PEBRUARY ©, 1025 Phone 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY 'Wor Bus and Taxis, Cutters and #lat Bleighs for driving parties. Do You Cough, Cough, All Night Long ? Terribly distressing and wearing on the system is the cough that comes on at night and you cough; cough all night long and can't I Dr. Waugh y DENTIST 108 Wellington st. Phone 256. TO LET RIDEAU GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Plate Glass, Liability, Auto, Burglary, Baggage. Agent Great West Life Assurance EH. Waddell on TT ST Kingston Transfer Co. N KVENINGS 2381 DR. J.C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 670. Evenings by appointment. STREET---{rame, seven sooms, electric light. $16.00 per month. " 86 Broek Street iget to sleep. \ Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Will Give You Relief Mrs. John Lyman, Enterprise, Ont., writes--"*After "having had whoop- ing cough I contracted bronchitis, and for days and nights I coughed continually, and could get no rest or sleep, but after taking one bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup I found great relief, and after having taken several bottles I was relieved of my trouble." This valuable cold ahd congh rem- edy has been on the et for the past 35 years; you dom't experiment when you buy it; put up only by The on Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, DR. RUPERT P. MELAN DENTIST 84 Princess 'Phone 1850 Gag for Painless OPEN EVENINGS BY | APPOINTMENT Geo, A. Wright § Son a 182 Wellington Street rate deen work bé or call WALTS', 1768 store, 1187 "Sai member of Flore Tele 2 orders' so- ---- TX] HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG News From District Places GANANOQUE T0 HAVE PENNY BANK SYSTEM in Its Public Schools--W. D. Robb May Address the Canadian Club. Gananoque, Feb. 6.--It is expect- ed that Mr, W. D, Robb, vicepresi- dent of the Canadian National Rall- ways will address the Canadian Club here in the near future. A personal friend of Mr, Robb's is trying to arrange this, and hopes to be successful. Mr, and Mrs. George Sauve ana little daughter have refurmed from Kingston after attending the fun- eral of Mr. Sauve's sister, Mrs, M. McKegney. { The many friends of Mr. Thomas Brown, Brock street, will be pleas- ed to know that he has recovered from his recent illness and able %o resume his duties again. . At the school board meeting on Wednesday evening, the penny bank scheme was discussed, and Mr, W. T, Sampson's motion that a penny bank be established here in connection with out schools received the heart- jest unanimous endorsation of the other members and Mr. J. Arthur Jackson, chairman, was empowered with the right to go ahead and make all arrangements. This is bound to prove popular among the citizens, and will do & great deal towards teaching the ohildren thrift. Au Wednesday night's meeting J. Ar- thur Jackson Was re-appointed chairman, and Dr. Godfrey Bird and Dr. Bracken were duly sworn in us new members of the board. The Y.P.A. held a most successful euchre at the parish house on Wed- nesday evening. About thirty-five tables were in play, and the evening was a thoroughly enjoyable one. The winners of the prizes were: Lad- ies' royal, Mrs. Landon; consolation, Mrs... DeRoy Beach; gentlemen's royal, Donald Lalonde; consola- tion, Adeil Parmenter. R. W. Long, general freight agent of the Canadian National Rallways and Mr. G. T. Pettigrew, acting di- vision freight agent C.N.R., were visitors in Gananoque yesterday. The boys who are gefting up the minstrel show for the 19th and 20th held a full dress rehearsal Wexdnes- day evening, and indications point to one of the best minstrel shows ever given in Gananoque. Wally Jones hes recently joined them, and has had wide experience in amateur en, Eo vy. Tal Fo. | cently country roads have been bad- iy blocked, and in some parts im- e. This was the case to Howe Jsland the early part of the week, but there fis mow 'a good road through. "a Bad Fire ¥ For a §o0d, clean, hot fire all for Op Booth & Co's Coal For ys CREE A daughter was born to Mr, and Mrs. B. Rackham, River street, yes- tenday. ' A Miscellancous Shower. At Bell's Crossing, Leeds county, a very pleasant evening was epent on Jan. 23nd, when Mr. end Mrs, David Thom were tendered a mis- oellaneous shower in honor of the approaching marriage of Miss Verna Ellls. Qver 100 were in attendance and the many gifts and e opes attested the popularity of the bride-to-be, A very suitable address was read by Mrs. Harold Richands ENTERTAINMENTS HELD In Seeley's Bay During the Week--A Hockey Contest Last Saturday. Seeley's Bay, Feb. 5.