pe 4 a "Po You Cough, Cough, . All Night Long? o Terribly distressing and wearing on the system fis the cough. that p on at night and you : cough all night long and can't to sleep. ry Dr. Wood's - Norway Pine Syrup Will Give You Relief © Mrs. John Lyman, Enterprise, Ont., ' Writes--"After having had whoop- . Ing cough 1 contracted bronchitis, and for days and nights I coughed * 'gontinually, and could: get no rest or : , but after taking one bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup 1 pund font refief, and after having iveral bottles I was relieved of trouble," This valuable cold and cough rem- ; has been on-the market for the 86 years; you don't experiment you buy it; put up only by The Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Death of Harlowe lad. Harlowe, Jan. 20.--The funera) the late little Jerald Curtis was ducted at the home by Rev. Mr ley on Wednesday. The little py had been in poor health for jome time. Mr. and Mrs. Young orth, visited with friends at lowe on their way home from iddch where Mrs. Young had been. ding a few days with her mo- , Mrs. Charles Gray. Mrs. W "Noung and Mrs. J. Gray were th: of Mrs. J. Huffman on Wed. 'mesday Mr. H. Haners has moved hl: Sawing outfit on Mr, R. Cuddy" where he will be sawing log: the farmers of this district ver\ oon. Miss Florrie Delyea has been guest of Miss Gladys Thompson a few days. Mrs. J. Huffman Mrs. T. Connor were the guest: @f Mrs. J. White on Monday. oh Monday evening the marriage k place of Murdock Taylor and Hilda Temperley, both of Belle- 1 Orange, N.J., Jan: 22.--The sec- retary who arranged the interview with Thomas A. Edison volunteered the admonition: 'You mustn't ask Mr. Edison about communication with the dead. Mr. Edison has been FOR BRE Ses 0 oe pus. Y AL eps COUGHS. SORE THROAT (0) UNNI AY "w AS you dissolve a Peps tablet RD on your tongue, certainheal- ing fumes are released which are immediately taken with the breath down-into the furthest : Le. ' Thomas A. Edison 80 misrepresented' in regard to that delicate matter that if you mention it to him he will go right up in the air." } Despite this dire warning, the forbidden question was the first one ventured: "Do you think it possible, Edison, -that you may devise any mechanism through which, when you have left this life, you may hope to communi¢ate with us?" ~The wongder-wizard of communi. cation did not go up in the air, He answered graciously and fully. But he was cautious against misquota- tion. He took a pencil and a pad and wrote carefully this fundamental part of his statement: "If my theory Is correct--that the machine called man is only a mass of dead matter and that the real life is in the millions of in- dividual units which navigate this machine and if on the destruction of the machine they keep together, in- cluding thos individuals which have charge of métory (which is our personality)--then TI think it is possible to devise apparatus to re. celve communications if they de- sire to make them. Tt will be very difficult, as each individual as to Mr. | INE DAILY "0 Think Tt Possible to Devise Apparatus To Receive Communication From the Dead \ : Statement Made by Thomas A. Edison-~Would Revolutionize All Generally Accepted Theories Regardino ; Human Existence. BRITISH WH WHIG SPECIAL SHIPMENT Barcly's English Tolet-Soap To meet the great demand. "ROYAL OLIVE"--regular 10 cents. 10 CAKES for 41 CENTS 36 ONLY, Vacuum Bottles Regular $1.25 and $1.75. SALE ........ A Great Bargain! again at this price. 32 cents and 50 cents Invaluable! Never Buy one NOW! KNIGHT'S PHARMACY 280 PRINCESS STREET ABSOLUTELY FREE! ONE 35c. tin of genuine, Parisian, Imported, Talcum Powder, "Vivausau," with every pair of fine quality, household Rubber Gloves. Reg. 60c, 70, 75c¢. Tomorrow only 43c¢ ' = a. Extra' Fine, Genuine, Imported ~ Italian Virgin Olive Oil The finest obtainable. A real bargain! Regular 35 cents a bottle. TO.-MORROW--ONLY .... - ~s DOC / \ \ Neilson's Club Chocolates Famous for their superb quality and de- licious taste. Regular 60c. and 75 cents. "YOUR CHOICE ......... 