THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. A DOC N | WANT fo TEL SOME HE ORONER THAT A TRUCK MIT YOU # y 7, By Williamson WHEN YOU GET THE ON, ¢ Many care are stored over winter ili : the kind of hydrometer used tor testing batteries, but it is best to get one designed for this use, You can get it from any chemists' supply house. . . . An exhaust heater works as well in a touring car as in a sedam if you use your cuntaine. . . Afr cleaners ate fine im the dry summer months, but in cold wea ther your carburetor wants warm, dry air, This should be taken from a'"stove" around the exhaust meni- fold. A piece of cardboard placed over part of the radiator whileyrun- ning, in leu of shutters, will help you get the temperature wp to and hold ¢he' summer efficien: point. Throw a blanket over the hood and radiator when you stop, and always park headed into the wind if you want to keep the engine warm. ® . » If you have trouble in starting, any dealer can supply you with an ines pensive electric heater tb slip in de- tween the carburetor end exhaust CLIP THIS OUT AND PASTE IT IN YOUR NOTEBQOK will FREEZE, AT nk manifold. Some motorists carry a thermos "bottle of hot water to pour over the corburetor to warm #t up for starting. - . . Never race your engine to warm it up. Run it slowly with the radi- ator covered and the spark retarded until the chilled oi has had a chance to loosen up and reach ail moving parts. It may be advisable to use a Hghter cylinder oil in winter-to get the proper circulation.. Consult your dealer on this first. . " Inventor Olaims to Run Motor Oar on Crude Oil : solution of the problem of how to drive an automobile on crude oil, line, is claimed by a Swedish inven- tor, Nils Anderson, who has perfeot- ed an engine attachment for this purpose after several years of ex- perimenting. Anderson's device can readily be installed on any ordinary and at gne-third of the vost of paso- wh ¢rude oll, kerosene, wood alcohol, or gasoline. The crux of the prublem; says the inventor, was the fact that crude ofl cannot be completely vaporized, and motor and makes it possible to use, without 'special treatment the resi- due would clog the engine. He solves this by exposing the oil to in- tense hegt, which sheiters such in- gredients as caunot be turned int. gas. They remain in the form .of a combustible tiuld and are consumed during the explosion in the cylinder. When using crude ofl the motor eS ~~ Overland Reductions as the 7 s105 now establish Overland . vy World's Lowest Investigate these out- standing values to-day. Easy pa terms. yments--long x Te 3 Do SEDAN Dee BROTHERS Its smooth, quiet performance is a matter of common observation. Hs People who pay no particular attén-" tion, as a rule, to the finer shades of chassis operation, are instantly im- pressed by the restfulness of the cat in action. 'M. OBERNDORFFER 124 CLARENCE STREET. - must, however, be started with gaso- line from a separate small container, while the oil is carried in the regu- lar gasoline tahk of the car. The crude oil attachment consists of wa super-heater, a special car- buretor and exhaust pipe, together with the necessary connecting rods for afanipulation. Among the advantages claimed are a small quantity of oil consum- #d per mile, less lubrication, no overheating of the engine, and a re- duction of about 70 per cent. from the coast of running @ car on gasd- line, t Auto Horns Drive Monks To Secluded Mountain Top The whirl of modern life, exem- plified by automobile horns, radio, telephones and electric lights, is get- ting too much for the Trappist monks of Banz. Despairing of -se- clusion in their present monastery near Bamberg, they will soon with- draw to remote part of the Bavar- ian mountains, Several sites are under considersa- tion, one of them a mountain top where once stood a baronial castle. Here It is felt that the penitential and esllent days of the Trappist brothers could be passed without disturbance. : mon Shorten Life, 3 Continued clutching at the steer- ing wheel is said to be changing the Mnes on the palms of automobil- ists' hands. Presimably the lighter the grasp the shorter the life line. + "Did You Ever. Need grease for the clutch throw- out collar or the universal joiats while travelling and find that you haven't 'any grease with you?! Un- g " - 2 : 3 ; Ei i | it he : i i : 3 a g i Ei i i until the small merchant started to butt in and secure a bit of the cream of this high price by handling. the commodity in case lots, Over night the price dropped from 50 to 35 cents a gallon and, With the menace of the small traders, the price from now on will be maintain ed at approximately this level, NEW SCHEME TO CONTROL TRAFFIC for Those Turning to ' the Left. In response to a suggestion offer- ed by M. M. Lucius, secretary of the Automobile Club of Maryland, the Police Department of Baltimore is trying out the feasability of having tionigor the use of those vehicles in- tended a left-hand turn. The plan already has been' plac in operation, the police are watch ing the experiment. ° » How Scheme Works. The idea Is to mark a pathway along the left-centre of the street for several hundred feet before an intersection is encountered. Those drivers who contemplate turning to the left at the corner may drive their cars along this lane, allow ing through traffic or those turning to the right to keep to the right without being hindered. When the trafic officer turns his "go" signal the two Hnes will be se- gregated and the procession going straight ahead and to the right may move unimpeded by the line turn- ing to the left. The latter, too, will be able to move In perfect order without intertefence. from the other lines. ' It is Mr. Lucius' idea that it fic rules for a person to enter the ns ££ Lane at Street Intersections | a left-centre lane at street intersec-| sbould be made a violation of traf- |S lane unless he makes the left turn. In the case of a motorist staying to the right of the lane, no penalf) should be attached other than that he be compelled to go ahead or to turn to the right, Batteries Callec For | and Delivered We give special attention to Dry and Wet Storage. Specializing in Auto and Ra. dio" Batteries at reasonable rates. Just 'phone 275. We call and deliver. > \ Service 110 CLERGY STREET (Near Princess = EDWARDS | = AUTO SERVICE McLaughlin Car « Owners Try the man that knows your car. Bix years of factory experis ence in the McLaughlin factory. All work absolutely guaran. teed, y ] Flat rate if you prefer it. 85 MONTREAL STRERT TnKines Tt hetpe 40 hoop nen In csployment. Theis wages will be {