Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jan 1925, p. 1

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¢ BE The Daily B CHURCH DNDN |e CHICAGO VOTE TOTALS ir SNONTREAL IS A VICE CENTRE KINGSTON, ONTARIO. FRIDAY, JANUARY "CHICAGO BILL WAS "FRAMED" te000000000000% CPPPNPVCRRRNTRINOS * * < ; + WHEAT HITS PRICE + * OF $2.05 A BUSHEL ¢ * + ¢ Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 16.-- @ # Wheat prices continued to soar @ #¢ today on the local market when @ & a car of No. 2 red sold for $2.- # 05 a bushel. The wheat was & @ grown in Kansas apd tested ¢ London, Jan. 16.--London's police commissioner states that & as a result of the lifting of the ¢ ban by the London county ¢ council on Sunday games in tho ¢ Rochester, N.Y., Jan. 16.-- * Two men and a woman were * killed returning from a dance * in a small" eedan at three ® o'clock this mornings They * were struck by a New York @ | 43,354 For Union and 36,950 | Against so Far Recorded. Encouragement. Toronté, Jan. 16.--The executive of the union committee of the Gen= eral Assembly of the Presbyterian Chureh in Canada met in the Con- federation Life Building yesterday to consider the present situation arising out of the voting through- | out the dominion. Representatives | were present from the maritime provinces, Montreal and all parts of Ontario. The following report and statement was Issued by the com- mittee last evening: 3 "In reviewing the progress of the i 'voting in congregation, the commit- | tee unanimously felt that the whole ! situation was fraught with great | encouragement. ' There have been | local and isolated disappointments, but there have been unexpected suc- | ( cesses, and on the whole there Is a fonclusive evidence that the aims of the United Church will be abundant- ly redlized. A summary of the vot- ing up to the present reveals the national character and outlook of the United Church. Outside = the province of Ontario only forty-four congregations have decided to fol- low the Presbyterian Church into union. The returns of voting for and against union, thotughout the dominion are, 679 for union, 158 against. ------ Union, Majority, . Toronto, Jan, 16.--The summary of ballots cast .in. Canada om - the church union question to date is: Ballots ...s os ao os sees 80,304 For union '.... esse ob oo 43,354 t uniof ie assesses +o 36,950 union 4 wa +s 8,404 Ee i king a vote, so + membership is not in- d In the above figures. ---- "N ; Union. Carleton Place, Jan. 16.----The re- sult of the vote on Church Union in Zion church of Carleton Place .is 'announced. - Out of a total possible 'vote of 378, 203 votes were polled, 448 for Church Union and 35 against Church Union. Pembroke,. Jan, 16.--The result 'of the vote taken at Calvin Church For Union, 264; against, 149; spoiled ballots, 6. Montreal,' Jan. 16.--Erskine urch, one of the largest and most us in the city of Montreal, entering union by a majo- ile St. Andrew's, West- same line by a ma- Tn b After an illness of two weeks' duration, Arthur W. Webb, for thir- ty-five years clerk of the Toronto police court, died Friday morning + 1¢900 8400008000000 Central freight train at & -* crossing four miles outside the & city. » * > < > * Ld + + * <* < * < * p-------------- DOMINIONS SHOULD STRIVE FOR UNITY Owe Duty to British Empire, Says Sir George Foster at Toronto. Toronto, Jar. 18.--It is for the Dominions to help to preserve the Unity of the Empire, declared Sir George E. Foster in his address at the Empire Club yesterday. "1 still stick to that old word 'Empire.' i can't get my tongue around the col- lection of words that in this mod- ern time comes as a substitute for the word 'Empire'." Pointing out that the overseas Dominions had stood on an equal footing with other nations at the peace conference, Sir Ggorge sald that all that is now left of the quasi-political ties which pound 'the Dominion to Downing Street were two ties, the final court of appeal to the Privy council, and the tie of & common govereign. There had been criticisms of the Privy council, but he hoped Oanada would not go so far as to abolish appeal to it. "We cannot gpeak too highly of the tie of - the common soverelgn--Ilong may he' reign,' de- clared Sir George. y COLONEL E. C. DEAN ASSTNES CONNAND Of Military District No. 1, London; While Gen: Kifig Is on Sick.Leave. A london, Ont., despatch says: «Lieut.