Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jan 1925, p. 2

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JANUARY SALES--FUR COATS " Texas Muskrat + Sale Price $95.00 These are made of select- ed Texas Muskrat, tops with straight line, loose back, 5 skins, reverse borders, Crush or Shawl Collar and Bell Cuffs. Length, 45 inches. Lined with good quality English Figured Damask. Sizes, 34 to 44. Saturday and Monday, Sale Price $95.00 Something Different Day JOHN. McKAY, Limited 149-157 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON Hot Water Bottles 2 Quart -- guaranteed for Two Years . SPECIAL, WHILE SUPPLY LASTS - Branigan's Drug Next to Strand Theatre 268 PRINCESS ST. $1.50 STORE LIMITED 'Phone 18. ee | ance for the | nineteen. | during the year in YOU BUY WHEN! Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste. The exceptional tone quality in the 'Weber HEAR AT GC, FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, "HOW DO YOU DO" Introducing to our SPECIAL HOT WATER BOTTLE Priced at $1.50 Others from $1.50 to | . $5.00. Ask to see | them, at-- ~ MAHOOD Drug Co. Ltd. Cor. Princess and Bagot Sts. Phone 519. you i GROCERIES FRIDAY and SATURDAY r (best granulated) 0 pounds for Island Roll Butter, 1b. ... Kingston Dairy School, 1b, 40c. 4 1b. Jam Mixed Cakes Large Week-end Oranges, Large, new Dates : New pack Rolled Oats 83 pounds for 48c. Excellent Black Tea, 1b, . .88¢c. 7 1b. bag Pastry Flour .. Absolutely Pure Lard ...20c. Celery, Lettuce, Tomatoes. Cullen's | -- CASH AND CARRY = pail Raspberry and Apple -88¢c. | READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Know Where To Shop : & Now is the time to buy while the prices are v. We invite comparison. THE DAILY BRITISH ---- | QUESTION OF FUNDS 1S A BiG: PROBLEN For the Victorian Order of Nurses' Committee--An- ngal Meeting Is Held. wy \ po iy ON ursday afternoon in the city council chamber 'the annual meeting of the Victorian "Order of Nurees - was held with Mrs. F. C. Reid in the chair, - there being a very large attendance at the meet- ing, which was addressed by Miss Snellie, chief superintendent of the Victorian Order for Canada. The meeting was called to order shortly after three o'clock by the president and prayer was offered by Mrs. Bosher of the Salvation Army. After the minutes of the last annual meeting had been read, the report of the treasurer was read showing that the receipts had amounted to $4,017.11 and the expenditures to $3,300.31, leaving a balance of $716.80, which Mrs. Reid remark- ed was one of the smallest in the history of the order. The report of the secretary, Mrs. Campbell, was recgfved in which it was stated that two nurses were employed by the local branch of the Victorian Order. During the past year there had been ten regular, two special and two executive meet- ings held and the average -attend- meetings had been A tea and sale was held the Y.M.C.A. rooms for the purpose of supplying certain necessary extras for the Welfare Station and a tag day had | been held ofi June 21st, but wae disappointing owing to previous tag days having been held. Mrs. L. Davidson had represented the local order at the Ottawa meeting and Miss Leeder had been present at the meeting of superintendents, held during the past year. A Christmas treat was given to 300 mothers and their children, | which was greatly appreciated by | them. An appeal had been sent out for funds to carry on the work of the order and the response from local societies in November had been highly pleasing. The report stated that the ques- tion of finance was a big problem confronting the order. It was point- ed out that the Victorian Order was a charitable organization more or less and could not be run alone_on the returns that were received and it wag felt that an appeal would have to be made to the city for funds to carry on the work. In concluding her repdrt Mrs. Campbell thanked the president for her splendid work during the past year, the doctors, press, city council and others for the help that they had rendered. of Nurse. The report of Miss E. Leeder, nuree-in-charge, was read and it 'was pointed out that the past year had been' the busiest year since 1897. She gave the following figures to show for themselves how much good work had been done: Patients nursed, 306; . total visits made, 1,282; visits to maternity cases, 724; visits to pre-natal cases, 211; visits to