2A THIEF OF BAGDAD" | lown Shere at his feet Bagdad more distinct every jere stretched hundreds of white rooftops, richly fairy-like turrets, and ed Arab domes. Under the with 'many-colored 'bushes, with cro- with roses and mel- * poinsettias and bego- Bagdad was his! His the over Araby and--soon, soon Il Islam! His the subjéction stiff-necked Arabs, these stiff- 1 His the worship of ei sobbing and wailing from city and palace in . slone, Heaven-Born! de a do sgainet the Mon 3 ever been in love, Zem- Zobeid. Three or four times." (rr orn 'B Ef you had really been in 3 3 would know that the loved ything an t, Zemzem?!" fearlessly, with Ad A Aa a as a aa ola aaa lad black stallion through the night, through the green and yellow of young morning, at last arriving at Bagdad and demanded entrance with a loud voice. » A yellow-skinned, flat-nosed, iron- capped warrior appeared on the wall and looked down. "Go away!" he said in his loutish Mongol speech. "The gates of Bag- dad are closed until after the wedding." "Whose wedding"? "The wedding of Cham Sheng, the Great Dragon, and .Zobeid, daughter of the Caliph." The man withdrew; returned as Ah- med leaned from his horse, rattling at the gate, beating against it with the hilt of his sword, shouting noisily and in- solently:. "Let me in, let me in, dog-snouted Mongol pig! Hey, there, let me in, O most unbeautiful yellow pimple bereft of all the virtues!" The other ' raised his threateningly. "I gave you fair words," he said. "Now I give you fair warning. If you do not go away, immediately, quietly, like a decent lad, by the tribal gods of my clan, I shall..." "Pah!" sneered Ahmed. "Powless gods--the gods of your clan! Swinish gods for a swinish race| Pot-bellied, yellow-skinned, slit-eyed, ridiculous, indecent Mongol gods! Wait! Hold your hand a second"--as the battle- axe was about to come down whistl- ing through the air--"'and I will show you what mine own God can do! Al- lah, the One, the All-Powerful! Look, Mongol pig! Behold the blessed mira- cle!" battle-axe And, the thought popping into: his brain, his fingers obeying the thought, he dipped them deeply into the magic silver box that was filled to the brim with the tiny seeds--the wishing seeds ~--the seeds from the Tree of Righte- ous but Nufdfilied Desires. He sprinkled the seeds thickly on the ground. He spoke hurriedly, fervently: "O Allah! I want soldiers | Mounted armed soldiers. Brave Moslem soldiers Fearless soldiers, Arabs and Turks and Moors -and Egyptians--soldiers from all the land of Islam--to protect Bag- dad from Mongol desecration--to save the ancient city--to save Zobeid! Sol- diers 1 want--numerous as the waves . of the sea, the sand grains of the des- ert!" And suddenly the Monggies sneer changed into a stage of lity, a grimace of surpri ear, | as, springing from the ground great flowers, there rose an inim army of mounted Moslem' i men, men of a races, | ing their weapons. CHAPTER XL As the wind 'blew the tiny yellow || seeds about, wherever they struck the ground other Moslem warriors popped out of the nowhere with a little puff of smoke as the only warning that they were coming, They were mostly on horseback. But some were on foot, and there was a splendid troop of desert- men tiding upon dromedaries, nodding in their lofty, peaked, crimson saddles to the deep gait of their Animals, with a cold glisten of iron and black song war. "Allah akbar!" they cried. "Allah akbar! Din Dinl Fateh Mohammed!" They came like the whirlwind; | hacking at the gate with their battle- axes and splintering it; horses and camels prancing and rearing, weapons glistening in the sun, burnooses of all colors floating in the breeze. "Onl" they cried. "Ride on for the i Here is a disputable point. J For the ancient Arab chronicle from interrupts the narrative here to the following rather interest- claimed: 'O Allah! Why didst Thou adow me with a soul? For had I been without a soul, Thou