--A large at- tendance was reported at the euchre party given in the Oddfellow's Hall, on February 3rd, by the managers of the rink. After an enjoyable eve- ning had been spent in playing cards, an ogeter supper was served. The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute, held at the home of Mrs. Victor Rhodes on Feb. 3nd was well attended. In spite of the unfavorable weather conditiorh, on Saturday night, quite a lange num- ber of young people 'masqueraded for the carnival. The prize for the best lady's costume was awanded to Miss V. Leadbeater, the prize for best gentleman's costume to H. Put- nam. Reginald Bracken, Kingston, Is renewing old acgdaintances here. Miss Mary Roduk, Lyndhurst, ie the guest of Miss. Laura Nicholsoh. Mies Verna Murphy, who has been visit- ing at her home for the past few months has returned to Hamilton. The many friends of G. C. Chap- man will be pleased to hear of his recovery. . In the game played Seo ley's Bay juniors and Sweet's Corn- ers on Saturday, the visitors were victorious the score being 2-0. The heavy fall of snow, and the rising of the water on the - canal have made the roads almost impassable. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Sirson, a son. ------ SIDE ROADS FILLED UP. The Organist in Portland Anglican Church Is Out Again. Portland, Feb. 4th--The roads are in very bad condition on account of so much snow and wind. The side people'to drive on them. Mr. Howe is not improving very much. He is not able to go out of doors and won't be for some time. Mrs. Stanley - Heath is visiting friends in Brockville for a couple of weeks. ' Miss Hattie Donevan, organ- ist in the Anglican church, who has been il} for some time is able to re- sume her duties. Joseph Cooper, Montreal, is again in Portland for a few days. He is at the Commercial hotel. Mrs, Ellen Gallagher, Harrowsmith, spent a couple of days visiting her sister, Mrs, A, Gallagher, 5 | Mrs Haskin, Philipsville, has been in the village for the last coupe of weeks, N. Byongton and mother, of Athens, has moved into one of Chal- mers Singleton's houses. Mr. Heath is improving finely. He is able to be out driving and around the store, Lennox and Addington Committees. The above county council made these selections: Finance--Ross Peters, chairman; M. H. Mellow, secretary; A. McCut- cheon, G. H. Young, R, J. Cousins, Thomas McNeely. County oproperty--Thomas Mo- Neely, chairman; J, 8S. Johnson, sec- retary; Samuel Miller, D, Sexsmith, James Fisher. Roads and bridges--@G. H. Young, chairman; James Fisher, secretary; J. Yeomans, A. MoCutcheon, J, 8. Johnson, Ross Peters. Bducation and printing--R." J. Campbell, chairman; M. P, Graham, secretary; J. Yeomans, R. J. Cousins, D." Sexsmith. : Police--J. 8, Johnson, chairman; ¥. Rodgers, secretary; Samuel Mil- ler, M. P. Graham, R. J, Cousins. Agriculture--8amuel Miller, chair. man; M. H. Mellow, secretary; A. McCutcheon, F', Rodgers, R. J. Camp- "1 bell, J. 8. Johnson, Thomas McNealy. ---- 'The Dark Day. 8° gs geo! ' geil Lg 8 ¥ roads are filled up and impossible for 3hE FRED. S. RICHARDSON DIES AT NAPANEE Stricken in His Studio on Mon- day--Mrs. George Blewett Passes Away. Napanee, Feb. 6---After the fav- orable report yesterday as to the condition of Fred 8. Richardson who 'was taken ill at his studio on Mon- day afternoon, it came as a serious shock to the le of Napanee yes- terday to learn that after careful examination of .the patient by Dr. T. M. Galbraith, in Gonsuitation with Dr, L. J. Austin of Kingston, their opinion was given out that he could not last beyond twemty-four hours. This opinion was realized at & o'clock yesterday eftermoon when Mr. Richardson passed away. Deep sympathy is extended by all to the bereaved widow and only daughter, Miss Edna Richardson, also to his brother Bugene Richard: son, and his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Yeo- mans, both of Belleville. The deceased was a man who was well ked by all who knew him, and his demise is a distinct loss to tho community. The funeral will take place from his late residence, John street, where a private service will be held at 2.30 p.m, on Saturday the 7th in- stant., the cortage will proceed thereafter 'to the Church of Bt. Mary Magdalene where the last ser- vices of the church will take place at 3 p.m. The services will be con- ducted. by the vicar, Rural Dean, Rev. J. H. H. Coleman, M.A, A former resident of Napanee away at Syracuse, N.Y., in the per- son of Mrs. Nancy Forward, aged 86 years. The remains were brought to Napanee for\ interment. A third death occurred here last "night when Mrs. George Blewett fin- ished her earthly course. Her hus- band has been seriously ill for some time past. BANQUET AT NAPANEE Given by the Men of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene. mn Napanee, Feb. 6.