post-natal cases, 221; visits on infant welfare, 2,333; visits on social service, 653; tele- phone consultations, 117; visits of instruction, 11; visits to polleyhold- ers of Metropolitan Life Company, 586. Miss Leeder's report showad that the fees from patients had amofint- ed to $533.50 and from the Matro- politdn| Company, $207.65, making a tofdl of $881.15. There had been 104 confinement cases attended and the mothers adviséd béfore and al- ter cases. Over 200 quarts of milk hac been supplied this winter to children un- der weight and to children of un- employed. The Rotary Club has asked the Victorian Order to take over the work of distributing their Shoes and Stocking Fund and the order has taken on this work will- ingly. x Mrs. Robinson's Report. Mrs. Robinson's report told of the care of the child and stated that mothers were given a weight card and the babies were weighed each time they .were taken to the Victo- rian Order station. The mothers were given advice for the caré of the children as to proper clothing, food, fresh air, ete. ' Mrs. Robinson's report pointed out that there had been a great in- crease in social service work and much help had been given to pa- tients and milk tickets, eggs, cod mittens, ete, BRERicE §? if * assistance he rendered during the past year. A tea given. }y Mrs. W. Arniel had proved a graat help to the order. The New Committee. The members of the committee for this year are as follows: Mrs. F. Reid, Mrs. King, Mrs. 8. Campbeli, Mrs. 8. Crawford, Mrs. Bosher, Mrs. E. Parkin, Mrs. T. Davidson, Mr. J. B. Walkem, Mrs. Linton, Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. J. Wright, Mrs. Easson, Mrs. 8. 8. Corbett, Mrs. Keenan, Mrs. Oberndorffer, Miss Oberndorf- fer, Mrs. F. Crawford, Mrs. S. T. Lilley, Mrs. O'Grady, Mrs. Lelsh- man, Mrs. Connell, Miss Neish, Miss Jack, Miss Machar, Miss Corrigan, Miss M® Nicol, Miss E. Nicol, Mrs. E. Anderson, Miss O'Donnell, Miss Ronan, Mrs. W. Saunders, Mrs. C. Weagant, Miss Leader, Mrs. Robin- son, Mrs. Freeman, Misg E. Green- lees, Miss M. Thompson, Mrs. G. Nobes, Mayor T. B. An- grove, Dr. H. E. Day, Dr. McCallum, Mr. H. C. Nickle, Mr. W, Moore, Mr. 8. Lilley, Rev. W. E. Kidd, Rev. Father Nicholson, Dr. C. C. Nash, Mrs. H. F. Price and Mr, Harry Breathwaite. A meeting of the committee will be held on Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock in the police eourt rooms for the purpose of electing officers. Miss Smellie's Address. Miss Smellie, Ottawa, the superin- tendent of the V.O.N. for Canada, in a brief but interesting address, stated that she had heard the re- ports given at the meeting, with a great deal of interest and she point- ed out the faot that through them all, the increased activities had been strongly pointed out. Miss Smelli2 declared that the Victorian Order would need all the support it could get and the speaker advocated close co-operation with the nress so that they may know the activities of the Victorian Order. Although the work had increased during the vear, Miss Smellie aid, she noticed that the fees were down somewhdt and more money was needed to carry on th work. The fees amounti- ed to only 40 per cent. of the in- come. She pointed out the great need of co-operation - between the Victorian 0 er i INNIS | | 3 January Discounts : ON ALL Ladies' Furs If you are interested in Furs come to us. For uearly fifty years we have been making and selling Furs in Kingston, and gur values are always right. GREAT ARRAY OF FUR COATS You can save by buying your Fur Coat now and we show all kinds from a rich Canadian Beaver to a' Coney Coatee: Hudson Seal Coats . ..$210 up Persian Lamb Coats . .$175 up $185 up French Seal Coats ....$ 50 up Muskrat Coats .......% 50 up Mrs. C. | Anglin, Mrs, Parker, Mrs G. Leg-| gett, Mrs. J. Spence, Mrs. Spencer, | _WHIG BER = SKATES AND HOCKEY STICKS FINEST TUBE SKATES in America. Best HOCKEY STICKS » To Be Had Anywhere. SPECIALS 25 pairs best Tube Skates to clear. Regular price $6.00. $3.95 250 Hockey Sticks-- Regular $1.00. Sale Price 75¢. Regular 75c¢. . . Sale Price 0c. SPECIALS TIRES MOORE'S 10 dozen Babies' Rubber Pants--bargain price ... .. .....,... 