Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Dec 1924, p. 1

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Baily PS KINGSTON, ONTARIO. TUESDAY, DECEMEER S30, 192¢. == The cn a STEWART ALSO [3 vovzcser..... : POUND NEARS eer vets ReRITOIRS * * 4 NEW AIR RECORD * * RESISTING ROBBERS 4 * MADE IN FRANCE + S------ : "w - CrP NPSL IIREEORCSS . * ; * + ¢ New York, N.Y., Dec. 30.-- & Two men were shot to-day in ¢ # resisting four robbers who ¢ # held up a garage in Manhattan. ¢ # above the rate of a year ago. & CENTS OF PAR # $ -- * ' b -- ¢ Now York, Dec. 30.--Ster- & + tal Dee. a SP AL # ling exchange will close the # ITS PAR | ALUE + a, FE a A & . ------ & After ' wounding the victims # Apa---- # Sterling is now within thirteen 4 # year on the New York ex- # # change about forty-five cents # Lawyers Divide $150,000 For Saving Boy Slayers ------ Chicago, Dec.' 30.--The lawyers who saved Richard Loeb and Nathan Leapold, Jr., from the gallows after they pleaded guilty to kidnapping and killing Robert Franks, will re- ceive $150,000, it became known to- day. Clarence Darrow, veteran crim- inal lawyer, and Benjamin and Wal- ter Bachrach, brothers, will share & 000 kilometres (621.38 miles), tion Reganding Kingston General (3, LL 000noansl Bank | plate Gold Basis Again. Dalry Convention Ev : WILL BE SENTENECD k % miles an hour, POSITION IS _ OFFERED son Yr n Ru GOL) BEING EXPORTED On 15th of Jonuary--Thid Di dui" # kilometre course in four hours, & thirty minutes, 32 3-6 seconds, has been Sects] Shat the anm- nual meeting of the ern Ontario ; \ To Fraser Armstrong as Business ees INEILILINYY Administrator at a Salary rector of the Bank to be THE OHECKED WATERS Adi d 1G ilt & at an average of 22.17 kilo- Dairyman's convention wiil be held a 000 ARE NOW SUBSIDING of $5,000. Toronto, Dec. 30.--J. F. M. & metres (137.76 miles) per in Kingston every Second winter. Horace L. Brittain, Toronto, ef- Danger to Plants and Towns In Stewart, of Toronto, director of the # hour. The previous record was & four hours, 52 minutes, 35.34 The convention this year opens at Cornwall on Jan. Tth sand will last Sclency expert, who was engagad. by Niagara District Belleved the Board of Governors of the to Have Passed. PATIENCE WORN DOWN ae * Poe Deter CHPPEIPRIA AEB NS & the world's speed record for 1,- 3 ' s # the robbers tied in 'an auto- & : ficiency Expert's Recommends # cents of par. 3 OF Nehfece IL SERG De, =o without any loot. + British Government May (Contem- tive Bank cssettsastntacone & seconds, averaging about 126 for two days. _The dairy exhibit will likely open on Jan. 6th. The meeting next year WHI tako place : New York, Dec. 30.--The British at the Eastern Ontario Dairy school. + pound sterling was swept up to $4. 4 Kingston General Hospital to mde an exhaustive survey, has submitted his report, a portion of which was presented at a pecial meeting of the Board of Boversors held on Monday evening. The portion of the report which was considered was that referring to the management of the institution, and Mr, Brittain submits that after giving the matter very careful ¢onsideration, what the institution should have i§ one man who will act as business administra- Home Bank of Canada, which failed in August, 1923, was this morning tdund guilty of negligence in sign- ing faise or deceptive statements in connection with the bank's affairs. In announcing his decision Judge Emerson Coateworth stated that he would deliver sentence om January 15th. Three directors and an official have now been convicted on charges laid following the investigation of Vea Cruz, Dec. quake, brief in duration, and not of a violent mature, was felt here at 7.34 o'dlock last evening. ------------------ LANSDOWNE CHURCH Came in Iceboat From Wolfe island In 7 Minutes Dr. William Spankle, reeve of Wolfe Island, came from the island to the city on Tuesday morning on an ice boat in seven minutes. time, or at the rate of ihirty miles an hour. Dr. Spankié; when asked as to the condition of the ice, stated that he could not tell much about it as the ice boat ran so fast. The ice 73 3-16 in another strong buying movement yesterday, at which level it was within fourteen cents of its parity and within two cents of the price at which, prior to March 20, 1919, it 'had been pegged. The rise | further strengthened reports that a| concerted plan on the part of the British Government to carry its for- eign exchange unit to par was under way. This, in turn, would mean, ac- cording to bankers, that the British Government was contemplating the saved plants -- Niagare Falls, N.Y. Dec. 30.--4A shift in the 'wind and a moderation of the cold wave, which has been pre- valent in the Niagara district for the past few days, | towns along the lower Niagara River from property damage when waters, held in:check by the ice jam in the lower river started to gradually sub- side late yesterday. The height of the flood water has not decreased suf- ticlently to Allow service to be es- and ernment gravely compromised by the publication of the Cesare Ros si memorandum, which for the first time boldly states what the Op- position press has been hinting for geveral months past, namely, that he inspired or, at least, countenanc= ed acts of violence against his poll- . tical ememies, and with the Op position press threatening to make further revelations of the same na- ture till Mussolini resigns, feels ing is rapidly gaining ground thas it 1s impossible