---- ----------ny Founded 1847 - Always look Good to the Missus! YOU WILL IF YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF - Livingston's SALE OF MADE-TO-MEASURE Suits at $45.00 Tailored from plain grey and fancy over- . check mixtures and plain Navy Blue and Blue with stripe English Worsteds -- also Scotch Tweeds, Bannockhurns, Home- spuns, etc. Regular $55.00, $60.00 and $65.00 values. Tailored as we know how. LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET *If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk™ _ant's Office 865J. 'Wholesale Office 1767. _ Princess Street. Grayots, poe biish ya ale: Rhubarb, bunch ..... Bots, per bunch... «| Parstey, por bunch 1,000 tine Imported French Peas, tin 19¢c. Order Cakes, Rolls and Pastry b Look over this attractive list of Toon = baked goods ROS sx ans ose wea Apple, Raspberry, Raisin. . Tomo tees ~ sheets Hussars #¥ oi sews 0c. m . vieieip o Cherries--3 Ib. glass jar ..... FEF ye Z | i Branch stres'sn, 1 ! STILL SPECULATING REGARDING FERGUSON | Will the Ontario Premier Re- sign ?2--Hon. W. F. Nickle a Possible Successor. Toronto, Jan. 13.--There is con- siderable speculation about Queen's Park today as to the possible cer- rectness of the rumor to the effect that for reasons of ill-health Pre- mier Ferguson will be handing In his resignation at the close of the pending session of the legislature. Opinfon about the corridors of the parliament buildings leans to- ward the probable truth of these re- ports. Hon. George F. Henry and Hon. W. F..Nickle are mentioned as the only two in the running provid- ing such a vacancy should develop. The appointment of the premier's successor would be put through in cabinet council on a vote of his ministers, probably following a party caucus. Premier Ferguson refuses to make any further statement. | Rotary Club Activities. Mr. H. S. Ross, K.C., D.C.L., Mont- real, will be the speaker at the week- ly luncheon of the Kingston Rotary club at the British-American hotel on Friday at noon. Rotarian Roy Ward has been appointed chairman of the Rotary ball, to be held at the city hall on January 23rd. The members of the Rotary club are greatly pleased over the manner in which the citizens are responding to the appeal for funds for the shoe and stocking fund. From present in- dications it looks as if the club will be able to go over the top in supply- ing shoes and stockings for the under- privileged children. ANNOUNCES DISCOVERY, Regarding Pernicious Anaemia Brockville Doctor's Find. Brockville, Jan. 13.--Conclusions of possibly far-réaching significance to the world of medicige which have been arrived at by Dr. Bea: mont S. Cornell, a young physician of this town, as a sequel to pro- longed reséarch both in Brockville and in Toronto, into the cause of pernicious anaemia, may have a pro- found bearing upon future scien- titic investigations of the same type, and may lead to the cause of this wasting, incurable disease being de- finitely established. Dr. Cornell's researches have re- sulted in peculiarly suggestive in- formation being gained in this connection, and support the conten- tion that the disease is caused by a germ known as bacillus welchii. Dr. Cornell has practiced here since 1920, and comes from the neighboring Village of Athens. FRONTENAC LAW ASSOCIATION. Favors Uniting the City and County Offices. At the annual raeeting of the Frontenac Law Association, held at the court house om Monday after- noon, Mr. J. B. Walkem, K.C., was re-elected president. The other of- floers elected were: Mr. Francis King, K.C., vice-president; Mr. T. M. Asselstine, secretary-treasurer. There are 2,635 books in the library valued at $7,266. W. OC. Hodgins was sceapted as & new member of the society. The society recommended that if there is a vacancy in the city or county registry office, two of- ficea should be united under one Kingston Rotary Club Shoe and Stocking Fund The following additional sub- scriptions for the Rotary Club's Shoe and Stocking fund were re- ported on Tuesday: $384 previously acknowledged. $10--Socléty Children of Mary. $56--A Friend. $3--The Misses Nicol. $2--T. G. Bishop, Dr. W. G. An- glin, W. R. Allen, "Billy." §$1--Mrs, Herbert Robinson. THE CHORAL SOCIETY | Which Is thding "The Anclent Mariner" 'on Wednesday In Grant Hall. In view of the public interest in the approaching toncert by the Kingston Choral Society, it