49 Cents _. THERE WILL BE MANY OTHER BARGAINS JUST, AS BEFORE! KNIGHT'S PHARMACY HAS KEPT ITS PROMISE! { -- people, now the winter has really reached us. PASSED AT PLESSIS, N.Y. J On Junetown, Jan. 20.--Mrs. W. B.} Lanigan, Victoria, B.C., has arrived to it her brother, Egheért Avery. Mr./and Mrs, Charles Glenn visitéd | friehds in Escott over the week- end. Word was received here yester- A Former Died ~~ day that a life-long resident of thie place had passed away at Plessis N.Y., in the person of John Lakins. From childhood he resided 'pn a small farm here with his wife, for- merly Mary Ann Nowlan, also. of this place. To them were born six sons and-three daugliters, Two sone were drowned some years ago but he is suryived by his widow, whe resides with a daughter, Mrs. Jas Fair, Escott. About five years ago Mr. Lakins wént to the home of hie daughter, Maggls, at Plessis, where he has since 'lived. He is ninety years of age and will be buried in Plessis. The friends of Miss Mary Avery nurse, Estevan, Sask, are pleased to learn that she is travelling now eastward snd will visit for some weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Avery. Mrs. Latimer, Quabbin, nurse, who has spent some time with Mrs. Frederick Graham has returned to her home. At Edmonton, Alts., on Jan. 19th, Selena P. Hanwell, widow of the late Willlam Hamilton, Ponton, and daughter of the late General Joseph Hanwell, Royal Artillery, passed away. The funeral ocours in Belleville on Baturday. ; p be res In the Rideau hockey tween Perth apd Carleton sulted in a' win for the Perth boys hv a 8 to 2 score after one of the fastest and cleanest games played | this year. recess of the lungs where liquid medicines cannot pene- trate. These Peps fumes on their AAA A ANNAN ANS AAN AANA AAAS SN size is beyond the limits of our pres- J 9 1 ent microscopes." . ' 2 way bathe the whole of the breathing with their healing potency, * soothing the throat, allaying inflam- mation in the bronchi, and relieving the chest. Liquid medicines are simply swallowed into the stomach and can- not act in this direct Peps way. While Peps are an expensive remedy demand to produce, the has become so great that it bas now been found possible to have the - obtainable of medicine 256. box inns Bee. Tovente. Having thus marked. securely his metes afd bounds, sr. Edison re- laxed into frank talk. He stoatly in- sisted that he be understood as not meaning any such moot thing as "gpiritistic messages, so-called." He means messages as substan- Hal and as susceptible of authentl- caflon as are those of the telegraph, telephone, phonograph and radio. There shall be no "medium," ne mystery, no supersti , no 'aus tohypngtism known ith." Hig method, to serve at all, must ab solutely guarantee the integrity of the communication it conveys and |" guard positively against any pos sible doubt, dispute or miscongtruc- tion. Tt goes without saying that com- munieation with the dead, thorough- ty authenticated, as Edison says he must have it, would instantly res volutionize all generally-accepted theories regarding human existence, reveal a new science of the es sence of life and open up vast new visions as to the nature and ulti- mate function of matter. -------------- DEBATE AT CAINTOWN. Young Folks Cultivating Art of Public Speaking. Mallorytown, Jan. 20.--A- very in- . in connection 'give support to their team of dé ters in the Brockville distriet league series of debates. The sub- ject of debate was "That the bene- fits of the Great War outweigh the : The affirmative wis The Last Big Drive Is On! Thousands have been here and thousands more are coming! Join them while the oppor- tunity is here! Make up a list of the things you need at . once and come to-morrow without fail. Decidedly Successful! . We are now entering the last and final days of this Closing-out Sale. . For many weeks our sale has held the pub- lic's earnest attention because of the genuinely remarkable values that have been offered daily. - This great sale was not planned for a day, but for many weeks of tremendous activ-_ ity. It gives us pleasure to feel that our long and careful preparation is being rewarded by