29. BIG VALUES FOR SATURDAY REAL BARGAIN IN ALL WOOL SERGE Saturday weight \ $1.00 YARD 56 inch, all Pure Wool -- Navy Blue Serge, splendid weight. $1.00 yard | Saturday . . Saturd 69c. YARD 38 inch, all pure Wool Serge -- good weight, Navy or Black. SILK AND WOOL HOSE, $1.00 Misses' and Women's Silk and Wool Worsted Sport Hose, in Sand and White. Also Black and White, Regular $1.75. ... $1.00 pair BLACK CASHMERETTE HOSE Women's heavy, Black Cashmerette Hose, fast colors. Sizes 8% ay ... '$1.75 VESTS FOR $1.00 tn THE SEASON'S GREETINGS WE SELL HATS WE MAKE HATS WE TRIM HATS Parisian Shop eT TTT committee and the nurse, and said that one depended om the other if gticcess in the work was to be ob- tained. In conclusion Miss Smellie gtressed the need for more repre sentative committees, larger atten- dances at the annual meetings and greater interest in the work, The speaker was accorded a etanding | vote of thanks for ner address, on motion of Mrs. Gimble't. PROPERTY COMMITTEE INAUGURAL MEETING The Members Will - Make an Inspection of Property Under Their Care. The members of the civic property commiitee will make an inspection of the city buildings, the fair grounds, and all eivie property un- der their jurisdiction, in order that each member will be in a position to see what is required in the line of repefre. Ald. George Laturney, thé newly-elected chairman of this committee, is anxious that the mat- er be gone into thoroughly, and at the inaugural meeting of the com- mittee held on i Ii a afternoon. Good-will! How little our striv- ing avails without it. It is the bed- rock of all human relationships. It 4s the warp and woof of the business fabric itself. In the past year, yours has been manifest in a way that calls for grateful acknowledgment. And just as your support has been helpful to us, so we hope you have found us factors in your success. May the New Year bring you increasing pros- perity and contribute generously to your welfare and happiness. Hopkinson's Grocery 'Phone 14. Market Square. under the supervision of the city en- gineer. The committee will ask for tend- ers for the rental of the Murdock pasture. ' PICTON POULTRY SHOW, -------- Is To Be Held on the 20th, 21st and 28nd. . ¢Picton, Jan. 9.--A very happy event of the holiday season occurred when a committee from Rev. Dr. Shorey's bible class of which Mrs. Sprung is president, waited upon the doctor at his home and presented 'him with an address of appreciation and sympathy, accompanied by =a purse of money and flowers. Dr. H. R. Kingston of the Univer- sity of Western Ontario, Lond returned home after being in attend- ante at the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. §. K. Williamson, which took place from the home of Mrs. J. J. King- ston, Elizabeth street, on Dec. 31st. Mrs. Kingston secompanied her son back to London for a visit. Pieton'g big poultry show is not fir off. The dates are Jan. 20th, 21st and 22nd. There are over 100 special cash prizes in addition to the regular premiums. : Mrs. Joseph Gunter has returned home from Gunfer, Que., where she bas been for several weeks nursing her father, Jonathan Lovelace. Miss Emme Cook entertained the members of the Dickens Reading Circle on Monday -evening. Mrs. H. F. Scott and her grand: , Miss Freda Scott, have fe- turned from Kingston where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mrs. F. W. Newman, Neat designs. Women's Winter weight, fine, Cream Union Vests, with long sleeves and V neck. Regular $1.75. To clear Saturday .. . $1.00 pair SHEETING, 72 inch, fine Bleached or Unbleac ed Sheeting. Splendid 50c. yard EE 50c. BUNGALOW NETS, 29c. Fine Bungalow Nets, 36 inches wide. only. 50c. quality--to clear before inventory, Saturday . .29¢. yard Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY. STORE Cream : I | Real Estate Business as For Sale Conlin's Confectionery, Cigars, Ice Cream, Man- ufacturing and Plant, Gananoque, Ont. Established over twenty years. Yearly profits $8,500 and mp- wards. A rare opportunity for | a live party at right price. Get has; 's ~~ were received by Mrs. R. Davidson snd conveyed by her from - Yarwood, Picton meeting of the New Y Empress of France, from Sout ampton, due New York, Jan. 9th. Montclare, from Sf. John, "due Liverpool, Jan. 9th. y : Minnedosa, from Antwazp, Salle ampton snd Ch rs. ss John, Jen. 11th. i , Empress of Australia, from Van couver, due Yokohama, Jan. 16th and due Hong Wong, Jan. 23rd... Grapes at 25¢ a. basket. Best grade Saturday. Oash and carry at Carnoveky's.' Bey Prominent dairyman urges mote | thorough organization of dustry, a oh - Wie

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