ie Jog ee THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG i * Any Let These Generous C assified Opportunities Cut Down Your Living Expens ses \ BR Ip SDD The British Whig | -- -- a Ti p b CLASSIFIED SIFTED ADVERTISING. 3 Ri A ART NEEDLEWORK. Newest SALESMAN -- To thriving SEE--Out bec, six 9° bes Fung at ay rd to eT aly chur a, Indexed, standardized snd and popular- ! he | ime 1s pe nN in stamped § cods and material Child: | Oansaisn et Rodi Jue oe' : q Box Rradgan: . 381 Sydenham. trict. ions oe street. 'Phone 330w. ear & Pred Sireet ly Mre. KE. Apply. espectfull THE BABIL L. SMITH sysTEN, ldo Puniop, 181 A APR Rone 10)L.| apd experience to P. King- ; Friends and Ssquaintences r ctfully IL Ls SMITH 83 Th P fits A R 007 EDGING on ston, On SALE--Of bed springs, all . us a hae AA AL ads. restrcited to thelr 3 or ro 1 Ire are be Ng mastitching, Se Ont eae reduction. tress | : REID roper classification, snd to Felid, fu) work guaranteed: Mre| Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 85| Conn Mattress Co. 1191, resdiar Daily. Whig & sivie of te. As far as A-B-C Classified Ads dre concerned, the time Street "Phone 2433). Successor to Mm, SALES AGENT. Rolla: tae, to whropre.| SCALES--ALL kinds. new and Dally ne ot or consecutive is always ripe for reading. Ard. pm ; es o aistricts, Gud od 3: ros equip, or "103 Princess Minimum Charge. £5 cents. And just about the same statement holds true re- Hat Cleaners sic {30d orpamenial in a ana Daifly rates per line. Charge Cash garding taelr profits--thelr profits are always rare, HOW--About your felt pe The te all far or 8) - ra notoder's Jobt ek, Zoe ee . § day, . Any time--every time--all the time--the orderly ads 18 Here, S e. the Prin-| Nurhery 8. er a Nuthery Co, TOront0 oe ea that throng the Classified Columns are willing and ready Bank of or Nova 1 neit She Situations Wanteg--2dale 87 -- treatise 7 Crimen, to help you solve any one of the hundreds of perplexities fing nauk d Memoria that are bobbing up in everyday lives. CHEF Experienced. all hnches, aver! VIOLET RA1-- Generator. Notlces---Charged, $1.50; cash It you want to sell something at a profit--it you Ati Rod Xcotdent. * Reliable So Sich. Elan" Tnetitution. Apply 111 Colling-| t apparatus, religvi Eni "for era want to buy something without embarrassment--if you les. "Phone or call E. Willams, 3 | Sou Stresh sey. one-time inger- want a position, a dog, or an automobile--the Classified Couper atrest. ; ~ n for less than Section is your anawef i FIRE--Automoblle jad Casualt Insur- Financial S You can't read this section regularly without en- yd rumiey, a Bavck $ vestments, Sgocks, Bonds wu > vod om countering prefitable opportunities continually. ne a > ol n In » rece y TTRANCE--Cnl he, m rélia BONDS--Cash ¢ A Jona Xou ha have Ag iia § das re. companies re nge for sale at market Strange. esta nis i § cash rate THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS. Strange, astabiisned in 3 Youtd fo'! en hand any bond yh wien to Bure Ca { ALWAYS THE SAMB--IN SERVICE nds on now. Jory ot attractive, Yiow:| VIITE NEWSPRINT--800 re, A bed be FR hey Ly will ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY *uickacns, "reliable Sou Sortpanis. gs. dis. Bes, 1-4%, J: O- Huston, 51 "arene. ge household use ony nr this times th adjust- : neg nes: Bait hs Ee ras A Office $03W. Ti Money to Loan 40 Las white ace is W. p. HEWGILL & SON--Representing : Tquipment = all Foranches of insurance; FR AC -- and Inves Radio . havi ONTENA ny tent & Col. Hun Boolety, incorporate in 1a61. t upon req at Cunningham; vice-president, A. 10---Your Christmas n money Publishers reserve the right to edit Announcement Jee Automobiles Ogilvie. 