. WOURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3 tems Phone 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY For Pus and Taxis, Cutters and #1at Sleighs for driving parties. -------- A VAAN INIT Dr. Waugh : DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 2856. A AANA ANNI TO LET RIDEAU STREET--{rame, seven rooms, electric' light. $16.00 per month. - GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Plate Glass, Liability, Auto, Burglary, Baggage. Agent Great West Life Assvrance R. H Waddell Phones 336, 506. 86 Broek Street Tu, SAFES, VREIGHT, ¥ VIAN TAG RAGE OF Of TERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. . NISGS 328% PHOS BLLINGFON STREBT DR. J. CW. BROOM i Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. "Phone 679. Evenings by appointment, hom PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Normen H. Butcher, 27 Pine street. 'PHONE 134. T------ B RITISH AMERICAN "HOTEL 1n Public Service Since 1784, M. SOMAN, PROPRIETOR, KINGSTON. eed $ 5 * WATTS, Florist 182 Wellington Street 'When you want the best in Cut Flowers, F Plants or design work call WALTS', 1768 store, 1187 -- | Cause You Distress ? IF IT DOES YOU SHOULD TAKE BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Mr. M. P. Eldridge, Beaver Har- bor, N.B., writes:--*"1 was troubled with my stomach for some time, and everything I ate seemed to dist ess me. I tried many different med!- eines, but without any results. Final- ly I was advised to try B.B.B., and al- ter having taken several bottles I.was completely relieved of my trouble. I can now eat anything I wish, thanks to B.B.B." Burdock Blood Bitters puts the stomach into perfect shape by pro- moting proper digestion; and during the past 46 years it has been on the market has made a reputation, second to none, for relieving all stomach troubles. Put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, FLOUR We have in stock all the best brands of Flour. Our First Patent for family use at $5.25 A BAG 'Makes a beautiful loaf, W. F. McBroom 25 Brock St. Phone 1686 DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 84 Princess Street. "Phone 18550 Gas for Painless OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Dr. Martel's Female Geo. A Wright & Son _ rHE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC News From District Places 0 BOOK LIBRARY 'DURING THS YEAR Odessa Methodist Church Has New Choir Leader--A Very Merry Party. Odessa, Feb. 2.--The Library 'board held its annual meeting in the public reading room, Jan. 19th, when the following were appointed: Rev, 8. F. Dixon and W. G. Clark, trustees; D. O. Frink, treasurer; Mrs. J. H. Babcock, president; Miss Willana Clark, vice-president and Mrs, Huggard; secretary. The board is planning on booming the library for 1925 and is arranging a series of entertainments in order to have electric lights installed and to add if possible, one hundred new volumes to the shelves. The trustees board of the Meth- odist church, .by unanimous vote, have asked H. J. Smith to organize a choir for the public services. Mr. Smith was leader of the choir for twenty years but resigned about six years ago thinking that he would not be called on again, As the church, at present, has not any choir, the people requested his services and he has decided to accept. Hig friends are delighted to see him there, and will appreciate Mr. Smith's eff¢Fts at his post, About fifteen little friends of Miss Alice Holmes were asked to help celebrate her fourth birthday anmi- versary, last Saturday afternoon, fram four to geven o'clock. The birthday cake, with its four candles, a lucky ple in the shape of a huge chrysanthemum with streamers, sparklers and valentines were the tea table attractions. Games and contests were indulged in right mer- rily and the time came all too soon for departure. Miss Doris Ander- son, Napanee, was an out-of-town guest for Miss Alice Holmes' birth- day party. Mr. and Mrs. B, Miller, Winnipeg, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Atkin Snider. Walter Leverton, Imperial, Saskatchewan, has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Henzy, and sister, Mrs, William Henzy. It is about thirty years since he moved to the west and this is his first trip home to visit relatives and friends. The many friends of Timothy Griff will be pleased to hear that he has "COAL "Une Point Ts Just Here A you 'want, and, "wh oan 'give you; oe shat will burn right thi ashes, and} ot Joave any elinkiers ' r tly returned from the General Hospital, Kingston, and is doing finely, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Smith, Parrott's Bay, spent Tuesday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J, Smith, 4 -------------- Late Mrs. Foster. 