--A wonderful affair was the banquet given by the men of the Church of St. Mary Mag- dalene in the Masonic Hall last night, when in the meighborhood of two appointed tables and replenished the {nner man with the good things pro- vided. Not only was the inner man well cared for, but the large assemblage was permeated with joy from the singing of songs and the excellent music rendered by Walter's Orches- tra, but to cap the climax, after the toast of 'The King" was loyally re- sponded to, there was a feast of rea~ son and flow of soul. The idea of this entertainment emanated from the vicar, and both he and those who brought it to such a grand issue, are worthy of all praise. No better speakers for an occasion of this kind could have been selected than Dr, Seager, provost of Trinity College, Toronto, and Mr. J. A. El- liott, of Belleville. Mr. J. A. Elliott, the first speak- er, and one who is thoroughly inter- ested in the layman's work in the church, gave from his great experi- ence much of value to his hearers. Dr. Seager gave a splendid and scholarly address dealing with the history, the work, the principles, the progress and the value of what was belng done by the Church of Eng- land in Canada, a church that had fifteen hundred years of clear history behind it. The great episcopal shtyches of the Anglican Commun= fon' was the greatest religious orga~ nization in the world, one could find the services of the church in any part of the world for they were con- ducted in one hundred and ninety- three languages. Rapt attention 'was given to every word he uttered and bis address will be long remember ed by those who had the privilege of hearing it. J The other speakers were G. F. Rutten, K.C,, Rev. J. H. H. Cole hundred men sat down to the wellp Manufacturers of Fine Woodwork A Sun Parlor or Sleeping Porch would make a valuable addition to your house, and '| add to your life. ; We can make it. See us for designs, S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lamber Yards, Coal Bins. 'BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO: Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1578. a 3 FOR THE BEST VALUES IN SUITS AND OVERCOATS SALE Winter Overcoats ] $22, $25, $27 $28.50 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess Street town, Rev. J. J. Mellor has accepted a unanimous invitation to remain as pastor of the Picton Methodist church for a fourth year, Miss Constance Wilcox was the winner of the W.C.T.U. prize for es- says given by Mrs. Edith, R. Oliver, Dominion *Y" secretary. Mrs, F. H. Minaker entertained to tea and bridge at her home on Paul street on Tuesday evening last. Five tables were in play. Among the guests were Mrs. Douglas Reid of Belleville, and Mrs. Staples of ak The hostess was assist. se! by Mrs. Athert Wel- 'The Junior W.A. or Busy Bees of St. Mary Magdalene held their an- nual supper party at the parish house on Friday evening from five to eight. Jolly games and a deli- cious tea provided a happy time for all, * The assistants at the téea were Mrs. C. G, Todd, Miss BE. Morrow, Mrs. Bee Welsh and Mrs. Robert Sayers. Mr. and Mrs, C. Wolfe have left for Chicago after stopping off on their wedding trip for a visit with Dr. and Mrs. White, Lilac Lodge. Mrs. T. B. Waring very hospitably efitertained her "Lend A Hand" Sun- day school class at her home, Main street, on Friday evening last. About thirty members were in at- tendance with one visitor, Mrs. Har vey of Lyndhurst, who is visiting Es) Tima of accident you need and Zam-Buk is always the most her sister, Mrs. F. W. Young, sic and readings followed by promptue speeches, formed the of tertainment. Mrs. J. L. Ashley, ti class president, assisted the in recelving her guests and at # tea hour the class executive were willing helpers. i Miss Lillias Barker has gone | Toronto to be the guest of Mr, Mrs, F. W. Moody. Mr. L. B. Calnan is taking a 8 through the United States as sbuth as Florida, Ladies' Aid Meeting. The regular monthly ms the St. John's Ladies' Aid, Dufter met at the home of Mrs. B. Cllpe rick on Wednesday, Jan. 28th. J spite the very cpld weather and" condition of roads mearly all members were present. Belug { first meetifig of the year plans ¥ made for the year's work, It ¥ decided to Hold a "box social the home of Chester Cowan, 11th. At the close of the meet! dainty refreshments were served | the hostess, Mrs, H, Kilpatrick, In a» Rest Account. A motion to place the unused ance of Amherst Island county rd account in a rest account to be'us toward the construction or pu of a ferry, was passed at the and Addington council. The is nearly $5,000, : o reliable antiseptic first-aid to