281 King Brest B. 'Phone 45 riven am: vie ant, A Ao our Christm or reject all classified advertising a Ca on: ofn Gui Radio will bri : Personal * Autemobiles For Sale 11 arm properties; estmenta,| Some in to- ght & and Jef 1a us Rl v : : BP Ian Sik und sold; deposits re- Canada A GOLDEN WEDDING Flionone 243; ask for a want ad. . Moviug, Trucking, Storge ue ought and so go : SPEED WAGON---New, Reo. 1 asived and interest PROF. ROSCO--Soclety Magician, 3 a Glover, corner B and Earl Bide y 5 ASHES--Cle: monthly nee. C. T Royal London Punch and manager, 87 Clarence Street, ng- ANNIVERSARY NIGHT educated dog, Toby, for ng us et 'Phone 47. Yards. ct Sleda on § fone' A. M "gjss, Sud ston. e of type. Sete FoF Pearly Révertising ts. eto. 'Phone 3258. a ties, Townshio Councils || Sooo = = Ly Parts for ACE Ton Bumiarour'ous (6k ive Stock Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin O.Lister || 10 PRIVATE TUITION Ty anyone unable kes of Cars sy. Frogts Ci os- Hold a Festival in Bel ATE TUT IONGIId or adult Naw-| Gray Dort, Chevrolat, Ferd. Brisent.| mtn Pros the Hal iu. Dogs, Cats, Pets CJ E A neu est Englist methods it Josireq. Ap- apniin, Studehalie Tr. Also second. EERE A "| STL Tent from $12.00 t mont Ose. Portand. Bj Jug ot, ue Sues Rog snd tons. | nang, Fapering, Decorating 88 | FREFIES, JIEh Module tines tomk| monn Steps a Hf prinecep 3 te Te SIGN PAINTIN 8 Robinson, ret rizes 5 specials at fair. Ap- Montroegl Street. ------ 3 4 Portland township council met in| gxIN BLEMISHES -- Har, Moles, Ho ¥ 318 GJ. rear! 4) Norris, 3 "Millers Lane. The Belmont Cafe on Christmas Harrowsmith, Monday, Dec. 15th, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Caneers, | 'Phone 2476w. 140 Rideau Street Bagot Street, A ms nt: night turned over the large upper | Members all present. Minutes of oan RF esec 'attog, gn Wanted--=Live Stock s0 iy J. FLANAGAN--Painter, Paperhange! banquet hall a festival which | last meeting adopted. 'The clerk furnished after, others ore J 5 FOR SALE and Decorator. 201 Bonttemt bit fad. POULTRY Of all Wl adn we pra how wedding anniver | was instructed to natty the grove | Jor ipiromen Br MLE tak Those sxopionsly good, pod | Sneton Spe Boe Be BRS Ser rod gabhens. Frich Lister, of this ty. Covers were 1ald | to, that the pool room lense of E.| BS0t Street. Phions 301w. Houss LI3J Cars Daving how 1078, cultalna ailed. : ' Emme ses A Ll bm SSSA i Waller's, BUNGALOW --- New, al! and tires, are now offered for Chiropractic asc. Foronto. north side. all hardwood aoore: * Yor fifty people, nearly all of whom |A. Bartels has expired and no fur- Lost and Found 10| sale at extremely 10w prices. a iat . I 'Phone 1528-J. Apply as wars members of the family. At the | ther license will be granted. 