couldst have nei- ther blamed nor punished me for giv- ing way to temptation!' And then Ad- am wept--this happened on a mountain in Hindustan, where Adam and Eve, d from the tears d sprang up pepper, cardamums, and cin- namon, while from the grief in his soul sprang the clouds, the weeds, the des- ert jackals, and the scavenger crows. "Not on all these points do the wise theologians agree. But there is fo ar- gument about God having given a soul to Adam, nor that, for the sake of the salvation of his soul. He later on sent Mohammed amongst the mor- tals as His Messenger. "But the warriors who rode with Ahmed into B; were Hot the des- cendants of Adam, but the descend- ants of seeds. Thus riseth the question ~had they souls, or were they merely realized segments, materialized frac- tions of Ahmed's imagination? Here is the moot point in the controversy, and we repeat that to this day miny re- spectable Moslem theologians refuse to admit that the descendants of these seeds, the members of the families of Ibn Kubbut and Ibn Zura, are endow- ed with Allah's excellent and blessed spirit. , . ."' (To Be Continued.) PARHAM PARAGRAPHS. A Host of Visitors Crowded the Village. Parham, Dec. 29.--The weather continues very cold. The roads are in fine condition fr cars or sleighs; both are being used. School closed on Monday with a concert and Christ- mas tree; which was enjoyed by all, Much credit is due Miss McDon ald who is untiring in her efforts She was remembered by Santas Claus. > The annual Christmas entertain ment was held in the I.0,0.F. hall on Christmas eve and was a decidec success. Mrs, Moyes had charge o the programme and received wel: merited praise. The proceeds amount. ed to $42 which will be used for Sunday school work. Rev. H. G Moyse, Ross Howes and E. M. Ban are on the sick list. Mrs. J. C. Hartman and son re turned on Saturday after spending the past week in Kingston. Mr. an: Mrs. L. B. Cronk, and Isobelle, spent Christmas with Dr. Cronk and fam ily, Belleville. Archie Howes with his ey Mr. and Mrs. G. F Howes. Pupils home from Sydenhan high school are Mildred Bertrim Elmer Bateman and Nigal Howes. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Strader and Keith Black, Ottawa, with thei: parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Black. Mrs. H. Cromk and children, Belle- ville, at M. Cronk's. Mrs. M. Storm: spending some time with her child ren at 'Long Lake. Miss Iva Smith and Minnie Wagar, home from Smith's Falls for the holidays. W. E. Clow and F. C. Hartma: | motored to Kingeton '-and Spent Christmas with 8. D. Leslie and fam- son, Ross, have returned from Belle ville. Mr, and Mrs. James Howe: and Miss Mable Howes, Oshawa, a: G. F, Howe's. W. L. Goodfellow and family, L R, Bateman and family, Mrs. Dell: Goodfellow and son, also Richarc Goodfellow, Belleville, spent Christ mas with Mr. and Mrs. W. Siver- brick, Tichborne. W. D. Bertrim is at Verona. Miss Ella Card, Verona, with he: parents. Dr. Scott and family a: George Cronk's, snow storms have male Phe sleigh- lng fairly good and the music of the sleigh bells cheer us once more. tmay day passed off quietly ual home visiting. The put on by the teach- EE to bed with pneumonia two weeks, is able to ry i : 8 ie i §&f | =Efist if 83 E5E : Bil if 7 E 2? » i Fix after the Fall, were drived from Para- diss, on Friday, the fifth of Eo he fly. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Smith anc. Lake Draft. Wolfe Island, Dec. 30--The Key- west was well represented by Wolfe Mslanders this season which was very successful one. Capt. William wheelsman, Hank Davis, watchman, Pat Baker, Jack Broadbent, Clar- ance Davis, were members of the crew. Adrian Rysn and wife, Rochester, N.Y., spent Christmes with his par- ents here. Leanord Yott has install. ed a radio set in his home. Father Ryan spent a short visit with his parents last week. Bora unto Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greedwood, a girl. