ed, O delightful Zobeid, to accept it as a present!" He gave the magic fruit to the Caliph: "I have succeeded! I found and brought back the most mar- velous treasure on earth! And now, according to your and your daughter's pledge, I claim her as my own--my bride--my wife!" "Fair and just!" admitted the Caliph of Bagdad; but his words as well as Zobeid's exclamation of horror and consternation were swallowed in the E | Indian's angry: "Why---the pretensions of this Mon- gol are.absolutely preposterous! Saved Zobeid's life, did he? By Shiva! There s hardly a Brahmin or holy fakir in Hindustan who is not familiar with Sanjivnividya--the science of restoring the dead to life!" 5 "Pardon iiié;" sneered the Mongol, "but why'did you not use this marvel ous science?" "Partly because, in my excitement and grief, 1did not happen to think of it; and partly becadse, knowing that Zobeid would marry me, 1 did not wish | to toh yuu of the glory of having cub iled of India. For I claim Zobeid's d. Here"--as he gave the magic 1 to "4mzem--*'is the greatest on earth! Without its help we would not Rave known of Zobeid's serrible plight! She is mine--mine-- here is Setiething in 'what you latter. "The Persian, too, is right" "But, father dear! I am an obedient daughter. Still--I cannot marry the three of them, can I?" "Hardly!" admitted the Caliph. "Then--what shall I do!" "You are mine! cried the Indian, ( "Mine!" exclaimed the Persian, "Mine! Mine own!" growled the Mongol. They surrounded the Caliph, clam- oring, arguing, quarreling, protesting. They drew him to one side while the Princess, obeying a sudden impulse, turned to Zemzem. "Quick" she whispered. "Before they notice! Ask the magic crystal to show us what Ahmed is doing." Zemzem was sitting cross-legged in front of the couch, her back to the oth. ers so that they could not see. She spoke low words to the crystal. She stared into it. Then-she looked up ex- citedly, "Heaven-Born!"" came 'her sihilant - better process and has a better murmur, "The Thief of Bagdad is ont his way home!" : "QOh--" Zobeid forced back the exclamation. - "Yes. He flies, Flies through the air--mounted on a great white he with shiny silver wings! Over val cy he flies--and mountain--and stream and forest--and desert! West he flieg --home--to Bagdad---astride his great, winged Horse!" Zobeid laughed aloud with happi- ness. She called to the Caliph: "Fath- er! Father, dear!" "Yes, little daughter?' he asked, turning. "What is it?" "Here am 1." she laughed again, "like a_ donkey between three bundles of hay--and I do not know how to choose." "Not a very flattering comparison to yourself," smiled the iph of Bagdad. "Nor to my three suitors, I am afraid Zobeid went on, "for they représent the three bundles of hay. Without the Indian's erystal, they could not have| known of my plight. Without, the Per, sian's carpet, they could not have cone here so quickly. And without the Mongol's apple; they could not have cured me, Which of the three shall: I choose?" "If you chbose one, the other two will object," replied her father, wear |. ily. "They have already deafened me with their arguing and counter-argu- ing, their a.cusations and counter-ac- cusations," He sighed. "Ob-~I am so tired!" "So am 1," said the Princess. "Let us all go to sleep, Tomorrow will be} time enou p Io decides " "A goo ter Still grumbling, the three Princes assented. They left the apartment. But the Mongol, after bowing good-night to Zobeid, stopped for a moment near the window, as if wishing to look at] the glorious view of Bagdad, golden and green beneath. the setting sun. Three times he waved his handker |" chief. He smiled thinly, cruelly, as al- most immediately from a tower near- i r, red-and- The battle knew that with gold; of his race. It was Li | ot ; gis £§ 2 The General Manager and Staff of "BANK-~TORONTO Extend to all their Clients and Friends Hearty Good Wishes "A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2 ro " BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM CONTRACTORS JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. PHONES 2367F--928W. 400 ALBERT STRERT Christmas 1924 President, Directors and Officers extend to the Customers and Friends of the Bank their Best Wishes for a Happy Christmas and a Pros- perous New Year. he RBopal Bank of Canada 9.45 pa. Leave ee a. ~ __()6 Fours 35 Minsle)) = a 15 . be S35 am i Send and chaupstment shonging hey me --"---n--"£--"--""s"°