'There passed to her reward in Na- panee, January Sth, Mrs, Margaret Foster, widow of the late Daniel Foster, Sandhurst, The deceased was born in Fermanagh, Ireland, eighty-four -years ago, and came to this country while yet very young and settled in Bdth. By her genial { character and kindness of heart, she a had red to herself a wide circle of friends. To her were born' four bv, Thomas, Deseronto; Edward, cton; James, Toronto, and Robert, who predeceased her some years ago; and one daughter, Mrs. Albert Herrington, South Napanee, with whom she msde her home for the past number of years. The funeral took place on'Sunday, Jan. 11th, and 'a large concourse of friends paid their last tribute of respect to the departed. Rev. J. H. H. Coleman of- ficlated. Her remains were placed in Riverwlew vault till spring when they will be placed beside those of her late husband in the family plot at Sandhurst. - Desert Lake Doings. glowert. Lake, Jan. 31.--The eur- prise party at Albert Rose's, was well attended, and a fine time report- ed; also tHe one at J. Hamilton's on Thursday night. A wee girl has come to stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, Owing to' the MARRIAGE AT ELGIN, Kenney-O'Brine Nuptials In Roman Catholic Church There. A very pretty wedding was solem- nized by Rev. Father O'Hanlan, in St. Columbus Roman Catholic church, Elgin, at 9.30 o'clock on January 27th, when Miss Elizabeth O'Brine, - daughter of Mrs. Kathers ine 'O'Brine, became the bride of Capt. . Wilfred Kenney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kenney, Jones' Falls. The church was beautifully de- corated by the young lady friends of the bride. The popular bride en- tered the church leaning on the arm of her father, Andrew J. O'Brine, and wore g'sand serge suit with hat to match, \ The groom's sister, Miss Marie Kenney, nurse-in-training, in 8t. Vincent de Paul hospital, Brock- ville, was bridesmaid. She prected- ed the bride up the aisle and wore a navy blue suit and picture hat, Michael O'Briné, brother of the bride, performed the duty of groomsman. After the ceremony, the guests repaired to the home of the bride's mother, where a sumptuous dinner was In readiness in the beautifully decorated dining room. While all were seated around the table, the reeve, J. A. Kenney, brother of the groom, gave a very appropriate-ad- dress, The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome choker of brown fox, to the bridesmaid a gold brooch set in pearls, and to the groomsman a palr of gold cuff links. Many beautiful gifts were receiv- ed, including generous cheques, fur- niture and cut glass, showing the esteem in which the young couple are held. The happy couple left on the af- ternoon train amid showers of rice, confett! and good wishes, to To- ronto, Buffalo, and western points. On their return they will reside in Elgin, The groom is a captain on 'the Great Lakes. SORROW TO BATH STUDENTS Through the Loss of Fathers at Outside Points. Bath, Feb, 2.--Misses Abbie and Sarah Collinpy are recovering from an attack of scarlet fever. Much sympathy is felt hefe for Master Neilson Roddick, Conway, who is attending school there, in the loss of his father, George Roddick, who passed away after a short. illness. Sympathy is also exténded to Miss Ethel Cronk, Sulphide, who is at- tending school here, and who with her mother, who was visiting here, at the time, was called home owing to the sudden illness and death of her father. . > Mrs. Frank Henderson is in Sul- phide to attend the funeral of her brother-in-law, the late Mr, Cronk. Mrs. Frank Mellow and baby, Na- panee, spent a couple of days re- cently at George Davy's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thorigal are visiting friends in Watertown, N.Y, The auction sale of household furniture, etc., held at the homesot the lite Mrs. Charles 'Vanalstine, on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 31st, was well attended and good prices were realized. The play, "The Path Across the Hill" which was to have been put on in the town hall on Friday even- ing, Jan. 30th, by the Anderson Dramatic club, under the' auspices of the Sunday school of the Metho- dist church, had to be postponed on account of the inclement weather Tomkinsqn, Buffalo, N.Y., is visiting at D. Olmstead's. Mr. n is 357 Hi i § sili i 10 VISIT GANANOQUE For the Purpose of Organizing Girl Guides--Clifford Sine's Birthday. Gananoque, Feb, 3.--Miss Mac- Gregor, a diplomaed Guider, will pay Gananoque a visit next Wedaesday en route from the Maritime prov- inces. Miss MacGregor will be the guest of Mrs. J. A. Bulloch, distfict commissioner, whén in Gananoque, and in the evening will hold a meet- ing in the council chambers to which are invited the ministers, teach- ers, Guides, their mothers, as well as the council which was formed here last May. It is hoped there will be a large meeting, as thise inter- ested are anxious to get the Guides fully organized in every church in town. The Battery and Wanderers meet to-night. If the latter win they will be a half game in the lead, where- as the Battery is now a whole game ahead. It promises to be an exciting and close contest. James McMillan, Ottawa, spent the week-end here with Mrs. McMil- lan, who has been spending the past week with her father, Nell McCar- ney. : , Yesterday was remarkable for two reasons: It was Clifford Sine's birthday and judging from the day it 'was safe to suppose the bear did- n't see his shadow and the worst of the winter is accordingly over. At the Canadian Club banquet last evening Mr. Sine, who is the secre- tary was presented with a beautiful birthday cake, gaily decorated with candles. Mr, Sine shared it with all presemt. Several of the boys are practising for a big minstrel show under the direction of Ed. Shiels. It will be probably the 19th and 20th of the month, in the Lyceum. FIRE AT MALLORYTOWN In the Methodist Parsonage-- "At Home" Held by the Masonic Lodge. f Mallorytown, Feb. 2.