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Horne, Bath, spent Christmas at the latter's parents. Mrs. H. Hinckley, who un- hospital, Kingston, she was attended by her niece, Iora Fitzgerald, Watertown, N.Y. Boston with relatives and intends staying in the above mentioned city was the first to cross the ice with a horse and rig. The veteran Paddy McDermott was & close second. Louis Larush was the first to cross the ice with an ice punt. here. William Briceland, teller of the Roysl Bank, Ottawa, spent Christmas with his parents here. Miss Gertrude Brown, Watertown, N.Y., spent Christmas with her par- ents here, Mack Kenney and wife, Watertown, N.Y., spent Christmas with their parents here. Henry Yott and wife, Syracuse, N.Y., spent Ohristmas with their parents here. Karl Conley and wifa, Watertown, N.Y., spent Christmas with their parents here. Edward Kelley, Watertown, N.Y. spent Christmas with relatives here. Mra, Charles Greenwood a well known Wolfe Islander, died in Watertown, N.Y., last week. Frances McKenna spent Christmas with relatives in Watertown, N.Y. Leanord Mosier and wife spent Christmas at Syracuse, N.Y. 'with relatives. John Abbott is confined to his home with grippe. Miss Nellie Muckian is confined to her home with a severe cold. Raymond Cough and wife spent "hristmnas with relatives here. Ar den McRae and wife, Watertown, N.Y., spent Christmas with their parents here. Toleda, Dec. 39.~--The death oo curred on Friday, the Angll- New Boyne, at 2 p.m. rema placed in the vault. The annual Sun- day school entertainment was hald '0 the town hall, on Ohristmas night, Mildred Seymour, teacher, Mer- snd Mrs, John Stimgon, Ottawa, and Vamie Brigginshaw, of the civ. ser- vice, Ottawa, and their brother, Harty Brigginshaw, are spending their holidays with fri people of Toledo gathered ai the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve or and spent a very enjoyable e 5 with games and demecing. George Mcil and Herman Gray are running the sxating rink here this wiater. Delorma Marshall and ©. A. Wood have installed radios in their homes tor the benefit of thie friends who _ wires. mold Bellaas aemptrille. spent. Mr. and Mrs. Warren ud Mrs DD Marsard and with his parents, 5 ME. Merrill to pur- p. 37th. Wolfe Island Mariners Spent a [Ii John Kingsley spent Christmas in for a brief holiday. Tupper Mosier |i} Thomas Maloney and wife spent Hii Christmas with the latter's parents} | | | Davis, Mate Clardnce, Kenney, |i} Be 11 1 |] | | derwent treatment at the general Hi has returned home much improved. While there [IH Miss |} Black, Navy and Extraordmary Values i Two Sizes 16 to Brown Silk, JACKSON-METIVIER'S, Ltd. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE ha Wonderful Groups| Misses' and Womey's Styles Group No. 1--Dresses | Gpoup No. 2-Dresses Formerly ranging to $15.00 erly ranging from $19.75 to $25.00 Satin, Tricotine here. Gladys Seward is on the sick Mst. Mort Moran, Plattsburg, N.Y. has opened a garage in his father's stand. old Christmas Tree Event. Lansdowne, Dec, 81.--On Monday afternoon, at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. H. J. Peck, Mrs. W. H. Wallls, aged seventy-seven years, passed peacefully away after several monthg illness. Her husband prede- ceased her a little over a year ago. She leaves three daughters, Mrs. Robert J. Keating, Montana; Mrs. W. J. Keating, Winnipeg, and Mrs. Helen J, Peck, Lansdowne, The funeral was held on Wednesday " wie. ht Miss ot ortioon from the resilence of her bY on the Latimer Road rq i been daughter. to Chalmers Presbyterian nges took place oR.) Mr. IROOM of the B | church, where the Rev. I. N. Beck- | stead conducted the eervice after {hich the remains were placed in the Unfon vault. ng those from a distance no- ticed at the Social Club dance, on Friday night, were Miss Kathleen Potter, Montreal; Miss Eva Doak, Ottawa; Miss Alma Turner, Toronto; Mrs. James Lorimer, Brockville; Kempt- ville; Miss