4 OYL. ESSEX TOURING. LE aaiic. Spectisiite; Kegistered' Nurse Merchandise head table was a huge bridal cake | A by-law was passed appointing BOX--Found, colitaining Shir, ot rey DURANT SEDAN. Bi¥ Sasol" a Baan: Articles For Sale B1 HovSE-4 th A and an): with the positions of honor given to | the following persons to conduct the| Owner apply at store. HUDSON SPEEDSTER 9-13, 1-5, 6-8. Consultation Free. and elec Wlystrie 27.00 & month, or Wo The banquet | municipal elections, Monday, Jad. ' RUBBERS--H Blankets, Bed| %¢k Pringess Street. the venerable couple. The banquet | municipa 8, ay BUMPER -- Found. Ieft op Coli STUDEBAKER SPEC. SIX: Dental 28d. | ABIX Bs ela wHorse Blanes, B started at six o'dlock and a group | 6th, 1936: grounds. Owner op y to Wd MCLAUGHLIN D325, 4 CYL. s. Mitts, ete. Special rein ID Ey on for SRkine, ony photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Lister | Poll DRO, Poll Clerk, ' | Pullding. Queen's University. CHALMERS' 1922 Coie SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 188 Sik bags, Suit Cases. 'A. Shépiro, § and their immediate family was tak- No. * D, J. Taggert Earl Lee| CHRISTMAS PARCEL--Found, on Ar . We aiiingiah street, ooruer of rincéss street. by Mr. Marrison. No. 3 §. J. Alton Goldie Clark| fred street. hudressd to, Suit ppl Boyd's Gar ALUMINUM WARE_Doubls Roasters Mr. and Mrs. Lister are the same | No.8 Hawley Grant Frank Sigs-| 435 Alfred street. KNAPP--Dr. A. B., Dentist. Oftlos; 283] #8 Aluminum, White Enamel and Black 139 Brock St ae Ltd. Princess Street. 'Phone a eel at greatl rices, at ges--seventy a eer for A Ae No. 4 | Overton Clark wii oot GLOVE--Found. ladys. on Process Sb ventas by Wppoimmmert, iors Hitimihos's. 10 lhc Bt er has wo! ere for A. 8 0. verton T Owner may have same at is - Son for over twenty years. There are | No. 5 I L. Smith H. C. Percy | fice. ____ Business Serviey Legal ry ey AINS_--4 'ron 1 For HE four children living, Mrs. R. Green-| No. 8 Bd. James H. Vannest eB Pournd 1atyy Well vo Business Services Offered CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers snes Antigue Shop, $01 Princess " wood, Herbert Lister and J. W.. Lis- A by-law was read first and sec- alo hilar ad 1a). itt. °n in 18 and Solleitors, 79 Clarence Bi 5 Nr Phone 2610. A Ts. Potters fancy store last Satire Expert Plans Tunl Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, PRICE. Tt, 1 ter, all of Kingston, and E. lay, of | ond time providing for the taking of a nay Rave same at above] " ng. Cytil M. Bmith. ran and soft. say 4 uant rs Winnipeg. There are eighteen grand- |& vote of 'the electors on Monday, | address. aver-Plise Adjusting. \ | RET TR pare wnd| phones 1891 or $18. (Agent children and seven great grand-|Jan. 5th, 1925, for or agalnst the | Torrent lm Tl Ly heifer, 1844. sotlcitors, 69 Clarence Sirser, 'xing: rick) children. After the splendid ban- | licensing of pool tables, Jot 3. Concession 5, Sownenip of Hed: C. W. LINDSAY. LIMITED Bom A yd a 20h. ** | COMBINATION STOVES--aAnd a. Quel, the tables were cleared and | It was decided that the depart-| ford Black end wile, with white Mas -- . - brary ables and maiircansa) FA the evening given over to music and | ment of lands, forests and mines be} coming oS tr s Ba 3 Soaieh, 4 Div Divisiorepticed.| HODGING, W. C.