--A little excitement was created at the Me- thodist parsonage on Saturday after- noon about 3.45 when the furious gale sprang up. The pipes leading to the kitchen chimney fired. While 'Mr. Calver went to a neighbor's for sulphur to put in the fire, the fire got between the ceiling and the floor of the study above and the flames of the burning floor came up around the pipe hole, The flames were. smothered with a bed quilt and water poured around it and the floor on being broken up showed the flames running over the dry beam and' flooring. Fortunately, good neighbors and watér were available and no very extensive damage re- sulted. With such a wind blowing a very serious fire might have re- sulted as the large kitchen and the two rooms above form a wing of the parsonage that is frame. The woodshed, garage and barn are all attached, At this corner of the vil- lage the houses are very close to-. gett. A meeting was in progress at the township hall to discuss the advis- ability of buying some kind of che- mical fire extinguisher. At the above mentioned meeting there were not enough present because of the storm to take action. Another meet- ing will be called ac once. William Chick is una to at- tend business om account of sich hess. 'The hand of Manager. Votler of the Royal Bank has recovered from blood poisoning, \ | The "At Home" in connection with the Macoy Lodge A. F. & A. M. on Friday night was spoiled somewhat by the blocked roads. A fairsized assembly sat down to the splendid supper served. The programme was given in the comfortable lodge room. Worshipful Master Fawcet presided. The programme was for .| the most part provided by Mrs. Telg- man, B.E., of Kingston, whose splen- did selections were very much ap- preciated. Songs were contributed clear grades. Av BAY AND WELLINGTON Hardwood Flooring We carry a choice stock, in plain Oak, Quartered Oak, Birch and Maple Floorings, in a heated warehouse. Good lengths and § S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins. ' STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, Ne. 1571. TWEDDELL'S FOR THE BEST VALUES IN SUITS AND OVERCOATS ! SALE - Winter Overcoats $22, $25, $27 * See Our Indigo Blue Serge Suits . $28.50 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess Street the two office buildings formerly oc- cupied by the Iron Works staff, The following were visitors to town over the week-end: N. Thomp- son, Adolphustown; George Ever- shea, Picton; Albert T. Bird, Stir- ling; H. Ratz, Hay Bay; George Larter, Grand Valley; Jackson Woodward, Toronto. . RURAL TELEPHONE OOMPANY, Had a Year of Excellent Financial Success, Brookside, Jan. 31.--The weather has been very cold during the last week going down as far as forty-two degrees low zero. Some of the young people from this vicinity at- tended the play on Wednesday even- ing, at Murvale, and all report a good time, Orville Shea had the mis- fortune to cut his foof in the woods on Saturday of last week. Dr. Aitche- son is in attendance, All hope for a speedy recovery. School was clos- ed one day on account of stormy weather and bad roads, All, were sorry to hear of the deaths of Miss Hester McCreary and also of Jacob Salisbury. The Yarker Rural Telephone Co. held its annual meeting, at Yarker, on the 14th of January. The annual report of the board of directors showed that the company was in a fidurishing condi- tion financially, The officers of last year were all re-elected again. A wee girl has ¢ome to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Wallace. Clarence Watson was a recent visitor at Frank Wallace's. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stover and daughter, Pearl, spont Friday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warner. Mr. and Mrs. G. McFarlane visited at Wellington Wallace's recently. Miss Florence Hamilton: has return- ed Nome after spending the week- end at Carman Ashley's, Petworth, Mrs. Earl Warner and daughter, Phyllis, spent a few days visiting her Se mother, Mrs. Charles Joyner, Sydenham, on January 26th. neth Freeman visited Bert B at Wilton. Mr. and Mrs. Shangraw spent a day with Mr. a Mrs, George Husband at Col WESTPORT SOCIAL EVENT, Held by Yadles' ic school, is on the eick lst. W. | Arnold has returmed home : Changed The trade name of the whol grocery business carried on by He ace 8. Colliver, Picton, under