-Col. B. C. Déan, senior sup- ply and traneport officer of M. D. No. 1, assumed command of the London Militia District today, on ed Rue me 'King leave for California 'week-end. : "Col. Dean's temure of office as acting colonel commandant of M. D. No. 1 may ba brief. The appoint- ment of a new ditector of supplies and tradsport! for the Canadian militia at Ottawa is still pending and it is quite probable that Col. Dean will receive the appointment." ---------- BRACKEN 18 OPTIMISTIO. Conditions Generally Better, Says Manitoba Premier. Winnipeg, Jan. 16.--"An -optim- istic outlook is better justified now than at any time since the war" stated Premier John Bracken in ad- dressing the Manitoba Agricultural Sooleties' convention. As reasons for his statement, the premier cited the improved world conditions on the acceptance of the Dawee reparations plan, the greater stability ig England and the United States consequent OR recemt elec- tions; the improvement in rates of exchange, making Canada a better field for capital, and the increased According to Cleveland City Manager--A Water Steal A PROTEST IS SENT By Big Gathering to the United States Government to Pro- tect Great Lakes. Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 18.--The congressional commictee in charge of the bill to legalize Chicago's "water steal" from the Great Lakes is "framed," City Manager William R. Hopkins charged yesterday be- fore the convention of the Great Lakes Harbor Association here. Mr. Hopkins called upon the three hundred delegates representing ninety Canadian and American cities to take immediate action in oppos- ing the measure. Chicago hopes to legalize pump- {ng ten thousand cubic feet of wdter a second from the lakes through a drainage canal. The. supreme court ruled against the "steal," but Chicago now has its proposal before congress in a bil} drafted by Senator Medill MecCor- mick. Representative Voigt of Wiscon- sin also protested against the wat- erways bills. He said there was a guestion as to whether congress has the legal authority to lower the level of the lakes. Several attor- neys-general of the central states have given private opinions that such a step might be unconstitution- al, he said. Mr. Voigt urged that any com- pensating works constructed should protect all the lakes and all lake cities. *It ts questionable whether any compensating works can be built to protect the lake level," Mr. Vogit said, "but if they are to be balit they should be bulit by the United States government for the benefit of the people and not by the city of ple of Chicago." C. M. Farris, of New York, .declared there was mo similarity detween the proposed canal and the New York state barge canal. The New York canal returms water taken from the lake, whera- as the contemplated Illinois canal would take out water permanently. he said. = Resolution of Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 16.--Dele- gates from practically every port on the Great Lakes to-day closed a two-day's protest meeting against Chicago's diversion of water from the lakes with the adoption of a resolution calling for action by the federal government to improve the situation and avoid danger to lake navigation. The resolution of pro- test will be wired to the depart- ment at Washington. The secretary of war is requested to urge Chicago to instal] a modern system of sewage disposal in Chi- cago districts. The resolution pro- tests against - congressional ac- tion diverting water for this purpose. Chicago for the benefit of the peo- some parks young people have been ¢ drawn away from undesirable & haunts and from vices which ¢ were previously prevalent. * Opposition to Sunday boxing @ & tournaments at Stockton by ¢ # local clergymen has resulted in ¢ # the invoking of an act of the # # time of King Charles IL to al- ¢ # low the tournaments to be con- & tinued. ® PPP90 2902099 * PPP P00 PG00 0 RABBI GIVES VIEWS ABOUT CHURCH UNION He Hails the United Movement as an Epoch Making Evert. Toronto, Jan. 16.