-- Barrister, Bollel rior f wniture. on, 30% Bar tor apply to D. tr . dsncing. The aged couple led off asked for a grant on mining road | Hughson, Chaffey's Locks, Ont. ool ant Bie G aly ublle. LA fence Princess treet. phone Te00w. "in the quadrille, lancers, and old- | from First Lake fo Ball's cheese | upp Found, left at M. Amoded's on on 1380. FOR REX T -- Torrington Vacuum "fashioned dances and the younger | factory. 3 Wednesday morning. Ow RE King street, has installed| REYNOLDS, J. C.-- Barrister end Soll oi: | i ner t 7 day, Feasonanle. A For par- People interepersed more modern | The following accounts were or- Hae a tay "Princess Hine. ge ae Snarpening mh tor, $§ Brock Greet. EI he ME ahha steps throughout the programme. At | fered paid: $13.50, Mowat Hospi- Quick ee Firat class| 'p anged on city and farm Droporty. PURSE -- Found, containing sum of hone 25609. HRpriace BCREENS-- And fenders. eleven o'clock a mistletoe bower was | ¢al, nine days, Mrs. Fred Revelle; mogey and bank book. OW Ss er apply SHEA--AmD a Por make them Jas | Brass or Son hung at one end of the hall and each | $6.25, Harvey Snider, work on| at James Reid's, 25% Princess Street Hair Parlor, Ba | "Solicitor. Law Office, EE «log E, Works, hy 8 strat Wa Te 4 married man pregent kissed his wife | roads; $198.68, Loughboro-township | Srna ta EP. Jenkins kins Cloth- and Brock. over Royal Bank. Money Real Estat . acale a winder if, the example being set by | work on boundary; $4, H. Stover,| ing Store, contaiping sum of money.| 'PHON - to loan. 'Phone 1999. 'wood, hard Division ONE 578 intment. Mr. and Mrs. Lister. Unmarried folks | error in assessment of dog: $8.70, Owner apply at above store. Fraak J. Robbs, 185 y Wettlngion Be tiga Repairing 5 Bo EE Fas Phond "tive: See + and the Ittle youngsters each chose | T. H. Watson, error in assessment; | PURSE--Found, containing small sum ine J E. ' & Bartner for the Bonored Christmas | $11.50, Geo. Amey, bonus, 46 Tods | of money, in Mahood Brow store of jy od Waving FSi ahd aes W:-Delssoll, 3 HH ort of Cone fn, sree Real inv wite fence; $3, Frank Storms, Te-| game at 40 Division street. FE street. Phone 396F\ p 0 Sid + Durie the evening congratula- | pairs to culvert High Falls road; SHALL GREY PDRBB Lom, pre red § Sad Frigming UPHOLSTERING--New or used furn I | Toc Bhd Ser. ats on, 4 ton ! Swere received from Hon. B.|$12, T. H. Watson, six trips velu- g sum of momey and car cheoks. ras, fale fe ont dls ture; Work guaranteed. Call or drop a ¥ load. Doubls and from Messrs. Harold | sting sheep; $8, Frank Davey, one evs name inside. Rewsrd on re- Ry Yak card Jd. Gavine, 116 Bagot Street. fins i30 od Riding 35s abe. extra. Davis; who are visiting at | sheep killed by 5.8195, AL| pte Whig Office or 33 Pointmént fd UPHOLSTERING--ARG gensral repair. Bs. obs emount we, 00, or aha 4! | , Many fine presents in | Trousdale, repairs; 1e.1§, Charles' ine, ve orders at Liar & a ard $4.50. C. Bruton, NGS -- Found. 