| VERIGIN'S SON ~ COLONY oe Nelson, B.C, Jan. 29~From out of Russia is coming a man to rule & people whose gossip drove him and bis mother from thelr midst 18 YOATS. 8g0. . He 18 Peter Vorigin, Jr., eldest son of the late Peter Verigin, who for more than 20-years ruled the Douk- Sm, Lr 0 n now F- Eo Verigia, though an ab) y ugh an able ruler; 'was indifferent. to conven- tions. carriage, Stcompuaied by 81x or sight somng uh though she 'was the wits. of high priest, Mrs, not tolerate this and ht VERIGIN, JR, (ABOVE, AND 18 COUSIN, ANASTASIS ponsibilities entailed in the manage- ment of an estate valued at five or more millions of dollars (nvolving lumber mills, jam factoties, huge fruit-growing, areas and wide farm. ing tracts? A The Doukhobors believe that he will. In fact he was chosan after 8 report had gained wide credence that Anastagis Verigin, niees of Pe ter, would named. one of the outstand- ing women of the colony and enjoy ed' the confidence of her' uncle over a period of years. Peter Jr. is at present head of the Community of Doukhobors still liv. ing in Russia. There are from 15, 000 to 20,000 remaining is ths land of their birth. "He is expected to do sway with the old community system---so ne- cessary in Russia for mutual protec. tion and unnecessary in Canada, un- der a government which guarantees freedom of religious beliefs, which granted exemption from mili. tary service to the Doukkobors. The name "Donkhobors' means "Spirit-wrestlors" and was xiven them in the early part of the sigh. Seemth century by/the bishop of Rus- aia, They came to Canada from. Rus sis in 1898, flesing the persecution of the czarist government heeause of their objection to military service. About 7,000 crossed the ocean and settled on land given them by the Canadian Yorktown, wan, They lived in communities, had map \ (communal but no private property, RETURNS TO LEAD THAT DROVE MOTHER AWAY And girls "eity a CROSSWO De 1000 B.C. Ob: er. ¥ te H. Visitelly, managing editor of en Amerivan dictiowary, declares, as the resnit of extensive researches, 't! something very sim- flar to ¢ rd puzzles took up much of the time of the Hindus and Chinese 1000 years B.C. According to Dr. Visitelly, thel. Indians who lived in America before the arrival of the whites used 'to play a crisscross pussie with' graine of corns, each marked with some In- dian sign. & It is his opinion that the Indians drought pussle working to America from Asia, when thete wis a stretch of land all the way. "The crossword puzsle -of the present is evolved by combining thet anagram, the acrostie, rebas, obe., with adeclent Dr. Vizitelly says. "It is also close ly aliled to chess, and is possibly an earlier form of that game." "The magic squares played an im- portant part In the oocultiem and | mysticisnis of the Middle Ages," he - (BELOW) did not care about education and re- mained aloof from _their neighbors, Schoo Their first clash with government authorities came when they object- od to sending their children to pub- Me schooly. For the schools, they claimed, teach children to "make waps-to kiN-1 And the schools taught their boys ways'--~to 'leave the farms and go into the cities and stay out Jats st nights." A number of parents were haled futo court. 'They refused to pay fines and thelr property was seized. came a strategic move. Men and 'women staged a nude parade trom Outlook to Grand Forks where the coungpt-house is focatéd ne ; were placed + back to the colony. School fires fol lowed and several of the colonists were 'adjudged insane. There were Several other: conflicts, too, over Today. the Doukhobors own 15. 000 acres. in British Columbia, with headquarters at Brilliant, - They have transformed it Into a garden spot and show place for all An the. sciences of agri culture 'and horticulture, Owing to fllheskth, Mins Louise Coleman. has fetired from added, "They were known to Hin- dus and Chinese, however, before the Christian era, and were intro- duced into Europe in the Gfteenth century," Picton Town Officers. " The Picton council appointed these officers: Assessor, William A. Crawford, salary $200; collector' of taxes, R. E. Wright, $200; medical officer of health, Dr, Gerald Allison, $250; member local board of health, Dr. C. A, Publow; fire engineer, Walter Reid; inspector of buildings, Chief of Police; poundkeeper, Owen Jones: Sr.; fence viewers, Alva Scott, Albert Welbanks and Samue! Shaw; fire