--Rabbi Brick- ner in an editorial in Canadian Jew- ish Review, discusses the Church Union 'movement, from the Jewish s'andpoint. He says in part: "As a Jew looking at things Chris- tian from the outside, I hail th2 Union Church movement in Canada between three of the great Protes:- ant denominations, as gpoch-making in reconciling diffarences in reliz- lon. The efffect of this Unfon w'll be incalculable on the spiritual and cultural life of Canadd as a whoie. Though net a prophet, mor the son ct a prophet, I predict that this Unicn is but the fore er of a vuion of the Protes.adf churches through the world. da has set tre exampl»--it is others must follow." DE VALERA ENTER DAIL Tr Po tion Is Desperate. that he was about to eater the Dail are untrue, It ig stated that a central party is being formed out of the moderates of both parties. Pre- sident Cosgrave will return to Dub- lin today for reopening of the Dail on the third of February. There is to believe that Great Britain will have to come to the relief of the Free State, whole financial position is desperate. Liv- ing in the Free State is thirty per cent. higher than in Ulster and taxes are almost double. Wednesday night Right Hon. J. M. Andrews, Minister of Labor Nor- thern Ireland, broadcasted a speech in which he said that foreign ta- dustries, particular] ness. Ulster's lin been greatly depressed from the time when, to use the words of Lord Ypres, "the victory in the air was won by Ulster wings." He pre- dicted better business both in Mnen and shipbuilding and assured the *I0f Liquor to the-Presideat Canadian National WCID "SKTANIC INGENUITY" Traffic Centred Effort to Subju- Remorseless gate Province of Ontario. Toronto, Jan. 16.--Strong denun- clation of the policy of the Quebec Government regarding intoxicating liquors was made yesterday by Mrs. London, Ont, president of the Canadian National Temperance Gordon Wright, of Women's Christian Union, in her address before biennial convention of the assocla- tion. "prime has taught Quebec & les- son," declared Mrs. Wright. "Today ber Government is 'a hopeless bond slave to the traffic it assumed control. sink into insignificance before growing effrontery and avarice of the Quebec liquor trafic, sans con- trol, until today it reigns and thing legitimate escapes the wither- its legalized esupre- ing blight of macy." "Ere long," sald Mrs. Wright, ferring to Premier that province, 'ithe Belshazzar Quebec will read the 'handwriting on the wall' as clearly as did Babylonian king." Montreal Vice Preserve. Montreal under government con- trolled liquor, or "liquor controlled | government, as you like ne nurtured and grown up & vice pre- serve, "that for debasing magnitude and defiling infamy is said to eclipse in significance any purlien of social depravity on the continent of Ame- rica," declared Mrs. Wright. Montreal's red light district, un- der a government controlled liquor trafic, was, she said, admitted to be the refuge of the most gigantic drug | market on the continent. ment sale, or more properly, Eov- ernment slavery to the liquor traf- Manitoba's vote was scarcely the government-en- throned trafic inaugurated an orgy fie. counted until of lawless excesses and moral bauchery that aroused the decent element of the province to a sense of what they had sold themselves for, and drastic efforts have been made to put some check on the sat- urnalia of vice, crime and depravity nurtured under the helplessness of government control." The inertia of the people perta and Saskatchewan wag~ by the speaker as the cause of defeat of temperance measures those provinces. ] Satanic Ingenuity. #All 'the satanic ingenuity of liquor traffic, foreigm, and domestic," wag centred in a morseless effort to subjugate this province," declared Mrs. Wright, re- ferring to the campaign. Advocates of liquor con- trolled or otherwise gained and held Excess after excess has Taschereau, of had ven continental of & 55% pounds to the bushel. * 2920002200002 0%0% 2 BRITISH SHIPPING i kenzie King Means to Con= duct a Rate War. aroused in shipping circles, sa to Mackenzie King, the management of has been the the because there was ample evidence open up new merely trying trades which services, instead to participate to the | companies. an indication of desire no- panies. It is suggested that statement attributed re- of | gession of parliament to curb * * * CIRCLES ARE CURIOUS Wondering If Premier Mac- -- London, Jan, 16--Curiosity was ys 'the. Times, by statements attributed the Canadian primo minister, regarding the Ca- nadian Government Merchant Mar- ine. The fact is that until recently C.G.M.M. remarkably free from criticism among shipping managers of its desire to create new trades and of in were already amply provided for by the old established Of late, however, there has been to employ government ships where the pioneer work has been dome by other com< the to Mackenzie King and the government intended to "take steps during the coming the operations of the North Atlantic the T¥Kipping combine" might mean that further. PREMIER KING GIVEN His Party Welcomed at the Ancient Capital. TE am-- Quebec, Jan, 16.