J Lucky Strike Sale Tuxedos AND ALL DRESS ACCESSORIES 20% Discount " The theatre, the opera, the dance, and \other social functions are with us, and the Tuxedo comes into its own, and here they are correct in every detail. " Dress Vests, Dress Shirts, Ties, Collars, Gloves, Scarfs; etc., all LESS 20%. VINGSTON'S "75.79 BROCK STREET "1 Of Your Route It Pays To Walk" DERSON'S LARGER MARKET SERVI 'Main Store: Princess and Division Streets. "Phones Order 'Departmbnt 2000, 2601, 2602. Business Office 365w. Account ant's Office 365J. Wholesale Office 1767. Brarch Store: 838 Princess Street. EGGS Fine Creamery - BUTTER Cut from solids 38c. Ib. ay. and Wednesday one SOUTHERN VEGETABLES » + 15¢.} Rhubarb, per bunch .....20c. Cig Parsiey, per bunch .....10c. Rat Yetsuce, bon bunch ..10c. Slap Oelorys [ow vessasas Cakes, Rolls and P b op over this attractive hoc of dainty, Phere, ~ baked goods i | AN INTERNATIONAL.BEAUTY Marie Pasquali has been selected by a committee of well- known Italian artists as possessing the most charming features, truly representing the daughters of Sunny Italy. Kingston Rotary Club Shoe and Stocking Fund The following additional subsecrip- tions to the Kingston Rotary Club's shoe and stocking fund were report- ed on Monday: $384--Previously acknowledged. $2--Dr. H. A. Boyce, Mrs. Smith, Miss Blanche N. "Gilbert, A, C.8. and wife, Mrs. Ritchie, $1--C. J. Harper. Edna warwick, stockings. three pairs of The Mercury Again Drops Below the Zero Mark "I guess it's too cold to go to church," is getting to be the regu- lar gtory, and the Weatherman cer- tainly gives the household every excuse to stay home and nurse the radiator. Saturday evening at eight o'clock the tempérdture was a mild 26, but in the next eight hours it had drop- ped to 2 'below zero. The mercury flirted around the zero mark all day and at eight o'clock Monday morning, according to the official readings at the Queen's observatory, was only 3 above. The coal dealer and ice man were observed shaking hands together. The Courts Must Decide. J. J. Kelso, provincial superinten- dent of the Children's Aid Society, has written the local society to the effect that he approves of the action of the local agent, who says that the request of Ambrose Shea who asked that a child, which is now a ward of the Children's Ald Soclety, be turned over to the mother, must be settled by the courts, > Death of Owen Sound Citizen. + Owen. Sound, Jan. 12.--William Taylor, a prominent citizen: of Owen Sound for many years, and past president 'of the Ontario As- sociated Boards of Trade , and Chambers of Commerce, died " sud- denly here this morning at his home, the result, it is believed, of heart attack. He was in his sixty-|{% fourth year. RR nse. . Ploneer Dead, Ottawa, Jan. 12.--John James Harrison, aged seventy-nine, gradu- ate of Kingston Military College and ploneer 'druggist in. this city, died on Saturday aftér a lengthy. {llness. | Four sons survive him. An attempt wag made on the life PASTOR'S MAID MURDERED. Found on Knees at Bedside--Fiance Is Held. Huntington, W. Va.,, Jan. 12.-- Melva Gienn, aged 22, a servant in the home of Dr. J. Layton Mausze, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church here, was beaten to death while saying her prayers at her bed- side before retiring Friday night. C. She waa to have heen Married Sat- urday. The body was found stil in the kneeling position at her bedside in her little apartment over the Mauze garage by. her fiance, Marvin' Wii- liams, aged 22, who said that he had gone to the girl's room because "the spirits had sald something terrible had happened." Williams went to the Mauze home and Mrs. Mausze called the police. He was placed under arrest. Police said they ' believe that jealously was probably the motive, but far they knew of no other man Who was in love with the girl. One more theory that is being trae- ed down is that the girl wes murd-| ered by another girl who had been jilted by Williams, Man and Woman Wounded In Fusilade of Shots New York, Jan. 12.-Twn na= sons, a man and a woman, were ia serious condition in: Dosa. wo. | to-day after being wounded last night in a fusilade of shots exchang- ed between four robbers and a singl policeman who sought to capture the robbers after they had held up a restaurant. The seriously wound- ed are Mrs. Bertha Fuerrer, part owner of the restaurant, and Mario Agliardotto, a street cleaner. The conspiracy charges against the Home Bank directors will be ad- journed until the spring assizes, Britain will ask France and Italy ito pay one-fourth of thelr war debts, DAILY MEMORANDUM. Band at Palace Rink to-ni Dance in A.O.H. hall to-night. Euchre a House of Providence this evening at®g olack {ps ALL ITS doy i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Starting Tomorrow,-- Clean-Up Sale Corsets A stock-taking clearance o f Corsets. We have a few sizes in several styles--some of which are being discontinued. These we are offering at prices that will mean _great savings to you. All good models from reliable makers -- and are values. "Can't-afford-to-miss" 10 pairs $2.00 corsets--$1.00 pr. 6 pairs $2.50 corsets--$1.50 pr. 21 pairs $3.50 corsets--$2.00 pr. 13 pairs $4.50 corsets--$2.25 pr. 11 pairs $5.00 corsets--$2.50 pr. Don't Miss This Unusual Opportunity For Misses » The Corselette A suitable model of Pink Coutil-- serviceable quality, easily laundered. Gusset of elastic gives snug fit around "the hips. Fastens in back with invis- ible hooks and eyes. Four hose sup- porters. Sizes 30 to 36. $1.50 & $1.75 Comfortable Brassieres Me serviceable model -- carefully made with elas- tic insert. White only-- hook back. - Sizes 30-36. 59c Correct fitting, reliable _quality Brassieres, in -Flesh shade. Hook back style--sizes 3442. 85c & $1.00