wardens, Hallowell Ward, Coleman Whattam and D. Hoover; Brock Ward, D. J. Barker and Thomas Clapp: Quinte Ward, Wm, Keyes and Seth Gerow; Te- cumseh Ward, Nelsoh Ballie and F. W. Young; cellegiate institute trus- tee, Ernest F'. Case; member public library board, F. P, Smith; audi tors, R. A, Norman and Royal Burns, $50 eagh, ' Lanark County Bonsplel. Au Invitation has been received by the Carleton Plage Curling Club te enter the Lanark county bonspiel with two rinks. The bonspiel will likely be held in Smith's Falls dur ing the first week 'of February. The club decided to acespt. It is pro- posed to extend thé boundaries of the competition this yedr by invite ing rinks from Arnprior, Renfrew and Pembroke. Mrs. Stanley Heath, Portland, as saufted' in her own home by @ masked desperado om Wednesday last, is te: covering micely, notwithstanding the shock and terrific blows she sus " va ome S . Di ¥ . B ain Is Subdued No Liniment Gives Such Uni versal Satisfaction As NERVILINE It is the great penetrating power of Narviline that makes it so efficient in overcoming swelling, stiffness and in flammation. It rubs into the very core of the pain, penetrates quickly through the tissues, and brings a War mforting relief at once. No pares in pain relieving ine. For the minor that arise in every fam- fly, Nerviline should always be kept handy on the shelf. Use it for Rhen- matism, Lumbago, Neuralgia and "squares," THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG J------ Modern Vapor Remedy for Cold ~ More and More in Demand Family after Family ls Adopting Popular Ointment Which, When Rubbed Over _ pore that Vi Air Passages, Roloasts Medioated Inhialed Directly into the leves Oroup and Cole Troubles without Dosing. A ------ Colds are paused hy bacteria which use 7 ually attack the mucous mémbrane. or lin. ing of the air passages. It has long been™ recognized that the best way to treat colds is to apply the medication directly .to the air passages--io stimulate the mucous membrane to tlirow, off the cold germs. ; Internal medication does not reach the air passages directly; onl aled can do that. Vicks there was no convenient and economi- cal'method of furnishing these medicated va- pors. |, Old Remedies in New Form Vicks is the discovery of a cheinist who. found anew way to co form the best known remedies for colds -- Camphor, Thyme, Turpentine, eto.--so that when ap- roat and chest the bod leases the ingredients in the form o vapors. These vapors, inhaled with every breath carry the medieation directly to the air passages and lungs. At the same tiie Vicks is absorbed through and stimulates the skin like a poultice or plas- ter, taking out the soreness and tightness in Menthol, plied to the t all night long, the chest. Sr", TOMORROW'S MEN{ Breakfast « Stewed Dried Apricots Cereal Boiled Eggs Coffee Toast Roast Chicken Brows Gravy Mashed Potatoes String Beans Il inqaftes agaresssd to Celery A . 3 Lemon Meringus Ple | Coffee ' Fruit Salad Peanut Butter Cake 4 ---- Quick Biscuits viipors which are in- nll the discovery of of children. ine in ointment Oils of Eucalyptus, heat re- CKS apart and tb in centre firmly with a double strand of yarn, leaving long ends. Remove pastevoards, shake out pom-poms and cut until perfectly found, AS------.----] Mim Ri in care of the "Bificient Man's 'Crocheted' Tie. $irls are today neckties like the nien so the follow. 5 ing directions may be used by th 'Maker herself. "Aviation" silk oro¢hét hook. e 'spool of ded to make {| this 'article and a. number ten stes) The "Satin Siitoh™ ly yaed-<which consists of making a over 8 single crochet into Chain , 26 stitches, Work 25 single crochet, turn. . Row Two: Vicks can be ap! contains no harmful ingredi- ents. Used immediately after exposure it helps {0 prevent children's colds. Applied at bedtime it is a safeguard against croup, Alongside are letters Canadidn mothers, who have kind: ly consented 'that thelr experi ences be published, together with Pictures of their children. VICKS Fg Quer 47 Million Jars Used Yearly WITHOUT "We A used th aronl, veal We are never Mrs, at outer edge, fores pasteboards| Vicks is particularly valuable to mothe with small children, sinoe it avoids sity of that frequent ifiternal dosing 'whig 80 often upsets the delicate digestive ¢ the neces * plied freely and often. 3 from' a nl will bs|to the room, s department snail 1s these columns in thelr | ter grace in front of a