-- Yesterday afternoon - the Quebec legisla- ture was invaded by the Rt- Hon. W. L. ackensie King, prime minister of Canada, who was given a wa welcome by both sides. Mr. King was given a seat on the floor of the House, and the same courtesy was extended to those with him, Hon. Ernest Lapointe, Hon. Gerald Power, W. G. Power, M.P., Hon. P. J. Paradis and George Bouchard, Kamouraska. Hon. J. E, Caron broke off speech to say a few words of welcome in English. Mr. King was head of the Liberal party in Canada and all Lib- erals were proud of him, sald Mr. Caron, and the legislature was glad to welcome him, de- Al- the in I ------------ the re- nounced. British buyer says Canada wasteful in handling of wheat, the government ships were to be used to conduct a rate-war against the regular lines. If so it must be expected that the losses of the C. G. M. M. already heavy, will Increase SEAT IN QUEBEC HOUSE Canada's Prime Minister and M.P., Tor) Imperial Life Assurance Co. holds anntal meeting, and the election of D. B. Hanna as a director is an- Canadian alfalfa brings substan. Quebec, Jan. 16.--At two o'clock yesterday afternoon the Canadian Pacific Railway train bearing Prime. Minister Mackensie King and the accompanying cabinet ministers rolled into Palais station. The pre- mier and his colleagues stepped from thelr private car to commences a two-day Visit to the ancient capi' tal. The prime minister, who appears ed in excellent health, had a smila for those who had gathered at the terminal to meet him. He followed up with a handclasp for the mem- bers of the general reception com- : mittee and other officials. $ Premier King was accompanied: by Hon. E. Lapointe, minister of justice; Hom. Charles Murphy, posts mastergeneral; Hon. T. A. Low, minister of trade and commerce; Hom. P. J. A. Cardin, minister of marine and fisheries, and Hon. Hal McGiverin, minister without ports folio, while Hon. James A. Robb, acting minister of finance, who had preceded the prime minister to the city, was on hand to share in the welcome. The prime minister is to De & busy man during his stay in the city. He addressed a women's meet ing in the Auditorium Theatre at. three o'clock. He was driven there, accompanied by his ministers and the reception committee. Premiqr King and party greeted upod arriving at the A and a8 he was escorted tay platform he was given & hearty o tion. minister's address. Lansdowne Presbyterians Vote In Favor of Union on entering or mot entering the Uns. fted Church of Canada, in connec- tion with Chalmers congregation, Lansdowne, resulted in 59 ballots being cast in favor of the union and 30 against. The quarterly commission servi of Lansdowne, Fairfax and Sand Bay Presbyterian congregations to be held at Lansdowne on Sunday afternoon. ] Former Seattle detective, Ross 0: = Watson, will be extradited to Cam- ada to stand trial on a charge of their ground, by "subterfuge of pro- paganda sans fact--by sheer unsup- portéd assertion that could never be -}verified, and our large foreign vote in the industria] centres always got a -eystematic special treatment that insured its fidelity to the traffic." tial premium in United States. Cheese exports 12,662 boxes since Dec. 1st, 1924. thing In its power to reduce unem- ployment. power of the fa 's dollar. 'Cross=Word -- On Dining Car Menus ---- Philadelphia, Jan. 16.--AS & ges- ture of courtesy to the cross word pussie devotees, the | railway announced that on its dining car menus a cross word puzzle will be printed, with 303 squares present- ing 183 vertical and horizontal com- vv pe. The Use of Coke as a Household Fuel Is Increasing idly in Kingstot 2945388000021 P0558 05005009990 29% %00%00 0 success he is 'making fuel. And whes fv eo i it of I | i i gieke f 3 il i i EE gif BF 25 i ii i hi i F g 4 il i iin if

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