for things to cond MEETING IS LIVELY Presbyterians Come to Grips in Debate on Church Union Question. Ty A message from Lansdowne to ihe Whig on Tuesday morning told of a lively time at a Presbyterian ¢hureh meeting in that village on Monday evening. Men of the con- gregation had met to prepare for the vote on church union, which was to open on Tuesday, 'The debate return te a gold basis. Confirmation of these reports which have been gaining = strength in the last two months could be ob- tained omly from officials of the British Government itself, and in the absence of any official word, New York bankers were not in 'a position to say whether or not the large programme of returning sterling to- par was in mind. The significant thing; they sald, wag the London bill had kept moving ahead despite many decisions ' which ordinarily the affairs of the defunct institu- tion, The trial of R. P. Gough, an- other director, is proceeding before Judge Coatsworth, As in all other convictions the judge finds that the annual state- ment of the bank for 1923 was alse. In delivering judgment His Honor sald: / "An extraordinary combination of companies, in all of which the direc- tors, including the accused, were largely interested, and which were, tor, and that man need not be a professional man. When Mr. Brittain was engaged by the hospital authorities to make fhis survey, it was with the under- standing that his suggestions would be carried out. _ The board has a number of appl- c for the position, and it is 2 understood that Mr. Fraser Arn . strong, living in the maritime pro- vinces, has been offered the position, and it is expected that he will ac- cept. Members of the board, when tablished on the Great Gorge route, as the tracks are still inundated. The jam came as & surprise as mid-winter storms as have' been experienced for the past few days are uncommon and the development of the jam and high water were un- looked for: In former years a jam has not been uncommon in the spring break up and on several oc- casions dynamite had to be used to prevent the mighty Niagara from over-flowing its banks, boat glided right over the crack, PASSENGER LINER ARE I PACIFIC Passengers Are L Into Lifeboats. ---- tinue as at present, and that either by holding 'general elections Iim- mediately, or" by the resignation of the cabinet some way must be found without delay oyt of the blind alley in , which the internal political situation now finds itself. This feeling that some radical change much. be imminent is not caused so much by beliet that the" accusations contained in Rossi's' memorandum are true -- indeed, | most people are ready freely to ad. mit that in all probability they are asked by the Whig abput the matter: | good stated that they were mot in a posi- tion to say anything. It is learzed, however, that the salary is to be §5,- 0L0 Bn year. It 1s understood ' that Mr. Arm- strong has, been manager of Wood- stock, N.B., a town of 3,500 popu- jation, and for the past couple of waxed so warm that some of the members came to grips; in fact it is etated that ome of them was thrown to the alsle floor. Even- tually the combatants cooled down and order was restored. The meeting was presided over by the minister, Rev. I. N, Beckstedt, who advised the members not to allow thejr so to speak, feeding off the bank, came into existence one by one and became more or less. interlocked. A few of them paid up finally, but most of them failed to pay and in- volved the bank in enormous losses. The depositors" money Was loaned to these and other companies, many would retard it, if not actually bring a reaction. When the movement started, England was selling mil- lions of dollars. of pound sterling bills to set up balances for its neces- sary import of American commodi- ties, and it also was buying Ameri- can dollars; or their equivalent, at the rate of $300,000 a week to take RUNAWAY MARRIAGE 10 BE INPOSSIBLE Five Days to Elapse Between completely false--as by the fact that these continued accnsa and counter-accusations, of threats and counter-threats, of insults, blows, duels and discussions is beginning to wear down the patiemce © Italians, whose nervous system is showing symptoms of feasting un- der the strain. 1 Issuarice of License and [ -. Ceremony. care of Britain's debt funding pro- gramme, tempers to get the better of them. gu the Jetter WEST QOES STRONG "FOR OHM of them unreliable concerns, instead of being used in legitimate banking 'business. The accused was inter. years has been assoclated with Mr. (Brittain in efclency expert work. Frederick Taylor, who Was ap- atefident of the King Nov 0 Some deputies, and even Fascist -...| deputies, are discussing whether might not be a good thing if Mus- 5: New York, Dec. ,30.