M. Donovan, Toronto; Mrs. Alex. Lawson, Ottawa; C. A. Lucas; Acton; Robert Sheppard, Belleville; Paul Potter, Toronto; Forest Grier, Milton. Mrs. Reginald Weese, § J Kingston, A endg, and Mrs. Kidney, Ottawa, attended in Toledo. A number of the young the funeral of the late Mrs. Wallis Bradley, has on Wednesday, Mr. succeeded Gordon Graham as ex- press clerk. Voting on church union hes begun in. comnection with the Lansdowne | Presbyterian congregation. The poll is open at the home of C. W. Lau- don, from one to two o'clock dally, except that on January 5th the vot- ing will be inthe evening from 7 to {8 and on Wednesday, 14th, in the church from 'ome to two. in con- meetings section with church union have been announced for Fairfax and Sand Bay, the former on Friday evening, January 3nd, and the latter, on Sun- day, In the afternoon. | Miss Dickey. RN. Ottsws, who hag been nursing Mrs. Wallis, re. Ottawa on Tuesday. Mr. Asquith, Auburn, Ont., are "Mr, and Mrs. ¥. O, Me sonusl meeting of the Capital. "Misses Marjorie Brown, Society will on Batur« OF LANSDOWNE Death of Mrs, H.J. Peok-- bread route for J. H. Mo: and Ross MeNeill succeed & Son, I. Den- kt These Kt To. ys in m, Jr. Stewart y school id time priain- ull, on Games were served pre- ronto staff, spent the I Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ottawa, are guests at tH House. The Anglican Sun j hfidven had a rollicking at their Christmas tree ment, in the Stewart Hou Tuesday evening, Dec. 23 were played, moving pict shown, refreshments we and Santa distributed a sent and candies to each cHil 8. C. B. Dixon ig paingl interior of Wilstead schoo Miss Helén Robinson, Lin was a {recent guest of Mrs, H. Pek Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sifton, [ronto, who have béen visiting Mrg B. Mit- chell, returned home on Mofdy. Mr. and Mrs. Arthir Newberry snd fam- ily, Greenfiéld, Quebec, wets recent guests of Mr. ahd Mrs. Bert Latour. J. D, BE. Sheppard Rad a building, which adjoined the old mill, remov- ed to the front road and wil] use it for an ice house in connection with his butlding thers, the Many Visitors at Elgin, Elgin, Dec. 29M. J. O'Brien has 'arrived home for the winter, Mr. and Mme. Dalton Halladay spent Christmas with the latter's parents. Misses Marjorie Charland and Anna Moore, Ottawa Normal, are spend- ing their holidays at home. The An- glican Christmas tres was held on Dec, 26th and was very well attend: od. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ferguson were Christmas sojourners at 'the Ada Morris ahd Theresa Murphy of the elvil gérvice, ce, were visitors over utor for Kingston. to Westport to see Sister St. And Andriaa who is spending the 0 Re : e holiday asann. home from 4 ) holidays. Ward Saunderson is spend. Er ing his holidays with Rev, Mr. San- derson. Mrs. Teeky and little son, John, who are holidaying in the village, will leave shortly for thelr home at Oxford Mills. Tichborne, Dec. 29.--The recent winds have left the roads bare. AN are looking forward to the social evening to be held in the : Tuesday evening, Mr. and Steele and daughter; Mr. J. Allison and daughter fow days with friends here, Stella McEwen, Kingston, and Mabel McEwen, of B.HA., are holidaying at home, Mrs, BE. Dermott and family, Belle ville, spent a few days recently w friends. Miss Olive Dermott, ston, spent Christmas with her ents. Mr. and Mm G. ; spent Christmas with velatives fn Kingston. 8. McEwen at ; Steele's; BE. Kennedy at T. Ewen's; Miss H. Btesle ot T. Swerbriok's, s---------- Regret at Her Mrs. Con. MoGuinty, Fourth who has recently leased Charles Sells, has left for her at Calabogle. In her departure fre the district the community loses good neighbor and eoitisen. many friends gathered on the of her departure and held'a enjoyable social evening which was spent in music and cards, Kasha leads the list of tmas. Misses Oirty were recent visitors fabrics for southern wear,