1 . Harold, 104 ngton strest, corner ner OFaRGHGE 3 Btreet. hegues. gold. sivr and china. were | Hagermas, balance ehiary daretaker | SOIT, Tice sont olutth -- * 30 I Phot Joos. RE hab received by the 'guests of honor. of hall? $75, Frank Wallace, on #al-| Barrie and Clergy streets, Owner ap-| singeing curling, fos' and Childs Em 1 t 0 ATS Will sell mueh below -- 'Whig with their many | ary, collector; $97.10, Thomas| Ply 432 Princess street. men's nar outtin . "Mrs, Cunniagh JEmploymen RE Tin hell: mh tiv and friends in wishing uy. Craig, for supplies; $21.15, j Butea]! Mn Clie at Alice street, ster: sot. Kfngaton: Enon THIN: zp W 5 vs. Lister many more years of | Manson, repairs Ashley's hill; 43,| JE Sliver well Weteh = Of ay have anted--Female Johnson street. Walter Shibley, error in assessment, | TonoBTam on DAL evaph OMes. | FRENCH MARCEL WOMAN_To do housework {ns small| PIANO_Williams make wal one dog; $18.35, A. BE. Beattie, sot- EWONLI SUDGET Water | Wave, Haliressing, | family, or girl about 14 years of AEs| thud Al | Erics nsonabie aut = el n Henn boundary i $72. 93. . 1Asine Hae Suiting. Selig. son ut 430 Brock mre i, Spiers APPLY pets Ue Soulacs apply 149 Colborne Str keep William Jeffrey, thres months; Hungerford Couple Wedded--Christ| , Har dyeing a specialty. 3 $3, Dr. Genge, medical dervices, Mrs.| Church Ladies Hold a Bazaar. MRS. WILKINSON, 360 Frontense | "oumieh or shoe, for of fev wouka: t0| 1 113 octave. Gversteung bass, 1ochor B. Davey; $12, Dr, Genge, magical ely Dec. 23.--At the Un- Street. Phone 1080]. for appoint do housework. Apply 804 Earl Street! scale, tyory. and services, M. Willams; . $6.26, Dr.| lon church parsonage, by Rev. W.| . meat EE asters - : oF ort Welnaet, 2" Fl § , medical services, Mrs. Ida|H. Clark on Dec. 23rd, Sarah Meeks, . dna, Leds 491 ms asbenged. treet Bauder; $2.50, John Baboock, tem | daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank PERMANENT WAVING | MAKE MONEY AT HOME. ¥. to 8 GRDEGet the hours cutting brush Donnelly road; | Meeks, Hungerford, was married to} (wu, . wqving, Ma Bar hous for your spare eis ih 8008 ones, Just ln. $75, reeve, and $75 to each couneil-| Edward Fronklin Barker, Hunger a Maa os a {gstruct. and al yeu wit h ware Irs measan aio. lor; $1, Roy Molr, repairing culvert | ford. i all the atest styles o Ee ?| Borne Bullding, f Hair Cutting. ding 'Pirst Lake road; $10, Mrs, J. As-| Mr. Jackson of Gorl Bay visited : fo HE Rt and low for rent of hall; $3, Charles | his daughter, Mrs. Critch, the past A. B. KINGSBURY, SALESMEN--Ws offer i our oom: 1d ie ARR o Siayale . error in assessment, dog; $3,| week. Miss Bernice White, Mis 209 Princess Street. 'Phone 1388 plete and anes es of 1961w gy #y Hamilton, error in assess-| Annie Gilliver, Miss Eulolia Myc, any Jants. ve ment, dog; $2, Henry Hamilton, er- And Melvin Wood, of Kingston ted sam; ea hake goers 00-0) an Brothers 1 Nurse "| for in assessment, dog; $24, H. Wil-| schools are home for their holi- kins, clerk, 4th Division Court; $24,|d Miss Patterson and Miss al E. A. Talles Bailif, 4th Division | Hall Penney have gone fo thelr] ------ = ' oafn : : 5) : 1 fed on eR + wn emma Heat With Coke ni Pea Loaf Fourth Division and ehild, of North Bay are Hagin Tome with his parents. Mr. and} Mrs. George Blagk are with friends, a Forvato. hd + THE NEW WAY. 1 the. egly Ehuistan ers MSH is a Fi wots ov || SAVE 25% IN YOUR FUEL BILL a--------t GBT STARTED TO-DAY. LET US TELL YOU ABOUT IT. Jigsaw pussies, which are still : FEET gir James Swit & Co, Limited he i : a opposition of [f Lg "Foot of Jehnsen Street cs -------- art