--Rupaway marriages will be impossible. in New solini were to resign In favor at the York state in the future if the: pro-|. Sensis, Britain Withdraws Buying of sterling. w ve: indicated that, BE a "amount, of funds Which had | WH been placed-on deposit with local banks. Since the recent English elections in late October, upward of $1,000,000,000 was estimated to have passed from New York to London, some of this representing American money which, with the politjcal and commercial situation looking better, had been placed at work in London. Export of gold to England has also quickened, one group of bank- ers having sent in° the last month $10,000,000 to London, of which a new. $1,000,000 shipment was ant nounced today. Only part of this sum, which is the largest amount that London has drawn from the American gold supply since 1919 for any one month, was pelieved to be headed for deposit in London. A large portion, according to reports received in New York banking eir- cles, is ear-marked for Russia and «| represents the taking back of pro- fits made by certain industries of that country from the operation in American market of revolving cre- dits with which Russis has been able to manufacture and export cot ton and woollen fabrics. IPCOY FOLKD GUILTY "OF MANSLAUGHTER Lasalle--V. Benoit. It Not Gulity as Charged, Not oma. ean 7 auiny. All, Says Prescott--W, J. Taugher, 7: Prisoner. Ridgetown--P, J, Henry. fost Jon | Congre= {wane : 'Kingston from St. Luke's Hospital, Ottawa, where he held a similar po- sition. Continuing the judge sald: "No business man would be deceived by camopfiaged balance sheets. The directors did not live up to the test. The fact appears to be that the di- rectors were to 'such am extent ue- ing the bank for their own purposes and their own companies and specu- lations that they turned a deaf ear to the call of duty and responsibi- .| lity." "Fe aie: SHORTAGE OF SEED BEGINS 0. LOOK TP commission is eponsoring the bill. [gest of these two plans use oe longer will » romantic Jair be solini shows not the slightest in able to step'into the mun uild- ing, obtain a license on one floor and elination to. resign, aRd thit he seb still count on a sufficient mumber trip blithely to the marriage chape! : Drow and have ty clerk [on supporters in Parlisment 10 make sure i v 3 Cruise or his deputy wish them god- se oe ot bel ag ovesth on speed and present them with a cer-|gjections is violently opposed bya tificate all in the time it takes to| considerable section 'of Mussolini's get afternoon tea. 3% followers. Five days must elapse from the own folldwers It is yet too early to speak of a time of the issuance. of the license to against the performance of the ceremony, revolt of the Fasolstio Mus solini, as he still holds the party in: agear ithe to the Yrovoned new 1aw. | tho nollow of his hand, but the fact e intervening time is to be used | remains that both the more moder by Poin ithprities for investigation.| ate and extreme members of the e object of the law is to make : : brides and grooms look before. they Fascist movement are beginning to D grumble. Their grumblings are still leap, aud to lessen the possibility of | conducted in undertones, and spring from totally different causes, but . . In addition to the hasty marriage | they may swell to the full pack) eature, the bill provides that legal vocation, endorsement must be given to the protest at the slightest Pe a of children under 16. Sixteen will IR GES SUPPRESSION : ~ OF "RED" DISTRICT. be the minimum age for both boys Dr. Desloges, Montreal, Would and girls, unless the prospective con- tracting parties' obtain the approval Also Jail Those Guilty of Vice Offence. . of the surrogate or a children's bin y Regina, Sask., Dec. 30.--The tol- lowing Saskatchewan votes on charch union were recorded Sunday: aebiet. i, Supports Whig's dea. It will be rémembered that when + Brig-General A. E. Ross, who Was perintendent at the King- r his re- e ugh its edi- beolumn, advocated the ap- it of a man who would act capacity of business sdininis- The board then appointed aylor, Several were, of the]®eenst. ] and are still, that the ho | Knox church, Regina, 544 for, should have a medical man, 288 against. mt nevertheless, Mr. Brittain, who ugk cpursh, Weyburn, edogked upon ot gue of the Dust unit Tnited Shure? tor, 13 8s nion as the Whig, Mr. | "STA Sams opinion, At tev of the| MacLeod 52 for, 3 against. at the Kingston General Ho ah church, Red Deer, 8 for, 80 used as a medical training " sol. the medical duties ave car- High River 43 for, and 32 against. od on by the staff of Queen's me- Prince Rupert , United church, | * slege, and there is no neces. B.C., 11 for, and 67 against. : The rescue ship is heading for any more medical advisors. Wapella, Sask. 15 for, and none Manzanillo with the survivors. the hospital needs most is ef- against, : business management. Broadview 36 for, snd 34 against. 'monthly report of the board Lumsden 73 for, and 17 against. : which is issued from ------ of the secretary. was not 'on Tuesday morning, and was referred to H..C. rman of the Board of who when interviewed it is too soon to make statement 'as to what ace at the meeting. > er of Mr. Brittaln's deh is lengthy, will be at's later meeting. Yorkbon church, 115 for, 17 44 for court judge to the consent of their parents. The present law, which re- quires 'the written consent of par- ents for the marriage of girls under 18 and boys under 21, is not atfect- ed by the new minimum age amend- ment. Mayors By Acclamation, Arnprior--R. A. Jeffery. i Bowmanville--T, 8. Holgate, Bothwell--T. Haller. Chesley--W. P, Krug. Durham--J. "N. Murdock. Harriston-=J. H. Fawcett. - Kincardine--Dr. J. A. Armitage. The Present Standing. Toronto, Dec. 30.--The returns of received fed light distriet, deyort vice trust gripping it disorderly house earnings, girl inmates under ment, then adopt a law two months in jail for e and woman found guilty of DRY WEATHER IN 1925. A hse May be Expected Throughout World, : Declare Scientists, fos Angoios, ORIiL. Des, 90, | London. Dec. 30-he year 1935

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