ol WHURSDAY, JANUARY 22, "192% ----------l BEST'S Popularity Contest "fora "FRENCH IVORY TOILET SET Valued at $40.00 To the lady receiving the 'most votes at the end of the contest will be given this solid Ivory Set FREE. Vote Coupons in the propor- tion of 25 for 25¢c., will be giv- en with each purchase. { Simply mark your ballot with 'the mame. of your favorite and drop In the ballot box. ; | This contest is open to every lady in Kingston, so pick your favorite at once and boost for her, "See the prize in our window. Results announced weekly, L.T. Best Druggist "FOR SALE $2,200 -- Frame dwelling, 6 rooms, electric light and tollet. Good lo- cation. . §8,500--Frame, 8 rooms, B. and T., electric lights and furnace. Good "lot. $7,500 For three brick houses. Tollet and electric light. Good lo- , cation. Good investment. Vacant lots; good business stand { cheap. TO RENT several houses, $10 to $20. Bateman's Real Estate 2113 BROCK ST., KINGSLON Telephone 1925F. Now rush that the of Christ- mas is past, it might be a good time to have the stones from an Old Necklet made into an Attractive Bar Pin Or pei Sil Diamond Ring Remodeled . We have many attractive designs and the works manship is the very best. The old gold We can allow Decoration Our new stocks are arriving of Mures- co, Alabastine and Paint. Now is the time to do the decorating, "while the . weather is bad and you do not want to, ... be outside. 1. Electric Lamps, 5 for $1 25-40-60 Watt All Quality Lamps 1 Mek & Birch Limited Ak FCW ' YOU BUY WHEN! Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste. ' The exceptional tone quality in the Weber HEAR Ww. YOURSELF BE CONVINCED, « LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Princess S The best- -looking girl in Hollywood was picked to furnish radio fans with another fad--the radio dol. ingston, star of "The Chorus Lady," Margaret Liv- is posing as model for the doll, while Miss Velma Adams, sculptress, is modeling 'the clay. RADIO BROADCASTING FRIDAY, JANUARY 28. KDKA (336) Pittsburgh, Pa. 9.45 a.m.--"Stockman" reports of the Pittsburgh live etock mar- kets; general market review and agricultural items. 12.20 p.m.--Sunday School les- son for January 26kh. 3.30 p.m.--Closing quotations on hay, grain, and feed. 6.15 p.m.--Cencert. 7.156 p.m.--"Stockman" reports of "the primary live stock and whole- sole produce markets. 8.15 p.m.--"More Novels," monthly discussion of curremt lt- erature by Mrs. F. P. Mayer of the department of English of the Uni- versity of Pittsburgh, from the Un. iversity of Pittsburgh studio. 8.30 p.m.--Carnegie United Pres- byterian Church gquartette, _ /WGY (880) y N.Y. 8 p.m.--Address, "Growing Im- portance of Foreign Languages to Americans," Dr. Morton C., Stew- art, Union College. 7.15 PM. Programme by wWGY Orchestra. 10.30 pm.--Recital M Zoltan Szkety, violinist, assisted by Anton Kalga, pianist. WBZ (387) Soingtiold, Mass, 7 p.m.--Market report furnished by the United States department of agriculture. 7.05 p.m, Bedtime story for the kiddies. KYW (536) Chicago, Ill. 6.35-7 p.m.--Children's bedtime ! story. 7-7.30 pm.--Dinner concert broadcast from the Congress Ho- tel. : .m.--8peeches under .the aus- pices of the American Farm Bureau Federation. 4 9-10 p.m.--Midnight revue. 11 pm.-2 am.--Midnight revue. WMAQ (447.5) Chicago, DL 4.30 pm.--Pupils of Bush Con- servatory, 5 pm~--"The Lullaby Lady," Mrs. Gene Davenport. 6 p.m.--Organ recital from OChi- cago Theatre. 6.30 p.m.--Hotel LaSalle Orches- tra. 8.30 p.m.---Musical geography. Mr. Bnd Mrs. Marx BE. Oberdorfer. 9.15 p.m.--Musical. programme from Gery, a, (469) 5) Washington, se. Tp ron p.m.--""Sclence News of the Week," one of a series of week- ly radio talks by scientific men, ar- ranged for by Dr. W. E. Tisdale under the auspices of the National Hesearch council and science ser. vice, 9-10 p.m.----B. scher and Com- pany's "Astor Coffee" chestra, broadcast jointly with Sta- tion WEAF, New York, direct Hom the studio of WEAF, Village Inn orchestra. F _ 3.30 p.m.--George Dilworth, pop- | 'entertainer. 9.30 p.m.--Safe Investment Day "Saving the the Investment," yo dance or | The statuttes will be equipped -vith small radio sets. HEARD ON THE STREET Local Briefs Gath Qathered by Re- porters--What the Merch ants Are Offering. -- Rotary Ball, Ontario Hall, Friday evening, Jan. 28rd, 8.30. - Mrs, F. 8. Boyes, Napanee, is in Kingston with her mother, who is #ll in the General hospital, Mr. Swaine, plano taner. Orders received ot 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 564w. Bt. Paul's Guild Valentine tea and sale, Mrs. Adam's residence, 36 Aberdeen avenue, Thursday, Feb. 12th. Mrs, D. M.- Reid, Kingston, has been bereaved by the death of her mother, Mrs. A, Yuill, Prescott, aged eighty yeans. Mrs. A. E. Ross has been appoint- ed to the executive committee of the Ontario Division of .the Canadian Red Cross Soclety. Bert Seymour, Napanee, brought to Kingston General hospital, was operated upon for appendicitis and is progressing favorebly, Full stock Smokeless Coal, $11; Scranton Egg, - Stove and Nut, $15.50; Standard Pea, $12.50, Buck, $8.76; Dennee & Morris, 27 Brock, Phone 2444. 'William Hillis, Toronto, was sen- 'tenced to three in. pemnitenti- ary for attempting break and enter, while armed, thé hardware store of Soper Bros. at Coolsville. He has had three terms afready in the penitentiary, totalling "twenty QoLD CURE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PROBS:--Friday, fair and decidedly cold. $ # January, Sales FRIDAY A Great Store Wide "Thrift | --_-- Sale" § 3 __ For Friday, we offer our entire stock of MEN'S FUR. NISHINGS, HOUSE FURNISHINGS, READY-TO-WEAR, MILLINERY and GENERAL DRY GOODS--at a discount amounting to 20% through the medium of-- " Quadruple Discount Stamps 80¢ has the purchasing power of $1.00 on all regular cash purchases. Honjo rondo bri pentnity-- rspral ~--as our entire stock is included. . Men and Women : : If you believe in saving money while you spend it, concen- trate your shopping here Friday and secure your needed per- teal apd hovsebiold vequivemesis at this drastic reduction sale