may be appropriate to recall something of the history of this organization. The Choral Society has become one of the established in- stitutions of the city in a very short period of time; for it has officially ex- isted for less than three years. In fact the society came into existence almost unconsciously, passing through the stage of a scarcely organized group of singers to its present form only as such further osganization became a matter of praftical necessity. Of all forghs of music, choral sing- ing has perhaps the most universal appeal. It is true that many races use no harmony with their melodies; but to the present-day white man singing in parts is an amusement both spon- taneous and satisfying. Children sing tunes in thirds for latk of more sop- histicated harmony; and untrained songsters of more mature age, under stress of emotion, emit horrible har- monies of the barbershop ' variety more doleful than the complainings of several assorted saxaphones. It is not 'gurprising that, in a city such as King- ston, there should exist a sufficient nimber of persons, sharing this wide- spread taste for harmonizing, and will- ing to strive after something a little higher up in the musical scale than the primitive efforts above-mentioned. To achieve results, however, some- thing more was needed than the pre- sence of these musically ambitious in- dividuals scattered through the com- munity. There was need of someone with capacity to bring these indivi- duals together in intelligent effort to- wards a suitable end; and for this the Choral Society has to thank Mrs. A. R. B."Williamson, the founder of the or- ganization and present honorary pre- sident. Mrs. Williamson has been, by 'ability and training, and by her con- nection with the musical life of King- ston, peculiarly fitted to gather togeth- er the forces awaiting her guidance, and to the skill and energy that she gave to the work is due much of the sfficiency that the choir exhibits to- y. About the original nucleus has sprung up a strong organization, counting among its members to a re- markable extent leading musicians of Kingston, not to mention rural adher- ents from distant regions who count blizzards 'no obstacle on rehearsal nights. This organization has given to the public a series of concerts. of ex- ceptionally high quality, beginning with the performance of Mendels- sohn's "Elijah" two years ago, and including a rendering of . Handel's "Messiah" last spring, two heavy pieces of work. i The programme offered for next Wednesday in Grant Hall is one of unusual variety and interest. It inclu- des a number 6f part-songs represent- ing the greatest composers from Mend elssohn to the present day, and also the setting of the "Ancient Mariner" by Barnett. Singers sometimes ask their audiences to put up with very poor libretti, on the ground that only the tune Juatieis} but the Choral Soc- iety needs to offer no apologies for the ancient ner, which i purely | one of the outstanding pieces of imaginative poetry in the English language. And the familiar details of the story from the Antarctic ice to the "silent sea" of the tropics, with the spirit voices and the rising of the dead sailors, are all vividly painted in the music. Some o | of the choruses especially are consider- Another Day of SPECIALS To-morrow, Starting at 10 O'clock 300 yards COATINGS Including Chinchilla Polama Blanket Cloth Widths 54" and 56." Regular $2.50 yard This is a peneral clearance and means big sav- ings. Considering the qualities and past prices, you cannot afford to let the opportunity slip by. Colors are: ! Chinchilla--Navy, Copen, Brown and Grey. | ' Polama and Blanket Cloth -- Grey, Pelican, Baby Blue, Scarlet, Buff, Camel and Brown. Very Special $ 1 25 yard 175 yards--best quality Silk Chiffon VELVET A very beautiful quality--Swiss make--suit- able for the finest dress or frock. Has a rich, lus- trous appearance, and may be had in-- Black, Nigger, Golden Brown, Jade, Champagne, Sapphire, Old | Rose, Taupe, Fushi, American Beauty, Tan- gerine, Copen. Very Special 95 2 yard All Wool SERGE 375 yards of good, ser- 'viceable quality All-wool ~ Dress FLANNEL This is a very popular, all-wool fabric for Lad.' ies' and Misses' Dresses. a ing Tabric sind the money, It has a nice finish and is it will save you is worth your consideration. Col- = ors: Ney sd Blah. 50" Gold, Radio Blue. 31, inches wide.